A Deep Learning-Based Chinese Semantic Parser for the Almond Virtual Assistant
:1. Introduction
Our Contribution
- The building of a Chinese dataset for all devices registered in Thingpedia;
- The design of Primitive and Construct templates of Chinese user commands for Genie;
- The building of a machine learning model that can convert Chinese user commands into ThingTalk programs.
2. Related Works
2.1. Almond, Thingpedia, and ThingTalk
2.2. Semantic Parsing and Genie
COMMAND:= a: VP s: WP → return s ⇒ a;
VP:= ‘notify me’ → notify
3. Chinese Compatible Genie
4. Chinese Semantic Parser
4.1. Sequence to Sequence
4.2. Multiple Question Answer Network
5. Experiments
5.1. Evaluation of Synthetic Sentences
5.2. Sequenceto-Sequence Model
5.3. Model
5.4. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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User Command | ThingTalk Program |
Call the ambulance | now => @org.thingpedia.builtin.thingengine.phone. call_emergency() |
Turn off the heater | now => @thermostat.set_hvac_mode param:mode:Enum(heat, cool, heat_cool, off) = enum:off |
Turn on the air conditioner | now => @thermostat.set_hvac_mode param:mode:Enum(heat, cool, heat_cool, off) = enum:cool |
Post a picture on Facebook | now => @com.facebook.post_picture() |
Notify me when my location changes | monitor (@org.thingpedia.builtin.thingengine.phone. get_gps()) => notify |
Notify me when I receive a text | monitor (@org.thingpedia.builtin.thingengine.phone. sms()) => notify |
Fragment of User Command | ThingTalk Clause Type | ThingTalk Clause |
texts I received today sms I received today sms from today | query | (@org.thingpedia.builtin.thingengine. phone.sms()), date >= start_of(day) |
when I receive a sms from ${p_sender} when I get at text from ${p_sender} when ${p_sender} sends me a text when ${p_sender} texts me when ${p_sender} sms me when ${p_sender} sends me an sms] | stream | monitor ( (@org.thingpedia.builtin.thingengine. phone.sms()), sender == p_sender) |
call ${p_number} make a call to ${p_number} dial ${p_number} | action | @org.thingpedia.builtin.thingengine. phone.call(number = p_number) |
turn the heating off turn off the heater turn off the ac switch off the heater switch the aircon off | action | @thermostat.set_hvac_mode (mode = enum(off)) |
set the temperature on my thermostat to ${p_value} set my thermostat to ${p_value} set the temperature to ${p_value} on my thermostat | action | @thermostat.set_target_temperature (value = p_value) |
Utterance | Cat | ThingTalk Clause |
My photos on Facebook | NP | @com.facebook.list_photos() |
My posts on Facebook | NP | @com.facebook.list_posts() |
When I post on Facebook | WP | monitor @com.facebook.list_posts() |
Post a picture on Facebook | VP | @com.facebook.post_picture() |
Post $x on Facebook | VP | @con.facebook.post($x) |
Utterance * | Cat | ThingTalk Clause |
我臉書上的照片 | NP | @com.facebook.list_photos() |
我的臉書貼文 | NP | @com.facebook.list_posts() |
當我貼文的時候 | WP | monitor @com.facebook.list_posts() |
貼圖到臉書上 | VP | @com.facebook.post_picture() |
po $x 到臉書 | VP | @con.facebook.post($x) |
Exact Match | BLEU | F1 Token Accuracy | |
Seq2seq | 0.44 | 0.73 | 0.83 |
Seq2seq + fastText | 0.46 | 0.75 | 0.85 |
Exact Match | BLEU | F1 Token Accuracy | |
MQAN | 0.70 | 0.82 | 0.86 |
MQAN+fastText | 0.70 | 0.82 | 0.88 |
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Share and Cite
Liao, S.-w.; Hsu, C.-H.; Lin, J.-W.; Wu, Y.-T.; Leu, F.-Y. A Deep Learning-Based Chinese Semantic Parser for the Almond Virtual Assistant. Sensors 2022, 22, 1891. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22051891
Liao S-w, Hsu C-H, Lin J-W, Wu Y-T, Leu F-Y. A Deep Learning-Based Chinese Semantic Parser for the Almond Virtual Assistant. Sensors. 2022; 22(5):1891. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22051891
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiao, Shih-wei, Cheng-Han Hsu, Jeng-Wei Lin, Yi-Ting Wu, and Fang-Yie Leu. 2022. "A Deep Learning-Based Chinese Semantic Parser for the Almond Virtual Assistant" Sensors 22, no. 5: 1891. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22051891
APA StyleLiao, S.-w., Hsu, C.-H., Lin, J.-W., Wu, Y.-T., & Leu, F.-Y. (2022). A Deep Learning-Based Chinese Semantic Parser for the Almond Virtual Assistant. Sensors, 22(5), 1891. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22051891