A Vision-Based Wayfinding System for Visually Impaired People Using Situation Awareness and Activity-Based Instructions
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Sensor-Based Systems vs. Vision-Based Systems
2.2. Assistive Functions
2.3. Target User Population and User Interface
3. Overview of the Proposed System
4. Situation Awareness
4.1. Initial Study
- location-specific information that identifies the current position, and
- directional information for a given destination.
4.2. Definition of Situations
4.3. Recognition Methods
4.3.1. Offline Stage
4.3.2. Online Stage
5. Object Detection and Recognition
5.1. Object Detection
- (1)
- Preprocessing: Because time-varying illumination requires contrast adjustment, a histogram specification is used.
- (2)
- Discretization: Each pixel in the input image is classified as green, orange or others. The color ranges are defined as follows:
- (3)
- Labeling: Row-by-row labeling is performed on the discretized image. Then, the area and circularity are calculated from all components. These properties are used to remove noise: if the circularity of a region is larger than a predefined threshold or if its area is too small, it is considered to be noise. Thus, only components corresponding to color codes are filtered through this stage.
- (4)
- Post-processing: After the noise filtering, the adjacent components are merged to prevent the color codes from being split.
5.2. Object Recognition
6. User Interface with Activity-based Instructions
6.1. Actions
6.2. Current Place
6.3. Compass Direction
- 1)
- The regular grid map is overlaid on the detected color code.
- 2)
- For the cells allocated on both sides, the densities of the green-colored cells on the Y-axis are accumulated; each cell is denoted as DL or DR, respectively.
- 3)
- The direction of the left or right side is set by the sign of the difference between the two accumulated densities.
- 4)
- The viewing angle is determined by the difference between the two accumulated densities, i.e., |DL-DR|.
6.4. Step Counts
7. User Trajectory Recording Module
Algorithm 1: The proposed trajectory recording algorithm. | |
Input: Gyroscope sensor G, Accelerometer sensor AC, destination D | |
Output: Stack S that contains the set of instructions, I(A, SC, , where A, SC, , P are the variables for the action, step count, compass direction, and position, respectively. | |
Procedure: | |
1. | Initialize A ← null, , , SC ← 0, P(, ) ← (0,0); |
2. | // Determine the action type If AC < 0.03, then A ← Stop |
3. | else if then A ← Turn |
4. | else A ← Go-straight |
5. | //Estimate the instruction parameters according to the action type if A is Go-straight, then SC, , is updated by the following equation: |
6. | else if A is Turn, then |
7. | PushI(A, SC, to S |
8. | //check if the current positioning information is the destination (the positioning information is obtained by recognizing the QR codes) if the current location is destination, then terminate |
9. | else Go to Line 2 |
Algorithm 2: The proposed trace backward algorithm. | |
Input: Stack S that contains the set of instructions, I(A, SC, ), where A, SC, , P are the variables for the action, step count, compass direction, and position, respectively | |
Output: Instruction | |
Procedure: | |
1. | Pop I(A, SC, from S |
2. | if A is Turn, then ← . |
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. | //Generate the instruction statement according to the action type if A is Go-straight, Pop I(A, SC, from S if A is Go-straight, then else, Push I(A, SC, to S and make instruction as ‘Go-straight SC steps’ else if A is Turn, then make instruction as ‘Turn to the else make instruction as ‘Stop’ //Convey the instruction to the user, through Text-to-Speech (TTS) service |
8. | Call TTS (instruction) |
9. | if S is empty, then terminate |
10. | else Go to Line 1 |
8. Experiments
8.1. Efficiency Test
8.1.1. Situation Awareness Results
8.1.2. Object Detection Results
- distance from the user (camera) to the color codes,
- viewing angle between the user and the color codes, and
- degree of illumination, e.g., direct sunlight and fluorescent light.
8.1.3. User Trajectory Recording Results
8.1.4. Processing Time
8.2. Field Test
8.2.1. Participants
8.2.2. Test Maps
8.2.3. Results
8.2.4. Post-test Interview Results
- E1: I think that I would like to use this system frequently.
- E2: I thought the system was easy to use.
- E3: I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this system.
- E4: I found the various functions in this system were well integrated.
- E5: I think that most people would learn to use this system very quickly.
- E6: I thought that there was consistency in this system.
- E7: I felt very confident using the system.
