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The Unique Homothallic Mating-Type Loci of the Fungal Tree Pathogens Chrysoporthe syzygiicola and Chrysoporthe zambiensis from Africa

Nicolaas A. van der Merwe
Tshiamo Phakalatsane
P. Markus Wilken
Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0028, South Africa
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Genes 2023, 14(6), 1158;
Submission received: 28 April 2023 / Revised: 19 May 2023 / Accepted: 23 May 2023 / Published: 26 May 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Microbial Genetics and Genomics)


Chrysoporthe syzygiicola and C. zambiensis are ascomycete tree pathogens first described from Zambia, causing stem canker on Syzygium guineense and Eucalyptus grandis, respectively. The taxonomic descriptions of these two species were based on their anamorphic states, as no sexual states are known. The main purpose of this work was to use whole genome sequences to identify and define the mating-type (MAT1) loci of these two species. The unique MAT1 loci for C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola consist of the MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2, and MAT1-2-1 genes, but the MAT1-1-3 gene is absent. Genes canonically associated with opposite mating types were present at the single mating-type locus, suggesting that C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola have homothallic mating systems.

1. Introduction

Ascomycete sexual mating strategies are generally categorized as either homothallic or heterothallic. Heterothallic individuals require a genetically compatible partner to complete their sexual cycle [1,2], while homothallic fungi are self-fertile and do not require a partner for sexual reproduction [3,4]. Homothallism allows fungi to produce self-fertile offspring that can quickly colonize a new niche, but some of these fungi are also able to outcross under conducive environmental conditions [5]. Heterothallism and obligate sexual outcrossing are beneficial in circumstances where mating-type partners are plentiful and fitness costs for selfing are considerable [6], for example, when genetic diversity in a population is selectively advantageous.
In ascomycetes, mating is governed by mating-type genes that are located within the MAT1 locus [7,8]. These genes are primary regulators of reproduction, and function as determinants of mating compatibility [8,9]. In heterothallic fungi, the MAT1 locus consists of either a MAT1-1 or a MAT1-2 idiomorph [3]. The MAT1-1 idiomorph is minimally defined by the MAT1-1-1 gene encoding a protein with an alpha-1 box, whereas the MAT1-2 idiomorph is minimally defined by the MAT1-2-1 gene that encodes a protein with a high-mobility-group (HMG) box domain [2,10,11]. However, in homothallic species the MAT1 locus harbours homologous genes that are associated with both MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 in the same genome, i.e., both the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2-1 genes are present. The mating genes in homothallic species can either be linked in a single locus, or they can occur unlinked at separate loci in the genome [2,4].
The genus Chrysoporthe consists of fungal pathogens that cause Chrysoporthe canker of Myrtales trees, notable economically important forest trees as well as ornamental trees [12,13]. Most species of Chrysoporthe commonly display sexual fruiting bodies (perithecia) in natural habitats [13,14,15,16,17], although sexual reproduction is not frequently observed under laboratory conditions. For other Chrysoporthe species, such as C. hodgesiana, C. zambiensis, and C. syzygiicola, perithecia are rarely observed even under natural conditions [18,19]. In the absence of observable perithecia, the mating-type genes can provide evidence for the possibility of sexual reproduction in these species.
The mating-type loci of C. austroafricana, C. cubensis, and C. deuterocubensis have previously been characterized [20]. For example, C. austroafricana has a heterothallic mating system that consists of either a MAT1-1 or a MAT1-2 idiomorph in a single haploid genome. The MAT1-1 idiomorph of C. austroafricana contains the MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2, and MAT1-1-3 genes. Therefore, the genetic composition of the MAT1-1 idiomorph of C. austroafricana is similar to that of other heterothallic species in the Sordariomycetes [21,22,23]. The MAT1-2 idiomorph of C. austroafricana contains the MAT1-2-1 gene, but also truncated versions of the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-1-2 genes that are usually associated with the MAT1-1 idiomorph [20]. Thus, the mating-type idiomorphs of C. austroafricana have unique and distinctive organization and gene content. On the other hand, the MAT1 loci of C. cubensis and C. deuterocubensis are typical for homothallic species.
Previous research [20] has been important in determining the mating systems of three Chrysoporthe species that occur in Africa. However, there is little genetic information regarding the mating-type configurations of other Chrysoporthe species. Population studies have attempted to infer mating systems in some Chrysoporthe species by considering genetic diversity. An example is Chrysoporthe puriensis from Brazil, for which microsatellite markers were used to reveal a high level of genetic diversity [24]. Such high levels of diversity might be an indicator of recombination, but cannot be used to infer the mating system, since both homothallic and heterothallic species can outcross.
The mode and genetic basis of sexual reproduction in C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola, both African species, are unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the mating-type genes of these species, and infer their mating systems. To accomplish this goal, whole genome sequencing was used to enable gene identification and characterization. Phylogenies were constructed to investigate any conflicts that might exist between the MAT1 genes and the species phylogeny.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Genome Sequencing, Assembly, and Analysis

