Efficient Sensors Selection for Traffic Flow Monitoring: An Overview of Model-Based Techniques Leveraging Network Observability
:1. Introduction
Contribution and Outline
- (i)
- We survey state-of-the-art model-based techniques leveraging system observability for efficient sensor selection in traffic flow monitoring over urban road networks. Specifically, we address the challenges of sensor placement, emphasizing the importance of the above balancing factors.
- (ii)
- In response to the limitations of traditional traffic modeling, we advocate for the development of new data-driven methodologies based on network observability to bypass the need for explicit model design. We then highlight the potential of these approaches for enhancing sensor deployment efficacy, traffic modeling accuracy, and real-time scheduling, thus laying the groundwork for more adaptive transportation systems aligned with the IoV paradigm.
2. From Network Models to Sensor Selection for Traffic Monitoring
2.1. Modeling and Monitoring Urban Networks
- Macroscopic models are based on a continuum traffic flow theory, modeling the temporal and spatial evolution of the fundamental variables describing the macroscopic flows, i.e., volume, speed, and density.
- Microscopic models are focused on the simulation of the movement of each individual vehicle, by modeling its actions in response to the surrounding flows, through car-following, lane-changing, and gap-acceptance submodels.
- Mesoscopic models are hybrid models; they consider a single vehicle or a group of vehicles, whose movement is based on laws describing the relationship among aggregate flow variables (e.g., average speed).
2.2. The Role of Sensor Selection in Traffic Flow Monitoring
3. Overview of the Street Sensor Selection Problem
3.1. Mathematical Preliminaries
3.1.1. LTI Systems and State-Space Representations
3.1.2. Set Functions
3.2. Observability-Based Metrics and Derivation of the Problem
- : the rank of quantifies the dimension of the observable subspace.
- : the trace of scaled by the state dimension n is directly related to the average output energy and can be interpreted as the average observability in all directions of the state.
- : the condition number of (the condition number of a matrix is defined as the ratio between the maximum and minimum singular values of a given matrix) measures how balanced the observability is among all modes. It grows unbounded if the system is unobservable.
- : the minimum eigenvalue of is related to the hardest state components to observe; is zero for unobservable systems. Differently from , this metric enhances the robustness to sensor failure rather than system mode balancing.
- : whenever is invertible, the determinant of the observability Gramian is proportional to the volume of the ellipsoid containing the initial states that can be observed with one unit or less estimation energy.
- : whenever , the -norm of an LTI system is bounded. It can be proven that . The intuition is that more potent sensors usually output stronger signals, and this potency is captured by the -norm.
- : this can be intended as a volumetric variant of , as it computes the logarithm of the geometric mean of the axes of the observability Gramian ellipsoid skewed by B.
3.3. Formalization of the Problem
- The couple is observable;
- The couple is observable.
3.4. Basic Algorithmic Solutions
3.4.1. Exhaustive Search Approach
Algorithm 1 Exhaustive-search-based selection algorithm |
3.4.2. Random Approach
Algorithm 2 Random selection algorithm |
3.5. State-of-the-Art Solutions to the Street Sensor Selection Problem
4. Discussion
5. Concluding Remarks and Future Directions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
5G | Fifth generation (of wireless cellular technology) |
6G | Sixth generation (of wireless cellular technology) |
AI | Artificial intelligence |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IoV | Internet of Vehicles |
ITS | Intelligent transportation system |
LTI | Linear time-invariant |
MEC | Mobile Edge Computing |
V2X | Vehicle to everything |
WSN | Wireless sensor network |
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Metric | Eigenvalue-Based Characterization | Monotone | Submodular | Modular |
Yes | Yes | No | ||
Yes | Yes | Yes | ||
No | No | No | ||
Yes | No | No | ||
Yes | Yes | No | ||
Yes | Yes | Yes | ||
Yes | Yes | No |
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Fabris, M.; Ceccato, R.; Zanella, A. Efficient Sensors Selection for Traffic Flow Monitoring: An Overview of Model-Based Techniques Leveraging Network Observability. Sensors 2025, 25, 1416. https://doi.org/10.3390/s25051416
Fabris M, Ceccato R, Zanella A. Efficient Sensors Selection for Traffic Flow Monitoring: An Overview of Model-Based Techniques Leveraging Network Observability. Sensors. 2025; 25(5):1416. https://doi.org/10.3390/s25051416
Chicago/Turabian StyleFabris, Marco, Riccardo Ceccato, and Andrea Zanella. 2025. "Efficient Sensors Selection for Traffic Flow Monitoring: An Overview of Model-Based Techniques Leveraging Network Observability" Sensors 25, no. 5: 1416. https://doi.org/10.3390/s25051416
APA StyleFabris, M., Ceccato, R., & Zanella, A. (2025). Efficient Sensors Selection for Traffic Flow Monitoring: An Overview of Model-Based Techniques Leveraging Network Observability. Sensors, 25(5), 1416. https://doi.org/10.3390/s25051416