Integrated Porosity Classification and Quantification Scheme for Enhanced Carbonate Reservoir Quality: Implications from the Miocene Malaysian Carbonates
:1. Introduction
2. Limitations of Existing Porosity Classifications and their Texture
Porosity Classifications
3. Application of Macro-Micro Classification from Miocene Carbonates
Material and Methods
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Facies Analysis
4.2. Pore Types
4.3. Quantification of Macro-Microporosity
4.4. Effect of Microporosity on Petrophysical Properties
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Matrix Texture | Hand Sample Appearance | Microscopic Appearance |
Type-I Compact Crystalline | Edges and surfaces that are both sharp and smooth. | The splitting of clusters of crystals in thin flanks produces “feather edges” in a matrix made up of crystals weakly interacting but with no obvious pore spaces between them. |
Type-II Chalky | The small crystals are less closely interlocked and hence reflect light in diverse directions, or, because the material is composed of very fine granules, a dull, chalky, crystalline appearance is missing. | Less interlocking crystals interlock at various angles. This may cause a chalky texture, although others may become crystalline. |
Type-III Granular | Sugary appearance (Sucrose). Very fine: 0.05 mm, Fine: 0.1 mm, Medium: 0.2 mm, Coarse: 0.4 mm. | Crystals interlocking at varying angles, allowing for significant porosity between crystals. This includes oolitic textures. |
Class | Description |
Class A | Pores smaller than 0.01 mm in diameter, not visible with a 10× resolution microscope. |
Class B | Greater than or equal to 0.01 mm of visible porosity |
Class C | More than 0.1 mm of visible porosity, however, the mess is less than the size of the cuttings |
Class D | Secondary crystal development on the cutting surfaces, or “weathered-appearing” faces displaying signs of fracture or solution channels, is an indication of visible porosity. |
Interparticle | Between the grains, there is a space. The permeability and recovery of sand are generally excellent. Porosity and permeability are reduced due to the use of interparticle cement. |
Intraparticle | Within particles, there is an area known as a pore space. The pore size and permeability of a fossil chamber, such as a foram’s chamber, or a coral microstructure, determines its porosity and permeability. Water or oil in smaller pore networks may be irreducible. |
Intercrystalline | Between the crystals of recrystallized limestone, there is porosity. The most prevalent kind of porosity in dolomites, which are often very porous and permeable reservoirs. If present in chalk mudstone, porosity may be significant due to the presence of a large amount of irreducible water, whereas permeability will be low until fractured. |
Moldic | Porosity occurs when skeletal and non-skeletal grains leach. Effective porosity and permeability are determined by the texture, the degree to which grains leach, and the quantity of interparticle cement. Generally inefficient porosity and poor permeability when just isolated pore types are present, but great when inter-crystal or interparticle pore types are present. |
Fracture | Porosity formed by the brittle deformation of rock. Porosity is usually low, but permeability will be higher. |
Vugs | Porosity formed by an enlargement of fabric-selective pore such as moldic and intraskeletal pores. |
Channel | Porosity formed by enlarged dissolution of early formed pore system. |
Core Description Sheet | Grain Size | Lithology | Depositional Texture | Leaching | Stylolite Frequency | Visual Porosity Distribution |
Resources | Wentworth [60] | HCL, Grain Density | Dunham [23] (Figure 4) | Visual Observation | Park, 1968 | Visual Observation |
Lithofacies | Description | |
FA-1 Coated Grain Packstone | | Texture: packstone (floatstone) Mineralogy: limestone Components: algae >50%, oncolite algae <40%, corals <30%, separate vugs, skeletal debris (angular—subangular), forams, echinoderms, gastropods, leaching Grain size/sorting: fine-medium gravel/moderately—poor |
FA-2 Coral (m) Lime Pack-Grainstone | | Texture: packstone–grainstone (rudstone) Mineralogy: limestone Components: corals (m) >50% (up to 8 cm in diameter), platy coral up to 20%, branching corals (15%), solitary coral <5%, algae, disconnected vugs, oncolite algae, skeletal grains (angular-subangular), gastropods, bivalves, echinoid spines Grain size/sorting: very coarse-granule/moderately poor |
FA-3 Oncolite Lime Grain-dominated Packstone | | Texture: packstone (rudstone) Mineralogy: limestone Components: oncolite algae >70% (diameter 2 to 6 cm), stylolite, corals >30%, separate vugs, algae, gastropods, bivalves, echinoid spines, skeletal grains (angular-subangular), leaching Grain size/sorting: medium-gravel/ moderately poor |
FA-4 Skeletal Lime/dolo Packstone | | Texture: packstone (floatstone-rudstone) Mineralogy: limestone—dolomitic limestone Components: skeletal debris >60% (angular-subangular), bivalves, isolated gastropods, corals (m) <20%, Coral (p) <15%, leaching Grain size/sorting: fine-coarse grain/ moderately well sorted |
FA-5 Coral (p) Lime Mud dominated Packstone | | Texture: packstone (floatstone) Mineralogy: limestone Components: rich platy corals >70%, solitary coral up to 15%, algae, small fractures, disconnected small vugs, skeletal debris (angular-subangular), gastropod, forams, echinoid spines Grain size/sorting: fine-coarse/poor |
FA-6 Coral (B) Lime dominated Pack-Grainstone | | Texture: packstone-grainstone (floatstone) Mineralogy: limestone-dolomitic limestone Components: branching coral 50%, 20% red algae, 15% forams, 5% massive coral, 5% bivalve, 5% other skeletal debris (angular-subangular) Grain size/sorting: very coarse-granule/poor |
FA-7 Cross Bedded Skeletal Lime Packstone | | Texture: packstone (floatstone) Mineralogy: dolomitic limestone to limestone Structures: graded bedding Components: forams 65%, red algae 10%, coral fragments 10%, bivalve 5%, echinoderms 5%, other skeletal debris 5% Grain size/sorting: very coarse-pebble/poorly or moderately sorted |
FA-8 Bioturbated Carbonate Mud stone (Chalk) | | Texture: wackstone—packstone Mineralogy: dolomitic limestone Structures: bioturbation Components: burrowing & bioturbation 60%, forams 10%, coral debris 10%, red algae 5% Grain size/sorting: very fine-coarse/ moderately well sorted |
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Share and Cite
Janjuhah, H.T.; Kontakiotis, G.; Wahid, A.; Khan, D.M.; Zarkogiannis, S.D.; Antonarakou, A. Integrated Porosity Classification and Quantification Scheme for Enhanced Carbonate Reservoir Quality: Implications from the Miocene Malaysian Carbonates. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 1410.
Janjuhah HT, Kontakiotis G, Wahid A, Khan DM, Zarkogiannis SD, Antonarakou A. Integrated Porosity Classification and Quantification Scheme for Enhanced Carbonate Reservoir Quality: Implications from the Miocene Malaysian Carbonates. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2021; 9(12):1410.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJanjuhah, Hammad Tariq, George Kontakiotis, Abdul Wahid, Dost Muhammad Khan, Stergios D. Zarkogiannis, and Assimina Antonarakou. 2021. "Integrated Porosity Classification and Quantification Scheme for Enhanced Carbonate Reservoir Quality: Implications from the Miocene Malaysian Carbonates" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9, no. 12: 1410.
APA StyleJanjuhah, H. T., Kontakiotis, G., Wahid, A., Khan, D. M., Zarkogiannis, S. D., & Antonarakou, A. (2021). Integrated Porosity Classification and Quantification Scheme for Enhanced Carbonate Reservoir Quality: Implications from the Miocene Malaysian Carbonates. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(12), 1410.