A Methodology for Discriminant Time Series Analysis Applied to Microclimate Monitoring of Fresco Paintings
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials: Description of the Data Sets
2.2. Statistical Methods
2.2.1. Identification of Structural Breaks in the Time Series
2.2.2. Calculation of Classification Variables—Method M1
- Mean of ().
- Mean of MR () of order 2 for and .
- Variance of MR () of order 2 for and .
- PACF for the first four lags (, , , and ).
- Maximum of spectral density () and frequency corresponding to the maximum (w).
- Mean (), Median (), range (), and variance of the sample ACF () for the first 72 lags.
2.2.3. Calculation of Classification Variables—Method M2: Additive SH-W
- Estimates of the parameters of the SH-W method: trend (), level (), and seasonal components ().
- type 3 variables: sum of squared estimate of errors (), maximum of spectral density (), frequency corresponding to maximum of spectral density (), and the mean (), median (), range (), and variance () of sample ACF for 72 lags. The statistic of the SW test (), and the statistic of the KS normality test () are also included in this list.
2.2.4. Calculation of Classification Variables—Method M3: Seasonal ARIMA-TGARCH-Student
- The condition of stationarity was checked, that is, whether the statistical characteristics of the time series were preserved across the time period. The null hypothesis was that mean and variance do not depend on time t and the covariance between observations and does not depend on t [38]. To examine this null hypothesis, the augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) [79] and LBQ tests were applied for 48 lags. Furthermore, the sample ACF and sample PACF plots were also used.
- Transformation and differencing: the logarithmic transformation and regular differentiation were applied to data before fitting ARMA in order to transform nonstationary data into stationary data [59]. The criterion for determining the values of d ( differencing) is explained in the next step. The logarithmic transformation was preferred over other transformations because the variability of a time series becomes more homogeneous using logarithmic transformation, which leads to better forecasts [80].
- Identification of the most appropriate values for () and . Sample ACF and sample PACF plots were used to identify the appropriate values of (). Furthermore, the corrected Akaike information criterion () [60] was useful for evaluating how well a model fits the data and determining the values of both and (), taking into account the restriction that d and D should be 0 or 1. The most successful model for each time series was chosen according to the lowest value. The values were compared for models with the same orders of differencing, that is, equal values of d and D.
- The condition of white noise was checked. Error terms can be regarded as white noise if their mean is zero and the sequence is not autocorrelated [38]. In order to check this issue, the ADF and LBQ tests were applied to the residuals and their squared values for 48 lags. Furthermore, the sample ACF plots were also used.
- To check the distribution of residuals: by means of the Q–Q normal scores plots as well as the SW and KS normality tests.
- WrA (2008): seasonal ARIMA TGARCH(1,1)-Student.
- WrA (2010): ARIMA TGARCH(1,1)-Student.
- WrB (2008 and 2010): seasonal ARIMA TGARCH(1,1)-Student.
- Sp (2008 and 2010): seasonal ARIMA TGARCH(1,1)-Student.
- Sm (2008 and 2010): seasonal ARIMA TGARCH(1,1)-Student.
- Estimated parameters from ARIMA of: (1) the regular autoregressive operator () of order p and the regular moving average operator () of order q: , , , , etc.; (2) the seasonal autoregressive operator () of order P and the seasonal moving average operator of order Q: , , , , etc.
- Estimated parameters from TGARCH (1,1): , , , , and v (for Student distribution).
- Variance of the residuals (), maximum of spectral density of the residuals (), frequency corresponding to maximum of spectral density (), mean (), median (), range (), and variance () of sample ACF for 72 lags. The statistic of the SW test () and the statistic of the KS normality test () are also included.
