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Crystal Structures of Sulfobetaine-8 Solvates: Bend Hydrophobic Chains and Doubly Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonds N+CH⋯O3S

Andrei V. Churakov
Denis V. Anokhin
Paulina Kalle
Marina A. Kiseleva
Mikhail V. Vener
2 and
Lyudmila G. Kuz’mina
Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, 1-3 Leninskiye Gory, 119991 Moscow, Russia
N.S.Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii Prosp. 31, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Crystals 2024, 14(12), 1062;
Submission received: 27 October 2024 / Revised: 3 December 2024 / Accepted: 5 December 2024 / Published: 8 December 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Crystal Engineering)


Three novel solvatomorphs (C13H29NO3S•CH3OH, 1; C13H29NO3S•0.113(H2O), 2; C13H29NO3S•0.038(H2O), 3) of zwitterionic sulfobetaine-8 were obtained and their structures were determined using single-crystal X-Ray diffraction. In all cases dimethyl–amino substituted hydrophobic chains -(CH2)3-N+Me2-(CH2)7-Me exhibit kinks at nitrogen atoms resulted from strong intra- and intermolecular CH⋯O hydrogen bonds between negatively charged sulfonic anion -O3S- and positively charged tetraalkylammonium fragments. Periodic (solid state) DFT calculations for structure 1 showed that the energy of the intermolecular hydrogen bonds CH…O is very high, at about 17 kJ/mol. In hydrates 2 and 3, water molecules play the structure-forming role since they interconnect hydrophobic layers by HOH…-O3S hydrogen bonds. The location of only partially occupied water molecules in the interlayer space leads to low stability of both crystals 2 and 3 in open air.

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

The first zwitterionic derivative of sulfonic acid, namely taurine -O3S-(CH2)2-N+H3, was discovered approximately 200 years ago by Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin [1]. Later, it was found that taurine and its derivatives play an exceptional role in the metabolism of animals [2,3]. Their wide distribution in living organisms is due to the fact that they are products of intracellular oxidation of the proteinogenic amino acid cysteine by reactive oxygen species [4,5]. In the mid-20th century, it was discovered that ampholytic sulfonic acids are excellent detergents and surfactants [6,7] due to their strong tendency to form micelles in solutions [8,9]. Among them, sulfobetaines (sulfonic acids with quaternary N atom -O3S-(CH2)x-N+Me2-(CH2)y-R) now attract particular attention due to their good bio-tolerance, high water solubility, excellent chemical and thermal stability, and ultralow-fouling behavior towards various surfaces [10,11,12,13]. Moreover, poly-sulfobetaines were typically used as ultrafiltration membranes [14] and drug delivery materials [15]. These polymers are known to undergo a very unusual coil-to-globule collapse transition upon cooling [16,17]. Recently, sulfobetaine substituents were used to prepare metallo-surfactants with unusual magnetic and redox properties [18,19,20]. We supposed that crystal structures of linear sulfobetaines may serve as models for the supramolecular organization of polymeric sulfonic acid membranes [21]. To our surprise, the amount of crystallographic data on sulfobetaines is very limited [22,23,24]. Herein, we present crystal structures and discuss supramolecular aggregation in the solid phase for the novel solvatomorphs of sulfobetaine-8.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Crystallization

Sulfobetaine-8 (SB-3-8, N-Octyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate, -O3S–(CH2)3-N+Me2-(CH2)7-Me) was obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. Single crystals of 1, 2, and 3 were prepared by slow evaporation of methanol, water, and 95.5% ethanol solutions of SB-3-8, respectively. All solvate crystals 1, 2, and 3 are unstable without mother liquors and decompose in an hour (1) or several minutes (2 and 3) due to losing solvate molecules.

