Optimization and Its Implementation Impact of Two-Modes Controller Fractional Approximation for Buck Converters
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. DC-DC Buck Converter
2.2. Biquadratic Modules to Fractionally Approximate Laplacian Operator
2.3. Definition of Minimization Criteria: An Error-Based Approach
3. Results
3.1. Two-Modes Controller Structure
- If desired phase margin is , from it is deduced that controller phase contribution has to be °.
3.2. Numerical Results
- Particle swarm optimization algorithm (PS)
- Iterations: 600
- Population: 90
- Inertia coefficient w: 1
- Cognition constant : 2
- Social constant : 2
- Genetic optimization algorithm (GA)
- Iterations: 600
- Population: 90
- Mutation rate: 0.25
- Random recombination.
- Scale population coefficient: 1
3.3. Experimental Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Component/Element | Notation | Value | Generals |
Capacitor | C | 7 F | C4AQCBU4700A1YJ, 650 V, ±5% |
Inductor | L | 2.7 mH | 1140-272K-RC, 555 m, 2.2/3.9 A, ±10% |
Resistance | R | 10 | CB25JB10R0, 25 W, ±5% |
Power supply | 25 V | Programmable BK Precision 9129B | |
MOSFET | Q | PSMN022-30PL, N-Ch, 30 V , 22 m, 30 A | |
Diode | D | MUR840, 50–600 V, 8 A, 1 V | |
MOSFET driver | Optocoupler TLP250 | ||
Switching frequency | 20 kHz |
GA | 0.4148 | 1.2839 | 4.9995 | 0.4148 | 1.9331 | 2.5497 |
0.4148 | 1.2847 | 4.9995 | 0.4148 | 1.9225 | 2.5553 | |
0.4148 | 1.2842 | 4.9995 | 0.4148 | 1.7595 | 3.0316 | |
0.4148 | 1.2851 | 4.9994 | ||||
0.4148 | 1.2856 | 4.9927 | ||||
0.4148 | 1.2844 | 4.9989 | ||||
PS | 0.4148 | 1.2851 | 5 | 0.4148 | 1.8759 | 2.7445 |
0.4148 | 1.2852 | 5 | 0.4148 | 1.8773 | 2.7404 | |
0.4148 | 1.2854 | 5 | 0.4148 | 1.8733 | 2.7522 |
1/2 | 3/4 | 1/ 2 | 3/ 4 | |||
GA | 7.461/6.739 | 1.813/3.46 | 18.7218 | 8.121/8.461 | 1.813/3.46 | 15.3230 |
7.461/6.739 | 1.813/3.46 | 18.7334 | 8.118/8.454 | 1.813/3.46 | 15.2683 | |
7.461/6.739 | 1.813/3.46 | 18.7261 | 7.916/7.926 | 1.813/3.46 | 16.2504 | |
7.461/6.739 | 1.813/3.46 | 18.7389 | ||||
7.462/6.741 | 1.813/3.46 | 18.7228 | ||||
7.461/6.739 | 1.813/3.46 | 18.7270 | ||||
PS | 7.461/6.739 | 1.813/3.46 | 18.7410 | 8.03/8.225 | 1.813/3.46 | 15.8624 |
7.461/6.739 | 1.813/3.46 | 18.7425 | 8.032/8.229 | 1.813/3.46 | 15.8533 | |
7.461/6.739 | 1.813/3.46 | 18.7454 | 8.027/8.216 | 1.813/3.46 | 15.8796 |
/ | / | |||
GA | 13.78/101.54 | 12.11/2.96/18.72 | 13.78/101.54 | 9.30/2.28/15.32 |
13.78/101.54 | 12.12/2.97/18.73 | 13.78/101.54 | 9.27/2.27/15.27 | |
13.78/101.54 | 12.12/2.96/18.73 | 13.78/101.54 | 10.07/2.46/16.25 | |
13.78/101.54 | 12.12/2.97/18.74 | |||
13.78/101.54 | 12.11/2.96/18.72 | |||
13.78/101.54 | 12.12/2.96/18.73 | |||
PS | 13.78/101.54 | 12.13/2.97/18.74 | 13.78/101.54 | 9.72/2.38/15.86 |
13.78/101.54 | 12.13/2.97/18.74 | 13.78/101.54 | 9.71/2.38/15.85 | |
13.78/101.54 | 12.13/2.97/18.75 | 13.78/101.54 | 9.7/2.38/15.87 |
Optimization results | ||||||
GA | 0.9936 | 29.728 | 29.8142 | 0.975 | 29.9437 | 7.8793 |
0.9936 | 29.9927 | 29.9945 | 0.9396 | 29.9912 | 3.2028 | |
0.9937 | 29.9999 | 29.9975 | 0.846 | 29.9346 | 1.2147 | |
0.9937 | 29.9931 | 29.9971 | 0.8917 | 29.9948 | 1.7824 | |
0.9936 | 30 | 29.9904 | 0.9762 | 29.9868 | 8.4766 | |
