A Critical Review of Surveys Emphasizing on Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks—An Anatomization under General Survey Design Framework
:1. Introduction
- Outlining a novel general survey design framework that may analyze routing-related survey literature in WSNs under a variety of concrete design requirements as discussed in Section 3.
- Presenting a novel taxonomy of routing-related surveys in WSNs which, on the basis of frequency of survey publication, categorizes the routing surveys literature into highly-focused, medium-focused and least-focused areas of survey publication in WSNs as shown in the organization chart in Figure 2. Furthermore the surveys belonging to each main category are sub-categorized as per the corresponding fields of publication.
- Deducing future insights and research directions as a mean of providing guidelines to beginner and expert researchers who are interested in routing-related survey research in future.
2. Significance of Review
- As a novel paradigm, this research manuscript provides an in-depth literature review of routing-related surveys in WSNs.
- The review may explore the trends of routing-related survey research in WSNs. Eventually, the researchers may figure out those areas of routing in WSNs which require more attention for survey publication in future.
- The manuscript may motivate the research community in writing surveys under the proposed general survey design framework. It may bring about coherence in routing-related survey research in future and encourages novel protocol design (please refer to Section 3.5).
- The research may supervise in identifying those areas containing the surveys of less design soundness (i.e., less count number index (CNI)) under general survey design framework and thereby require more brainstorming and attention.
3. General Survey Design Framework—A Perspective under Survey Design Requirements
3.1. A Comprehensible Literature Review of Related Surveys
3.2. Fields of Application
3.3. Design Issues, Requirements and Characteristics of Research Field
3.4. Proper Comparison Approach
3.5. Concrete Architecture for Novel-Protocol Design
3.6. Future Directions and Trends
3.7. Novelty of Research
4. Classification of Routing-Related Surveys
4.1. Highly Focused Areas
4.1.1. Hierarchical Routing Surveys
- i
- In typical based categorization, the hierarchical protocols are classified on the basis of clustering procedure (such as Cluster Head (CH) election techniques, even-distribution, convergence time, clustering methodology and objectives), clustering properties (such as cluster count, size, balance, hop-count, stability, re-clustering support and inter/intra cluster topology and routing) and CH capabilities (such as type, role and mobility support).
- ii
- In atypical based categorization, the hierarchical routing protocols belonging to block, grid, chain and tree based topologies may be discussed.
- iii
- In security based categorization, security aspects of cluster-based protocols are evaluated on the basis of requirement of security goals, selection of security mechanism and prevention of security threats.
- iv
- In energy-efficient based categorization, those routing surveys are discussed which focus on energy efficiency in cluster based routing protocols.
- v
- In mobile hierarchical based categorization, those hierarchical routing protocols are discussed where either sensor or sink node or both are mobile. Such routing protocols may exhibit single-sink or multi-sink approach.
4.1.2. Classical Routing Surveys
- i
- In network structure based categorization, the classification metric is data centric, flat, hierarchical or location-aware.
- ii
- In network operation based categorization, the classification metric is network-flow-based, communication-model-based, QoS-aware and multipath-based.
- iii
- In partial based categorization, such classical surveys are included which although are not entirely focused on routing, however they discuss routing in a limited extent e.g., they may discuss WSNs protocols at each layer of communication protocol stack including network layer.
4.1.3. Energy-Efficiency Based Routing Surveys
- i
- In intelligence based categorization, energy-aware swarm intelligence based routing protocols are considered.
- ii
- In structure based categorization, energy-efficient data-centric, flat, hierarchical and location-aware routing protocols are examined.
- iii
- The operation based categorization discusses energy-efficient data-delivery-model-based, QoS-based and multipath-based protocols.
- iv
- The partial energy-efficient categorization includes those surveys whose cornerstone is not routing, however they still discuss some aspects/protocols of energy-efficient routing in WSNs such as location/connection-driven based and data acquisition based routing and so on.
4.2. Medium Focused Areas
4.2.1. Security Based Routing Surveys
- i
- In multipath based categorization, the classification metric is based on threat prevention, intrusion detection, hybrid or cryptographic, key management, authentication scheme and basic security requirements.
