Constrained Multi-Sensor Control Using a Multi-Target MSE Bound and a ?-GLMB Filter
:1. Introduction
2. Problem Formulation
3. Multi-Sensor Multi-Target MSE Bound
4. Optimization for Constrained Multi-Sensor Control
5. Simulations
5.1. Example 1: Scenarios with a Small Number of Sensors
5.2. Example 2: Scenarios with a Large Number of Sensors
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Proof of Lemma 1
Appendix B. Proof of Theorem 1
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Scenarios | s = 4, E = 100 J | s = 8, E = 200 J | s = 12, E = 300 J | s = 16, E = 400 J | s = 20, E = 500 J | |
Control Algorithms | ||||||
CS divergence with exhaustive search | 19.5 m | 13.9 m | 9.2 m | 5.8 m | 4.6 m | |
Error bound with exhaustive search | 8.7 m | 6.0 m | 4.6 m | 3.9 m | 3.6 m | |
Error bound with MPF | 8.9 m | 6.3m | 5.1 m | 4.5 m | 4.1 m | |
Error bound with complex | 9.0 m | 6.4 m | 5.1 m | 4.4 m | 4.0 m | |
Multi-target MSE bound | 8.0 m | 5.4 m | 4.1 m | 3.5 m | 3.2 m |
Scenarios | s = 4, E = 100 J | s = 8, E = 200 J | s = 12, E = 300 J | s = 16, E = 400 J | s = 20, E = 500 J | |
Control Algorithms | ||||||
CS divergence with exhaustive search | 22 s | 153 s | 1062 s | 7259 s | 50973 s | |
Error bound with exhaustive search | 23 s | 162 s | 1128 s | 7698 s | 53168 s | |
Error bound with MPF | 20 s | 91 s | 204 s | 365 s | 578 s | |
Error bound with complex | 16 s | 81 s | 206 s | 573 s | 1296 s |
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Lian, F.; Hou, L.; Liu, J.; Han, C. Constrained Multi-Sensor Control Using a Multi-Target MSE Bound and a ?-GLMB Filter. Sensors 2018, 18, 2308.
Lian F, Hou L, Liu J, Han C. Constrained Multi-Sensor Control Using a Multi-Target MSE Bound and a ?-GLMB Filter. Sensors. 2018; 18(7):2308.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLian, Feng, Liming Hou, Jing Liu, and Chongzhao Han. 2018. "Constrained Multi-Sensor Control Using a Multi-Target MSE Bound and a ?-GLMB Filter" Sensors 18, no. 7: 2308.
APA StyleLian, F., Hou, L., Liu, J., & Han, C. (2018). Constrained Multi-Sensor Control Using a Multi-Target MSE Bound and a ?-GLMB Filter. Sensors, 18(7), 2308.