A Hybrid Service Selection and Composition for Cloud Computing Using the Adaptive Penalty Function in Genetic and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
:1. Introduction
- the optimal collection of services has been determined, that are contingent on the QoS criteria upon which the services are constructed, in order to fulfill the user’s objective;
- the response time and the cost-of-service choices have been decreased and, subsequently, this raises the speed of service composition;
- the power consumption has been reduced in comparison to another metaheuristic algorithm presented in the literature.
2. Related Work
2.1. Deterministic Methods
2.2. Metaheuristic Methods
2.3. Service Recommendation Methods
2.4. Comparison and Overview
3. Motivation
3.1. Problem Statement
3.2. The QoS-Aware Service Composition
3.3. Objective Attributes of QoS
3.4. ABCGA Algorithm
Algorithm 1. ABCGA algorithm description |
Input: Obtain the request from the client. Define a label that includes the requested service; Output: Suitable service Initialize C, ¥, R While
9. Apply to approach the objective function 10. (x) = P (x) ∗ f (x) 11. Where P (x) = f (x) ∗ Σf (ALL) 12. The probability of p of each candidate service C in the cohort is calculated as: PC = 13. Use the roulette wheel method to select, for every candidate C, the behavior to follow from the available choices. 14. Reduce each candidate C sampling interval in its vicinity by reducing the sampling space parameters R and set of solution = [ , ] = [ -|| || * R, || || * R] Next, each candidate C will select its variable from the updated sampling interval 15. If: there is no significant improvement in system solution is saturated. Each candidate C should expand the sampling interval to its original . Accept the current behavior of the group, the (x) and the associated attributes of x. Else ABC: Initialization1. Service space exploration strategies identification. 16. The exploration strategies in the Service space are determining Initial service domain attributes generation 17. ←Init Food Source Gen workflow, SN (α, β): m = 1, 2,…, SN. (α, β): indicates the quantity of food in the different service sets∗ Driven employed service domain attributes (local optimization) 18. Fit()← Fitness (,,); m = 1,2,.., SN; : User satisfaction; : correlation ship meeting degree;: domain constraints satisfaction degree 19. If (fit () ≥ fit )) then ←;m = 1, 2…, SN 20. End if 21. Repeat Local optimization–droven onlook phase 22. ←Calc selection prob (Fit(x1), Fit (x2), Fit (SN)); I = 1, 2…, SN. ←Select (rand (), ); ←Neighbor exploration (,Exploration strategy, η); Fit () ← Fitness ), (,,); If (Fit () > Fit )) then ← = 1, 2… SN 23. End if Store in the memory the best solution achieved so far Global best solution← optimal selection (, ,…, →, Global best solution); Arbitration Criteria. Arbitration criteria (Max time, user satisfaction, best composite service) == true Return Global best solution2 |
4. The Simulation Environment
4.1. The Simulation Data Parameters
4.2. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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QoS Standards | Measure | Explanation |
Response time | ms | The time interval between receiving a demand from one user and answering it. |
Energy consumption | j | In the cloud, the machines are running for providing services and these machines also consume energy to perform their tasks. |
Cost | $ | The expense needed for implementing a certain service. |
Availability | Percent | The possibility to access the service from any place at any time. |
Reliability | MTBF | The capacity of a certain device (hardware or software) to complete a given task in a specific time, depending on the system requirements. |
Definition of the GA | Defining in the Cloud |
Chromosome | Abstract services |
Generation | Generate new candidate solution |
Genome | One candidate solution |
Crossover | Different topological services, because the size of services is different. |
Parent chromosomes | During evolution, the chromosomes chosen for crossover, according to their fitness values, are known as parents, and the products of crossover are referred to as children. |
Fitness function | Evaluate the fitness and goodness of the chromosomes for the problem to be solved. |
Mutation | The mutation operator targets at toggle each abstract service in a genome with a probability that may not be found according to user needed. |
Definition of the ABC | Defining in the Cloud |
Food source position | Service composition solution |
Food source | Services |
Pollen | Quality of Services |
New position | New selected service |
Previous position | Pervious selected service |
Nectar quality | Quality of the composite service |
Speed of searching and foraging | Speed of algorithm optimization |
The best food source | The optimal service composition solution |
Dimension of food source | Dimension of service quality attributes |
Abbreviations & Parameter | Implication |
C | Number of candidate service |
¥ | Selection space |
R | Selection space decrease factor |
P | Penalization function |
G | Constraint value in case of violation |
F | Fitness function |
is a random number | |
Priss | A priori service set |
SP | A priori exploration strategy |
E | Selection space equilibrium selection strategy |
[α, β] | The upper and lower limits of the quantity of food supply in each generated set |
η | The search step |
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Share and Cite
Sefati, S.S.; Halunga, S. A Hybrid Service Selection and Composition for Cloud Computing Using the Adaptive Penalty Function in Genetic and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Sensors 2022, 22, 4873. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22134873
Sefati SS, Halunga S. A Hybrid Service Selection and Composition for Cloud Computing Using the Adaptive Penalty Function in Genetic and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Sensors. 2022; 22(13):4873. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22134873
Chicago/Turabian StyleSefati, Seyed Salar, and Simona Halunga. 2022. "A Hybrid Service Selection and Composition for Cloud Computing Using the Adaptive Penalty Function in Genetic and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm" Sensors 22, no. 13: 4873. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22134873
APA StyleSefati, S. S., & Halunga, S. (2022). A Hybrid Service Selection and Composition for Cloud Computing Using the Adaptive Penalty Function in Genetic and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Sensors, 22(13), 4873. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22134873