- ii
- In hierarchical based categorization, cluster-based protocols are classified on the basis of security goals, selection of security mechanism and prevention of security threats oriented requirements and objectives.
- iii
- In typical based categorization, the secure routing protocols are differentiated on the basis of key design issues such as node deployment, energy consumption, data-reporting model, fault-tolerance, scalability, robustness, load-management, data aggregation and QoS.
- iv
- In partial secure categorization, those surveys are delineated which, apart from mainly focusing on security, also discuss routing in WSNs. Such a security oriented routing is termed as secure routing.
4.2.2. Multipath Based Routing Surveys
- i
- In typical multipath categorization, the routing metric may be path disjointedness based, path selection based, path reliability oriented, path maintenance based or infrastructure/non-infrastructure based and so on.
- ii
- In multichannel routing based categorization, the classification metric is JOINT and DISJOINT channel assignment and routing in multichannel WSNs.
- iii
- In security based categorization, the classification metric is threat prevention, intrusion detection or hybrid based.
- iv
- In fault-tolerant based categorization, the classification metric is retransmission and replication based.
4.2.3. Computationally-Intelligent Based Routing Surveys
- i
- In swarm intelligence based categorization, the robustness, reliability and flexibility of optimization techniques such as shortest-path based Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), foraging based Bee Colony Optimization (BCO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Termite Colony Optimization (TCO) or Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO) are discussed.
- ii
- In hybrid intelligence based categorization, the adaptability, steadfastness and strength of both already discussed swarm intelligence and adaptive intelligence based techniques (such as knowledge-base/experience based Reinforcement Learning (RL), human reasoning oriented Fuzzy logic (FL), genetic-selection/natural exclusion based Genetic Algorithm (GA), human neurons based Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), morphogenesis-based Reaction Diffusion (RD) and bacterial-signaling-based quorum sensing (QS)) are evaluated.
- iii
- In mixed based categorization, both biologically-inspired or non-biological routing techniques may be discussed and compared.
- iv
- In partial based categorization, those surveys are delineated which consider CI based routing as a subpart of their discussion regarding intelligence based WSNs.
4.3. Least Focused Areas
4.3.1. QoS Based Routing Surveys
- i
- In typical QoS-based categorization, routing surveys may reckon those QoS protocols that consider a broad-spectrum of QoS routing in WSNs. These QoS protocols may consider the parameters such as energy efficiency, reliability, packet-delivery rate, end-to-end delay, network lifetime, throughput, protocol overhead and robustness.
- ii
- In multipath-QoS based categorization, those multipath routing protocols are discussed which provide QoS assurance such as reliability to WSNs.
- iii
- In fault-tolerance based categorization, those routing protocols are discussed which have the ability to work continuously even in the presence of faults for increasing reliability and availability.
- iv
- In Congestion (Cong.)-handling based categorization, those routing protocols are delineated which have the capability to detect, control and avoid congestion by handling issues such as channel contention/overload, packet collision, buffer overflow, data-rate control and load balancing near sink node.
- v
- In partial QoS-based categorization, those surveys are delineated which consider typical, fault-tolerant and congestion-oriented QoS-based routing as a subpart of their discussion regarding QoS-based routing protocols in WSNs.
4.3.2. Geographic Based Routing Surveys
- i
- In mobile based categorization, such surveys are discussed which consider mobility as main focus and categorize routing protocols on the basis of network structure (such as grid-based, cluster-based, tree-based, zone-based), state of information (such as proactive-based, reactive-based, hybrid-based), energy-efficiency (such as power control and saving, load-distribution-based), mobility (sink-only, node-only, hybrid) and biologically inspired routing.
- ii
- In location-based categorization, the classification metric may be flooding-based, curve-based, grid-based, geography-based and trajectory-based while mobility is not generally focused.
- iii
- The partial geographical categorization includes those surveys which consider some aspects/protocols of geographic routing in WSNs.
