1. Introduction
Zircon (ZrSiO
4) is an accessory mineral in many igneous and metamorphic rocks. It is chemically and physically resistant, has a high specific density and, thus, concentrates in so-called heavy-mineral sands (HMS). It may contain low content of Ti, Nb, and Pb, and relatively high Y and REE content (Y >1000 ppm, LREE <100 ppm and HREE ~800 ppm), which often form discrete phases as inclusions. Zircon has many applications in modern industry. For instance, plasma-spray technologies use it as a coating for airborne panels and components [
1]. Yttrium extracted from zircons is a strengthening element in many materials and metal alloys [
2]. Zirconium is part of the strategic-raw materials, which becomes extremely important for the electronic and digital supply chain and the high-tech industry and green technologies [
3]. The global demand for zirconium is currently 120,000 t/year, with a steady growth expected annually. The growing global demand for critical raw materials (CRMs) generated by international markets is strongly unbalanced with the availability of CRMs in mineral deposits. The zirconium market was valued at USD 5.14 billion in 2019 and will reach USD 7.2 billion by 2026, expanding at a compound annual growth rate of 5.2% during the forecast period 2020–2026. The market growth relates to the increasing number of nuclear power plants in emerging economies such as India and China. Europe is facing the so-called “balance problem”, so it is essential to look for new deposits and know their exploitability in the EU countries.
Zircon is considered a powerful tool for geochronology and also provided other information about genetic conditions and geodynamic associations. However, interpreting its geochemistry is complex and may be complicated and consequently requires a thoughtful approach, as suggested in this paper.
The zircons analyzed in this study occur in superficial soils at Le Fosse di Novale, Lonedo and other localities of the Vicentine province (Veneto Region, NE Italy) (
Figure 1). Zircons in superficial soils are a promising marker for deeper zircon-ilmenite rich HMS. However, exploration is costly and challenging in a populated area. Therefore, we aim to constrain zircon source and transport would make more feasible a future exploration.
Due to their density, heavy minerals concentrate by the tractive forces operated by river water. Ilmenite/spinel (4.5–5 ρ), olivine (3.28–3.48 ρ), garnet (3.62–3.87 ρ), clinopyroxene (3.22–3.38 ρ), zircon (4.60–4.70 ρ) are present in the following relative percentage among heavy minerals in the Vicentine soils at 68%, 20%, 5%, 3.4%, and 3.4%, respectively. Of particular importance is the presence of the pyrope-rich garnet (Pyr57Alm29Gro7And7Sps1) and Mg-rich ilmenite (Ilm72Gk27Pr1, FeO—42.8–45.6, MgO—4.6–7.0, MnO—0.3–0.6 wt %), associated with zircon.
The potential source of zircons is a dike–diatreme system upstream of the zircon deposits [
5]. Mafic alkaline igneous rocks are widespread in the Plateau of the Sette Comuni, Tonezza del Cimone, Castelletto di Rotzo and other localities in the vicinity of Pedescala in the Val d’Astico. These rocks are poorly studied and range in composition from lamprophyres (Castelletto di Rotzo) to olivine foidite with lamprophyres’ affinity (Tonezza del Cimone). This work provides for a geochemical study, including U–Pb dating, to understand the relationship between the zircons in the alluvial deposits and those in the lamprophyre rocks. In particular, we studied the distribution of high field strength elements (HFSE) and rare earth element (REE) concentrations to distinguish magmatic, metamorphic (crust–mantle), and hydrothermal/metasomatic/metamictic zircons [
6]. We statistically compared the ages determined in this study with previously published geochronology data for this area. In addition, we dated the Lonedo zircons, which were not considered in literature so far.
