IoT Forensics: Current Perspectives and Future Directions
:1. Introduction
2. The Internet of Things (IoT) Forensics
3. IoT Forensic Layers
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- Device Layer Forensics: IoT devices are versatile, and there are no universal forensic methods. Evidence may be acquired from the local memory of IoT devices, such as audio, images, videos, and log files. This data, which includes user behaviour, sensor data, heart rate data, configuration data, telemetry data, and device states, comes from devices such as CCTV cameras, medical implants, smart home appliances, networked vehicles, and UAVs.
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- Network Layer Forensics: The network layer of IoT comprises various networks connecting devices to each other and the internet, such as PANs, BANs, WANs, HANs, and LANs. Leveraging the logging and auditing capabilities of these networks can collect legally admissible evidence to trace users within the IoT ecosystem [10].
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- Cloud Layer Forensics: Due to the storage and computational constraints of IoT devices, cloud computing offers advantages such as on-demand accessibility and processing capacity. Data generated by IoT devices are transmitted to the cloud for storage and processing, making the cloud crucial in IoT forensics. Client-centric artefacts and other relevant data, such as authentication, access, system, database, and application logs, can be extracted from the cloud to reconstruct cases [31].
4. IoT Forensic Review
4.1. Artificial Intelligence in IoT Forensics
4.2. IoT Applications
4.3. IoT Network Architecture
4.4. Cutting-Edge IoT Forensics
4.5. Blockchain-Based IoT Forensics
4.6. Other IoT Forensics
- A.
- IoT forensics using Electromagnetic side-channel
- B.
- IoT forensic using 3D framework
- C.
- IoT forensics using operating system logs
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Study | Contributions | Weaknesses |
[7] | Highlights the significance of IoT firmware security and offers an updated assessment of vulnerabilities and solutions in this domain. | Insufficient auditing of hardware and network connectivity protocols. This study does not focus on issues relevant to IoT forensics. |
[9] | The study offers a holistic overview of IoT digital forensics, identifying open issues and proposing suggestions for future research. | A thorough critical analysis has not adequately been carried out to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed studies. Furthermore, the identified weaknesses have not been extensively discussed to determine their potential as topics for future research. |
[10] | The analysis explores digital forensics and current issues in the IoT forensics. It highlights the researcher’s efforts to effectively address these issues. | The state-of-the-art section is concise and lacks a comprehensive description or categorisation of existing works. Additionally, the weaknesses of the reviewed studies have not undergone critical analysis. |
[11] | This review provides a comprehensive examination of IoT forensics, emphasising the significance of artificial intelligence (AI). Additionally, it outlines future research directions in the field. | A general discussion has been held regarding the requirements for successful IoT forensics and the challenges and suggested solutions within the field. However, the specific weaknesses of each study covered in this paper’s review process have not undergone in-depth critical analysis. |
[12] | An analysis of forensic investigation techniques and tools applied to operating system aiding event log analysis. It also includes an assessment of available datasets and recommendations for future research. | The proposed approaches and tools for forensics are not primarily designed for IoT environments. As a result, there is a potential need to adjust them to suit the specific requirements of IoT forensics, particularly in the context of event log analysis. |
Ref. | Research Findings | Directions for Future Research |
[10] | A comprehensive overview of IoT forensics and challenges in current literature. The general goal of this study is to assess both the IoT and digital forensic sectors, pinpoint associated issues, and propose directions for future research endeavours. | This work identifies potential areas relevant to IoT forensics, such as IoT forensic procedures, multi-jurisdictions, big IoT data analysis, anti-forensic data pooling, and IoT forensic readiness, as future research directions. |
[11] | An overview of IoT forensics underscores the necessity of AI integration for successful IoT forensics. An emphasis on critical factors for conducting thorough forensic investigations. | Future research can fucus on creating a forensic investigation framework for identifying evidence from current smart home equipment. Additionally, it can explore potential challenges and solutions associated with the integration of AI into IoT forensics. |
[41] | An exploration of the necessity for application-specific forensics alongside traditional methods. An examination of the top three IoT applications and the presentation of a model that integrates both conventional and application-specific forensic processes. | Future research can be conducted to study the diverse nature of devices within IoT systems and the absence of unified standards. |
[42] | A review of recent advancements to identify gaps and difficulties of the field’s research. Findings indicating that current digital forensic approaches are inappropriate for forensic analysis in IoT systems due to socio-technical difficulties. | Exploring challenges accompanying IoT Integration into society. Thus, issues related to IoT privacy issues, multiple jurisdictions, forensic analysis with big data techniques, and dealing with anti-forensic techniques can be important directions for future research. |
[45] | This article covers three key areas: data recovery and acquisition, file systems, and data analysis. It discusses the techniques used to capture digital evidence from the storage media, file systems, and memory of mobile devices. | Further research is required to develop intelligent and efficient tools that are scientifically validated to guide digital investigations in complex IoT environments. |
Ref. | Research Findings | Directions for Future Research |
[6] | This study summarises previous and present theoretical frameworks that have been proposed to maintain the integrity of digital evidence using decentralised blockchain-based technologies. The study also discusses various interesting cross-cutting data reduction and forensic intelligence methodologies, as well as the current forensics-as-a-service (FaaS) model. | Future research can be conducted to study recent challenges arising in forthcoming forensic investigations that rely extensively on video evidence. Advance methodologies to address privacy concerns and integrate cross-disciplinary computational techniques, including AI predictive analytics, run-time verification, and adaptive data collection. |
[47] | IoT investigation frameworks and models integrating blockchain technology, aimed at ensuring the chain of custody for forensic evidence while upholding privacy, integrity, and preservation. Through an SLR encompassing primary papers up to late 2021, this research contributes to the existing body of knowledge. | Further research is required to ensure the establishment of a reliable blockchain-based IoT forensic investigation procedure, capable of thoroughly addressing potential challenges and obstacles. Future research could also incorporate an empirical assessment of the security measures implemented in blockchain-based IoT forensic investigation models, as well as other recent models. |
[48] | This survey presents an architectural classification of IoT security threats and issues, providing insights to comprehend and implement best practices for addressing security risks. Additionally, it evaluates security issues and proposes solutions within IoT contexts, presenting a taxonomy for security challenges based on the three-layer architecture. | This survey primarily reviews research conducted before 2019. However, given the growth of technology and the escalating threats, it is imperative to continue conducting this type of research to ensure that it remains current and up to date. |
Ref. | Research Findings | Directions for Future Research |
[9] | A summary of IoT forensic research conducted from 2010 to 2018 and a brief history of the field’s development. A 3D framework-based sketch of the IoT forensic ecosystem. Outlining unresolved issues in the IoT forensic sector and offering relevant recommendations. | Future research can focus on identifying fundamental rules and directions through the execution of common forensic procedures in IoT forensics. |
[12] | The articles in this research included a wide range of subjects, such as event log security and recovery, event reconstruction and correlation, event anomalies, and visualisation. The authors provided a list of approaches that are already in use, a critical overview, and an analysis of each method’s benefits and drawbacks. Given that OS logs are frequently found when evidence is retrieved from a forensic disc image, this study explored techniques for conducting forensic analysis of OS logs. The article also discussed OS log-focused public datasets and forensic tools. | Future research may enhance the security of event logs by combining encryption, centralisation, and hardware-supported designs. It is also stated that event log forensics may be a direction for future studies. |
[49] | A thorough examination of EM side-channel attacks as a method to support digital forensic investigations on IoT devices. | EM side-channel methods are rarely utilised for digital forensics; therefore, more research to identify their tools and standards would be beneficial. |
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Ahmed, A.A.; Farhan, K.; Jabbar, W.A.; Al-Othmani, A.; Abdulrahman, A.G. IoT Forensics: Current Perspectives and Future Directions. Sensors 2024, 24, 5210.
Ahmed AA, Farhan K, Jabbar WA, Al-Othmani A, Abdulrahman AG. IoT Forensics: Current Perspectives and Future Directions. Sensors. 2024; 24(16):5210.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAhmed, Abdulghani Ali, Khalid Farhan, Waheb A. Jabbar, Abdulaleem Al-Othmani, and Abdullahi Gara Abdulrahman. 2024. "IoT Forensics: Current Perspectives and Future Directions" Sensors 24, no. 16: 5210.
APA StyleAhmed, A. A., Farhan, K., Jabbar, W. A., Al-Othmani, A., & Abdulrahman, A. G. (2024). IoT Forensics: Current Perspectives and Future Directions. Sensors, 24(16), 5210.