4.3.3. Other Routing Surveys
5. Insights and Future Directions
5.1. Big Data Issues and Challenges—Regarding Routing-Related Surveys in WSNs
5.1.1. Data Comprehension Issue
5.1.2. Data Analysis and Processing Challenge
- The neglected-altogether areas include those that are NOT in-depth reviewed at all. One such example is multichannel routing in WSNs where to the best of our knowledge, only one survey [114] is written very recently.
5.1.3. Data Organization and Management Issue
5.1.4. Quality Assurance and Quality Evaluation
- (i)
- Encourage researchers to write novel routing surveys under the aforementioned guidelines in Section 3. Such guidelines may not only provide coherence and consistency in the design of future routing-related surveys in WSNs, but also make their comparisons easy.
- (ii)
- Motivate researchers to evaluate the the quality of already published routing surveys and classify them into different categories on the basis of their design soundness. Furthermore, explore those surveys that exhibit low quality design and improve their quality by publishing novel state-of-the-art surveys.
5.1.5. Data Progress Challenge—in terms of Data Depth and Data Breadth
5.1.6. Data Diversification Issue
5.1.7. Data Skills Acquisition Challenge
5.2. Proper Literature Review
5.3. Application Oriented Surveys
5.4. Novel Protocol Design
5.5. Cross-Layered Framework
5.6. Guidelines for Energy, QoS, Security and Related Areas of Routing in WSNs
- Energy conservation is the key goal in the design of routing protocols for both static and dynamic WSNs. In case of static WSNs, the immediate neighbors to sink suffer more readily from hot-spot issues due to network traffic. On the other hand, dynamic WSNs may suffer from additional energy consumption due to mobility and frequent connection/data loss. Although mobile sink and multipath-routing approach are promising solutions for achieving energy conservation [43] in WSNs. Another promising direction may be dynamic multi-sink multipath approach for achieving energy efficiency in WSNs which requires in-depth review and analysis in future.
- A variety of energy conservation approaches are devised for WSNs. However, a sensor network with no indigenous source of energy harvesting is destined to die down due to energy depletion of sensor nodes. A solution is to employ such energy harvesting mechanisms that may provide a constant source of energy assistance to WSNs and may help in averting the danger of dying out of sensor network due to energy exhaustion. However, the prevailing energy harvesting machinery is bigger than the small-sized sensor nodes [107] and is expensive to generate usable power for sensor nodes [107]. Therefore for handling the constant nuisance of power exhaustion in sensor networks, there is a tremendous need of doing further research for devising such miniature nano-scale energy harvesting equipments that may easily generate the required energy for recharging sensor nodes and help sensor network for functioning continuously.
- Hierarchical routing helps to achieve energy efficiency in WSNs [109]. However it may suffer from various issues such as optimum cluster size, cluster head selection/communication and cluster topology/scalability, etc. These issues become more challenging in case of mobility-oriented clustering where network topology frequently changes which may seriously impact network connectivity. Eventually, clustering would be severely affected. In case of high speed node mobility, then majority of network resources would be consumed in cluster formation and upgradation rather than desired data transmission. Therefore there is a need to survey the issues and challenges of mobility-oriented clustering in WSNs.
- Both energy and QoS are closely associated e.g., increasing the packet transmission energy may increase the transmission range of a packet. Eventually, less hops are required to send data to destination which may decrease end-to-end delay [38]/jitter and improve system reliability. However, such mechanism may more readily drain the energy of sensor nodes and eventually cause early death of sensor network [38]. One solution to handle such energy drainage may be to use energy harvesting nodes for this purpose. However when more nodes may send packets with high energy simultaneously, then they may disrupt each other communication. A solution may be to use adaptive power control, but it may soon induce power competition among sensor nodes. Since energy-aware QoS routing assures required bandwidth, latency and energy-efficient routes [36], therefore it should be more thoroughly surveyed along with underlying issues and challenges for bringing efficient and more realistic solutions in this regard.
- Employing security along with routing requires additional energy, storage and processing capability. Security mechanisms may induce processing delays and bandwidth loss in WSNs which may seriously impact QoS-routing in WSNs. Therefore it is desirable to write such routing surveys that may highlight the issues, applications and comparisons of security and QoS [130] oriented routing in WSNs. Such surveys may discuss state-of-the-art secure-QoS routing approaches and highlight future research directions in this regards.