2. Geological Setting
The study area is a wedge of mostly undeformed Adria plate foreland between western and eastern south-verging South Alpine thrust systems, much to the south of the Peri Adriatic Line, a geo-suture division between Austro-Alpine and South-Alpine domains. South-Alpine tectonics is still active today in the study area, producing several historical earthquakes in the southern Alpine sector (e.g., Asolo Earthquake, 1965 M. 6.4) [
8] (
Figure 1). The South-Alpine domain is a 10 to 15 km thick retro-wedge consisting of upper crustal-slices, resting on the Adria-plate middle and lower crust. Miocene-Pliocene tectonics of the South-Alpine sector is coeval with the Tyrrhenian Sea opening [
9] and postdates the initial magmatic activity on the Adria plate margin (Middle Eocene-Miocene). Intense sub-aerial erosion deeply affected the sedimentary and igneous rocks exposed post-Upper Miocene [
10]. Veneto’s magmatic events, both effusive and explosive, began with a pervasive alkaline lamprophyric dyke and diatreme swarm in Middle Eocene time. Intense regional thermometamorphism (brucite marbles) accompanied by high temperature limburgite submarine flow of fluid lavas associated with an intense heat flow along the Periadriatic Line in Oligocene time [
11]. The sub-aerial activity consisted of the emission of large quantities of pyroclastic products, near-surface hyaloclastite deltas, and sub-aerial monogenic volcanoes related to a transtensive fault system NNW–SSE (Schio-Vicenza strike-slip system) [
7], forming the volcanic districts of the Marostica, Lessini, Berici and Euganei Hills. Middle Oligocene volcanism produced vast deposits of layered tuffs, as well as lava flows [
12]. Lately, the emission of viscous rhyolitic, trachytic and latitic volcanics may represent the final melting of crustal rocks due to ultrabasic melt underplating the Moho [
12]. The Veneto volcanic districts were not affected by deformation located south of the Thiene–Bassano thrust and are in the Adria foreland (
Figure 1). Tonezza, Castelletto di Rotzo and Marostica Hills are deformed and located north of the more external South-Alpine thrust [
11]. In the Veneto region, the crust is thin, so there was an upwelling of the mantle possibly due to a local hot spot, testified by P-wave seismic tomography, showing low-velocity anomalies at depth [
Sub-volcanic dykes and diatremes at Tonezza del Cimone and Castelletto di Rotzo have an Oligocene age [
16]. The entire area hosts dozens of dissected, en-echelon dykes varying from a meter to 10 m thick. Castelletto di Rotzo outcrop consists of a dyke-diatreme system, hosted in Barremian limestones (Majolica or Biancone) and maybe in Hettangian-Domerian limestones (Calcari Grigi group) and partially covered by fluvioglacial-morainic deposits (
Figure 2) [
17]. Tonezza del Cimone are poorly studied and deserve more attention and a future petrological study. Interestingly, one of the authors (FS) has discovered carbonatitic diatremes in Tonezza del Cimone, ultramafic rocks with CaO >30 wt% and CO
2 >20 wt % have recently been discovered (F. Stoppa personal communication). Mantle-xenoliths are frequent and testify to a rapid rise of the magma from the mantle towards the surface.
3. Methods
The heavy minerals were separated using a sodium polytungstate aqueous solution (2.9 ρ), enabling rapid and effective mineral separations. After heavy-liquid separation, zircon crystals with sizes larger than 60 μm were hand-picked at the DiSPUTer, University “G. d’Annunzio” (Chieti, Italy). The smaller crystals, which are more affected by alteration due to the decay of U and Th, were not selected. Zircons have been studied by AX10 Zeiss optical microscope (Oberkochen, Germany) and Phenom XL SEM (Thermofisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) housed at the geochemistry and volcanology laboratory, “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara (Chieti, Italy).
