Anomaly Detection and Inter-Sensor Transfer Learning on Smart Manufacturing Datasets
:1. Introduction
- Anomaly Detection: We adapt two classes for time series prediction models for temporal anomaly detection in a smart manufacturing system. Such anomaly detection aims at detecting anomaly readings collected from the deployed sensors.We test our models for temporal anomaly detection through four real-world datasets collected from manufacturing sensors (e.g., vibration data). We observe that the ML-based models outperform the classical models in the anomaly detection task.
- Defect Type Classification: We detect the level of defect (i.e., normal operation, near-failure, failure) for each RPM data using deep learning (i.e., deep neural network multi-class classifier) and we transfer the learning across different instances of manufacturing sensors. We analyze the different parameters that affect the performance of prediction and classification models, such as the number of epochs, network size, prediction model, failure level, and sensor type.
- RPM Selection and Aggregation: We show that training at some specific RPMs, for testing under a variety of operating conditions gives better accuracy of defect prediction. The takeaway is that careful selection of training data by aggregating multiple predictive RPM values is beneficial.
- Benchmark Data: We release our database corpus (4 datasets) and codes for the community to access it for anomaly detection and defect type classification and to build on it with new datasets and models. (URL for our database and codes is: (accessed on 12 December 2022). The dataset details are provided in Appendix A, the dataset collection process is described in Appendix B, the dataset usage is described in Appendix C, and the main codes are presented in Appendix E). We are unveiling real failures of a pharmaceutical packaging manufacturer company.
2. Related Work
2.1. Failure Detection Models
2.2. Learning Transfer
2.3. Datasets and Benchmarks for Anomaly Detection in Smart Manufacturing
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Temporal Anomaly Detection
- Classical forecasting models: In this category, we included Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model (ARIMA) [24], Seasonal Naive [25] (in which each forecast equals the last observed value from the same season), Random Forest (RF) [26] (which is a tree ensemble that combines the predictions made by many decision trees into a single model), and Auto-regression [45].
- ML-based forecasting models: We selected six popular time series forecasting models, including Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) [46], LSTM [47] (which captures time dependency in a better fashion compared to RNN) and has been used in different applications [48]), Deep Neural Network (DNN) [49], AutoEncoder [50], and the recent works DeepAR [29], DeepFactors [51].
3.2. Transfer Learning across Sensor Types
4. Results
4.1. Anomaly Detection with Manufacturing Sensors
4.1.1. Deployment Details and Datasets Explanation
4.1.2. Results and Insights
4.2. Transfer Learning across Vibration Sensors
- Can we detect the operational state effectively (i.e., with high accuracy)?
- Can we transfer the learned model across the two different types of sensors?
4.2.1. DNN Model Results
4.2.2. Data-Augmentation Model Results
4.2.3. Effect of Variation of RPMs Results
4.2.4. Relaxation of the Classification Problem
4.3. Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection
5. Discussion
5.1. Comparative Analysis with Prior Related Work
5.2. Ethical Concerns
5.3. Transfer Learning under Different Features
5.4. Reproducibility
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Explaining Datasets: Highlights, and How Can It Be Read
Appendix A.1. Datset Categories
Appendix A.2. MEMS and Piezoelectric Datasets
Appendix A.3. Process Data
- Start date: 27 July 2021
- End date: 1 May 2022
- Measurement Columns: Air Pressure 1, Air Pressure 2, Chiller 1 Supply Tmp, Chiller 2 Supply Tmp, Outside Air Temp, Outside Humidity, and Outside Dewpoint.
- Measurement interval: 5 min (1 data point per 5 min)
- Description: We were also able to collect process related data that can potentially indicate the condition of machine operation. We call it process data and the process data has been collected with the Statistical Process Control (SPC) system. The measurement started from August 2021 until May 2022.
Appendix A.4. Pharmaceutical Packaging
- Start date: 13 November 2021, some data loss between December and January.
- End date: May 2022
- Measurement location: Air Compressor, Chiller 1, Chiller 2, and Jomar moulding machine
- Sample rate for each axis: 3.2 kHz
- Measurement interval: 30 min
- Measurement duration: 1 s
- 1st line: date and time that the measurement started
- 2nd line: x-axis vibration data (3200 data points)
- 3rd line: y-axis vibration data (3200 data points)
- 4th line: z-axis vibration data (3200 data points)
- 5th line: time difference between each data point
Appendix A.5. Instances Nature
Appendix B. Dataset Collection
Appendix B.1. Hardware Cost
Appendix B.2. Required Software Resources
Appendix B.3. Required Computational Resources
Appendix C. Uses of Datasets
Appendix C.1. Main Dataset Usage
Appendix C.2. Other Data Usage
Appendix C.3. Hosting and Maintenance
Appendix C.4. Motivation for Data Release
Appendix D. Extended Evaluation
Appendix D.1. Anomaly Detection Using Autoencoder Classification
Appendix D.2. Experimental Setup and Results
Appendix E. Benchmarks: Models, Hyper-Parameter Selection, and Code Details
Appendix E.1. Models and Hyper-Parameter Selection
Appendix E.2. Code Details and Prerequisites
Appendix E.2.1. Anomaly Detection Code
- Training and testing ARIMA forecasting model
- Training and testing LSTM forecasting model
- Training and testing AutoEncoder forecasting model
- Training and testing DNN forecasting model
- Training and testing RNN forecasting model
- That file contains the rest of the forecasting models along with the required functions and hyper-parameters.
