Reporter Proteins in Whole-Cell Optical Bioreporter Detection Systems, Biosensor Integrations, and Biosensing Applications
:1. Introduction
2. Bioreporter Immobilization Methods
3. Whole-Cell Optical Bioreporters and Biosensor Integration
3.1. Bacterial Luciferase (Lux)
3.1.1. Lux biosensors and applications
3.2. Firefly Luciferase (Luc)
3.2.1. Luc biosensors and applications
3.3. Aequorin
3.3.1. Aequorin biosensors and applications
3.4. Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)
3.4.1. GFP biosensors and applications
3.5. Alternative Bioreporter Systems
References and Notes
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Bacterial Luciferase (Lux) | Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) | ||
V. fischeri | [16] | E. coli | [17] |
Various toxins | Various toxins | ||
Bacteriophage | [18] | E. coli | [19] |
Pathogenic Bacteria | L-arabinose | ||
Saccharomyces cerevisiae | [20] | Yeast | [21] |
Androgenic compounds | DNA damage | ||
E. coli | [22] | E. coli | [23] |
Nalidixic Acid | Arsenic | ||
E. coli | [24] | Bacillus sp. | [14] |
Various stressors | Arsenic/Zinc | ||
HEK293 mammalian cell line | [25] | Firefly Luciferase (Luc) | |
Whole animal imaging | E. coli | [26] | |
Gene expression | |||
E. coli | [27] | ||
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons | E. coli | [28] | |
Benzene | |||
Alcaligenes eutrophus | [29] | ||
Heavy metals | E. coli | [30] | |
Various toxins | |||
Pseudomonas putida | [31] | ||
Microbial volatile organics | Aequorin | ||
E. coli | [32] | ||
Pseudomonas fluorescens | [33] | Calcium | |
Naphthalene/salicylate | |||
B Cells | [34] | ||
E. coli | [35] | Pathogenic Bacteria | |
DNA damaging agents |
© 2009 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (
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Close, D.M.; Ripp, S.; Sayler, G.S. Reporter Proteins in Whole-Cell Optical Bioreporter Detection Systems, Biosensor Integrations, and Biosensing Applications. Sensors 2009, 9, 9147-9174.
Close DM, Ripp S, Sayler GS. Reporter Proteins in Whole-Cell Optical Bioreporter Detection Systems, Biosensor Integrations, and Biosensing Applications. Sensors. 2009; 9(11):9147-9174.
Chicago/Turabian StyleClose, Dan M., Steven Ripp, and Gary S. Sayler. 2009. "Reporter Proteins in Whole-Cell Optical Bioreporter Detection Systems, Biosensor Integrations, and Biosensing Applications" Sensors 9, no. 11: 9147-9174.
APA StyleClose, D. M., Ripp, S., & Sayler, G. S. (2009). Reporter Proteins in Whole-Cell Optical Bioreporter Detection Systems, Biosensor Integrations, and Biosensing Applications. Sensors, 9(11), 9147-9174.