Chrysoporthe syzygiicola: Zambia, Luapula province, Samfya: single spore isolate from Syzygium guineense, 2008, D. Chungu (CMW29940/CBS124488)
Chrysoporthe zambiensis: Zambia, Luapula province, Kapweshi: single spore isolate from Eucalyptus grandis, 2008, D. Chungu (CMW29930/CBS124502)
Chrysoporthe zambiensis (CMW29930) and Chrysoporthe syzygiicola (CMW29940) isolates were obtained from the Culture Collection (CMW) of the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), Pretoria, South Africa. A phenol-choloroform protocol [25] was used to extract total genomic DNA (gDNA) from 14-day-old mycelium of these isolates grown in 2% (w/v) malt extract broth (Biolab, Merck, South Africa). High molecular weight gDNA was submitted for long read sequencing using a Pacific Biosciences Single-Molecule Real-Time (SMRT) protocol at Inqaba Biotechnical Industries (Pty) Ltd, Pretoria, South Africa. Furthermore, FastQC implemented in the Galaxy platform was used to evaluate the quality of the raw reads [26]. In addition, Canu was used to assemble the genomes [27], and QUAST [28] was used to determine general genomic statistics, such as N50, L50, and GC content, for the two isolates. BUSCO (benchmarking universal single-copy orthologs) [29] was used to evaluate the completeness of the draft genomes against the “sordariomycetes” database. Lastly, the AUGUSTUS de novo protein-coding gene prediction software [30,31] was used to annotate the draft genomes using gene models from Neurospora crassa as a reference set.
To confirm the taxonomic identities of the C. zambiensis (CMW29930) and C. syzygiicola (CMW29940) ex-type isolates, a phylogenomics approach was used. The draft genomes of the two isolates, along with previously sequenced genomes of other Chrysoporthe spp. were subjected to BUSCO analyses. A Python 3.8 command line script was used to parse the BUSCO output files and identify the genes that were complete and shared between all species in the analysis. The translated amino acid sequences were aligned using MUSCLE v. 5 [32,33], followed by automatic in silico trimming of each alignment using TrimAl v. 1.2 [34]. Amino acid alignments were concatenated to form a supermatrix, subjected to maximum-likelihood analysis using IQ-TREE v. 1.6.12 [35]. Confidence values in nodes were assessed using 1000 bootstrap replicates.

