Blockchain Mechanism and Symmetric Encryption in A Wireless Sensor Network
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Methodology
3.1. Performance Indices
3.1.1. Key Characteristics of Blockchain
- Autonomous: This is considered one of the most important aspects of a blockchain system, as no one is controlling or governing the system.
- Immutability: Blockchain is used for security purposes in many applications because it cannot be manipulated without a trace using currently known technology.
- Contractual: The blockchain creates consensus between the chains or peers. The consensus process is executed autonomously using rules according to the data status, contributing to the full autonomy of the system.
3.1.2. Data Security in Wireless Networks
- Data availability refers to ensuring robust security in the sensor network, to protect the resources or the sensor nodes. The nodes in the sensor networks must have self-protection to avoid unnecessary message processing or task execution. This can reduce energy use and increase the life span of the sensor network. Wireless sensor networks are susceptible to multiple types of denial of service attacks, node compromise attacks, and resource consumption attacks [52]. Therefore, the availability and security of resources must be effectively maintained.
- Data confidentiality can be achieved by allowing only authenticated users to access data or devices in the system to send messages. In sensor networks, data can be protected using cryptographic methods to allow only authenticated users to access it. Unauthorized or third parties cannot read the original data if confidentiality is effectively provided [53]. Therefore, to have data confidentiality, wireless sensor networks must use encryption methods.
- Data authentication in sensor networks allows the system to verify whether data is sent from authorized sources or not, and also protects the original data from alterations.
- Data integrity in sensor networks is necessary to verify the information reliability and capacity, to ensure that the message has not been damaged, altered, or changed. The integrity of the network is violated when the malicious node in the network sends false data with a valid identifier id.
- Time synchronization is important in systems with sensor node uptime coordination, as a more collaborative sensor network may involve group synchronization.
3.1.3. System Performance Metrics
4. System Architecture
Blockchain Design
- Timestamp: This attribute is necessary to know when the block was created in all transactions.
- Block hash: This hash is important because it will be linked to the future block. The hash is created based on the transactions of the day. If a piece of information is modified, the hash no longer matches the one registered in this field.
- Block number: This data represents the position the block occupies in the chain to know the number of blocks that the blockchain system contains.
5. Results
- 1.4 GHz 64-bit quad-core processor
- Dual-band wireless Local Area Network (LAN)
- 4 GB de Random Access Memory (RAM)
- Operating System (OS) Raspbian
6. Discussion
6.1. Hardware Performance
6.2. Security Analysis
- Basic security: As stated in Reference [77], it is defined in three fundamental security aspects: confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA).
- DDoS attack: It is understood as the resistance or not to this type of attack, based on its architecture and model.
- Linking attack: It is identified as the resistant or not to this type of attack, based on the architecture it proposes.
- Interoperability: This feature refers to whether all the model layers exchange information and use the exchanged information.
- Cryptographic tools: Tools that were used or not used for the development of the IoT system.
- Type of blockchain: Identified as private, public, or consortium.
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Cryptographic Tool | Key Size (bit) | Block Size (bit) | Round |
*DES | 56 | 64 | 16 |
*3DES | 168,112,64 | 64 | 48 |
*DES-X | 184 | 64 | 16 |
*AES | 128,192,256 | 128 | It depends on the block size |
Skipjack | 80 | 64 | 32 |
*HIGHT | 128 | 64 | 32 |
Security Criteria | Reference [78] | Reference [79] | Current |
Basic Security Aspects | | | |
*DDoS attack | | | |
Linking attack | | | |
Interoperability | | | |
Cryptographic tools | --- | --- | Hashand AES |
Blockchain type | Public | Public | Private |
Advantages | Disadvantages | |
Basic Security Aspects | Confidentiality, integrity, and availability to the IoT system and the information it shares. | It can disturb the performance of the system, it depends on the resources that are used. |
Decentralization | The decentralized approach helps the overall security and integrity of the system. | It could represent a high computational cost for the system. |
Topic-based publish-subscribe architecture | Prevent unknown devices from spamming the system, trying to spread malware, or launching a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. | A static architecture could be represented as a limitation for some IoT systems. |
MQTT communication protocol | Due to its characteristics, it can boast of having a really low consumption as well as using very few resources for its operation. | Being designed as a lightweight protocol, the use of cryptographic tools for data transmission is not contemplated. |
Cryptographic tools | Integrity and reliability of the information that is shared locally and externally. | It could represent a high computational cost for the system, depending on the resources used and the way they are applied. |
Blockchain type | A private blockchain is custom-designed based on the needs of the system. | The needs of the IoT system change according to time and interaction with users. Blockchain’s designs, being more robust, cover the needs of the system without having to make changes to the design. |
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Guerrero-Sanchez, A.E.; Rivas-Araiza, E.A.; Gonzalez-Cordoba, J.L.; Toledano-Ayala, M.; Takacs, A. Blockchain Mechanism and Symmetric Encryption in A Wireless Sensor Network. Sensors 2020, 20, 2798.
Guerrero-Sanchez AE, Rivas-Araiza EA, Gonzalez-Cordoba JL, Toledano-Ayala M, Takacs A. Blockchain Mechanism and Symmetric Encryption in A Wireless Sensor Network. Sensors. 2020; 20(10):2798.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuerrero-Sanchez, Alma E., Edgar A. Rivas-Araiza, Jose Luis Gonzalez-Cordoba, Manuel Toledano-Ayala, and Andras Takacs. 2020. "Blockchain Mechanism and Symmetric Encryption in A Wireless Sensor Network" Sensors 20, no. 10: 2798.
APA StyleGuerrero-Sanchez, A. E., Rivas-Araiza, E. A., Gonzalez-Cordoba, J. L., Toledano-Ayala, M., & Takacs, A. (2020). Blockchain Mechanism and Symmetric Encryption in A Wireless Sensor Network. Sensors, 20(10), 2798.