0.9936 | 29.9959 | 29.9357 | 0.9489 | 29.978 | 3.9742 | |
PS | 0.9937 | 30 | 30 | 0.8847 | 30 | 1.7319 |
0.8843 | 30 | 1.7255 | ||||
0.8786 | 30 | 1.607 | ||||
0.8889 | 30 | 1.8075 | ||||
Controller coefficients | ||||||
1/ 2 | 2/ 3 | 1 | 1/2 | 4/ 5 | 6 | |
GA | 3.717/4.545 | 1.674/5.925 | 41.241 | 4.142/17.24 | 42.9/14.85 | 27.534 |
3.717/4.519 | 1.674/5.925 | 41.859 | 5.005/42.22 | 17.79/5.901 | 4.4812 | |
3.716/4.514 | 1.7/6.02 | 42.543 | 7.426/107.2 | 7.007/2.086 | 0.6255 | |
3.716/4.514 | 1.7/6.02 | 42.533 | 6.197/74.93 | 9.946/3.119 | 1.3394 | |
3.717/4.52 | 1.674/5.925 | 41.864 | 4.104/16.05 | 45.05/15.62 | 31.198 | |
3.717/4.527 | 1.674/5.925 | 41.782 | 4.731/34.19 | 21.02/7.049 | 6.6248 | |
PS | 3.716/4.514 | 1.7/6.02 | 42.547 | 6.298/77.16 | 9.345/2.907 | 1.2161 |
6.309/77.43 | 9.313/2.896 | 1.2071 | ||||
6.5/82.77 | 8.878/2.742 | 1.0682 | ||||
6.184/74.08 | 9.697/3.031 | 1.3206 | ||||
Controller component values | ||||||
/ | / | |||||
GA | 0.13/62.01 | 412.364/10.19/412.405 | 0.52/63.05 | 27.491/10.38/27.534 | ||
0.13/62.01 | 418.551/10.34/418.594 | 1.26/65.07 | 4.439/9.81/4.481 | |||
0.13/62 | 425.389/10.18/425.432 | 3.29/70.62 | 0.585/8.52/0.626 | |||
0.13/62 | 425.287/10.18/425.329 | 2.29/67.87 | 1.298/9.28/1.339 | |||
0.13/62.01 | 418.596/10.34/418.638 | 0.49/62.98 | 31.156/10.66/31.198 | |||
0.13/62.01 | 417.775/10.32/417.818 | 1.06/64.54 | 6.582/10.41/6.625 | |||
PS | 0.13/62 | 425.426/10.18/425.468 | 2.44/68.29 | 1.174/9.53/1.216 | ||
2.45/68.31 | 1.165/9.52/1.207 | |||||
2.57/68.65 | 1.027/9.24/1.068 | |||||
2.35/68.04 | 1.279/9.63/1.321 |
Optimization results | ||||
GA | 9.9988 | 2.98 | 9.9993 | 2.85 |
9.9983 | 2.98 | 9.999 | 2.95 | |
PS | 10 | 2.99 | 10 | 2.95 |
10 | 2.98 | 10 | 2.97 | |
Controller component values | ||||
/ | / | |||
GA | 1 k/9.9 k | 1 F/2.98 | 1 k/9.9 k | 1 F/2.85 |
1 k/9.9 k | 1 F/2.98 | 1 k/9.9 k | 1 F/2.95 | |
PS | 1 k/10 k | 1 F/2.99 | 1 k/10 k | 1 F/2.95 |
1 k/10 k | 1 F/2.98 | 1 k/10 k | 1 F/2.97 |
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S. Sánchez, A.G.; Perez-Pinal, F.-J.; Espinosa-Calderón, A. Optimization and Its Implementation Impact of Two-Modes Controller Fractional Approximation for Buck Converters. Micromachines 2022, 13, 1600. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi13101600
S. Sánchez AG, Perez-Pinal F-J, Espinosa-Calderón A. Optimization and Its Implementation Impact of Two-Modes Controller Fractional Approximation for Buck Converters. Micromachines. 2022; 13(10):1600. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi13101600
Chicago/Turabian StyleS. Sánchez, Allan G., Francisco-Javier Perez-Pinal, and Alejandro Espinosa-Calderón. 2022. "Optimization and Its Implementation Impact of Two-Modes Controller Fractional Approximation for Buck Converters" Micromachines 13, no. 10: 1600. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi13101600
APA StyleS. Sánchez, A. G., Perez-Pinal, F.-J., & Espinosa-Calderón, A. (2022). Optimization and Its Implementation Impact of Two-Modes Controller Fractional Approximation for Buck Converters. Micromachines, 13(10), 1600. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi13101600