2.3.1. Data Preprocessing
The complete procedure for preprocessing and event detection is illustrated in
Figure 4. First, all the raw signals were filtered to reduce noise. Simultaneously, events were detected to identify the starting and ending points of each arm curl motion, which were defined as active epochs. We then extracted all epochs from filtered data. To enhance event detection results, we applied rectification and smoothing processes. Without these steps, the extracted EMG signals from the detected event epochs would have lost valuable feature information. Finally, all activity segment samples from 80 sets (grouped by 10 subjects across 8 channels) were standardized separately.
As an example, the 8-channel raw data are shown in
Figure 5a. C1–C8 correspond to the patch positions in
Figure 3a, where C1 and C3 represent the positions of the biceps brachii muscles in the left and right arms, respectively. In this example, we can see that the left arm moves first and the right arm completes the motion last. Note that, for better visualization, the amplitude coordinate scale of each channel is not consistent here. The goal of the preprocessing stage is to extract the sEMG signals of each active epoch, as indicated by the first and last dashed rectangular box in
Figure 5a, which correspond to the first epoch of the left arm and the last epoch of the right arm, respectively. We performed event detection on each trial, dividing it into two parts based on the left and right arms, each with four channels of sEMG signals. The biceps brachii signals of each arm were selected for active segment detection and the output active duration was applied to the other three channels. Specifically, the detection results of the C1 active segment enabled the extraction of active epoch signals from the left arm’s four channels (C1, C2, C5, and C6). Similarly, C3 corresponds to the four channels (C3, C4, C7, and C8) of the right arm. Ultimately, data were obtained for all curl segments, yielding 30 epochs per channel per subject. This totaled 300 epochs in each channel, with amateur and professional participants accounting for half of the data each.
Firstly, a zero-phase filter [
31], specifically, a 4th-order 20–250 Hz bandpass Butterworth filter, was applied to remove baseline drift and measurement noise from the raw data. Since power frequency notch filtering has already been performed in the analog circuits, tests have confirmed that repeatedly conducting digital power frequency notch filtering can lead to excessive loss of useful information, adversely affecting subsequent event detection and feature extraction. Therefore, we chose not to perform power frequency bandstop filtering in this case. To extract the active epochs in the filtered signals, half-wave rectification and moving average smoothing with a span of 5 were applied. This process smoothed the signal, facilitating the next step in sample entropy-based active segment detection. It is important to note that the rectification and smoothing were solely for event detection; the final event epoch data used for feature analysis were extracted from the filtered signal, which retained 50% of the energy. Taking the C1 and C3 data segments intercepted from
Figure 5a as an example, the effects of the three-stage preprocessing are illustrated in
Figure 5b. Note that the signals from the other six channels were only filtered, without undergoing rectification.
Sample entropy (SampEn) demonstrates strong performance in event detection [
32]. It effectively characterizes the continuity of intermittent signals and offers a broader range for threshold selection. Additionally, it can accurately represent electromyographic signals with smaller amplitudes. Richman and Moorman [
33] introduced the mathematical definitions of
, comparing their effectiveness. Here, the key parameters
represent the length of the sequences to be compared, the tolerance for accepting matches, and the length of all sample points, respectively. The event detection method based on sample entropy involved two steps: calculating the SampEn value sequence and then making conditional judgment for event epochs, as illustrated in
Figure 6. In the first step, we preset
, where
X represents the sample sequences, making
r a global tolerance. A rectangular window of width 64 was iterated in steps of 30 to obtain data and calculate the SampEn of
X. In the second step, we set a threshold factor of 0.02 for the start point and 0.01 for the end point, along with anti-shake criteria: 3 for the start mark and 2 for the end mark. To filter out incorrect results, the event epoch had to satisfy specific conditions, including a length greater than 1050 and a maximum amplitude exceeding
. All parameters were empirically determined based on testing.
The event detection results are shown in
Figure 7, where the sample entropy of the C1 and C3 signals determines the start and end points of the extracted active segment data. SampEn was computed using smoothed signals, whereas filtered data were used to extract active segments, thereby preserving more signal features. Specifically, we filtered the signals of all channels and ultimately extracted event epochs from the filtered data based on the event detection results from C1 and C3. The extracted event epoch typically exhibited a high peak followed by a low peak, resembling a tadpole with a small protrusion at its tail when we zoomed in along the horizontal axis, as shown in
Figure 5b.
Finally, to eliminate individual differences and account for the maximum amplitude variations among different muscle groups within the same subject, all trial samples
per channel per participant were standardized (see Equation (
1)). Here,
represents a single sample point within all event epochs extracted from the signal after applying a bandpass filter to a specific channel for a given subject. The following section focuses on feature analysis using the standardized
2.3.2. Feature Extraction
Feature extraction is crucial in sEMG signal applications as it directly affects functional reliability. Common features of digital signals include TD, FD, and time-frequency domain (TFD) features [
34]. Phinyomark et al. [
35] summarized thirty-seven time domain and frequency domain features. Time-frequency methods have been utilized for fatigue assessment [
23] and for classifying hand movements [
36]. Nazmi et al. [
37] employed reverse arrangement (RA) and modified reverse arrangement (MRA) tests to determine whether EMG signals meet stationarity conditions. S. et al. [
38] employed geometric features of sEMG signals combined with the discrete Fourier transform (DFT).
