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Journal: Genes, 2023
Volume: 14
Number: 1995

Article: Association between IRF6, TP63, GREM1 Gene Polymorphisms and Non-Syndromic Orofacial Cleft Phenotypes in Vietnamese Population: A Case–Control and Family-Based Study
Authors: by Loc Nguyen Gia Pham, Teruyuki Niimi, Satoshi Suzuki, Minh Duc Nguyen, Linh Cao Hoai Nguyen, Tuan Duc Nguyen, Kien Ai Hoang, Duc Minh Nguyen, Chisato Sakuma, Toko Hayakawa, Makino Hiyori, Nagana Natsume, Hiroo Furukawa, Hideto Imura, Junko Akashi, Tohru Ohta and Nagato Natsume

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