2.2. Structure of the Mating-Type Loci of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola

The draft genomes of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola were used to characterize their mating-type loci. The publicly available protein sequences for the MAT1 gene models of Cryphonectria parasitica, namely MAT1-1-1 (AAK83346.1), MAT1-1-2 (AAK83345.1), MAT1-1-3 (AAK83344.1), and MAT1-2-1 (AAK83343.1) were retrieved from the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI) GenBank database using their accession numbers. These sequences were used as query sequences against contigs of the draft genomes of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola. tBLASTn searches [36,37] were performed using CLC Main Workbench v.20.0 (CLC Bio, Aarhus, Denmark) to search for homologs of the Cry. parasitica mating-type genes in the Chrysoporthe genomes. In addition, tBLASTn searches were used to identify genes normally associated with the fungal MAT1 locus [11], including the APN2 (NCBI accession number: VM1G_08163), COX6A (NCBI accession number: VM1G_08162), and APC5 genes [38]. Only sequences with at least 50% query coverage and contigs that produced matches with an E-value 0.01 were considered as possible homologs of the MAT1 genes or genes associated with the flanking regions of the MAT1 locus.
To annotate the contigs that putatively contain MAT1 genes and its flanking genes, contigs were subjected to de novo gene prediction using the web-based AUGUSTUS gene prediction software [30,31], with the corresponding gene models from Neurospora crassa as references. BLASTp with default parameters were used to functionally characterize the predicted protein sequences of the putative MAT1 genes, as well as genes associated with the MAT1 locus, using the NCBI GenBank database. The conserved domains canonically associated with the mating-type genes were confirmed using the InterPro protein database [39,40] and Pfam [41].
To understand the structural differences and similarities of the MAT1 loci of Chrysoporthe, the structures of the MAT1 loci of previously published species [20] were reconstructed from available complete genome sequences. These locus structures were mapped onto the phylogenomic tree.

2.3. Phylogenetic Analysis of Mating-Type Genes

Maximum-likelihood gene trees of the mating-type genes were generated using IQ-TREE v. 1.6.12 [35], using the built-in selection of the best evolutionary model. These analyses included mating-type gene sequences of C. puriensis [16,42], C. austroafricana [43], C. cubensis, and C. deuterocubensis [44], with Cry. parasitica [22] as an outgroup taxon. MAFFT v. 7.1 [45] was used to perform multiple sequence alignments of mating-type genes and the combined dataset was visualized using the CLC Main Workbench v. 23, where poorly aligned regions were trimmed. The gene trees were compared to the species phylogeny generated in this study in order to detect incongruence.
To determine whether the mating-type genes from the genomes of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis were conserved, their inferred amino acid sequences were amended with homologous sequences from C. puriensis, C. cubensis, C. deuterocubensis, and Cry. parasitica. These amino acid sequences were aligned using MAFFT, and sequence similarities were inferred using the “create pairwise comparison” tool implemented in the CLC Genomics Workbench v. 23.

3. Results

3.1. Genome Sequencing and Taxonomic Confirmation

Both genomes sequenced during this study were submitted to NCBI under BioProject PRJNA971112. The Chrysoporthe zambiensis draft genome size was 48,317,394 bp (48.3 Mb), comprising 211 contigs. The L50 and N50 of the assembled genome were 19 and 691,378 bp, respectively, (Table 1). Moreover, the predicted number of gene models for C. zambiensis was 15,899, and BUSCO predicted 96.2% completeness for this genome (Table 2). For C. syzygiicola, the draft genome size was 42,500,337 bp (42.5 Mb), comprising 233 contigs. The L50 and N50 statistics of the C. syzygiicola draft genome were 21 and 617,420 bp, respectively, (Table 1). AUGUSTUS predicted 12,328 gene models, and BUSCO predicted a 95% genome completeness (Table 2).
When compared to other species of Chrysoporthe, namely C. austroafricana (44.67 Mb, 13,484 gene models), C. cubensis (42.62 Mb, 13,121 gene models), C. deuterocubensis (43.97 Mb, 13,772 gene models), and C. puriensis (44.66 Mb, 13,166 gene models), the genome size and predicted gene models of C. zambiensis were slightly larger, while the genome size and predicted gene models for C. syzygiicola were slightly smaller [42,43,44].
Phylogenetic analysis of C. zambiensis (CMW29930) and C. syzygiicola (CMW29940) using single-copy orthologs obtained from BUSCO analyses confirmed the identity of the isolates with 100% bootstrap values at all internal nodes (Figure 1).