All studies of multiphase and silicate melt inclusions in zircons from the Le Fosse di Novale soils were provided in the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk, Russia. Optical examination of the polished zircon grains mounted in epoxy resin (monitoring of multiphase inclusions) was performed using an Olympus BX51 microscope (Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan). BSE images, elemental maps, and energy-dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) analyses of zircon and minerals from exposed inclusions were obtained using a MIRA 3LMU SEM (TESCAN Ltd., Brno, Czech Republic) equipped with an INCA Energy 450 XMax 80 microanalysis system (Oxford Instruments Ltd.). EDS analyses were performed using an accelerating voltage of 20 kV, a probe current of 1 nA, and an accumulation time of 20 s. The following simple compounds and metals were used as reference materials for most of the elements: SiO2 (Si and O), Al2O3 (Al), diopside (Mg and Ca), albite (Na), orthoclase (K), Ca2P2O7 (P), BaF2 (Ba and F), Cr2O3 (Cr), pyrite (S), CsRe2Cl6 (Cl), metallic Ti, Fe, Mn, Zr, Hf and others. Correction for matrix effects was done using the XPP algorithm, implemented in the software of the microanalysis system. Metallic Co served for quantitative optimisation (normalisation to probe current and energy calibration of the spectrometer).
Electron Micro-Probe Analyser (EMPA) composition of zircons from soils of Novale was determined using the JEOL JXA 8200 Super-probe at Department of Earth Sciences, University of Milan (Milano, Italy), equipped with five WDS spectrometers, operating in wavelength dispersive mode. Operating conditions were 15 kV accelerating potential, 5 nA beam current, a spot size of 5 µm, and a counting time of 30 s on the peaks and 10 s on the backgrounds. The following natural minerals were used as reference materials: zircon Jarosevich for Zr, Hf and Si; ilmenite for Ti; Y-phosphate for Y; pure Nb.
Cathodoluminescence images were obtained using a Lumic HC6-LM cathodoluminescence microscope at the Natural History Museum, London. Trace element and U–Pb analysis was undertaken on zircons coming from soils and rocks, manually selected and picked up, embedded in epoxy resin before polishing. Analyses were performed using a 193 nm ESI Laser Ablation (LA) system coupled to an Agilent 7700 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). Laser acquisition was made with a spot size of 30 μm, frequency 5 Hz, fluence 3.5 J/cm
2, number of slices variable from 30 to 62 at the Natural History Museum, London. All the laser ablation data were reduced through an in-house Excel Spreadsheet. NIST SRM 610 glass and GEMOC zircon reference material GJ-1 were used as external reference materials for trace elements and U–Pb. Secondary reference materials NIST SRM 612, Plesovice and 91500 zircon reference materials were used to confirm analyses, and uncertainties fell within acceptable ranges. U–Pb measurements were obtained following analytical procedures proposed by [
Castelletto di Rotzo and Tonezza del Cimone rocks were studied by optical microscopy Zeiss and Phenom XL SEM, at the University “G. d’Annunzio” in Chieti (Chieti, Italy). Whole-rock geochemistry was performed at ActaLabs (Activation Laboratories, Ontario, Canada) by lithium metaborate/tetraborate fusion FUS-ICP for whole rock and FUS-MS for trace elements. FeO was detected by titration.
5. Discussion
Zircon forms in various geological processes under conditions that cause considerable difficulties in interpreting their trace-elements distribution. The genetic origin of zircons varies from magmatic, metamorphic/metasomatic, to hydrothermal or a combination of these. Secondary domains quickly form in metamict zircons at low temperatures. A distinction among the above types is based on the elemental partition coefficient (Kd) between either: zircon and crystallising melt in magmatic zircon or between zircon and rocks by sub-solidus phenomena in metamorphic rocks, or by fluid-zircon interaction by hydrothermal systems. In a magma, zircon not only plays an essential role in controlling the abundance and distribution of elements such as Zr (ionic radius 0.87A) and Hf (ionic radius 0.83 A) but can also strongly influence the behaviour of trace elements such as HREE, Y, Th, U, Nb and Ta. These elements have a small ionic radius (HREEs average 0.99 A, Y 1.02 A, La 1.16 A, Th 1.05 A, U 0.89 A, Ta and Nb 0.64 A) and a high ionic potential. Two characteristics that theoretically make them compatible elements to zircon, in theory. However, geochemical distribution does not systematically fit with the partition coefficient in the zircon lattice, and its trace element content is probably influenced by the crystallisation of competitor HFSE-bearing mineral phases.