- Secure routing improves reliability of both static and dynamic WSNs. Since traditional cryptography and network security techniques are infeasible for secure routing in WSNs, therefore there is a need to analyze and survey novel featherweight multi-factor authentication and authorization approaches and security mechanism in WSNs.
- Although it is more energy efficient to-process than to-transmit the same amount of data [155], however it is also a fact that data fusion complicates secure-routing design [35], introduces delay [49] and compromises reliability [49]. Therefore, there is a need to extensive survey the issues, challenges and comparisons of data fusion and secure-QoS oriented routing in WSNs.
- Since, single-sink oriented routing techniques under-perform than multi-sink based routing approaches [84], therefore there is a need to in-depth survey those routing techniques that implement multi-sink approach in WSNs. The advantages of multi-sink oriented routing may be further highlighted under energy, security, QoS and scalability constraints for achieving high performance in WSNs.
- The computational intelligence based routing approaches such as biologically inspired (e.g., ant based, bee based, particle swarm, termite colony and spider monkey based optimization), machine learning, genetic algorithm, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computing, reinforcement learning and artificial neural networks should be reviewed in more depth. From the recent past, the researchers have started applying these techniques for routing in WSNs and they have exhibited promising results. However, there is a need to survey various aspects of these techniques more deeply for achieving further technological advancements in WSNs.
- The multichannel routing approach may allow sensor nodes to use a variety of orthogonal channels for sending data to destination. It may ensure parallel communications [156], decreases delay [156,157] and increases throughput [156,157] in WSNs. However, it requires additional resources in the form channel scanning, channel decision and channel switching, etc. which may require additional energy for providing the desired QoS in WSNs. Only one multichannel routing survey [114] is published so far for WSNs that may put forth a novel taxonomy for classifying and analyzing the single/multi-path and single/multi-radio multichannel routing protocols in WSNs into JOINT and DISJOINT categories. Although the survey brings forth the applications, prevailing issues and future research challenges of multichannel routing in WSNs in a detailed manner, however still there many dimensions in which novel multichannel routing surveys can be written e.g., one of such dimension is the mobile multi-radio multichannel routing in WSNs where to the best of our knowledge no multichannel survey is written so far. Additionally, the pros and cons of multichannel routing protocols may be critically surveyed in-terms of energy-efficiency and QoS using various analytical and simulating mechanisms for unveiling further hidden aspects of this area of research.
6. Conclusions and Summary
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Acronyms | Description | Acronyms | Description |
ACO | Ant Colony Optimization | ANNs | Artificial Neural Networks |
BCO | Bee Colony Optimization | BDAT | Big Data Analysis Tool |
CAN | Concrete Architecture for Novel-protocol design | CH | Cluster Head |
CI | Computationally Intelligent | CLR | Comprehensible Literature Review |
CNI | Count Number Index | DHT | Distributed Hash Table |
DoS | Denial of Service | DRF | Design issues, requirements and characteristics of Research Field |
FDT | Future Directions & Trends | FL | Fuzzy Logic |
FoA | Fields of Application | GA | Genetic Algorithm |
GPS | Global Positioning System | GSDF | General Survey Design Framework |
Hg | High (value of CNI) | Lw | Low (value of CNI) |
Md | Medium (value of CNI) | NS-2 | Network Simulator 2 |
NoR | Novelty of Research | OSI | Open Systems Interconnection |
PCA | Proper Comparison Approach | PSO | Particle Swarm Optimization |
QoS | Quality of Service | QS | Quorum Sensing |
Rk | Rank (based on CNI) | RD | Reaction Diffusion |
RL | Reinforcement Learning | SMO | Spider Monkey Optimization |
TCO | Termite Colony Optimization | UASNs | Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks |
UWSNs | Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks | WMSNs | Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks |
WPT | Wireless Power Technology | WRSNs | Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks |
WSNs | Wireless Sensor Networks | XL | Cross-Layered |
Surveys | FoA | DRF | PCA | CAN | FDT | NoR | CNI | Rk |
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Akkaya et al. [36], 2005 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Network-structure and protocol- operation based taxonomy | 4 | Md | ||
Yang et al. [46], 2005 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 3 | Md | |||
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Iyengar et al. [48], 2007 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 3 | Md | |||
Luo et al. [49], 2007 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Data-fusion based routing/ coding/ fusion driven protocols | 4 | Md | ||
Shafiullah et al. [50], 2008 | ✓ | 1 | Lw | |||||
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El-Semary et al. [84], 2013 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 3 | Md | |||
Manap et al. [85], 2013 | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Lw | ||||
Tyagi et al. [86], 2013 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | In-depth analysis of LEACH-based clustered routing protocols | 5 | Hg | |
Sikander et al. [87], 2013 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 3 | Md | |||
Pantazis et al. [39], 2013 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Taxonomy based on network structure, communication model, topology and reliable routing | 4 | Md | ||
Abazeed et al. [88], 2013 | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Lw | ||||
Sha et al. [37], 2013 | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Lw | ||||
Fersi et al. [89], 2013 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Distributed Hash Table (DHT) oriented routing and data-management in WSNs | 5 | Hg | |
Masdari et al. [90], 2013 | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Lw | ||||
Soni et al. [91], 2014 | ✓ | ✓ | Location-based routing in WSNs | 3 | Md | |||
Tunca et al. [43], 2014 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Mobile sink based routing in WSNs | 5 | Hg | |
Yu et al. [44], 2014 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Mobile sink based state-of-the-art routing techniques in WSNs | 5 | Hg | |
Guo et al. [92], 2014 | ✓ | ✓ | Intelligent energy-efficient routing in WSNs | 3 | Md | |||
Zin et al. [40], 2014 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | State-of-the-art secure routing techniques in WSNs | 5 | Hg | |
Shamsan Saleh et al. [93], 2014 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Energy-aware non-swarm and swarm-intelligence based routing in WSNs | 5 | Hg | |
Sara et al. [94], 2014 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Taxonomy of mobility based WSNs routing protocols | 5 | Hg | |
Sharma et al. [95], 2015 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 3 | Md | |||
Zin et al. [96], 2015 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Categorize secure-multipath routing protocols based on defense against particular attack | 4 | Md | ||
Singh et al. [97], 2015 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 3 | Md | |||
Mehmood et al. [98], 2015 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 3 | Md | |||
Liu et al. [99], 2015 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Evaluation of atypical hierarchical routing approaches in WSNs | 5 | Hg | |
Kumar et al. [100], 2016 | ✓ | ✓ | Classification of biologically inspired algorithms in computer networks | 3 | Md | |||
Jadhav et al. [101], 2016 | ✓ | ✓ | Opportunistic routing protocols in WSNs | 3 | Md | |||
Li et al. [102], 2016 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Intelligent cross-layered Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UASNs) routing protocols, Expansion tendency of UASN routing protocols | 4 | Md | ||
Gui et al. [103], 2016 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Discuss latest swarm oriented routing approaches and briefly portray a Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO) oriented routing protocol | 4 | Md | ||
Singh et al. [104], 2016 | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Lw | ||||
Yan et al. [105], 2016 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Energy-efficient homogeneous and heterogeneous routing protocols with static and mobile topology | 4 | Md | ||
Han et al. [106], 2016 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Green routing protocols for WMSNs | 4 | Md | ||
Anisi et al. [107], 2017 | ✓ | ✓ | Evaluation of energy harvesting methods and recent battery-oriented energy-efficient routing approaches | 3 | Md | |||
