
Multi-Energy Systems

Edited by
November 2023
528 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9426-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9427-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Topic that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences
Computer Science & Mathematics
Public Health & Healthcare
Business & Economics
Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

Industrial/commercial centers and residential consumers require different types of energy such as electrical, heat, and natural gas. Nowadays, many types of energy resources are available. Traditionally, energy is operated and planned separately, but their combination may be synergistic. Hence, penetration of multi-energy systems has been raised in the real world, e.g., co-generation combined heat and power systems. The process of combining various types of energy is also called a multi-carrier energy system, which increases energy efficiency. In addition, the rapid development of technologies has resulted in amplifying the joint operation of the multi-generation systems. This highlights the importance of focusing on multiple alternatives such as integration of renewable energy sources, effective energy conservation, energy storage, etc. The main purpose of the proposed topic was to cover research in electrical, mechanical engineering, and thermal sciences, with a strong concentration on multi-energy analysis, integrated energy systems, multi-energy systems modeling, operation and planning of integrated energy systems, energy conversion, efficiency, renewable energy and electricity supply, including small and large demand scales. It also welcomed research on the technologies of energy storage and electric vehicles.