3.2. Mating-Type Genes and Structure of the Mating-Type Loci of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis

The tBLASTn search against the whole-genome assembly of C. syzygiicola revealed the presence of MAT1 genes and genes associated with the flanking regions of the MAT1 locus on the same contig. The MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2, MAT1-2-1, DNA lyase (APN2), anaphase promoting complex (APC5), and cytochrome C oxidase subunit 6A (COX6A) genes were identified on contig ctg-000040F of the draft genome. AUGUSTUS predicted an additional five genes positioned between the MAT1 genes, placing these within the mating-type locus of C. syzygiicola (Figure 2A). The genes located within the MAT1 locus did not show any sequence similarities to any of the proteins present in the NCBI GenBank database, and no domains were detected from the protein databases, such as InterPro and Pfam.
tBLASTn searches against the draft genome assembly of C. zambiensis revealed the presence of the MAT1-1-1, MAT1-2-1, and APN2 genes on a single contig (ctg000166F), while the MAT1-1-2 gene was identified on a separate contig (ctg000072F). The genes associated with the flanking regions of the mating-type loci of fungal species [11,46] were not linked to the mating-type locus of C. zambiensis. In addition to the MAT1 genes, seven genes with no known functions were present within the MAT1 locus of C. zambiensis. None of these genes showed any amino acid sequence similarities with proteins from the GenBank database, and no domains were detected from the protein databases (Figure 2B).
In the mating-type locus of C. syzygiicola, the putative MAT1-1-1 gene was 1098 bp long (CDS 1096 bp), coding 387 amino acids with no intron. In addition, this MAT1-1-1 gene encoded a protein with the alpha-box domain (IPR006856) [10,11]. The putative MAT1-1-2 gene was 1279 bp long (CDS 1119 bp) containing two introns (90 bp and 67 bp). The predicted MAT1-1-2 gene encoded 373 amino acids, and no conserved motifs were detected against the Interpro and Pfam protein domain databases. The putative MAT1-2-1 gene was 1008 bp long (CDS 879 bp), coding for 293 amino acids containing two introns (60 bp and 69 bp). The expected HMG box domain (IPR009071) that characterizes the MAT1-2-1 gene was detected in both the Pfam and InterPro protein databases. The size of the mating-type locus was 25.25 kb. Moreover, based on the observed genetic composition of the mating-type locus of C. syzygiicola, this species has a homothallic mating system. Therefore, it is self-fertile and can complete sexual reproduction in the absence of a mating-type partner.
In the mating-type locus of C. zambiensis, the predicted MAT1-1-1 gene was 1161 bp long (CDS 1161 bp), coding 387 amino acids that harbour the characterizing domain, the HMG box (IPR006856), with no introns detected in this gene. The putative MAT1-1-2 gene was 1280 bp long, with a CDS of 1119 bp and two introns of 71 bp and 90 bp. The predicted MAT1-1-2 gene encodes 373 amino acids, and no conserved motifs were detected against the Interpro and Pfam protein domain databases. The predicted MAT1-2-1 gene was 1008 bp long with a CDS of 879 bp and two introns (60 bp and 69 bp). The MAT1-2-1 gene encodes 293 amino acids and the HMG box domain (IPR009071), that characterizes this gene, was detected in both the Pfam and InterPro protein databases. The size of the MAT1 locus of C. zambiensis was 28.97 kb. Based on the genetic content of the mating-type locus of this species, C. zambiensis is also homothallic.
The structures of the mating-type loci of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis were compared with the structures of the mating-type loci of other Chrysoporthe spp. using the species tree generated in this study (Figure 3). Based on this structural comparison, the genetic content of the MAT1 loci of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis differed slightly from the genetic content of other Chrysoporthe spp. For example, the MAT1 loci of homothallic Chrysoporthe spp. consist of genes that are associated with both the MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs, including MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2, MAT1-1-3, and MAT1-2-1 genes. The MAT1 loci of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola contain gene sequences for MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2, and MAT1-2-1 that are homologous to MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs, but the MAT1-1-3 gene is absent in the mating-type loci of both species. Additionally, genes associated with the flanking regions of the mating-type loci of Pezizomycotina, such as COX6A and APC5, were absent in the mating-type locus of C. zambiensis. The structures of mating-type loci of Chrysoporthe spp. are thus unique among the MAT1 loci of filamentous ascomycetes.