Based on a literature review, we selected 50 commonly used features in total, consisting of 41 TD features [
39] and 9 FD features [
35], calculated using a MATLAB M-script file. The 41 TD features were ASM, ASS, AR, AAC, AE, CARD, COV, DAMV, DASDV, DVARV, EMAV, EWL, IEMG, IQR, KURT, LCOV, LD, LDMA, LDASDA, LTKEO, MFL, MAS, MAV, MSR, MMAV, MMAV2, MYOP, FZC, RMS, SSI, Skew, SSC, SD, TM, VAR, VARe, VO, WL, WA, ZC, and DUR. The 9 FD features were MDF, MNF, FR, PKF, PSR, MNP, SM, VCF, and WP. Each feature is indexed as f+(feature index number) for reference. In the subsequent sections, we use F+(number of features) to denote the selected feature space. Because the 4th-order AR coefficients consist of 4 values, SM includes the first four spectral moments (SM0–SM2). Additionally, wavelet packet decomposition at level 3 yields 8 values, resulting in a total of 63 feature values for an event epoch. The feature space consists of 300 trials × 63 feature values × 8 channels, with all 300 trials being standardized for both amateurs and professionals per feature per channel.
Given the large number of features, consistency and correlation analyses were performed for feature reduction and selection. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) is an index for assessing the agreement of measurements taken by different observers for quantitative responses [
40] and is widely applied in the biomedical field [
41]. We computed the correlations among the 63 features by averaging the feature space across the 8 channels and applying a one-way ICC approach. In
Figure 8, the yellow areas indicate higher consistency.
Additionally, we examined the differences between the two groups (B-PE and non-PE) using a two-sample t-test at a significance level of 0.05. The resulting p-value matrix is presented in
Figure 9, and the H-value indicates the test decision regarding the null hypothesis. Notably, the C6 channel signals exhibited relatively lower significance in differentiating between B-PE and non-PE students compared to other channels. This might be due to experimental variability, and more samples are needed for further investigation. To enhance the accuracy of key feature identification, excluding the C6 channel and relying on the other seven channels for feature analysis and selection may be beneficial. Thus, we employed two methods (Methods A and B in
Appendix A) for feature reduction.
The key difference between Method B and Method A is that channel 6 was excluded when determining the conditions for
p-values and
H-values, introducing an extra step (step 0). In step 1, we identified specific features indexed within
for removal, resulting in feature combinations named F50A and F50B, respectively. In step 2, we utilized the feature correlation results shown in
Figure 8 to further reduce the dimensionality of the remaining features, yielding feature combinations indexed within
named F18A and F16B, respectively.
In order to further reduce the computational cost, additional features indexed within
were removed by applying conditions in step 3, resulting in feature combinations named F12A and F12B, respectively. The feature index order corresponds to the 63 feature values listed in
Section 2.3.2. Ultimately, F12A consists of feature indices [1, 8, 14, 17, 25, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 51, 60], while F12B is indexed with [1, 6, 7, 11, 23, 33, 36, 41, 44, 48, 51, 60]. To verify the effectiveness of the extracted features, we introduced a control group, F12X, derived from F12A by replacing F8 and f14 with F78 and F11 in step 2 and substituting F17 with f9 in step 3.
The selected 16 features from Method B (F16B) are explained and defined as follows:
ASM: Absolute value of the summation of the
root and its mean, which gives an approximate measure of the power of the signal [
42], defined as
N is the length of
AR(4) and AR(2): the 4th and 2nd coefficient of autoregressive parameters corresponding to a model of order 4 [
35], which is
AAC: Average Amplitude Change [
DAMV: Difference Absolute Mean Value [
LTKEO: Log Teager–Kaiser Energy Operator [
SSI: Simple Square Integral [
SD: Standard deviation [
WL: Wave Length [
45], which can be calculated by simplifying the cumulative length of the waveform summation:
DUR: The duration (customized metrics) of an event epoch extracted by SampEn method is defined as follows:
is the sample frequency, 1000 Hz.
PKF: Peak Frequency at which the maximum power occurs [
is the EMG power spectrum at frequency bin
SM0: Zero Spectral Moment, also named total power (TTP) [
35], which is defined as an aggregate of the EMG power spectrum. The k-th moment (SMk) is
is the frequency of the spectrum at frequency bin
Wprcoef(34): Reconstruct wavelet packet coefficients [
46] firstly decompose the signal at level 3 with db1 wavelet packets using Shannon entropy, then reconstruct the packet at node (3, 4) and calculate the Euclidean norm of vector
ASS: Absolute value of the summation of the square root [
k represents the analysis window, and
denote the data within the corresponding analysis window.
CARD: Cardinality [
45] is defined as follows:
where X has been randomly shuffled in order.
MNF: Mean Frequency [
35], an average frequency which is calculated as the sum of the product of the EMG power spectrum and the frequency divided by the total sum of the spectrum intensity: