Revolutionizing SIEM Security: An Innovative Correlation Engine Design for Multi-Layered Attack Detection
:1. Introduction
- Event filtering: Irrelevant log data are discarded to reduce the volume during the event filtering phase.
- Event aggregation and de-duplication: The aggregation of closely related log data and merging of identical data occur in the event aggregation and de-duplication phase.
- Event masking: Log data generated after a system failure is masked in this phase.
- Root cause analysis: In the root cause analysis, dependencies between log data events are analyzed using tools such as dependency diagrams to explain log data events by other log data events.
- In this research work, we propose and develop a novel correlation engine, the OC, which is a fast and efficient correlation engine using the high-performance multiple regex matching library “Hyperscan” for parallel log data scanning.
- Our proposed OC outperforms the traditional correlation engine significantly and improves the overall performance of the SIEM system while making it more effective and efficient in detecting cyberattacks.
- Our proposed OC has successfully detected some multi-layered attacks, including application layer and data-link layer attacks.
2. Existing Approaches
- The Esper tool is primarily designed to work on a stream of events. It does not process text files rather it works on a stream of events coming into it.
- The Drools tool is not optimized for memory efficiency, as it struggled to complete some scenarios due to its high memory requirements.
- NodeBrain does not have file I/O capabilities; therefore, it cannot process text files.
- The Prelude correlator component is not independently available for use, rather, we have to install and configure the complete Prelude SIEM solution. In addition, we also need to understand PRL language for rule writing. More importantly, the Prelude correlator cannot directly process text files, rendering it infeasible for our integration scenario.
- The OSSEC tool can process text files, but the exact format of the stored data must be explicitly specified in its configuration file. In our integration scenario, we require the correlation engine to process text files with multiple data formats. Therefore OSSEC does not seem feasible in our integration scenario.
- The OSSIM correlation engine details are not available. Although it is free to use, it comes in a virtual machine and does not expose its correlation engine interface for use.
- For better detection of attacks, several rules can be linked together in the correlation process. This provides improved context data for the correlation process.
- The support of Perl functions in SEC provides a useful platform for users to utilize and benefit from other Perl modules.
- The support of named match variables and the caching of matches provides a very effective feature for pattern matching and the use of Perl functions.
- Hierarchically organizing rule sets can enhance their effectiveness. When managing multiple rule sets and seeking to process data so that when one rule is triggered, unnecessary subsequent rules are bypassed, and the process jumps directly to a specified rule, the utilization of the “skip rules” keyword is exceptionally advantageous.
- Rule-based.
- Ease of use.
- Fast learning curve.
- Low resource requirements.
- Good documentation and support.
- Simple deployment and configuration.
- Can read input from a file, named pipe, or standard input.
3. Proposed Correlation Engine Design
Algorithm 1: Working principle of OC. |
- Technique 1: Hyperscan uses a graph decomposition technique that converts regular expression matching into a series of string and finite automata matching. During this process, redundant operations are eliminated. The decomposed regular expressions increase the chances of a fast DFA match because they are smaller than the original pattern.
- Technique 2: Hyperscan also accelerates the matching of strings and finite automata by using single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) operations.
3.1. Compile Time
3.2. Run Time
- Hyperscan leverages algorithmic innovation by exploiting the Intel processor’s SIMD architecture, utilizing various SIMD registers to achieve superior performance in pattern-matching tasks, a capability lacking in traditional regex-matching algorithms.
- Hyperscan uses the multithreading approach, processing multiple pattern-matching tasks concurrently unlike the traditional regex-matching algorithm, giving it a performance boost.
4. Experimental Setup
4.1. Assumptions
- The PC-1 and PC-2 machines run the Windows operating system (Windows 10), while the PC-3 machine operates on the Linux operating system (CentOS-7). The SIEM system machine operates on the CentOS-7 operating system, and the SIEM software, which we call the Cyber Threat Monitoring System (CTMS-ver 1.0, CIPMA Lab, PIEAS, Islamabad, Pakistan), is installed on it.
