
Bridging Behavioral Sciences and Sports Sciences

Edited by
September 2024
154 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1818-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1817-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Bridging Behavioral Sciences and Sports Sciences that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology
Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities
Public Health & Healthcare

This Special Issue features innovative research exploring the interdisciplinary nexus used to enhance sports sciences, optimizing athletic performance, health and well-being. Highlighted studies include Taveira et al.'s investigation into older adults' continuance intentions for online exercise classes, revealing psychological motivators and barriers. Koybulan et al. examine smartphone addiction among athletes, identifying behavioural and environmental correlates and their impact on performance and mental health. Deng et al. contribute a systematic review on motor imagery training, elucidating its benefits for tennis players. Further studies enrich this Special Issue: Calella et al. explore sedentary behaviours and eating habits in Southern Italy; Costa et al. identify psychophysiological predictors of performance among university students; and Kim et al. assess the impact of athletic justice on satisfaction and commitment among elite Saudi athletes. Furthermore, Kulak et al. study the effects of sustainable exercise on women's self-efficacy and life satisfaction; Liu et al. examine physical activity's impact on cancer patients; and Batista et al. investigate activity patterns in Portugal. Finally, Jee et al. present studies on sports fans' ticket purchase behaviours. This Special Issue contributes to bridging the gap between behavioural and sports sciences, inspiring future interdisciplinary collaborations.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
pricing; scarcity messages; framing; numeracy; secondary ticket market; sport; involvement; overconfidence bias; inter-temporal choice; risk; uncertainty; epidemiology; physical inactivity; sedentary; IPAQ; exercise; physical activity; interpersonal competence; quality of life; survival beliefs; interpersonal relations theory; cancer; menopause; exercise; sustainable exercise; self-efficacy; life satisfaction; perception of fairness; coaching behaviors; athletes’ attitudes; social exchange; winner–loser; competitiveness; self-efficacy; motivation; anxiety; heart rate reactivity; motor imagery; mental training; tennis service; sports psychology; performance; dietary habits; sedentary behaviors; physical activity; exercise; sport; gym practitioners; athletes; smartphone addiction; athletes; eating attitude; body perception; older adults; qualitative research; silver economy; online services