In-Vehicle Communication Cyber Security: Challenges and Solutions
:1. Introduction
- What are the main components of in-vehicle network?
- Why there is a need to secure in-vehicle network environment?
- Which are the main approaches for securing the in-vehicle network?
- What kind of challenges exist in securing the in-vehicle network?
- Where the future research on in-vehicle cybernetics will move forward?
- In-vehicle communication network architecture is presented considering key components, interfaces, and related technologies.
- The protocols for in-vehicle communication have been classified based on their characteristics, and usage type.
- Security solutions for in-vehicle communication have been critically reviewed considering machine learning, cryptography, and port centric techniques.
- A multi-layer secure framework is also developed as a protocol and use case independent in-vehicle communication solution.
- Finally, open challenges, and future dimension of research for in-vehicle communication cyber security is highlighted as observation and recommendation.
2. Architecture and Components of In-Vehicular System
2.1. Internal Configuration of Electronic Control Units
2.2. In-Vehicle Network Architecture
2.3. Classification of In-Vehicle Network Architecture
3. Classifications and Characteristics of In-Vehicle Automotive Protocols
3.1. Controller Area Network (CAN)
3.2. Local Interconnect Network (LIN)
3.3. FlexRay Protocol
3.4. Media-Oriented Systems Transport (MOST)
3.5. Automotive Ethernet
4. Classification of Attacks on In-Vehicle Network System for Possible Entry Points
4.1. Entry points to Smart Vehicles
4.1.1. OBD-II Port
4.1.2. USB and Charging Ports
4.1.3. Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), LiDAR and Keyless Entry Ports
4.1.4. Buse Network Ports
4.1.5. Vehicular Communication Ports
4.2. Corrective Mechanisms to Port Threats
5. Comprehensive Survey of Security Solutions for In-Vehicle Network
5.1. Related Existing Surveys
5.2. Security Threats to In-Vehicular Protocols and Countermeasures
5.2.1. CAN-Centric Security Threats
Survey of Security Solutions Based on Machine Learning Algorithms
Survey of Security Solutions Based on Cryptography Techniques
5.2.2. Security Threats—FlexRay
5.2.3. Security Threats—Local Interconnect Network (LIN)
5.2.4. Security Threats—Automotive Ethernet (AE)
5.2.5. Security Threats—Media-Oriented Systems Transport (MOST)
6. Multi-Layered Security Framework
6.1. Control Platform Layer
6.2. Secure ECU to ECU Communication in In-Vehicle Network
6.3. Reliability and Privacy of Communication between Domains/Sub-Domains in In-Vehicle Network
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- Message authentication system: Cryptographic certificate is used to ensure an authenticated sender and message integrity. This certificate is added to all messages in the network.
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- Encryption: Messages are encrypted inside the vehicles to guard against loss of data and identity theft since messages are distributed with several different ECUs.
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- Detection of intrusion: The corrective mechanism should use the cryptographic accelerators and security subsystems integrated with the microcontroller to guard against threats.
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- Validation at ECU level: In the vehicle network, ECU’s validity is checked first at the start of the engine and also afterwards at specified time intervals.
6.4. Application Software Reliability and Authenticity
6.5. Secure Gateway /Domain Controller
6.6. Secure External Communication
7. Open Challenges and Future Research Directions
7.1. Availability of Related Data Sets
7.2. Implementation in Real Scenarios/Expensive Experiments
7.3. State Aware In-Vehicle Network Cyber Security
7.4. The Complexity of Security Solutions
7.5. Performance Metrics
7.6. Portability and Compatibility of Proposed Solutions
7.7. Upgraded Hardware Resources
7.8. Cross-Layer Security
7.9. Diversified Nature of Cyber Attacks
7.10. Use of Blockchain in Securing In-Vehicle Communication
7.11. Reliability, Latency and Bandwidth Issues
7.12. Communication Delay Due to Data encryption and Message Authentication
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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In-Vehicle Network Communication Protocols | Domain | Bandwidth | Salient Features | Drawbacks | Topology | Standard | Cabling | Max. Nodes Supported | Messaging |
Controller Area Network (CAN) | Powertrain, Body Control | 125 Kbps–1 Mbps | Low cost | Less Bandwidth | Star, Ring, Linear bus | ISO 11898 | UTP | 30 | Multi-Master |
Local Interconnect Network (LIN) | Simple Applications (Less Time Critical) | 125 Kbps–1 Mbps | Low cost | Low Speed | Liner bus | ISO 17987 | 1-Wire Cabling | 16 | Master-Slave |
FlexRay | Advanced Chassis Control | Up to 10 Mbps | High Speed | High Cost | Star, Linear bus, hybrid | ISO 17458 | UTP | 22 | Multi-Master |