Ahmed et al. [108], 2017 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Evaluation of data forwarding routing protocols for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) using analytical/numerical simulation methods | 5 | Hg | |
Sabor et al. [109], 2017 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Latest mobility-oriented hierarchical routing protocols for WSNs | 4 | Md | ||
Khalid et al. [110], 2017 | ✓ | ✓ | Localization-oriented and localization-free routing protocols for UWSNs | 3 | Md | |||
Hasan et al. [111], 2017 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Multipath routing approaches with QoS guarantee in real-time WMSNs | 5 | Hg | |
Nayyar et al. [112], 2017 | ✓ | 1 | Lw | |||||
Asif et al. [113], 2017 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | QoS-aware routing approaches for WSNs, Up-to-date distribution of QoS literature and QoS parameters | 4 | Md | ||
Rehan et al. [114], 2017 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Evaluation and comparison of JOINT/DISJOINT single/multi-path and single/multi-radio multichannel routing protocols in WSNs | 5 | Hg |
Surveys | FoA | DRF | PCA | CAN | FDT | NoR | CNI | Rk |
Akyildiz et al. [115], 2002 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Communication layer-wise taxonomy of WSNs protocols | 4 | Md | ||
Perrig et al. [116], 2004 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Security issues & challenges in WSNs | 4 | Md | ||
Chen et al. [117], 2004 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Data-delivery model based QoS requirements | 4 | Md | ||
Djenouri et al. [118], 2005 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Security problems at various network layers and solutions | 4 | Md | ||
Wang et al. [119], 2006 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Attacks at physical, data link, network, transport layers with possible solutions, Novel security taxonomy | 5 | Hg | |
Ren et al. [120], 2006 | ✓ | Investigation of biologically inspired protocols for WSNs | 2 | Lw | ||||
Akyildiz et al. [121], 2007 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Communication layer-wise taxonomy of protocols for WMSNs | 4 | Md | ||
Walters et al. [122], 2007 | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Lw | ||||
Li et al. [123], 2007 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | QoS in real-time protocols for WSNs | 4 | Md | ||
Akyildiz et al. [124], 2007 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | State-of-the-art research in WMSNs | 4 | Md | ||
Martinez et al. [125], 2007 | ✓ | ✓ | Case-study to enhance learning based on real-world forest fire detection | 3 | Md | |||
Yick et al. [126], 2008 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Sensors internal platform, network services & protocol stack | 5 | Hg | |
Zhou et al. [127], 2008 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Security issue and latest solutions, Identification of malicious threats affecting network operations | 5 | Hg | |
Anastasi et al. [128], 2009 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Taxonomy of energy conservation techniques | 4 | Md | ||
Rehana et al. [129], 2009 | ✓ | 1 | Lw | |||||
Chen et al. [130], 2009 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Hazards for WSNs & routing-layer based defense approaches | 4 | Md | ||
Sen et al. [131], 2010 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 3 | Md | |||
Halawani et al. [132], 2010 | ✓ | ✓ | Network/MAC lifetime enhancement approaches in WSNs | 3 | Md | |||
Bin et al. [133], 2011 | ✓ | ✓ | Three rules based metric for designing new protocol, Energy conservation, routing and coverage in WSNs | 3 | Md | |||
Kulkarni et al. [134], 2011 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Computational Intelligence in WSNs | 5 | Hg | |
Saxena et al. [135], 2011 | ✓ | ✓ | 2 | Lw | ||||
Soua et al. [136], 2011 | ✓ | Classification of energy-efficient approaches in WSNs | 2 | Lw | ||||
Francesco et al. [137], 2011 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Taxonomy of mobility based WSNs | 5 | Hg | |
Sen et al. [138], 2012 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 4 | Md | ||
Rault et al. [139], 2014 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Trade-off vis-a-vis application demands and energy efficiency | 5 | Hg | |
Sergiou et al. [140], 2014 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Congestion control in WSNs, Guidelines for designing a new congestion control protocol in WSNs | 4 | Md | ||