- The logs collected at the SIEM system through the NXLog tool should contain logs for failed login attempts into three PC machines along with many other OS logs.
- The rule file contains two rules for detecting failed login attempts for Windows and Linux operating systems.
- The SIEM System machine has an Intel processor with SIMD architecture to be used by the OC’s Hyperscan module.
4.2. Limitations
5. Results and Discussion
6. Detection of Multi-Layered Attacks Using OC
6.1. Detection of DoS Attack
- Simple GoldenEye DoS attack:./ http://victim-machine-ip:80 -s 1000
- Random GoldenEye DoS attack:./ http://victim-machine-ip:80 -w 10 -s 1000 -m random
- Slow HTTP DoS attack:slowhttptest -c 500 -H -g -o ./output-file -i 10 -r 200 -t GET -u http://victim-machine-ip -x 24 -p 2
- SlowLoris DoS attack:slowloris victim-machine-ip -s 500
[Mon Apr 03 15:39:23.582048] [mpm_winnt:error] [pid 1196:tid 4020] AH00326: Server ran out of threads to serve requests. Consider raising the ThreadsPerChild setting |
type=Single ptype=RegExp pattern=\[pid \d+\:tid \d+] \S+\d+\: Server ran out of threads to serve requests. Consider raising the ThreadsPerChild setting desc=DoS attack action=write alert_file Alert - DoS attack detected. |
6.2. Detection of FTP Attack
ftp_login host=victim-machine-ip user=FILE0 password=FILE1 0=usernames.txt 1=passwordlist.txt -x ignore:mesg=‘Login incorrect.’ |
Mon Apr 3 17:06:15 2023 [pid 3502] [ubuntu] FAIL LOGIN: Client “::ffff:” |
type=Single ptype=RegExp pattern=(\S+ \S+ \d+ \d+\:\d+\:\d+ \d+) \ FAIL LOGIN\: Client \"\:\:\S+\:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\" desc=Failed FTP login attempt action=write alert_file A failed FTP login attempt detected from $2 to $1 |
6.3. Detection of Failed Login Attack
{"EventTime":"2024-06-16 15:22:34","Hostname":"CTMS-Client","Keywords":-921886 8437227405312,"EventType":"AUDIT_FAILURE","SeverityValue":4,"Severity": "ERROR","EventID":4625,"SourceName":"Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing", "ProviderGuid":"54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D","Version":0,"Task":12544, "OpcodeValue":0,"RecordNumber":71996,"ActivityID":"20804495-9F3D-0004-E244- 80203D9FD901","ProcessID":1060,"ThreadID":14464,"Channel":"Security","Message": "An account failed to log on.\r\n\r\nSubject:\r\n\tSecurity ID:\t\tS-1-5- 18\r\n\tAccount Name:\t\tCTMS-CLIENT$\r\n\tAccount Domain:\t\t WORKGROUP\r\n\tLogon ID:\t\t0x3E7\r\n\r\nLogon Type:\t\t\t2\r\n\r\n Account For Which Logon Failed:\r\n\tSecurity ID:\t\tS-1-0-0\r\n\tAccount Name:\t\tclient\r\n\tAccount Domain:\t\tCTMS-CLIENT\r\n\r\n\tFailure Reason:\t\tUnknown user name or bad password.\r\n\t. . . } |
type=Single ptype=RegExp pattern=\{\"EventTime\"\:\"(\d+\-\d+\-\d+ \d+\:\d+\:\d+)\"\,\"Hostname\"\: \"(\S+)\"\,\"Keywords\"\:\-\d+\,\"EventType\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"SeverityValue\"\: \d+\,\"Severity\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"EventID\"\:\d+\,\"SourceName\"\:\"\S+\"\, \"ProviderGuid\"\:\"\\d+\-\d+\-\d+\-\S+\-\S+\\"\,\"Version\"\:\d+\, \"Task\"\:\d+\,\"OpcodeValue\"\:\d+\,\"RecordNumber\"\:\d+\,\"ActivityID \"\:\"\\d+\-\S+\-\d+\-\S+\-\S+\\"\,\"ProcessID\"\:\d+\,\"ThreadID\"\:\d+\, \"Channel\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"Message\"\:\"\S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ desc=An account failed to log on action=write alert_file NIL * 1 * Failed login attempt detected on $2 machine at $1 |