Media-Oriented Systems Transport (MOST) | Infotainment Applications | Up to 150 Mbps | High Speed | High Cost | Ring | ISO 21806 | UTP and Optical | 64 | Streams/Cyclic Frames |
Automotive Ethernet | High Bandwidth Applications | Up to 100 Mbps | High Speed | High Cost | Star, Linear bus | ISO 21111 | UTP | Based on Switch ports | Based on IP |
Focused Area | Algorithm Used for Detection | Adversary Model | Robustness | Strength | Weakness | Complexity Level | Accuracy in Detection (%) |
CAN Bus | Time Intervals-based Framework for Analysis [60] | Denial of Service Attack | High | Lightweight IDS | No provision of Sequence Analysis | Low | >90 |
CAN Bus | Deep Neural Network [61] | Intrusion Detection System | High | Effective Class Discrimination | Extensive Data Set is required for learning | High | >90 |
VANET Applications | Artificial Neural Network [62] | Misbehavior Detection System | High | Effective Data Analysis and Feature Extraction before building Classifier | Lack of Comprehensive Detection Mechanism | High | >90 |
Connected Vehicle | Physical-based constraints and Machine Learning Algorithm [63] | Manipulation of Data | Medium | Collaborative Adaptive Cruise Control Attack Analysis | Unable to find dependencies in hidden states | High | 90% for velocity and Position change attack |
CAN Bus | Generative Adversarial Networks based on Deep Learning [64] | Fuzzy Attack, Denial of Service Attack, Spoofing Attack | High | Real time IDS for In-Vehicle Network | Lack of Efficiency in distinguishing other type of Anomalous Traffic | High | >90 |
Autonomous Vehicle | Long Short-Term Memory and Reinforcement Learning [65] | Cyber Physical Attack | High | Effective extraction of temporal features using LSTM | Extensive Data Set for learning | High | Not Available |
CAN Bus | Long Short-Term Memory [66] | Flood Attack, Replay Attack, Spoofing Attack | Medium | Multi-Dimensional Anomaly Detection Model | Issues of Random Weight Initializations | High | >80 |
Machine to Machine Communication | Five machine learning approaches, namely K-Nearest Neighbor, Linear and Radial Support Vector Machine, model based on Decision Tree, model based on Naive Bayes, and finally model based on Random Forest [67] | Trust Computation | Medium | Comparative Analysis of machine learning-based trust models | Issues in finding the optimality in trust boundaries | High | Not Available |
Internet of Vehicles | Fuzzy and Q-Learning [68] | Distributed Denial of Service Attack | High | Self-Learning Capability | Unable to Provide Efficient Protection Against other Types of Attacks | High | Not Available |
Autonomous Vehicle | Convolutional Neural Network and Fully Connected Deep Neural Network [69] | Platoon Attack | High | Effective Performance with Time Series Classification | Scalability Issues | High | >90 |
CAN Bus | Deep Convolutional Neural Network [70] | Spoofing, Denial of Service, Fuzzy | Medium | Experiment is Performed on the Real Vehicle | Semantic Features are not considered for further detecting the unknown attack | High | >80 |
CAN Bus | Recurrent Neural Network [71] | Impersonation, Denial of Service, Fuzzy | High | Vehicle status can be monitored in real time without domain knowledge | Issues with long sequences | High | >90 |
VANET | Reinforcement Learning [72] | Trust Computation | High | Model for evaluating the reliability of information | Issue of overloading of states resulting into diminishing output | High | 90% |
CAN Bus | Intrusion Detection based on Frequency Analysis [73] | Replay Attack | Medium | Model can be adaptable to different Automotive Manufacturer | No consideration about different vehicle states | Medium | Not Available |
Autonomous Vehicle | Long-Term Short-Term Memory, Generative Adversarial Network, Reinforcement Learning [74] | Cyber Physical Attack | High | Model can Extract Features from huge data sets | No consideration for non-linear modelling with dynamics | High | Not Available |
CAN Bus | Deep Learning [75] | Impersonation, Denial of Service, Fuzzy | Medium | Sequential Patterns Analysis for Detecting the Change in Traffic Behavior | No consideration for other Cyber Attacks | High | >80 |
CAN Bus | Long Short-Term Memory [76] | Spoofing, Denial of Service, Fuzzy | Medium | CAN data sets are collected from real Vehicle | Experiment is conducted in offline mode, no consideration for other unknown attacks | High | >90 |
CAN Bus | Cluster-based learning algorithm and Data Driven algorithm [77] | RPM Attack, Fuzzy Attack, GEAR Attack, Denial of Service Attack | High | Data driven model with classification based on unsupervised approach | No consideration about self adaptability feature and other attack types | High | >90 |
CAN Bus, Cloud-based IDS | Deep Learning [78] | Malware, Denial of Service, Command Injection | Medium | Mathematical Modelling and Testbed Experiment on Robotic Vehicle | No consideration against physical jamming threat | High | >85 |
CAN Bus | Deep Learning [79] | Replay, Spoofing | High | Experiment is conducted on the real data acquired from the physical vehicle | No Comparative Analysis with other Deep Learning Schemes | High | >95 |