2.2. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

DSC was performed on a Linkam optical DSC600 single cell calorimetry system in an open corundum crucible in air atmosphere. The instrument was calibrated with the onset Tfus and ΔHfus of indium (99.999%, Acros Organics). The sample, with a weight of about 5 mg, was heated/cooled at a rate of 5 °C/min. For data acquisition and processing, LINK software (2016 Linkam Scientific) was used.

2.3. Polarized Light Thermomicroscopy

The DSC600 cell was mounted on an optical Olympus BX43 microscope equipped with a QImaging QIClick camera. Crystals of SB3-8 were placed on a transparent sapphire crucible for video recording. The heating/cooling and video parameters were set in LINK software (2016 Linkam Scientific).

2.4. X-Ray Diffraction Studies

Experimental data sets were collected on a Bruker D8 Venture diffractometer (Bruker AXS, Karlsruhe, Germany) [25] using graphite monochromatized Mo-Kα radiation (λ = 0.71073 Å) at 100 K. Absorption corrections based on measurements of equivalent reflections were applied (SADABS) [26]. The structures were solved by direct methods (Shelxt) and refined by full matrix least-squares on F2 with anisotropic thermal parameters for all non-hydrogen atoms (Shelxl) [27]. In structures 2 and 3, the -CH2-SO3- groups were found to be disordered over two positions with occupancy ratios of 0.642(6)/0.358(2) and 0.648(8)/0.352(8), respectively. These fragments were refined with constrained S-O, S-C, and O…O distances (SADI instruction in Shelxl). Additionally, in both 2 and 3, solvent water sites were partially occupied (0.227(7) and 0.151(8), respectively). In structure 1, hydroxy H atoms of solvent methanol were found from difference Fourier synthesis and refined isotropically. All others were placed in calculated positions and refined using a riding model. As for 2 and 3, all carbon H atoms were placed in calculated positions and refined using a riding model. H-atoms of partially occupied water molecules were placed on the lines connecting hydrogen bonded oxygen atoms at distances 0.85 Å from Owater positions and were refined using a riding model (AFIX 3) with Uiso(Hwater) = 1.5 × Ueq(Owater). Detailed crystallographic information is available from Supplementary Materials.
Powder diffraction data were collected on a Haoyuan DX2700 diffractometer (CuKα 1.5418 Å, Ni-filter, reflection geometry, 2θ from 4 to 50°) equipped with a scintillator detector. Theoretical patterns were calculated from the crystal data using Mercury (ver. 2022 1.0) [28].
The X-Ray diffraction studies were performed at the Centre of Shared Equipment of IGIC RAS. Crystallographic data were deposited with the Cambridge Structural Database (see Table 1).

2.5. Estimation of Hydrogen Bond Enthalpy/Energy Using Periodic DFT Calculations

The Kohn–Sham methods with periodic boundary conditions (periodic DFT) provide a grounded trade-off between accuracy and the rate of calculations of the experimentally observed properties of multi-component organic crystals [29,30]. Computations with all-electron Gaussian-type localized orbital basis 6-31G** were conducted using the CRYSTAL17 package [31]. We employed the PBE functional [32] with the D3 correction [33]. The space group and unit cell parameters of crystal 1 obtained from the experiment were fixed (Table 1), and the structural relaxations were limited by the positional parameters of the atoms (AtomOnly) [31]. Further details of the periodic DFT calculations are given elsewhere [34].
In this study, it was assumed that a hydrogen bond is realized when there is a point (3,-1) on the bond path [35] between the atoms of neighboring molecules in the crystal. Bader’s analysis of crystal electron density was carried out using Topond 14 [36].
The hydrogen bond enthalpy ΔHHB was estimated using the Rozenberg approach [37]:
–ΔHHB [kJ/mol] = 0.134·R(H∙∙∙O) −3.05,
where the R(H∙∙∙O) is the H∙∙∙O distance (nm). Its values were computed using periodic DFT at the PBE-D3/6-31G** level.
The hydrogen bond energy EHB was evaluated according to ref. [38] as:
EHB [kJ/mol] = 1124·Gb [atomic units]
where Gb is the positively-defined local electronic kinetic energy density at the hydrogen bond critical point [35]. The electron density of crystal 1 was computed using periodic DFT at the PBE-D3/6-31G** level.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Crystal Structure of 1