6.4. Detection of MAC Flooding Attack
{"MessageSourceAddress":"","EventReceivedTime":"2023-07-12 12:18:12", "SourceModuleName":"udp_two","SourceModuleType":"im_udp", "SyslogFacilityValue":23,"SyslogFacility":"LOCAL7","SyslogSeverityValue":5, "SyslogSeverity":"NOTICE","SeverityValue":2,"Severity":"INFO","Hostname": "DellN2048-1","EventTime":"2023-07-12 12:18:44","SourceName":"TRAPMGR", "ProcessID":"dtlAddrTask","Message":"traputil.c(763) 2001489 %% MAC Lock Violation: Gi1/0/18 , 3c:2c:30:c2:ce:b9, vlan 1","Platform":"Switch"} |
type=Single ptype=RegExp pattern=\{\"MessageSourceAddress\"\:\"(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\"\, \"EventReceivedTime\"\:\"(\d+\-\d+\-\d+ \d+\:\d+\:\d+)\"\, \"SourceModuleName\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"SourceModuleType\"\:\"\S+\"\, \"SyslogFacilityValue\"\:\d+\,\"SyslogFacility\"\:\"\S+\"\, \"SyslogSeverityValue\"\:\d+\,\"SyslogSeverity\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"SeverityValue\ "\:\d+\,\"Severity\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"Hostname\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"EventTime\"\: \"\d+\-\d+\-\d+ \d+\:\d+\:\d+\"\,\"SourceName\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"ProcessID\"\: \"\S+\"\,\"Message\"\:\"\S+ \d+ %% MAC Lock Violation\: \S+ \, \S+\:\S+\:\S+\:\S+\:\S+\:\S+\, \S+ \d+\"\,\"Platform\"\:\"\S+\"\} desc=Detection of Switch MAC flooding attack action=write alert_file MAC flooding attack detected on $2 machine at $1 |
6.5. Detection of STP Root Take-Over Attack
{"MessageSourceAddress":"","EventReceivedTime":"2023-07-12 14:48:39" , "SourceModuleName":"udp_two","SourceModuleType":"im_udp", "SyslogFacilityValue":23,"SyslogFacility":"LOCAL7","SyslogSeverityValue":3, "SyslogSeverity":"ERR","SeverityValue":4,"Severity":"ERROR","Hostname": "DellN2048-1","EventTime":"2023-07-12 14:49:11","SourceName":"DOT1S", "ProcessID":"dtlTask","Message":"dot1s_txrx.c(269) 9033062 %% dot1sBpduReceive(): Discarding the BPDU, since it is an invalid BPDU type","Platform":"Switch"} |
type=Single ptype=RegExp pattern=\{\"MessageSourceAddress\"\:\"(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\"\, \"EventReceivedTime\"\:\"(\d+\-\d+\-\d+ \d+\:\d+\:\d+)\"\, \"SourceModuleName\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"SourceModuleType\"\:\"\S+\"\, \"SyslogFacilityValue\"\:\d+\,\"SyslogFacility\"\:\"\S+\"\, \"SyslogSeverityValue\"\:\d+\,\"SyslogSeverity\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"SeverityValue\"\: \d+\,\"Severity\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"Hostname\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"EventTime\"\:\"\d+\- \d+\-\d+ \d+\:\d+\:\d+\"\,\"SourceName\"\:\"\S+\"\,\"ProcessID\"\:\"\S+ \"\,\"Message\"\:\"\S+ \d+ %% dot1sBpduReceive\( since it is an invalid BPDU type\"\,\"Platform\"\:\"\S+\"\} desc=Detection of Switch STP Root change attack action=write alert_file STP Root change attack detected on $1 machine at $2 |
7. Correlating Multiple Devices Logs
- First, the DoS attack traffic, after being generated by the PC-1 machine, is routed through the switch and reaches the PC-2 target machine. The PC-2 machine, running an Apache server-based application vulnerable to DoS attacks, generates logs related to this DoS attack traffic. Consequently, logs related to the DoS attack are generated on the victim machine, as shown below.