3.3. Phylogenetic Analysis of the Mating-Type Genes

Sequence similarity comparisons (Table 3) of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis core MAT1 genes against other species of Chrysoporthe and Cry. parasitica showed that the MAT1-1-2 and MAT1-2-1 genes tend to be more conserved among species than the MAT1-1-1 gene. The core MAT1 genes from C. syzygiicola also tended to be better conserved than those from C. zambiensis. Additionally, the average species-wise similarity values tended to decrease as relatedness decreased.
The maximum-likelihood gene trees generated for the MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2 and MAT1-2-1 core mating-type genes were incongruent with both each other and the species tree (Figure 4). The gene tree for MAT1-1-1 was largely congruent with the species tree. However, in both the MAT1-1-2 and MAT1-2-1 gene trees, C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola were more basal and grouped together with C. austroafricana. Species that were closely related to each other also displayed different mating systems. For example, while C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola are homothallic, C. austroafricana is heterothallic. Therefore, the ancestral state for the mating system remains elusive.

4. Discussion

The genome sequences for C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis allowed for the identification and characterization of the mating-type loci of these species, which in turn allowed inference regarding their mating systems. This study indicated that the MAT1 loci of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola contain genes that are characteristic of homothallic mating systems, where MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 genes co-occur in the same genome [2,4]. The MAT1 loci of both species harboured the MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2, and MAT1-2-1 core mating-type genes. Apart from the mating-type genes, the MAT1 loci of filamentous ascomycetes are usually associated with other non-mating-type genes, such as APN2, COX6A, and APC5, that are located in the flanking regions [11,47,48]. These genes were associated with the MAT1 locus of C. syzygiicola, but COX6A and APC5 were not associated with the MAT1 locus of C. zambiensis.
Generally, the mating-type loci of homothallic Sordariomycetes harbour the MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2, MAT1-1-3, and MAT1-2-1 genes [1,49,50]. However, the MAT1-1-3 gene was absent in the MAT1 loci of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis. Although the MAT1-1-3 gene is frequently found in the MAT1 loci of Diaporthales spp. and other fungi [1,20,22,51,52], but it can also be absent in some heterothallic [53,54] and homothallic species [55,56]. To date, the significance of the presence or absence of the MAT1-1-3 gene in the MAT1 loci of species of Chrysoporthe is unclear. However, in other fungi, specifically Villosiclava virens, the MAT1-1-3 gene is essential for pathogenicity, sexual development, and asexual reproduction [57].
The predicted mating-type genes in the MAT1 loci of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola have high sequence identity when compared with the MAT1 genes of other Chrysoporthe species. The sizes of the MAT1-1-1 genes of Chrysoporthe spp. from Zambia were similar, and the alpha-1 domain that characterizes this gene was also present. However, no intron was observed in the MAT1-1-1 genes of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis. This trait seems to be unique among the Diaporthales, including Chrysoporthe spp. The sizes of the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-1-2 genes of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis were slightly smaller in comparison to the same genes of C. austroafricana, C. cubensis, and C. deuterocubensis [20]. Furthermore, no conserved domain was observed in the MAT1-1-2 genes of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis, a trait seemingly unique in these species. The gene and intron sizes of the MAT1-2-1 genes of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis were conserved and similar to that of other Chrysoporthe spp. [20]. The presence of unknown genes within the mating-type loci of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola also a seemingly common feature that occurs in the MAT1 loci of Chrysoporthe spp. [20].