CAN Bus | Deep Contractive Autoencoders [80] | Fuzzy, Impersonation, Denial of Service | Medium | Three different Vehicles are utilized for AN Data Collection and Discriminating the Anomalies. | Lack of Efficiency in distinguishing other type of Anomalous Traffic | High | >90 |
CAN Bus | Machine Learning [81] | Spoofing, Denial of Service, Fuzzy | High | Simulation is performed on the real data collected from licensed vehicle | Support Vector Machine underperform with more noisy data set | High | >90 |
CAN Bus | Long-Term Short-Term Memory and Recurrent Neural Network [82] | Spoofing | High | Authentication based on finger print signals | No provision for optimization of FPGA Accelerator | High | >95 |
Internet of Vehicles | Deep Transfer Learning [83] | Flooding, ARP, Impersonation | High | For New Attack type, Model can update without any labelled data requirements | Issue of Negative Transfer | High | >90 |
CAN Bus | Machine Learning [84] | Denial of Service | Medium | High Search Ability and Avoidance of Premature Convergence | No consideration for other Cyber Attacks | High | >90 |
CAN Bus | Long Short-Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Network [85] | Replay, Denial of Service, Fuzzy, Spoofing | High | Model is verified with automatic vehicle data sets | No consideration for other attacks types | High | >90 |
Focused Area | Strength | Approach/Methodology | Weakness | Adversary Model | Key Aspects |
CAN Bus | Delayed Data Authentication for avoiding disruption with real time traffic | CBC-MAC [86] | No provision for MAC calculation with diversified compound sizes | Spoofing, Injection |
CAN Bus | Backward Compatibility, no need to modify existing nodes | Counters, HMAC, Symmetric Key [87] | All nodes must know about pre-shared key before verifying the messages | Replay, Sniffing, Injection, Spoofing | The proposed scheme utilizes HMAC in designing lightweight authentication protocol. |
CAN Bus | The proposed protocol can be practically deployed in the vehicle without hardware modification | Session Keys, Magic Number [88] | Issues in exchange of authentication data owing bandwidth limitations | Injection, Replay | A lightweight authentication protocol is proposed to CAN bus. |
CAN Bus | Source authentication is effectively managed | LMAC, MD5 [89] | The proposed scheme works well with only lower number of nodes | Injection, Replay | In the proposed scheme, authentication protocol is designed utilizing MAC mixing and key splitting mechanism. |
CAN Bus | Proposed solution is software-based and can be easily applied | Secret Keys (Symmetric Pair wise) and MAC [90] | No comparative analysis is provided for testbed experiment | Replay, Masquerade |
CAN Bus | Provide Secure channel for vehicle to external communication | CRC, MAC [91] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Denial of Service | Designing of new secure protocol for CAN. |
CAN Bus | The proposed centralized security scheme is verified with FPGA board | HMAC, SHA-256 [92] | No comparative analysis is provided for key exchange environment | Spoofing | In the proposed scheme, central authentication framework is designed. |
CAN Bus | The proposed scheme authenticate ECU with provision of session keys establishment | Session Keys, ECC, HMAC [93] | AVISPA tool is used for Security Validity, other platforms should be used for measuring the efficacy | Authentication of ECU in CAN for providing protection against attacks |
CAN Bus | Simulation is performed using Vector Canoe. | Authentication (Lightweight) [94] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Denial of Service | A new CAN authentication protocol is proposed. |
CAN Bus | The proposed scheme utilize two different MAC methods. | Key Management, MAC [95] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Replay, Tampering | A new message authentication-based protocol is proposed for CAN. |
CAN Bus | The proposed scheme requires less memory and speed is high | SHA, RC4, AES-128 [96] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Flood, Replay, Masquerade, Eavesdrop, Brute-force | For authentication and encryption, a new lightweight protocol is proposed for CAN bus. |
CAN Bus | Proposed scheme has high compatibility with existing architectures and testbed experiment is performed | Symmetric Key, HMAC, Trusted Group [97] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Injection, Sniffing, Spoofing | A practical framework is proposed for solving issue of message authentication. |
CAN Bus | The proposed scheme has built in fault detection mechanism | CRC, Lightweight Stream Cipher [98] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Masquerade |
CAN Bus | The proposed security scheme provide secure environment for CAN-FD and performance is evaluated with microcontrollers and oftware | SHA-256, AES-128, HMAC [99] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Spoofing, Sniffing, Replay | A security architecture is proposed for developing secure communication environment for CAN-FD. |