8.3. Discussion
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Approach | Institute | Sensors | Function | Map Usage | Target User | User Interface | Environment | |
Sensor-based approaches | Univ. of Catania [8] | RFID, inertial sensor | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors | |
LIFC [20] | WIFI sensor network | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors | ||
Univ. of California-Santa Barbara [15] | Infrared | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Spatial display | Indoors | ||
Univ. of California [16] | Ultra-Wide band | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors | ||
Univ. of Maine [19] | Accelerometers | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors | ||
UCEM [14] | RFID | Positioning | NO | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors | ||
Universität Stuttgart [13] | RFID, GPS | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Braille display | Indoors/Outdoors | ||
IEU [12] | RFID, GPS | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors/Outdoors | ||
Vision-based ones | Scene-objects recognition | LASMEA lab [22] | CCD camera | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Speech, Sonar sound | Indoors/Outdoors |
Univ. d'Orleans [25] | Mobile phone camera | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors | ||
Brigham Young University [23] | Stereo camera | Obstacle avoidance | NO | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors | ||
Color-codes recognition | King Saud Univ. [22] | Mobile phone camera | Positioning | NO | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors | |
Univ. of Minnesota [32] | Infrared camera | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors | ||
Smart camera [27] | Mobile phone camera | Positioning | NO | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors/ Outdoors | ||
UC Santa Cruz [30] | Mobile phone camera | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Speech, beeping | Indoors | ||
Univ. of Malakand [28] | Mobile phone camera | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The visually impaired | Speech | Indoors | ||
Chun Yuan Christian University [33] | Mobile phone camera | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The Cognitively impaired | Graphical interface | Indoors | ||
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid [31] | Mobile phone camera | Positioning, path guidance | YES | The Cognitively impaired | Graphical/Verbal interfaces | Indoors | ||
Graz Univ. of Technology [34] | Mobile phone camera | Positioning, path guidance | YES | Pedestrian | Graphical interface | Indoors |
User Behavior | Perceiving the Environments |
| After leaving a room, they change their direction through finding the edges and shapes of the walls. |
| They find the nearest wall from both sides, and then follow this wall while tapping it using a white cane. |
| When reaching a corner, they consider the current place as a junction or court. |
| If the wall is recessed, they can assume that a door is near. |
| Using the height differences of the ground, they can perceive the beginning and the end of stairs. |
Conditions | Action | Details | ||||
Is found any color code? | Is the distance to the detected color code less than 1 m? | Is the angle between a user and color code perpendicular? | Is the current place destination? | What is current situation? | ||
× | - | - | - | All | Go-straight | - |
○ | × | ○ | - | All | Go-straight | - |
○ | - | × | - | All | Turn | to the direction that is orthogonal to the detected QR codes |
○ | ○ | ○ | × | Hall, Corridor and Junction | Turn | to guided direction by directional QR codes |
○ | ○ | ○ | × | Door | Turn | to the direction to return back to the previous route |
○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | Door | Stop | - |
Door | Corridor | Hall | Junction | |
Door | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Corridor | 0 | 93 | 7 | 0 |
Hall | 0 | 12 | 88 | 0 |
Junction | 3 | 15 | 0 | 82 |
Distance (cm) | FPR | FNR |
50 | 0 | 0 |
100 | 0 | 0 |
150 | 0 | 0 |
200 | 0 | 0 |
250 | 0 | 0.013 |
300 | 0 | 0.083 |
Stage | Time |
Situation awareness | 71 |
Object detection | 29 |
Object recognition | 36 |
Activity-based instruction | 7 |
User trajectory recording | 6 |
User (Age/Gender) | Ability Visual Acuity (Decimal) | Experience Mobile Phone | |
User1 | 25/Female | Low vision (0.2) | YES |
User2 | 27/Female | Low vision (0.2) | YES |
User3 | 28/Female | Low vision (0.15) | YES |
User4 | 24/Male | Blind (0.01) | YES |
© 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Ko, E.; Kim, E.Y. A Vision-Based Wayfinding System for Visually Impaired People Using Situation Awareness and Activity-Based Instructions. Sensors 2017, 17, 1882. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17081882
Ko E, Kim EY. A Vision-Based Wayfinding System for Visually Impaired People Using Situation Awareness and Activity-Based Instructions. Sensors. 2017; 17(8):1882. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17081882
Chicago/Turabian StyleKo, Eunjeong, and Eun Yi Kim. 2017. "A Vision-Based Wayfinding System for Visually Impaired People Using Situation Awareness and Activity-Based Instructions" Sensors 17, no. 8: 1882. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17081882
APA StyleKo, E., & Kim, E. Y. (2017). A Vision-Based Wayfinding System for Visually Impaired People Using Situation Awareness and Activity-Based Instructions. Sensors, 17(8), 1882. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17081882