The crystal structure of 1 consists of two crystallographically independent SB zwitterions and two solvent methanol molecules (Figure 1). All bond lengths exhibit ordinary values. Nitrogen and sulfur atoms are almost tetrahedral with C-N-C, C-S-O, and O-S-O ranging within 107.0(1)–112.95(9), 103.98(6)–106.82(6), and 112.19(6)–113.45(6)°, respectively. The S-O distances for atoms O11 and O13 involved in hydrogen bonding (1.4621(10) and 1.4631(10) Å) are slightly longer than for four other S-O oxygen atoms not involved in H-bonding (1.4544(9)–1.4585(10) Å). This elongation was recently discussed in detail [39].
In both SB molecules dimethyl-amino substituted aliphatic chains -(CH2)3-N+Me2-(CH2)7-Me are not linear since they possess kinks at nitrogen atoms (see below). Moreover, their conformations are sufficiently dissimilar (Figure 2), with great difference for intramolecular S…N separations (4.673 vs. 5.342 Å). Of interest, only one SB molecule (A) participates in hydrogen bonding with solvent CH3OH molecules.
In hydrophobic chains -(CH2)3-N+Me2-(CH2)7-Me, most torsion angles lie within the range 164.1(1)–179.5(1)°, corresponding to the trans-conformation of most parts of the chains, with the exception of fragments including quaternary nitrogen atoms (48.9(1)–60.1(1)°). The latter values correspond to gauche-conformations. In the first crystallographically independent SB molecule A, both Me2N-CH2 bonds possess gauche-conformation, while in the second SB zwitterion B only one bond Me2N-CH2, namely N2-C41, exhibits this orientation, leading to a dramatic difference in molecular shapes (Figure 2). Thus, both chains have one kink at the nitrogen atoms. Absolutely the same feature was observed in the only known long-chain dialkylamino substituted sulfobetaine structure SB-3-14 -O3S-(CH2)3-N+Me2-(CH2)7-Me [40]. Of interest, according to CSD data (ver. 5.45) [41], such kinks were observed only once for parent aliphatic sulfonic acids HO3S-(CH2)n- Me (n > 3) or their salts [42]. A more compact shape of molecule A resulted from the short intramolecular N+CH…-O3S hydrogen bond, with C13…O13 separation equal to 3.076(2) Å. In contrast, lengthy molecules B do not exhibit short intramolecular contacts. However, in crystal, they are combined in chains passed along the b-axis by short doubly charge-assisted hydrogen bonds N+CH…-O3S with C41…O22 distance 3.129(2) Å (Figure 3).
The above non-covalent interactions are among the strongest among CH⋯O hydrogen bonds [43,44,45]. Moreover, according to CSD statistics, they are among the shortest, even for doubly charge-assisted hydrogen bonds N+CH…-O3S (Figure 4).
These arguments are confirmed by Hirshfeld surface analysis (Figure 5) for both independent SB molecules [46]:
The metric parameters of the hydrogen bonds in crystal 1 shown in Figure 1 and Figure 3, calculated using periodic DFT, as well as the theoretical values of the enthalpy, ∆HHB, and energy, EHB, of these hydrogen bonds, are given in Table 2. The PBE-D3/6-31G** level provides a reasonable description of the geometry of the hydrogen-bonded fragments under consideration. The O–H∙∙∙O bonds are of moderate strength. The enthalpy/energy of the intermolecular hydrogen bond CH∙∙∙O (Figure 3) is very high, at about 17 kJ/mol. It should be noted that a similar value, ~16 kJ/mol, was found very recently for intramolecular hydrogen bonding in trimethyl-glycine (Figure 7 in ref. [47]).
The crystal packing of compound 1 is divided into H-bonded hydrophilic layers formed around sulfonic anions and hydrophobic regions filled with parallel-packed long-chain -(CH2)7-Me substituents (Figure 6). This supramolecular feature is well-known for solid-state aggregation of dichotomic molecules, like surfactants or liquid crystal forming organics [48,49]. As expected for both terminal -(CH2)7-Me groups, atomic displacement parameters Ueq gradually increase along the chains, starting with the C31 and C41 atoms (0.017 and 0.015 Å2) and ending with the C38 and C48 methyl atoms (0.043 and 0.036 Å2). This indicates an increase in thermal motions along the chains and is due to the fact that the methyl and methylene groups of neighboring molecules in hydrophobic regions interact only due to weak van der Waals forces [50].

