30 October 2013
New Book Received: Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics in Functional Foods and Personalized Nutrition. By Lynnette R. Ferguson, CRC Press, 2013; 451 Pages. Price £82.00, ISBN 978 1 43987 680 0

Edited by Lynnette R. Ferguson, a well-known and internationally respected researcher, the book covers a wide range of issues, from the purely scientific to ethical, consumer-driven, and public health aspects. It takes a close look at gene–diet interactions and explores the ways in which studies on nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics can help modulate disease risk in cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease. Topics include regulatory challenges, genetic testing for consumers, data mining, transcriptomic analysis, and the role of science and health professionals in the commercialization of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics. The book also examines industry–academia partnerships as a nexus between the science and its commercialization by the food industry. These partnerships will be an important determinant of what value the technologies bring, not only to the market but to the wider health and well-being of society.

Book website: http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439876800

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