The sizes of the mating-type loci in Chrysoporthe appear to be species-specific. For example, the size of the mating-type locus of C. zambiensis (29.0 kb) is larger than the MAT1 loci of C. syzygiicola (20.9 kb) and C. deuterocubensis (18.2 kb). Similarly, the size of the MAT1 locus of C. cubensis (45.0 kb) and the MAT1-1 (133.8 kb) idiomorph of C. austroafricana were larger when compared to other Chrysoporthe spp. The mating-type loci in Chrysoporthe were consistently larger than the expected MAT1 locus size of most filamentous ascomycetes studied here. The size variations of the MAT1 loci of Chrysoporthe spp. might be attributable to the presence of varying numbers of genes of unknown function and the presence of transposable elements, observed in other Chrysoporthe spp. [20]. These transposable elements are associated with the expansion of the MAT1 locus, introducing genetic variation, and suppressing recombination in this region if sexual reproduction is possible [46,58].
Compared to a typical sordariomycete MAT1 locus, the structure of the MAT1 locus of Chrysoporthe spp. is unique [1,2,11]. For example, a gene associated with the flanking regions of MAT1 loci, such as APN2 (AP endonuclease) [46,47,48,59], is present within the MAT1 loci of all Chrysoporthe spp. studied thus far. Gene organization in the MAT1 loci of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola is similar to what has been observed in other Chrysoporthe spp. [20]. However, the COX6A and APC5 genes are located within the MAT1 locus of C. zambiensis, instead of flanking it, when compared to the MAT1 loci of other Chrysoporthe spp. Therefore, the structural configurations of the MAT1 loci in the genus Chrysoporthe differ from each other and other ascomycetes.
In many filamentous ascomycetes, the structural configuration of the MAT1 locus is SLA2MAT1APN2/COX3A/APC5 [11] and the presence of these genes adjacent to the MAT1 locus plays a crucial role in the identification and characterization of the MAT1 locus. However, in some species of Diaporthales, the structural configuration of the MAT1 locus is distinct from other filamentous ascomycetes. For example, in the MAT1 locus of Valsa mali (Valsaceae, Diaporthales), APN2 and COX13 genes are located within the locus [38]. Additionally, the APN2 gene is located within the MAT1 loci of Chrysoporthe spp. The significance of the rearrangements of the MAT1 loci is currently a matter of speculation. However, these rearrangements might induce beneficial genetic changes that can be selected for [58], thus potentially playing an important role in species evolution.
Incongruence between individual genes among each other and to a species tree has been observed before in Cryphonectriaceae [60], and in other fungi it has been linked to the speciation process [61]. Based on these observations, as well as tempting structural variation in the mitochondrial genomes of Chrysoporthe spp. [62], we can infer that divergence in this fungi group was likely driven by ancestral hybrid speciation, coincident with large-scale introgression. However, this conjecture remains to be tested and requires genome sequences from many more closely related species in the Cryphonectriaceae.
In this study, the homothallic mating systems of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis were confirmed. Based on the current analyses, there was no evidence of another mode of homothallism, such as mating-type switching, pseudohomothallism, or unidirectional mating [4], in Chrysoporthe spp. The characterization of the mating-type genes in these two species from Zambia indicate that they can reproduce sexually. However, the absence of perithecia in natural habitats could indicate that cryptic sex is taking place. In some fungal pathogens, the process of sexual reproduction and the presence of mating-type genes is associated with virulence [57,63]. Therefore, functional studies investigating the mating-type genes of Chrysoporthe spp. will be useful to understand the role these genes have in virulence, as well as the significance of the absent MAT1-1-3 gene in the genomes of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, N.A.v.d.M. and P.M.W.; methodology, N.A.v.d.M., P.M.W. and T.P.; formal analysis, N.A.v.d.M. and T.P.; investigation, T.P.; resources, N.A.v.d.M.; data curation, N.A.v.d.M.; writing—original draft preparation, N.A.v.d.M. and T.P.; writing—review and editing, N.A.v.d.M. and P.M.W.; visualization, N.A.v.d.M. and T.P.; supervision, N.A.v.d.M.; project administration, N.A.v.d.M.; funding acquisition, N.A.v.d.