DoA Estimation for FMCW Radar by 3D-CNN
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Signal Model and Signal Preprocessing
2.2. DoA Estimation by CNN
- Signal preprocessing and the selection of RoI have been described in the previous subsection.
- An independent small-size fully connected NN is used to estimate the number of targets. The signal’s statistical average is found to be more robust to provide coarse information, such as the number of targets; while the data cube contains subtle information without being averaged out so that it enables high-resolution DoA estimation. The input of the simple fully-connected NN to estimate the number of targets is an covariance matrix (in our case, ), and the covariance matrix is obtained by (8). The estimated number (0, 1, or 2) will then be used to choose the one-target or two-target 3D-CNN for estimating the DoAs.
- The 3D-CNN does DoA estimation by treating it as a classification task [32]. There are 21 classes (corresponding to DoAs in the RoI) to be classified. The angular resolution is set to for two reasons. First, is commonly regarded as a minimum requirement for applications in ADAS [1]. Second, higher angular resolution will lead to a larger 3D-CNN and increase the risk of facing more difficulties in training. In Figure 4, the highlighted RoI is the input to the 3D-CNN and it is a tensor (in our case, , , , which stand for number of fast-time samples, of antennas, and of chirps respectively). The 3 is the number of data formats that include the absolute value, the real part, and imaginary part; using the arrangement it is shown to yield better performance than only using the real and imaginary parts [27]. The first convolutional layer in the 3-D CNN (Conv1) uses 30 5 3 kernels with the stride step of 1 1 1, and the number of channels is 256. The same number of channels are passed to the second convolutional layer (Conv2), which uses 2 2 2 kernels, and a max pooling (MP) layer follows. The output of feature extraction is then flattened and connected into the form of a matrix, and a four-layer fully connected layer is used for its classification. The loss function used for the classification task is binary cross entropy in the Pytorch environment [33].
- The parameters for the fully-connected NN and 3D-CNN are listed in Table 1 and Table 2. The term FC stands for fully connected and BN for batch normalization [34]. In the training of this fully-connect NN and the 3D-CNN, the popular optimization tool ADAM and the drop-out technique are used [35,36].
2.3. Data Generation and Data Augmentation
3. Results
3.1. Simulation Results
3.2. Experimental Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Layer | No. of Filter | Activation | Layer | No. of Filter | Activation |
Input | 56 | FC3 + BN | 1024 | ReLu | |
FC1 + BN | 1024 | ReLu | FC4 + BN | 1024 | ReLu |
FC2 + BN | 1024 | ReLu | FC5 + BN | 3 | Sigmoid |
Layer | Filter | No. of Filter | Activation | Output |
RoI spectrum | 65 × 8 × 4 × 3 | |||
Conv1 | (30, 5, 3) | 256 | ReLu | |
Conv2 | (2, 2, 2) | 256 | ReLu | |
MaxPool 1 | (2, 2, 2) | |||
FC | ReLu | 500 | ||
FC | ReLu | 200 | ||
FC | ReLu | 100 | ||
FC | Sigmoid | 21 |
Parameters | Value | Parameters | Value |
Transmit signal | FMCW | Target Number | 0, 1 or 2 |
Carrier Frequency | 77 GHz | Target Range | 70 m to 90 m |
Frequency Slope | 3.476 THz/s | Target Angle | −10 to 10 |
Bandwidth | 0.15 GHz | Samples per chirp | 256 |
Tx/Rx Antenna | 1/8 | SNR | −10 dB to 15 dB |
Parameters | Value | Parameters | Value |
Transmit signal | FMCW | Target Number | 0, 1 or 2 |
Carrier Frequency | 77 GHz | Target Range | 10 m |
Frequency Slope | 4.2 THz/s | Range Augmentation | 9.7 m to 10.3 m |
Bandwidth | 3.5 GHz | Target Angle | −10 to 10 |
Tx/Rx Antenna | 2/4 | Samples per chirp | 512 |
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Sang, T.-H.; Chien, F.-T.; Chang, C.-C.; Tseng, K.-Y.; Wang, B.-S.; Guo, J.-I. DoA Estimation for FMCW Radar by 3D-CNN. Sensors 2021, 21, 5319.
Sang T-H, Chien F-T, Chang C-C, Tseng K-Y, Wang B-S, Guo J-I. DoA Estimation for FMCW Radar by 3D-CNN. Sensors. 2021; 21(16):5319.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSang, Tzu-Hsien, Feng-Tsun Chien, Chia-Chih Chang, Kuan-Yu Tseng, Bo-Sheng Wang, and Jiun-In Guo. 2021. "DoA Estimation for FMCW Radar by 3D-CNN" Sensors 21, no. 16: 5319.
APA StyleSang, T.-H., Chien, F.-T., Chang, C.-C., Tseng, K.-Y., Wang, B.-S., & Guo, J.-I. (2021). DoA Estimation for FMCW Radar by 3D-CNN. Sensors, 21(16), 5319.