Abnormal Base Excision Repair at Trinucleotide Repeats Associated with Diseases: A Tissue-Selective Mechanism
:1. Trinucleotide Repeat Instability in Diseases
2. Trinucleotide Repeat Instability as the Result of Erroneous DNA Repair
3. In Vivo Mechanism of BER in Trinucleotide Repeat Instability
3.1. BER in Various Models of Trinucleotide Repeat Instability
3.2. Level and Accessibility of DNA Lesions at Trinucleotide Repeats
3.3. Mechanism of BER in Tissue-Selective CAG/CTG Repeat Instability
4. Conclusions
Conflict of Interest
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Goula, A.-V.; Merienne, K. Abnormal Base Excision Repair at Trinucleotide Repeats Associated with Diseases: A Tissue-Selective Mechanism. Genes 2013, 4, 375-387. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes4030375
Goula A-V, Merienne K. Abnormal Base Excision Repair at Trinucleotide Repeats Associated with Diseases: A Tissue-Selective Mechanism. Genes. 2013; 4(3):375-387. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes4030375
Chicago/Turabian StyleGoula, Agathi-Vasiliki, and Karine Merienne. 2013. "Abnormal Base Excision Repair at Trinucleotide Repeats Associated with Diseases: A Tissue-Selective Mechanism" Genes 4, no. 3: 375-387. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes4030375
APA StyleGoula, A.-V., & Merienne, K. (2013). Abnormal Base Excision Repair at Trinucleotide Repeats Associated with Diseases: A Tissue-Selective Mechanism. Genes, 4(3), 375-387. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes4030375