3.2. Crystal Structures of Hydrates 2 and 3

Structure 2 comprises one SB molecule and solvent water molecule lying on crystallographic 2-fold axis (Figure 7). In contrast to structure 1, terminal -O3S-(CH2)2- group is disordered over two positions at about a 2:1 ratio. A possible reason is that both disorder components occupy approximately the same volume in the crystal space and form similar hydrogen bonds. However, the main chain has the same bend conformation as molecule A in 1. A short intermolecular contact N+CH…-O3S was also observed (d(C14…O2B) = 3.149(6) Å).
The water molecule position exhibits low occupancy (~10%) despite the fact that its hydrogen bonds play the structure-forming role in 2, since they interconnect SB layers (Figure 8). The reason is that water oxygen atom O11 forms two short intermolecular contacts with symmetry-related positions of the disordered C11 methylene group (both O11…C11B separations equal two 3.01 Å). It is obvious that the location of only partially occupied water molecules in the interlayer space leads to low stability of crystals 2 in open air.
The hydrate 3 crystallizes in the same space group (C2/c) and with unit cell dimension (taking into account the doubling of a-axis length) similar to that of structure 2. However, hydrates 2 and 3 are not isomorphous. Structure 3 contains two independent SB zwitterions but only one water molecule occupying a special position (Figure 9). In contrast to 2, only one SB molecule is disordered. However, as in 2, the water molecule also exhibits low occupancy and interconnects SB layers (Figure 10). Moreover, in both 2 and 3, hydrophilic layers are perpendicular to the a-axis. Thus, they can be considered as pseudo-isostructural. This is confirmed by the significant similarity of simulated powder diffraction patterns for 2 and 3 and the experimental data for starting a commercial sample of SB (Figure 11). Apparently, the commercial sample is a mixture of hydrates 2 and 3 with very low water content. Of interest, the powder diffraction pattern for commercial SB practically does not change even with prolonged drying of the sample in high vacuum. This is in agreement with literature data showing that some zwitterionic sulfonic acid hydrates do not readily release residual water [51]. Unfortunately, the grinding of methanol solvate 1 during sample preparation for powder diffractometry leads to an almost complete loss of crystallinity.

3.3. DSC Studies of Unsolvated SB

It is well known that many long-chain sulfonic acids exhibit thermotropic liquid crystalline properties [52,53,54]. Thus, we decided to perform DSC studies of commercial samples of SB.
According to DSC, an unsolvated sample of SB undergoes a series of four phase transitions upon heating (Figure 12). Nevertheless, upon cooling, the number of DSC peaks decreases to three. The first endothermic process has a rather high thermal effect (Table 3) in comparison to the following processes. The second cycle of heating–cooling is distinct from the first, although the differences are found only during heating. The large endothermic peak at 96.6 °C and the next peak at 120.2 °C are not reproduced at the second heating. Instead, basing on their temperatures and enthalpies, it can be stated that the reverse processes of the transitions 6(I) and 7(I) at cooling are observed. The third and fourth transitions are not reproduced during cooling as well as in the second cycle. However, the cooling curves of both cycles are quite similar.
Polarizing thermo-microscopy was intended to assign the transitions (Figure 13). The first thermal event is accompanied by a drastic change in the crystal coloration caused by interference. The next two phase transformations cause less noticeable visual changes, as they are also crystal–crystal transitions. The melting (crystal to isotropic liquid transition) occurs higher than 200 °C. Upon cooling of the melt, crystallization followed by two crystal–crystal transformations is observed.
It can be assumed that the commercial sample of SB3-8 is partially hydrated (see above, structures 2 and 3) and the first transition is partly due to water evaporation given a temperature close to 100 °C.

