A Reference Architecture for Cloud–Edge Meta-Operating Systems Enabling Cross-Domain, Data-Intensive, ML-Assisted Applications: Architectural Overview and Key Concepts
:1. Introduction
2. Motivation and Meta-OS Requirements
- Provide an effective management of a wide diversity of hardware platforms, operating systems and communication protocols. While in the core cloud the variety of hardware, operating systems and communication protocols is today largely tackled and abstracted by solutions such as Kubernetes [33], the variety in the computing continuum ranges from hardware platforms based on ARM processor architectures to 8-bit microcontrollers, supporting different communication protocols (such as LORA, WIFI, BLE, etc.), and being built on top of different operating systems (Android, iOS, ROS, RIOT, Yocto, Zephyr, etc.) [34]. Evidently, this heterogeneity in both hardware and operating software cannot be managed using conventional architectures. To support the seamless management of such a diversity of devices, a unifying abstraction approach is required to both manage and monitor such resources, as well as to deploy services “as functions” on top of them. The required architectural transformation should build on best innovations offered by cloud-native solutions and making them edge-native.
- Support the scalability and resilience of orchestration in the computing continuum. Current state-of-the-art (SOTA) solutions to IoT–edge–cloud orchestration of resources and services are cloud-centric and leverage predefined resource providers [34,35]. This has a significant impact on (i) scalability: the latency of orchestration directly increases with the number of devices to be managed and their (network) distance from the orchestrator, and the infrastructure can scale only within a predefined pool of resources; (ii) resilience: partial availability of the connectivity may affect the ability of the orchestrator to recover and ensure the end-to-end functionality of the cloud–edge service, and when the predefined pool of resources cannot cope with system load or failures, no alternative is available. In this context, current hierarchical approaches partially mitigate this issue. To tackle this problem effectively, novel solutions are needed to either move the gravity of decision at the edge or at least empower the edge to take part of the decisions and/or predictions, thus decentralizing the systems orchestration and enabling peer-to-peer coordination, including the dynamic discovery and inclusion of new resource providers.
- Minimize the offloading of current vertically-siloed architectures and its impact on the network. The enormous number of devices joining the continuum irrevocably implies that vast amounts of data are generated at the edge, increasing the challenges on the data processing layer and creating bottlenecks, especially in the execution of heavy ML-based tasks. Vertical offloading patterns, commonly used in cloud–edge and centralized learning approaches, heavily rely on low network latency and considerable bandwidth capacity [36,37]. This unfavorable dependency can be addressed by adopting a peer-to-peer offloading strategy instead of a hierarchical architecture. However, while on the one side, such peer-to-peer offloading and moving computation at the edge may reduce the usage of the network to transport data, on the other, it requires that services and applications are the ones that move towards the data. To this end, such challenges require putting data at the center of orchestration (introducing the concept of data-gravity), where data remain at the edge, a fact that leads to reduced network usage and associated ML models footprint.
- Increase security and privacy-awareness of ML distributed applications. While data increasingly play a central role in the development of innovative connected apps and services, concerns of end-users and organizations with respect to data sharing, data ownership and privacy preservation, slow down the take-up of ML methods and limit the access to data economy to a remarkable set of global players [38,39,40]. In a distributed system, ensuring data ownership and privacy preservation becomes even more complex. To increase the trust toward data sharing and to support the growth of ML approaches, solutions that increase data owners’ control and ensure privacy preservation in the computing continuum are required. In contrast to server-centric existing solutions for data sharing, privacy-preserving verifiable data sharing systems that are based on blockchain can be adopted for the peer-to-peer RAMOS architecture [41,42], while also conforming to the decentralized nature of the IoT–edge–cloud continuum.