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was jointly funded by industry partners of the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, Pretoria, South Africa), Forestry South Africa, the DSI/NRF Center of Excellence in Plant Health Biotechnology, and the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Draft genome sequences generated during this study were deposited at the NCBI under BioProject PRJNA971112 (accessed on 19 May 2023).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. A maximum-likelihood tree generated from the combined BUSCO protein sequences of 3490 shared complete BUSCO genes from genomes of Chrysoporthe spp. Percentages at nodes denote bootstrap values (1000 replicates), while Cryphonectria parasitica EP155 was used as an outgroup taxon.
Figure 1. A maximum-likelihood tree generated from the combined BUSCO protein sequences of 3490 shared complete BUSCO genes from genomes of Chrysoporthe spp. Percentages at nodes denote bootstrap values (1000 replicates), while Cryphonectria parasitica EP155 was used as an outgroup taxon.
Genes 14 01158 g001
Figure 2. Scale diagram of the mating-type loci of (A) C. syzygiicola and (B) C. zambiensis. Genes coloured in light grey are those with unknown function or no known sequence similarities with genes from the NCBI database.
Figure 2. Scale diagram of the mating-type loci of (A) C. syzygiicola and (B) C. zambiensis. Genes coloured in light grey are those with unknown function or no known sequence similarities with genes from the NCBI database.
Genes 14 01158 g002
Figure 3. Structural comparison of the MAT1 loci of Chrysoporthe spp., mapped onto the previously generated phylogenomic tree (Figure 1). Species highlighted in red are those sequenced and characterized in this study. MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 denote the idiomorphs of heterothallic species, while MAT1 denotes a homothallic MAT1 locus.
Figure 3. Structural comparison of the MAT1 loci of Chrysoporthe spp., mapped onto the previously generated phylogenomic tree (Figure 1). Species highlighted in red are those sequenced and characterized in this study. MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 denote the idiomorphs of heterothallic species, while MAT1 denotes a homothallic MAT1 locus.
Genes 14 01158 g003
Figure 4. Phylogenetic incongruence between the species tree and maximum-likelihood gene trees for MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2, and MAT1-2-1. Red connectors denote the phylogenetic positions of the species from Zambia, while blue connectors denote C. austroafricana from South Africa. Bootstrap values above 50% (1000 replicates) are indicated at their respective nodes. Note that the MAT1-1-1 sequence for Ca2 is a partial gene that is present in a MAT1-2 idiomorph. Cryphonectria parasitica isolate EP155 (MAT1-2) was used as an outgroup for the phylogenomic tree and the MAT1-2-1 gene tree, while isolate OB5-35 (MAT1-1) was used for the gene trees of MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-1-2. Ca1: Chrysoporthe austroafricana CMW6102 (MAT1-1); Ca2: Chrysoporthe austroafricana CMW2113 (MAT1-2); Cz: Chrysoporthe zambiensis CMW29930 (homothallic); Cs: Chrysoporthe syzygiicola CMW29940 (homothallic); Cc: Chrysoporthe cubensis CMW10028 (homothallic); Cd: Chrysoporthe deuterocubensis CMW8650 (homothallic); Cp: Chrysoporthe puriensis CMW54409 (MAT1-1).
