Rule-Based Detection of False Data Injections Attacks against Optimal Power Flow in Power Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Background and Related Work
2.1. Attacks on Power Systems
2.2. Detection of False Data Injection Attacks
2.3. Bus System Model
2.4. The Energy Management System
2.5. The Optimal Power Flow Problem
2.6. Metaheuristics
2.6.1. Simulated Annealing
2.6.2. Genetic Algorithm
2.6.3. Particle Swarm Optimization
2.6.4. Tabu Search Algorithm
3. Advanced Persistent Threat-Based False Data Injection Attacks
3.1. Methodology
3.1.1. False Data Injection Attacks Plan
3.1.2. FDIA Mitigation
3.2. APT-Based Attack Strategy
3.2.1. Initialization
3.2.2. Optimization Problem
Algorithm 1: Attack algorithm |
3.3. FDIA Targets in the Power Systems
3.4. Minimum Effort FDIA
Algorithm 2: Minimum effort attack algorithm |
4. Rule-Based Detection System for FDIA
5. Results and Discussions
5.1. Simulation Setup
5.2. APT-Based FDIA on IEEE 6 Bus Systems
5.3. APT-Based FDIA on IEEE 9-Bus System
5.4. APT-Based FDIA on IEEE 30-Bus System
5.5. APT-Based FDIA on IEEE 118-Bus System
5.6. FDIA Detection Results
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
FDIA | False Data Injections attacks |
OPF | Optimal power flow |
GA | Genetic Algorithm |
SA | Simulated Annealing |
TS | Tabu Search |
PSO | Particle Swarm Optimization |
PSSE | Power Systems State Estimator |
AGC | Automatic Generation Control |
APT | Advanced Persistence Threat |
KNN | k-nearest neighbor |
ENN | Extended Nearest Neighbor |
SVM | support vector machine |
ANN | Artificial Neural Networks |
TP | True Positive |
TN | True Negative |
FP | False Positive |
FN | False Negative |
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Attacks | Year | Region | Consequences |
False Data Injection Attacks | 2015 | Kyiv, Ukraine | Several hours of power outage (blackout). Affecting about 225,000 customers. |
2008 | Turkey | Explosion of oil pipeline in which 30,000 barrels of oil is spilled in water. | |
2007 | Idoha National Lab, USA | Generator exploded. | |
Code Manipulation | 1999 | Bellingham, USA | Three people were killed by a huge fireball and many others were injured. |
1982 | Russia | Explosion of 3 kilotons of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) | |
Malware Injection | 2012 | Saudi Arabia, and Qatar | Energy distribution, and energy generation are affected. |
2003 | Ohio, USA | System shutdown for 5 h. |
Notation | Notation Definition |
R | Set of all From nodes |
L | Set of all To nodes |
Set of all nodes (buses) in the network | |
Set of all nodes (buses) in which a demand/load is connected | |
Set of all nodes (buses) in which a generator is connected | |
Set of all lines connected to the ith node (bus) | |
Generator output of ith generator | |
Lower bound of the generator output | |
upper bound of the generator output | |
Load/demand at node (bus) i | |
Voltage phase angle of node (bus) i | |
Power flow between bus i and j | |
Upper bound of the Power flow between node (bus) i and j | |
Line admittance between node (bus) i and j | |
Cost function of the generator at ith node (bus) | |
Target transmission lines | |
False load demand value | |
Control parameter |
Bus-Systems | Normal Systems State | Minimum Effort Attack |
6-bus systems | 3046.413 | 3059.031 |
(0.41%) | ||
9-bus systems | 5216.026 | 5216.477 |
(0.008%) | ||
30-bus systems | 951.62 | 951.62 |
(0%) | ||
118-bus systems | 125,947.88 | 125,948.37 |
(0.0004%) |
Notation | Value | Notation Definition |
1000 | Maximum temperature | |
0 | Minimum temperature | |
C | 0.99 | Cooling rate |
P | 50 | Population size |
N/A | Dynamic false load demand | |
N/A | Dynamic tabu list | |
3046.03 | 6-bus systems initial cost | |
5216.03 | 9-bus systems initial cost | |
951.62 | 30-bus systems initial cost | |
125,947.9 | 118-bus systems initial cost | |
N/A | Dynamic cost increase threshold |
Bus Systems | Metaheuristics | Min. Cost ($/hr) | Avg. Cost ($/hr) | Max. Cost ($/hr) |
6-Bus System | SA | 3484.9 | 3490.03 | 3491.73 |
GA | 3491.72 | 3491.73 | 3491.74 | |
PSO | 3492.21 | 3501.80 | 3521.65 | |
TA | 3455.64 | 3462.456 | 3467 | |
9-Bus System | SA | 7527.79 | 7555.77 | 7564.83 |
GA | 7564.81 | 7564.82 | 7564.83 | |
PSO | 7478.89 | 7541.73 | 7568.70 | |
TA | 7478.89 | 7496.945 | 7515 | |
30-Bus System | SA | 1481.58 | 1499.982 | 1517.57 |
GA | 1494.56 | 1509.62 | 1517.57 | |
PSO | 1492.11 | 1505.99 | 1523.75 | |
TA | 1469 | 1469 | 1470 | |
118-Bus System | SA | 212,166.41 | 216,312.38 | 219,180.72 |
GA | 212,108.16 | 213,703.66 | 214,387.45 | |
PSO | 211,535.02 | 215,681.64 | 218,954.18 | |
TA | 211,000 | 211,900 | 212,500 |
Bus Systems | Normal | Min. Effort [1] | APT-Based |
6-bus systems | 3046.41 | 3256.37 | 3521.65 |
(6.89%) | (15.6%) | ||
9-bus systems | 5216.03 | 6652.88 | 7568.70 |
(27.55%) | (45.1%) | ||
30-Bus systems | 951.62 | 1034.49 | 1523.75 |
(8.7%) | (60.12%) | ||
118-bus systems | 125,947.88 | 132,697.88 | 219,180.72 |
(5.36%) | (74.02%) |
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Umar, S.; Felemban, M. Rule-Based Detection of False Data Injections Attacks against Optimal Power Flow in Power Systems. Sensors 2021, 21, 2478.
Umar S, Felemban M. Rule-Based Detection of False Data Injections Attacks against Optimal Power Flow in Power Systems. Sensors. 2021; 21(7):2478.
Chicago/Turabian StyleUmar, Sani, and Muhamad Felemban. 2021. "Rule-Based Detection of False Data Injections Attacks against Optimal Power Flow in Power Systems" Sensors 21, no. 7: 2478.
APA StyleUmar, S., & Felemban, M. (2021). Rule-Based Detection of False Data Injections Attacks against Optimal Power Flow in Power Systems. Sensors, 21(7), 2478.