Kafi et al. [141], 2014 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Congestion detection and control in WSNs | 5 | Hg | |
Bouaziz et al. [142], 2016 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Mobility management in wireless sensor networks | 5 | Hg | |
Yadav et al. [143], 2016 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Energy-efficient data aggregation, clustering and routing protocols in WSNs | 4 | Md | ||
Zenia et al. [144], 2016 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Evaluation of UWSNs based MAC & Routing protocols using comparison and simulation mechanisms | 4 | Md |
Survey Type | Categorization and Design Requirements Based Analysis of Hierarchical Routing Surveys | |
Typical based | Hg | [74,86] |
Md | [56,60,73,75] | |
Lw | [69,70,85] | |
Atypical based | Hg | [99] |
Md | [87,97] | |
Security based | Md | [72,78] |
Energy Efficient | Md | [98] |
Lw | [42,50] | |
Mobile based | Md | [109] |
Survey Type | Categorization and Design Requirements Based Analysis of Classical Routing Surveys | |
Structure based | Hg | [35] |
Md | [36,46,47,52,53,54,61,66,68] | |
Lw | [51,62,79,88,104] | |
Operation based | Hg | [35] |
Md | [36,46,47,52,53,61,66] | |
Lw | [62,88] | |
Partial based | Hg | [126] |
Md | [115,121,124] |
Survey Type | Categorization and Design Requirements Based Analysis of Energy-efficient Routing Surveys | |
Intelligence based | Hg | [93] |
Structure based | Md | [39,83,95,98,105,107,132] |
Lw | [42,50,63,67] | |
Operation based | Hg | [38] |
Md | [39,95,105,106,107] | |
Partial based | Hg | [139] |
Md | [128,133,143] | |
Lw | [135,136] |
Survey Type | Categorization and Design Requirements Based Analysis of Secure Routing Surveys | |
Multipath based | Hg | [59] |
Md | [65,96] | |
Hierarchical based | Md | [72,78] |
Typical based | Hg | [40] |
Md | [84] | |
Lw | [45] | |
Partial based | Hg | [119,127] |
Md | [116,118,130,131,138] | |
Lw | [122,129] |
Survey Type | Categorization and Design Requirements Based Analysis of Multipath-based Routing Surveys | |
Typical based | Hg | [76,111] |
Md | [80] | |
Lw | [37,90] | |
Multichannel Routing | Hg | [114] |
Security based | Hg | [59] |
Md | [65,96] | |
Fault-Tolerant | Md | [58] |
Lw | [90] |
Survey Type | Categorization and Design Requirements Based Analysis of Computationally-Intelligent Routing Surveys | |
Swarm based | Hg | [41] |
Md | [64,100,103] | |
Lw | [112] | |
Hybrid based | Md | [48,92] |
Mixed | Hg | [82,93] |
Partial based | Hg | [134] |
Lw | [120] |
Survey Type | Categorization and Design Requirements Based Analysis of QoS-based Routing Surveys | |
Typical based | Md | [77,106,113] |
Lw | [50] | |
Multipath based | Hg | [111] |
Fault-Tolerance based | Md | [58] |
Cong.-Handling based | Hg | [81] |
Partial based | Hg | [141] |
Md | [117,123,125,140] |
Survey Type | Categorization and Design Requirements Based Analysis of Geographic Routing Surveys | |
Mobile | Hg | [43,44,94] |
Md | [109] | |
Location based | Md | [91] |
Lw | [55] | |
Partial based | Hg | [137,142] |
Survey Type | Categorization and Design Requirements Based Analysis of Other Least-Focused Areas of Routing Surveys | |
In-network Fusion | Md | [49] |
DHT based | Hg | [89] |
Md | [57] | |
UWSNs based | Hg | [108] |
Md | [71,102,110] | |
(Partial) — > | Md | [144] |
Opportunistic based | Md | [101] |
Multichannel Routing | Hg | [114] |
© 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Rehan, W.; Fischer, S.; Rehan, M. A Critical Review of Surveys Emphasizing on Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks—An Anatomization under General Survey Design Framework. Sensors 2017, 17, 1713. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17081713
Rehan W, Fischer S, Rehan M. A Critical Review of Surveys Emphasizing on Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks—An Anatomization under General Survey Design Framework. Sensors. 2017; 17(8):1713. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17081713
Chicago/Turabian StyleRehan, Waqas, Stefan Fischer, and Maaz Rehan. 2017. "A Critical Review of Surveys Emphasizing on Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks—An Anatomization under General Survey Design Framework" Sensors 17, no. 8: 1713. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17081713
APA StyleRehan, W., Fischer, S., & Rehan, M. (2017). A Critical Review of Surveys Emphasizing on Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks—An Anatomization under General Survey Design Framework. Sensors, 17(8), 1713. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17081713