Vehicle Localization Using Doppler Shift and Time of Arrival Measurements in a Tunnel Environment
:1. Introduction
1.1. Propagation in Tunnel Environments
1.2. Localization In-Tunnel Environments
1.3. Contribution
2. Problem Formulation and Proposed Solution
Vehicle Localization Algorithm Assumptions and Workflow
- The vehicle is moving in the defined lanes and has the OBU installed.
- When it enters the tunnel, there is no GNSS coverage, and the only communication technology in place is the technology provided by the RSU.
- The position of the RSU, its IP address, together with the ID, are continuously updated in the network. The network broadcasts this information to all vehicles driving in the tunnel’s surrounding area using DENM notifications, indicating the tunnel’s presence on the road.
- The received data by the application is authentic and includes security-related requirements.
- 1.
- If the OBU system receives a DEMN notification pointing towards a tunnel environment, the OBU system initiates the tunnel localization application, which starts to collect and analyze the input data.
- 2.
- The tunnel localization application extracts the IP address, the ID, and the geo-location of the RSU placed within the tunnel in which it will have to hand over and continue V2I communication.
- 3.
- While the vehicle moves forward into the area covered by the network or RSU used in the tunnel environment, the vehicle requests to join the network covered by the RSU placed within the tunnel, which is assumed to cover the area at the entering zone of the tunnel.
- 4.
- The vehicle sends a CAM notification to share its ID and the initialization of the in-tunnel localization algorithm.
- 5.
- After successfully joining this network, the vehicle uses the localization application timer. For every timestamp defined on the application, it obtains the RF signals parameters and its current geo-location provided by GNSS.
- 6.
- 7.
- The current position of the vehicle is saved in the algorithm database.
- 8.
- In the next received frame from the RSU (depending on the input frequency), the vehicle receives a signal from which it extracts the RF channel information and measures the required RF parameters explained in Section 3. The RF parameters together with the initial position are used for position estimation, and this new position is saved again in the database.
- 9.
- This algorithm continues to estimate and update the position of the vehicle until the vehicle arrives at the end of the tunnel and moves into the area outside the tunnel.
- 10.
- As soon as the vehicle passes the indoor tunnel environment and can rely on the GNSS coverage for positioning, the status of the event changes, the localization algorithm stops the timer and estimations, as it can send a CAM message notifying the RSU that the vehicle passed the tunnel and the event is canceled.
Algorithm 1: Vehicle localization algorithm workflow used in tunnels environments. |
3. Measurements and Methodology
3.1. Measurement Setup and Scenario
3.2. Rf Propagation Analysis in Tunnels
3.2.1. Doppler Shift
3.2.2. Time of Arrival, TOA
4. Extended Kalman Filter-Based In-Tunnel Tracking
5. Kalman Filter-Based In-Tunnel Tracking
6. Results and Analysis
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Setting |
Bandwidth | 80 MHz |
Center frequency | 1.35 GHz |
Tx and Rx polarization | V (omni), V/H (patch) |
Tx and Rx gain | 2 dBi (omni), 7.4 dBi (patch) |
Tx and Rx HPBW (patch) | |
OFDM symbol duration | 81.92 µs |
Minimum snapshot acquisition time | 327.68 µs |
Total recording time per trip | 54 s |
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Halili, R.; BniLam, N.; Yusuf, M.; Tanghe, E.; Joseph, W.; Weyn, M.; Berkvens, R. Vehicle Localization Using Doppler Shift and Time of Arrival Measurements in a Tunnel Environment. Sensors 2022, 22, 847.
Halili R, BniLam N, Yusuf M, Tanghe E, Joseph W, Weyn M, Berkvens R. Vehicle Localization Using Doppler Shift and Time of Arrival Measurements in a Tunnel Environment. Sensors. 2022; 22(3):847.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHalili, Rreze, Noori BniLam, Marwan Yusuf, Emmeric Tanghe, Wout Joseph, Maarten Weyn, and Rafael Berkvens. 2022. "Vehicle Localization Using Doppler Shift and Time of Arrival Measurements in a Tunnel Environment" Sensors 22, no. 3: 847.
APA StyleHalili, R., BniLam, N., Yusuf, M., Tanghe, E., Joseph, W., Weyn, M., & Berkvens, R. (2022). Vehicle Localization Using Doppler Shift and Time of Arrival Measurements in a Tunnel Environment. Sensors, 22(3), 847.