Absorption of Light in Vertical III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Solar Cell and Photodetector Applications
:1. Introduction
2. Solar Cells and Photodetectors
2.1. Bandgap of Semiconductors for Absorption Applications
2.2. Absorption of Light for Solar Cells and Photodetectors
3. Bandgap and Refractive Index of III-Vs
3.1. Bandgap
3.2. Refractive Index
4. III-V Nanowires
5. Tuning of Absorption in Vertical III-V Nanowires
5.1. Basic Nanowire Array
5.1.1. Insertion Reflection Loss
5.1.2. Diameter-Dependent Absorption
5.1.3. Photonic Crystal Modes in Nanowire Arrays
5.1.4. Absorption in Single Nanowire vs. Nanowire Array
5.1.5. Dependence on the Incidence Angle
5.2. Tapered Nanowires
5.3. Aperiodic Arrays
5.4. Tandem Nanowire-on-Silicon Solar Cells
5.5. Effect of Imperfections in Nanowire Arrays
5.6. Bragg Reflectors in Nanowires
5.7. Examples of Realized III-V Nanowires Solar Cells and Photodetectors
6. Future Directions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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III-V | Bandgap (eV) | Bandgap Wavelength (nm) |
GaP | 2.27 1 | 546 |
GaAs | 1.42 | 873 |
InP | 1.34 | 925 |
InAs | 0.35 | 3540 |
Nanowire Material | Ref. | ||||
InP | 24.6 | 0.779 | 72.4% | 13.8% | [11] |
GaAs | 21.3 | 0.906 | 79.2% | 15.3% | [89] |
InP | 26.6 | 0.730 | 77.0% | 15.0% | [92] |
InP | 29.3 | 0.765 | 79.4% | 17.8% | [90] |
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Anttu, N. Absorption of Light in Vertical III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Solar Cell and Photodetector Applications. Crystals 2023, 13, 1292. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13091292
Anttu N. Absorption of Light in Vertical III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Solar Cell and Photodetector Applications. Crystals. 2023; 13(9):1292. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13091292
Chicago/Turabian StyleAnttu, Nicklas. 2023. "Absorption of Light in Vertical III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Solar Cell and Photodetector Applications" Crystals 13, no. 9: 1292. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13091292
APA StyleAnttu, N. (2023). Absorption of Light in Vertical III-V Semiconductor Nanowires for Solar Cell and Photodetector Applications. Crystals, 13(9), 1292. https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13091292