2.2.5. Sensor Classification by Means of sPLS-DA
3. Results
- M1: spec.mx, rMh, rMd, rVh, rVd, and pacf2 (see Table 1). The features rMh and rMd account for changes in the mean of the time series, while rVh and rVd are intended to explain changes in the variance. The rest of the features mentioned provide information about the dynamic structure of each time series. It was found that rMh, rMd, and rVh were important in the four periods considered, both in 2008 and 2010. rMd was relevant for WrA and WrB in 2008. The variable spec.mx was relevant in WrA and WrB for 2008 and 2010, as well as WrB. The variable pacf2 was found in WrB 2010. Hence, consistent results were derived from the two years under study.
- M2: sse, kolg.d, and spec.mx (computed from the residuals), as well as b, s1, s18, s19, s20, and s24 (from the models). From the residuals, sse accounts for the variance that is not explained by the models. This parameter appeared as important in all periods considered, except WrA 2010. kolg.d quantifies the deviation from normality for the residuals, and was relevant in all periods except Sp 2008 and WrB 2010. The third feature, spec.mx, which provides information about the dynamic structure of each time series, was relevant for all periods except WrB 2008, WrA 2010, and Sp 2010. Regarding the parameters computed from the models, b is related to the trend component of the time series, which was important in WrA 2010. The other variables mentioned are related to the seasonal components of the time series, which were shown to be important in Sm 2010.
- M3: res.v, shape, spec.mx, acf.m, and acf.md (computed from the residuals), as well as omega and alpha (from the model). From the residuals, res.v is aimed to explain the variance not explained by the models. It was relevant in all periods except Sp and Sm 2008. The variable shape provides information about the distribution of residuals, but it was only relevant in WrA 2010. The other features (i.e., spec.mx, acf.m, and acf.md) are intended to describe the dynamic structure of each time series. Spec.mx was important in all periods except Sp and Sm 2008, while the last two only appeared in Sp 2010. Regarding the parameters from the models, omega explains the changes in the mean of the conditional variance, while alpha quantifies the impact of the rotation on the conditional variance. The variable alpha only appeared in WrA 2010. Again, the fact that most variables were common in the three periods and in both years suggests strong consistency in the underlying phenomena explaining the discrimination between sensors.
4. Discussion
- Cepstral coefficients: Ioannou et al. [105] studied several clustering techniques in the context of the semiparametric model: spectral density ratio. They found that the cepstral- based techniques performed better than all the other spectral-domain-based methods, even for relatively small subsequences.
- Structural time series model: the flexibility required from this model can be achieved by letting the regression coefficients change over time [106].
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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(a) Results from sPLS-DA (2008). | ||
Method | Variables | BER |
M1 | , , , , , , | 30.02% |
, , , , , , , | ||
M2 | , , , , , , | 24.05% |
, , | ||
M3 | , , , , | 22.60% |
(b) Results from sPLS-DA (2010). | ||
Method | Variables | BER |
M1 | , , , , , , | 24.08% |
, , , , , , , | ||
M2 | , , , , , , , | 21.17% |
, , , , , , | ||
M3 | , , , , , , | 12.81% |
, , , , , |
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Ramírez, S.; Zarzo, M.; Perles, A.; García-Diego, F.-J. A Methodology for Discriminant Time Series Analysis Applied to Microclimate Monitoring of Fresco Paintings. Sensors 2021, 21, 436. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21020436
Ramírez S, Zarzo M, Perles A, García-Diego F-J. A Methodology for Discriminant Time Series Analysis Applied to Microclimate Monitoring of Fresco Paintings. Sensors. 2021; 21(2):436. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21020436
Chicago/Turabian StyleRamírez, Sandra, Manuel Zarzo, Angel Perles, and Fernando-Juan García-Diego. 2021. "A Methodology for Discriminant Time Series Analysis Applied to Microclimate Monitoring of Fresco Paintings" Sensors 21, no. 2: 436. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21020436
APA StyleRamírez, S., Zarzo, M., Perles, A., & García-Diego, F.-J. (2021). A Methodology for Discriminant Time Series Analysis Applied to Microclimate Monitoring of Fresco Paintings. Sensors, 21(2), 436. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21020436