[Mon Apr 13 10:15:33.582048 2023] [mpm_winnt:error] [pid 1196:tid 4020]
AH00326: Server ran out of threads to serve requests. Consider raising the
ThreadPerChild setting - Second, mirror traffic is forwarded from a switch port to the SIEM system machine running Snort IDS. Snort IDS detects the DoS attack originating from the PC-1 machine to the PC-2 machine using predefined rules, generating an alert or log, as shown below. This alert is then sent to the SIEM system for analysis and correlation by the correlation engine.
04/13-10:15:33.584030 [**] [1:1000001:1] DoS attack detected. [**] [Classification:
DoS attack event] [Priority: 3] TCP ->
8. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Correlation Engine | Development Platform | Memory Requirement | Platform Dependency | Usability |
SEC [38] | Perl | Low | Independent | Easy |
Esper [39] | Java and .Net | High | Both | Easy |
Drools [40] | Java | High | Independent | Complex |
NodeBrain [41] | C | Low | Dependent | Complex |
Prelude [42] | Python | Low | Independent | Complex |
OSSEC [43] | C | Low | Dependent | Easy |
OSSIM [44] | C | Low | Dependent | Complex |
Feature | SEC | Proposed OC |
Engine type | Rule-base | Rule-base |
Development environment | Perl | C |
Application model | Single-threaded | Multi-threaded |
Parallelism | No | Yes |
Architecture requirement | No | SIMD |
Rules processing | Sequential access | Parallel access |
Data processing | Single data blocks | Multiple data block |
Matching mechanism | Sequential regex matching | Parallel pattern matching |
Core matching technique | Perl regex matching | Hyperscan |
Feature | Setting/Value |
Processor | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U |
CPU@1.80 GHz 2.00 GHz | |
RAM | 8 GB |
VM OS | CentOS 7 |
VM RAM | 4 GB |
No. of Processors (VM) | 04 |
Attack Type | Targeted OSI Layer | Detection Status |
Simple GoldenEye DoS | Application | Detected |
Random GoldenEye DoS | Application | Detected |
Slow HTTP DoS | Application | Detected |
SlowLoris DoS | Application | Detected |
FTP | Application | Detected |
Failed Login | Application | Detected |
MAC Flooding | Data-Link | Detected |
STP Root Take Over | Data-Link | Detected |
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Share and Cite
Sheeraz, M.; Durad, M.H.; Paracha, M.A.; Mohsin, S.M.; Kazmi, S.N.; Maple, C. Revolutionizing SIEM Security: An Innovative Correlation Engine Design for Multi-Layered Attack Detection. Sensors 2024, 24, 4901.
Sheeraz M, Durad MH, Paracha MA, Mohsin SM, Kazmi SN, Maple C. Revolutionizing SIEM Security: An Innovative Correlation Engine Design for Multi-Layered Attack Detection. Sensors. 2024; 24(15):4901.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSheeraz, Muhammad, Muhammad Hanif Durad, Muhammad Arsalan Paracha, Syed Muhammad Mohsin, Sadia Nishat Kazmi, and Carsten Maple. 2024. "Revolutionizing SIEM Security: An Innovative Correlation Engine Design for Multi-Layered Attack Detection" Sensors 24, no. 15: 4901.
APA StyleSheeraz, M., Durad, M. H., Paracha, M. A., Mohsin, S. M., Kazmi, S. N., & Maple, C. (2024). Revolutionizing SIEM Security: An Innovative Correlation Engine Design for Multi-Layered Attack Detection. Sensors, 24(15), 4901.