4. Conclusions

Three novel solvatomorphs with methanol and water of zwitterionic sulfobetaine-8 were obtained and their structures were determined using single-crystal X-Ray diffraction. In hydrophobic chains -(CH2)3-N+Me2-(CH2)7-Me, most torsion angles are close to 180°, corresponding to the trans-conformation of most parts of the chains, with the exception of fragments including quaternary nitrogen atoms. Thus, in all cases dimethyl-amino substituted hydrophobic chains -(CH2)3-N+Me2-(CH2)7-Me exhibit kinks at nitrogen atoms resulted from strong intra- and intermolecular CH⋯O hydrogen bonds between negatively charged sulfonic anion -O3S- and positively charged tetraalkylammonium fragments. Periodic (solid state) DFT calculations for the structure 1 showed that the energy of the intermolecular hydrogen bonds CH⋯O is very high, at about 17 kJ/mol. The crystal packings of all compounds are divided into H-bonded hydrophilic layers formed around sulfonic anions and hydrophobic regions filled with parallel-packed long-chain -(CH2)7-Me substituents. In hydrates 2 and 3, water molecules play the structure-forming role since they interconnect hydrophobic layers by HOH…-O3S hydrogen bonds. The location of only partially occupied water molecules in the interlayer space leads to low stability of both crystals 2 and 3 in open air. According to DSC, the unsolvated sample of SB undergoes a series of phase transitions upon heating and some of these are not reproduced during cooling, as well as in the following cycles.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at: S1: Crystallographic data in cif format.

Author Contributions

A.V.C.: Writing—Conceptualization, Original Draft, Supervision. D.V.A.: Conceptualization, Methodology. P.K.: Investigation, Methodology, Visualization. M.A.K.: Investigation, Methodology, Visualization. M.V.V.: Investigation, Methodology, Formal analysis. L.G.K.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within State Contract 075-15-2022-1117 from 30 June 2022.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within this article.