CAN Bus | Backward Compatibility, no need to modify existing nodes | Counter, MAC, 128-bit key [100] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Spoofing, Replay, Injection | An authentication protocol is proposed in which ECUs are allowed to authenticate each other. |
CAN Bus | Message authentication for CAN bus with the presence of existing constraints | SHA1, HMAC [101] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Replay, Denial of Service | In the proposed scheme, time stamp as well as HMAC are used for the message authentication. |
CAN Bus | The proposed scheme can change the encrypted messages frequently | Symmetric Key (Dynamically Managed) [102] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Replay |
CAN Bus | The proposed security framework is hardware-based | PUFs, ECDH [103] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Spoofing, Eavesdropping |
CAN Bus | The proposed security model block the compromised data on the receiver as well as sender side simultaneously. | Blacklisting, MAC, Whitelisting [104] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Denial of Service, Man in the Middle |
CAN Bus | The proposed scheme is evaluated on several embedded systems environment | 128-bit key, ChaskeyMAC, Pre-shared [105] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Spoofing, Replay | An authentication protocol is proposed for CAN-FD, utilizing ChaskeyMAC. |
CAN Bus | In the proposed scheme CAN ID is shuffled using NAS frequently. | HMAC, AES-128, SHA-256, Shuffling-CAN ID, AKEP-2 [106] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Replay, Impersonation | In the proposed scheme, attack surface is dynamically shuffled using one time Id. |
CAN Bus | Communication security is provided by group-based approach, effective group key management | Keys (Public andPrivate), Gateway-ECU [107] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Spoofing, Sniffing, Replay | A new security architecture is proposed in which Gateway-ECU is used for communication among ECUs. |
CAN Bus | Experiment is conducted on real hardware. | GHASH, AES-128 [108] | Delay Issue, no comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Sniffing, Replay, Spoofing | In the proposed scheme, encrypted CAN frames are assigned several different priorities for handling the increased delay in the system. |
CAN Bus | The proposed scheme does not require any changes to existing hardware. | AKEP2, MAC, Session Keys [109] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Denial of Service, Masquerade, Bus-Off | A new authentication protocol is proposed. No need of any hardware modifications. |
CAN Bus | Design optimization is performed in the proposed scheme for ensuring time critical execution of applications | HMAC 64 bits, Key distribution process based on Diffie-Hellman [110] | No comparative analysis is rovided for other types of attacks | Denial of Service, Injection, Replay, Impersonation, Bus off | The proposed scheme uses HMAC for ensuring security on CAN bus. |
CAN Bus | Sender nodes are authenticated using software-based mechanism | AES-128, MAC [111] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Concatenation, Injection, Replay | The proposed scheme utilizes the ordered CMAC buffer for authenticating the CAN frames ID. |
CAN Bus | The proposed scheme has two significant contributions, namely sender authentication and effective key management | MAC, Session Keys [112] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Replay, Impersonation | The proposed scheme is characterized with two features, namely authentication of the sender as well as management of keys. |
CAN Bus | Overhead of CAN communication is reduced significantly by mixing diversified authentication tags. | SHA-256, MAC, Symmetric Key Cryptography, Bloom Filters [113] | No provision of key distribution and no comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Replay, Man in the Middle | In the proposed scheme, CAN bus data authentication is carried out with the help of Bloom Filters attributes. |
CAN, Automotive Ethernet | Mutual identity authentication is provided to all communication parties and session key confidentiality is effectively managed | Symmetric Cryptography, Session Keys, AEAD Algorithm [114] | No comparative analysis is provided for other types of attacks | Eavesdropping, Replay, Man in the Middle, Masquerade | The proposed scheme is featured with efficient authentication as well as secure communication. Session keys are updated regularly. |
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Rathore, R.S.; Hewage, C.; Kaiwartya, O.; Lloret, J. In-Vehicle Communication Cyber Security: Challenges and Solutions. Sensors 2022, 22, 6679.
Rathore RS, Hewage C, Kaiwartya O, Lloret J. In-Vehicle Communication Cyber Security: Challenges and Solutions. Sensors. 2022; 22(17):6679.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRathore, Rajkumar Singh, Chaminda Hewage, Omprakash Kaiwartya, and Jaime Lloret. 2022. "In-Vehicle Communication Cyber Security: Challenges and Solutions" Sensors 22, no. 17: 6679.
APA StyleRathore, R. S., Hewage, C., Kaiwartya, O., & Lloret, J. (2022). In-Vehicle Communication Cyber Security: Challenges and Solutions. Sensors, 22(17), 6679.