
Strong Interactions in the Standard Model: Massless Bosons to Compact Stars

Edited by
July 2024
296 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1501-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1502-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Strong Interactions in the Standard Model: Massless Bosons to Compact Stars that was published in

Physical Sciences

The Standard Model of particle physics (SM) was formulated roughly fifty years ago; and with discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN in 2012, it became complete. Yet, despite the SM’s enormous body of successes, it still presents an array of unsolved problems. Primary amongst them is the following question: Can the SM explain the origin of nuclear size masses? This is the puzzle of emergent hadron mass (EHM), whose solution is supposed to lie within quantum chromodynamics (QCD). EHM could provide the unifying explanation for all the SM’s remarkable nonperturbative phenomena, including confinement and absolute stability of the proton, the proton’s mass and radii, the lepton-like scale of the pion mass and its hadron-like radius, and so much more, running up to the character and composition of dense astrophysical objects. As a source of mass, EHM interferes constructively with a range of Higgs boson effects. For instance, such feedback sets the kaon apart from the pion and separates heavy quark systems from those containing only light quarks. Presented with such a plethora of interrelated phenomena, whose implications reach throughout Nature, the World has responded with huge investments of personnel and resources in strong interaction experiment and theory. Reflecting the scope of associated endeavours, this volume collects a diverse range of perspectives on the problem of EHM, its observable manifestations, and the approaches and tools that are today being employed to deliver an insightful understanding and, perhaps, finally, a solution.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
strong interaction; QCD; nonperturbative; running coupling constant; hadrons; nucleon; spin structure; confinement of gluons and quarks; continuum Schwinger function methods; Dyson–Schwinger equations; emergence of hadron mass; parton distribution functions; hadron form factors; hadron spectra; hadron structure and interactions; nonperturbative quantum field theory; quantum chromodynamics; compact stars; core-corona decomposition; impact of core mass; Dark-Matter admixture; generalised partons distributions; continuum Schwinger methods; lightfront wave functions; continuum Schwinger function methods; emergence of hadron mass; gluon mass generation; lattice QCD; non-perturbative quantum field theory; quantum chromodynamics; Schwinger–Dyson equations; Schwinger mechanism; Baryon asymmetry; dark matter; electric dipole moments; storage rings; polarized beams; exclusive meson photo- and electroproduction; exclusive reactions with the CLAS and CLAS12 detectors; nucleon resonance photo- and electroexcitation amplitudes; nucleon resonance spectrum and structure; emergence of hadron mass; continuum Schwinger function methods; hadron structure and interactions; confinement; dynamical chiral symmetry breaking; quantum chaos; quantum chromodynamics; QCD phase transitions; fragmentation function; transverse-momentum-dependent factorization; QCD evolution; spin-related effects; QCD matter; phase diagram; compact stars

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