
Chitin and Collagen: Isolation, Purification, Characterization, and Applications

Edited by
August 2024
194 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1808-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1807-5 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Chitin and Collagen: Isolation, Purification, Characterization, and Applications that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science

This reprint includes recent trends in all aspects of applied scientific research on chitin and collagen, including isolation, purification, and characterization. A few recent innovations in chitin and collagen have been incorporated into this reprint. These innovations could potentially be applied in various scientific and industrial research. Due to its broad array of biological functions such as anticancer, antimicrobial, bone tissue regeneration, antioxidant, and anti-aging activities, collagen has recently attracted vast interest in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmeceutical industries. Similarly, chitin and chitin-derived chitosan have many applications, including in the medical, environmental, and agricultural sectors.