Authors thank Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (contract 075-15-2022-1117).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Asymmetric unit in structure 1. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at 50% probability level. Carbon H atoms are not shown for clarity (except for methylene group C13). Hydrogen bonds are depicted by dashed lines.
Figure 1. Asymmetric unit in structure 1. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at 50% probability level. Carbon H atoms are not shown for clarity (except for methylene group C13). Hydrogen bonds are depicted by dashed lines.
Crystals 14 01062 g001
Figure 2. Orthogonal fitting of two independent SB molecules based on S–(CH2)3-N fragments in structure 1. Molecule A is drawn with solid lines, molecule B is drawn by open lines.
Figure 2. Orthogonal fitting of two independent SB molecules based on S–(CH2)3-N fragments in structure 1. Molecule A is drawn with solid lines, molecule B is drawn by open lines.
Crystals 14 01062 g002
Figure 3. The CH⋯O hydrogen bonded chains formed by molecules B structure 1. Hydrogen bonds are drawn by dashed lines.
Figure 3. The CH⋯O hydrogen bonded chains formed by molecules B structure 1. Hydrogen bonds are drawn by dashed lines.
Crystals 14 01062 g003
Figure 4. Distribution of C⋯O distances for N+CH…-O3S interactions.
Figure 4. Distribution of C⋯O distances for N+CH…-O3S interactions.
Crystals 14 01062 g004
Figure 5. Hirshfeld surfaces for molecule A (left) and molecule B (right) in structure 1.
Figure 5. Hirshfeld surfaces for molecule A (left) and molecule B (right) in structure 1.
Crystals 14 01062 g005
Figure 6. Hydrophilic (colored O, S, and H atoms) and hydrophobic (black C atoms) areas in structure 1. Unit cell is drawn by thin lines.
Figure 6. Hydrophilic (colored O, S, and H atoms) and hydrophobic (black C atoms) areas in structure 1. Unit cell is drawn by thin lines.
Crystals 14 01062 g006
Figure 7. Asymmetric unit in structure 2. Displacement ellipsoids are shown at 50% probability level. Hydrogen bond is depicted by a dashed line. Minor part of disorder is shown by open lines.
Figure 7. Asymmetric unit in structure 2. Displacement ellipsoids are shown at 50% probability level. Hydrogen bond is depicted by a dashed line. Minor part of disorder is shown by open lines.
Crystals 14 01062 g007
Figure 8. Water molecules linking SB layers in structure 2. Sulphur, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms are drawn in red, yellow, and blue colors. Unit cell is drawn by thin lines.
Figure 8. Water molecules linking SB layers in structure 2. Sulphur, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms are drawn in red, yellow, and blue colors. Unit cell is drawn by thin lines.
Crystals 14 01062 g008
Figure 9. Asymmetric unit in structure 3. Displacement ellipsoids are shown at 50% probability level. Hydrogen bond is depicted by a dashed line. Minor part of disorder is shown by open lines.
Figure 9. Asymmetric unit in structure 3. Displacement ellipsoids are shown at 50% probability level. Hydrogen bond is depicted by a dashed line. Minor part of disorder is shown by open lines.
Crystals 14 01062 g009
Figure 10. Water molecules linking SB layers in structure 3. Sulphur, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms are drawn in red, yellow, and blue colors. Unit cell is drawn by thin lines.
Figure 10. Water molecules linking SB layers in structure 3. Sulphur, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms are drawn in red, yellow, and blue colors. Unit cell is drawn by thin lines.
Crystals 14 01062 g010
Figure 11. Simulated powder diffraction patterns for 2 and 3 and experimental data for starting a commercial sample of SB.
Figure 11. Simulated powder diffraction patterns for 2 and 3 and experimental data for starting a commercial sample of SB.
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Figure 12. DSC curves of unsolvated SB, scanning rate 5°/min.
Figure 12. DSC curves of unsolvated SB, scanning rate 5°/min.
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Figure 13. Polarizing microscopy photos of unsolvated SB at different temperatures.
Figure 13. Polarizing microscopy photos of unsolvated SB at different temperatures.
Crystals 14 01062 g013
Table 1. Crystal data and details of X-Ray analysis.
Table 1. Crystal data and details of X-Ray analysis.
colour, habitcolourless, prismcolourless, prismcolourless, plate
cryst size (mm)0.30 × 0.25 × 0.100.20 × 0.08 × 0.050.20 × 0.10 × 0.01
crystal systemtriclinicmonoclinicmonoclinic
space groupP-1C2/cC2/c
a (Å)9.1621(5)33.973(3)66.068(4)
b (Å)9.8077(6)9.3917(7)9.3854(5)
c (Å)20.2295(12)10.1034(8)10.0615(6)
α (deg)92.535(3)9090
β (deg)96.013(3)102.767(3)97.969(3)
γ (deg)91.000(3)9090
Dc (g·cm−3)1.1461.1891.204
μ (mm−1)0.1910.2090.212
θ range (deg)2.03 to 30.002.46 to 25.501.87 to 26.00
refl collcd389891741147444
indep reflns/Rint10,519/0.04192930/0.07286071/0.1148
reflns I > 2σ(I)831022364187
No of param377209366
GooF on F21.0271.0611.036
R1 (I > 2σ(I))0.04130.04820.0580
wR2 (all data)0.10740.11730.1403
largest diff peak/hole (e·Å−3)0.48/−0.380.39/−0.300.57/−0.39
CCDC number238890723889062388908
Table 2. Metric parameters of hydrogen bonds in crystal 1: distance between heavy atoms R(X⋯O) and fragment angle X–H⋯O (Angle), where X = O, C, calculation vs. experiment (a). Theoretical values of the enthalpy, ∆HHB, and energy, EHB, of the hydrogen bonds evaluated using Equations (1) and (2), respectively, are given in fourth and fifth columns.
Table 2. Metric parameters of hydrogen bonds in crystal 1: distance between heavy atoms R(X⋯O) and fragment angle X–H⋯O (Angle), where X = O, C, calculation vs. experiment (a). Theoretical values of the enthalpy, ∆HHB, and energy, EHB, of the hydrogen bonds evaluated using Equations (1) and (2), respectively, are given in fourth and fifth columns.
Fragment, MoleculesR(X⋯O), ÅAngle, deg.–ΔHHB, kJ/molEHB, kJ/mol
C13–H⋯O13, AA3.104 (3.076)115.4 (121.9)9.5 10.4
C41–H⋯O22, BA3.103 (3.129)154.3 (152.2)16.2 17.8
O2–H⋯O11, MeOH⋯A2.758 (2.809)169.7 (173.1)26.1 30.7
O1–H⋯O13, MeOH⋯A2.700 (2.730)175.1 (175.8)29.3 36.3
(a) Experimental values are given in parentheses.
Table 3. Parameters of the thermal processes for unsolvated SB.
Table 3. Parameters of the thermal processes for unsolvated SB.
I CycleII Cycle
PeakTonset, °CTpeak, °CΔH, kJ/molPeakTonset, °CTpeak, °CΔH, kJ/mol
193.896.614 + 1174.076.96.0 + 0.4
2118120.25.3 + 0.42112.0113.94.5 + 0.3
3189.5202.91.4 + 0.13185.9188.42.0 + 0.1
4207.1210.04.7 + 0.34194.2202.42.1 + 0.1
5180.8175.010 + 15172.9166.19 + 1
6107.5104.55.6 + 0.46105.7103.54.7 + 0.3
774.372.06.1 + 0.4774.171.85.6 + 0.4
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MDPI and ACS Style

