
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Other Computational Intelligence Techniques for Advanced Process Control

Edited by
July 2024
312 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1653-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1654-5 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Other Computational Intelligence Techniques for Advanced Process Control that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Computational intelligence (CI) techniques have developed very fast during the past two decades with many new methods emerging. Novel CI techniques, such as deep learning, convolutional neural networks, deep belief networks, long short-term memory networks, and reinforcement learning, have been successfully applied to solve many complicated problems ranging from image processing to natural language processing. These novel CI techniques have also been applied to the process systems engineering areas with many successful applications reported, such as data-driven modeling of nonlinear processes, inferential estimation and soft sensors, intelligent process monitoring, and process optimization based on CI techniques. This reprint contains 17 papers from a recent Special Issue of Processes on Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Other Computational Intelligence Techniques for Advanced Process Control.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
neural network control; multi-input multi-output temperature system; transient response; temperature uniformity; non-uniform noise; memetic algorithms; particle swarm optimization; direction of arrival estimation; subspace maximum-likelihood; process reliability estimating; fluorochemical engineering process; fuzzy inference system; quality prediction; prognostics and health management; induction motor; finite control set; model predictive torque control; ripple attenuation; fuzzy adaptive theory; exothermic chemical reactors; temperature stabilization; optimal control; optimal reactor productivity; Marshall–Olkin Kumaraswamy; consumer’s risk; group acceptance plan; legged robot; hydraulic drive unit (HDU); BP neural network; PID control; radial basis function neural network (RBFNN); generation performance; local generalization error bound; self-organizing structure method; convergence analysis; fault diagnosis; Meta-ACON; ADSD-gcForest; SDPimage; k-nearest neighbor; outliers; pseudo-neighbors; mutual nearest neighbor; fault detection; process monitoring; wind power; doubly fed induction generator; parameter identification; immune algorithm; genetic algorithm; event-triggered scheduling; Markov jump nonlinear systems(MJNSs); error threshold; partly unknown probabilities; asynchronous filtering; crude oil refining; crude oil hydrotreating; bootstrap aggregated neural networks; multi-objective optimization; back propagation neural network; extended Kalman filter; electric vehicle; state of charge; control systems; hemorrhagic shock; fluid resuscitation; fuzzy logic; closed-loop; fluid resuscitation; hardware-in-loop; traffic light control; deep reinforcement learning; particle swarm optimization; artificial neural network; training algorithm; machine learning; two-level learning phases; n/a