- Measure and reduce carbon footprint of cloud–edge applications. While clear mechanisms and standards have been developed to measure and handle the energy efficiency of the data centers and their carbon footprint, SOTA methods are far from achieving that in the computing continuum [26,27,43]. Although energy consumption is easy to measure in an owned datacenter, cloud providers do not grant access to such information and, consequently, knowing or simply estimating the network related consumption from cloud-to-edge is even more challenging. Without measurements or models to estimate them, taking decisions aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of cloud–edge applications is infeasible. In this context, techniques, policies and standard APIs to make available energy-related information are a key requirement to enable appropriate energy optimization of ML applications in the computing continuum. Furthermore, additional techniques to enhance the energy-efficiency of the individual devices and resources in the IoT–edge–cloud continuum shall be adopted, focusing on various stages of the data transfer and processing chain. For instance, local data pre-processing before offloading to an edge server can significantly reduce the energy associated with the data transmission at the cost of lower result accuracy [44], different data communication methods can be utilized by the devices depending on the data transmission queue, estimated network conditions and the device moving speed [45], and finally, merging of several keep-alive connections into one can be realized to considerably reduce the energy consumption [46].
3. Proposed Reference Meta-OS Architecture and Functionalities
- Enables the exchange of information about available resources
- Allocates resources in a dynamic and optimized manner
- Utilizes resources to deliver services and applications.
3.1. Trusted Communication and Collaboration
3.2. Node and Resource Abstraction through Agents
3.3. Resource Coordination
3.4. Data Orchestration
3.5. Machine Learning Operations
4. Contributions of RAMOS Architecture
5. Potential Applications in Diverse Domains
5.1. Green Driving for Reduced Fuel Comsumption and Decreased Vehicle Emissions
5.2. Smart Living for Migration to Preferable Energy Consumption Behaviour and Predictive Maintenance of Electrical Equipment
5.3. Just-in-Time Arrival for Vessel Traffic Management and Port Logistics
5.4. Energy Reduction towards Carbon-Neutral Manufacturing Processes
5.5. Smart Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles
6. Business and Societal Impacts
6.1. Towards Data Sharing Principles and an Open Edge Ecosystem
6.2. Towards Digital Transition for Clean Energy and Climate Net Neutrality
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Trakadas, P.; Masip-Bruin, X.; Facca, F.M.; Spantideas, S.T.; Giannopoulos, A.E.; Kapsalis, N.C.; Martins, R.; Bosani, E.; Ramon, J.; Prats, R.G.; et al. A Reference Architecture for Cloud–Edge Meta-Operating Systems Enabling Cross-Domain, Data-Intensive, ML-Assisted Applications: Architectural Overview and Key Concepts. Sensors 2022, 22, 9003. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22229003
Trakadas P, Masip-Bruin X, Facca FM, Spantideas ST, Giannopoulos AE, Kapsalis NC, Martins R, Bosani E, Ramon J, Prats RG, et al. A Reference Architecture for Cloud–Edge Meta-Operating Systems Enabling Cross-Domain, Data-Intensive, ML-Assisted Applications: Architectural Overview and Key Concepts. Sensors. 2022; 22(22):9003. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22229003
Chicago/Turabian StyleTrakadas, Panagiotis, Xavi Masip-Bruin, Federico M. Facca, Sotirios T. Spantideas, Anastasios E. Giannopoulos, Nikolaos C. Kapsalis, Rui Martins, Enrica Bosani, Joan Ramon, Raül González Prats, and et al. 2022. "A Reference Architecture for Cloud–Edge Meta-Operating Systems Enabling Cross-Domain, Data-Intensive, ML-Assisted Applications: Architectural Overview and Key Concepts" Sensors 22, no. 22: 9003. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22229003
APA StyleTrakadas, P., Masip-Bruin, X., Facca, F. M., Spantideas, S. T., Giannopoulos, A. E., Kapsalis, N. C., Martins, R., Bosani, E., Ramon, J., Prats, R. G., Ntroulias, G., & Lyridis, D. V. (2022). A Reference Architecture for Cloud–Edge Meta-Operating Systems Enabling Cross-Domain, Data-Intensive, ML-Assisted Applications: Architectural Overview and Key Concepts. Sensors, 22(22), 9003. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22229003