Churakov, A.V.; Anokhin, D.V.; Kalle, P.; Kiseleva, M.A.; Vener, M.V.; Kuz’mina, L.G. Crystal Structures of Sulfobetaine-8 Solvates: Bend Hydrophobic Chains and Doubly Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonds N+CH⋯O3S. Crystals 2024, 14, 1062.

AMA Style

Churakov AV, Anokhin DV, Kalle P, Kiseleva MA, Vener MV, Kuz’mina LG. Crystal Structures of Sulfobetaine-8 Solvates: Bend Hydrophobic Chains and Doubly Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonds N+CH⋯O3S. Crystals. 2024; 14(12):1062.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Churakov, Andrei V., Denis V. Anokhin, Paulina Kalle, Marina A. Kiseleva, Mikhail V. Vener, and Lyudmila G. Kuz’mina. 2024. "Crystal Structures of Sulfobetaine-8 Solvates: Bend Hydrophobic Chains and Doubly Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonds N+CH⋯O3S" Crystals 14, no. 12: 1062.

APA Style

Churakov, A. V., Anokhin, D. V., Kalle, P., Kiseleva, M. A., Vener, M. V., & Kuz’mina, L. G. (2024). Crystal Structures of Sulfobetaine-8 Solvates: Bend Hydrophobic Chains and Doubly Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonds N+CH⋯O3S. Crystals, 14(12), 1062.

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