Figure 4. Phylogenetic incongruence between the species tree and maximum-likelihood gene trees for MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-2, and MAT1-2-1. Red connectors denote the phylogenetic positions of the species from Zambia, while blue connectors denote C. austroafricana from South Africa. Bootstrap values above 50% (1000 replicates) are indicated at their respective nodes. Note that the MAT1-1-1 sequence for Ca2 is a partial gene that is present in a MAT1-2 idiomorph. Cryphonectria parasitica isolate EP155 (MAT1-2) was used as an outgroup for the phylogenomic tree and the MAT1-2-1 gene tree, while isolate OB5-35 (MAT1-1) was used for the gene trees of MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-1-2. Ca1: Chrysoporthe austroafricana CMW6102 (MAT1-1); Ca2: Chrysoporthe austroafricana CMW2113 (MAT1-2); Cz: Chrysoporthe zambiensis CMW29930 (homothallic); Cs: Chrysoporthe syzygiicola CMW29940 (homothallic); Cc: Chrysoporthe cubensis CMW10028 (homothallic); Cd: Chrysoporthe deuterocubensis CMW8650 (homothallic); Cp: Chrysoporthe puriensis CMW54409 (MAT1-1).
Genes 14 01158 g004
Table 1. Genome assembly statistics for the draft genomes of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola.
Table 1. Genome assembly statistics for the draft genomes of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola.
Assembly MetricC. zambiensisC. syzygiicola
Genome size (bp)48,317,39442,500,337
Number of contigs211233
GC content (%)56.5755.43
N50 (bp)691,378617,420
Table 2. Completeness statistics for the draft genomes of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola.
Table 2. Completeness statistics for the draft genomes of C. zambiensis and C. syzygiicola.
BUSCO StatisticC. zambiensisC. syzygiicola
Overall completeness (%)96.295
Complete BUSCO genes (C)36723631
Single copy orthologs (S)36643625
Duplicated orthologs (D)86
Fragmented orthologs (F)3439
Missing orthologs (M)111147
Table 3. Similarity comparison of the coding sequences of the mating-type genes of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis in relation to other species of Chrysoporthe and Cry. parasitica. The MAT1-1-1 gene in the MAT1-2 idiomorph of C. austroafricana is truncated. All numerical values are percentages. Entries indicated with “—” denote self-comparisons, or where a gene from a homothallic species did not exist in an idiomorph of a heterothallic species.
Table 3. Similarity comparison of the coding sequences of the mating-type genes of C. syzygiicola and C. zambiensis in relation to other species of Chrysoporthe and Cry. parasitica. The MAT1-1-1 gene in the MAT1-2 idiomorph of C. austroafricana is truncated. All numerical values are percentages. Entries indicated with “—” denote self-comparisons, or where a gene from a homothallic species did not exist in an idiomorph of a heterothallic species.
NCBIC. syzygiicolaC. zambiensis
C. syzygiicolaCMW29940PRJNA97111291.2998.1197.1295.50
C. zambiensisCMW29930PRJNA97111291.2998.1197.1295.50
C. austroafricanaCMW6102 (MAT1-1)ASM10511597.5110098.7692.5798.1195.34
C. austroafricanaCMW2113 (MAT1-2)ASM160718098.7610099.6499.4784.5798.1197.4893.39
C. cubensisCMW10028ASM12823184.6597.5797.1293.1187.5596.2297.4893.75
C. deuterocubensisCMW8650ASM15138287.5596.7694.2492.8583.5595.4194.6091.19
C. puriensisCMW54409 (MAT1-1)ASM156789584.2395.4189.8283.8294.0588.94
Cry. parasiticaEP155Crypa246.4752.1562.2353.6245.2351.6161.8752.90
Per gene average similarity84.3591.4390.07 81.2390.2389.71
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MDPI and ACS Style

van der Merwe, N.A.; Phakalatsane, T.; Wilken, P.M. The Unique Homothallic Mating-Type Loci of the Fungal Tree Pathogens Chrysoporthe syzygiicola and Chrysoporthe zambiensis from Africa. Genes 2023, 14, 1158.

AMA Style

van der Merwe NA, Phakalatsane T, Wilken PM. The Unique Homothallic Mating-Type Loci of the Fungal Tree Pathogens Chrysoporthe syzygiicola and Chrysoporthe zambiensis from Africa. Genes. 2023; 14(6):1158.

Chicago/Turabian Style

van der Merwe, Nicolaas A., Tshiamo Phakalatsane, and P. Markus Wilken. 2023. "The Unique Homothallic Mating-Type Loci of the Fungal Tree Pathogens Chrysoporthe syzygiicola and Chrysoporthe zambiensis from Africa" Genes 14, no. 6: 1158.

APA Style

van der Merwe, N. A., Phakalatsane, T., & Wilken, P. M. (2023). The Unique Homothallic Mating-Type Loci of the Fungal Tree Pathogens Chrysoporthe syzygiicola and Chrysoporthe zambiensis from Africa. Genes, 14(6), 1158.

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