- Training and Testing a classifier-based model for anomaly detection (see Appendix E.2).
Appendix E.2.2. Transfer Learning Code
- This code prepares the CSV files used for training defect type classifiers and transfer learning.
- This code trains and tests the defect type classifier, including feature encoding, defect classifier building, testing, and performance reporting.
Appendix E.2.3. Running the Codes
Appendix E.2.4. Prerequisites (Libraries and Modules)
- numpy, scipy, pandas, keras, statsmodels, and sklearn
- GluonTS, matplotlib and simplejson, re, random, and csv
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Dataset | Seasonal Naive | DeepAR | Deep Factors | Random Forest | AutoEncoder | Auto-Regression | ARIMA | LSTM | RNN | DNN |
Piezoelectric | ||||||||||
MEMS | ||||||||||
Process Data | ||||||||||
Pharmac. Packaging |
Metric | Seasonal Naive | DeepAR | Deep Factors | Random Forest | AutoEncoder | Auto-Regression | ARIMA | LSTM | RNN | DNN |
Precision | ||||||||||
Recall | ||||||||||
F-1 Score |
Model Type | Sensor Tested | Accuracy (%) |
DNN-R | MEMS | 64.23% |
DNN-TL | MEMS | 71.71% |
DNN-R | Piezoelectric | 80.01% |
Tuning Factor | Accuracy | Tuning Factor | Accuracy |
None | 58.00% | Feature Selection | 64.08% |
Feature-normalization | 68.66% | Neurons per layer (50–80–100) | 69.41% |
Number of Hidden layers (2–3) | 70.32% | Number of Epochs (50–100) | 70.75% |
Batch Size (50-100) | 71.71% |
(a) Data Augmentation | (b) No Data Augmentation | |||||
Normal | Near-Failure | Failure | Normal | Near-Failure | Failure | |
Normal | ||||||
Near-failure | ||||||
Failure |
Trained RPM | RPM-100 | RPM-200 | RPM-300 | RPM-400 | RPM-500 | RPM-600 | Average (%) |
RPM-100 | 68.80% | 66.64% | 65.83% | 73.61% | 67.29% | 42.90% | 64.18% |
RPM-200 | 63.54% | 73.71% | 58.11% | 74.67% | 67.68% | 45.93% | 63.94% |
RPM-300 | 57.99% | 55.00% | 95.20% | 66.09% | 71.32% | 45.14% | 65.12% |
RPM-400 | 66.37% | 69.68% | 54.79% | 87.38% | 69.52% | 32.62% | 63.39% |
RPM-500 | 65.37% | 64.94% | 80.12% | 80.20% | 75.61% | 42.59% | 68.06% |
RPM-600 | 49.16% | 51.12% | 63.44% | 44.23% | 55.02% | 75.16% | 56.35% |
Augmented-data model | 67.94% | 71.31% | 62.61% | 80.06% | 69.06% | 65.88% | 69.48% |
Trained RPM | RPM-300 | RPM-320 | RPM-340 | RPM-360 | RPM-380 | Average (%) |
RPM-300 | 100% | 65.17% | 58.17% | 51.50% | 50.63% | 65.09% |
RPM-320 | 99.75% | 100% | 97.58% | 78.63% | 68.17% | 88.82% |
RPM-340 | 96.60% | 99.27% | 100% | 97.33% | 82.43% | 95.12% |
RPM-360 | 96.60% | 99.27% | 97.33% | 99.67% | 84.43% | 95.46% |
RPM-380 | 61.05% | 87.75% | 96.93% | 99.83% | 99.77% | 89.07% |
Framework | Sensor Failure Detection | Transfer Learning Support | Benchmarking ML Models | Defect Type Classification | Different RPM Aggregation | Dataset Release (Opensource) |
Alfeo [21] | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
Lee [20] | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
Teng [32] | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Wang [40] | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
Udmale [41] | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Fathi [42] | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
Lewis [43] | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
Kevin [58] | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
Ours | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
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Share and Cite
Abdallah, M.; Joung, B.-G.; Lee, W.J.; Mousoulis, C.; Raghunathan, N.; Shakouri, A.; Sutherland, J.W.; Bagchi, S. Anomaly Detection and Inter-Sensor Transfer Learning on Smart Manufacturing Datasets. Sensors 2023, 23, 486.
Abdallah M, Joung B-G, Lee WJ, Mousoulis C, Raghunathan N, Shakouri A, Sutherland JW, Bagchi S. Anomaly Detection and Inter-Sensor Transfer Learning on Smart Manufacturing Datasets. Sensors. 2023; 23(1):486.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbdallah, Mustafa, Byung-Gun Joung, Wo Jae Lee, Charilaos Mousoulis, Nithin Raghunathan, Ali Shakouri, John W. Sutherland, and Saurabh Bagchi. 2023. "Anomaly Detection and Inter-Sensor Transfer Learning on Smart Manufacturing Datasets" Sensors 23, no. 1: 486.
APA StyleAbdallah, M., Joung, B.-G., Lee, W. J., Mousoulis, C., Raghunathan, N., Shakouri, A., Sutherland, J. W., & Bagchi, S. (2023). Anomaly Detection and Inter-Sensor Transfer Learning on Smart Manufacturing Datasets. Sensors, 23(1), 486.