Best PhD Thesis Award

Dear Colleagues,

The award has been granted to:

“Epitope Editing Enables Targeted Immunotherapy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia” by Gabriele Casirati, Boston Children's Hospital, MA, USA

“The Local Microenvironment Drives Activation of Neutrophils in Human Brain Tumors” by Roeltje Maas, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

Each winner will receive CHF 800, a certificate and a chance to publish a paper free of charge after peer review in Cancers in 2024.

On behalf of the evaluation committee, I congratulate the winners on their accomplishments. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the applicants for submitting their exceptional theses, and thank the Award Committee for voting and helping with this award.

Prof. Dr. Samuel C. Mok
Editor-in-Chief, Cancers

Cancers 2023 Best PhD Thesis Award
Past Winners


Benjamin Genenger
University of Wollongong, Australia
Diana Pádua
Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto, Portugal

Award Committee

Dr. Samuel Mok Chairman
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Dr. Jason Roszik
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Prof. Dr. Andreas Leithner
Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, Medical University of Graz
Dr. Kevin A. Camphausen


Gabriele Casirati
Boston Children's Hospital, MA, USA
Roeltje Maas
Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

Award Committee

Dr. Samuel Mok Chairman
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Dr. Farrukh Aqil
University of Louisville
Prof. Alexandre Escargueil
Sorbonne Université, INSERM, Centre de Recherche Saint-Antoine
Dr. Shinji Miwa
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University
Dr. Kevin A. Camphausen


João Pedro da Silva Machado Lobo
Instituto Portugues de Oncologia de Francisco Gentil Porto, Portugal
Adrià Cañellas Socias
IRB Barcelona, Spain

Award Committee

Dr. Samuel Mok Chairman
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Prof. Craig N. Robson
Newcastle University
Prof. Dr. Dik C. van Gent
Department of Molecular Genetics, Erasmus MC, Univesity Medical Center Rotterdam
Prof. Alexandre Escargueil
Sorbonne Université, INSERM, Centre de Recherche Saint-Antoine
Prof. Brian Gabrielli
Mater Research Institute - The University of Queensland
Dr. Aamir Ahmad
Hamad Medical Corporation
Dr. Ognjen Arandjelovic
University of St Andrews
Prof. Andrea Morrione
Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine and Center for Biotechnology, Department of Biology, Temple University
Prof. Raffaele Capasso
University of Naples Federico II
Prof. Ajay Singh


Michael Rückert
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Germany

Award Committee

Dr. Samuel Mok Chairman
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Dr. Sharon McKenna
University College Cork
Dr. Marc Poirot
Cancer Research Center of Toulouse, UMR 1037 Inserm-UMR 5071 CNRS, University of Toulouse III
Dr. Sam Mbulaiteye
National Cancer Institute
Dr. Leonhard Müllauer
Medizinische Universität Wien
Prof. Hajime Isomoto
Prof. Dr. Spencer B Gibson
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