Belousova et al. [
39] used statistics of zircon chemistry from different rocks to generate discrimination factors to attribute their lithological affinity. Magmatic zircons show lower LREE/HREE and higher Th/U ratios compared with metamorphic and hydrothermal zircons. A plot of (Sm/La)
n vs. La (
Figure 13a) can be used to distinguish hydrothermal zircons from magmatic zircons, as proposed by Hoskin [
40]. Grimes et al. [
41] have suggested that the U/Yb vs. Hf may discriminate between zircon from the oceanic crust and continental crust (
Figure 13b). Yang et al. [
42] suggest that Nb/Hf vs. Th/U may discriminate geodynamic settings.
Vicentine zircons have high HFSE
5+ ratios and high Ce; these distributions can be investigated through Harker diagrams, distinguishing genetic origin, magmatotectonic, and source rock type depicted in
Figure 13. Magmatic zircon may reflect the original ratio of immobile Nb/Ta pair of their crystallising melt.
Figure 13d compares Nb/Ta and La/Ce. Nb/Ta may reflect mantle source compositions where an Nb/Ta ≥ 5 reflects a primary mantle composition, whereas low La/Ce may reflect a high
fO2 in the magma, for example, by an alkaline fluid of hydrated carbonatitic-kimberlitic composition. The Vicentine zircons plot in the igneous field of mantle zircons that characteristically have a high Ta/Nb ratio. Amphibole, garnet and clinopyroxene are competitors as scavengers of Nb rather than Ta, leading to lower Nb/Ta in the co-crystallising zircon. This may explain the low Nb/Ta in zircons from igneous rocks. Alternatively, experimental data show that residual niobate phases in the source favour Ta over Nb, resulting in higher Nb/Ta in the melt separated from or equilibrated with these minerals. This fractionation between Nb and Ta can be ascribed to mantle metasomatism produced by carbonatitic melt and fluids at relatively low temperature [
45] or by the activity of halogen complexes on Nb and Ta (such as Na
8 and Na
7) [
48], that influence Nb and Ta mobility in fluids and Nb/Ta ratios [
49]. Due to the notable absence of Fin the zircon inclusions, we deduce that F is possibly hosted by other accessory phases, such as apatite, mica, and amphibole. Whatever was the dominant process, zircons from all three localities plot in the field of magmatic zircons mainly in the anorogenic field (
Figure 13c).
Notably, igneous zircons crystallising in oxidizing conditions have positive anomaly of Ce (Ce
3+ ≥ Ce
4+). Zircons from kimberlites and carbonatites show a minimal or no Eu negative anomaly and show a positive Ce anomaly, like those from the Vicentine area [
38]. An estimation of the Ce anomaly is given by Ce/Ce*, where Ce is the chondrite-normalised Ce concentration and Ce* is the average of the chondrite-normalised La and Pr concentrations (geometrically (sqrt(La
2 + Pr
2)). The Eu anomaly is given by Eu/Eu*, where Eu is the chondrite-normalised Eu concentration and Eu* is the average of the chondrite-normalised Sm and Gd concentrations (geometrically (sqrt(Sm
2 + Gd
2)) [
38]. The Ce/Ce* ratio for Vicentine zircons, one of the highest recorded in zircon, is between 10 and 600, like zircons in syenites, but the Eu/Eu* ratio is between 0.5 and 1, plotting in the zircons from kimberlites field (
Figure 13e). In
Figure 13f, the Vicentini zircons partially overlie zircons from syenites, but most of them have a much lower Y content. In
Figure 13g, we reported a distinction for zircons coming from various igneous lithologies based on ZrO
2 and ZrO
2 [
50]. The data were compared with the EMPA data of other occurrences in lamprophyres, from the area of Abu Ruscheid (Egypt), from the kimberlites of the Great Slave Lake (Canada) and finally from granitic pegmatites of Laoshan (China) [
51]. The zircons from pegmatites that represent an extreme granite differentiate have higher HfO
2 and lower ZrO
From a petrologic point of view, inclusions are an additional key to define the nature of the trapped crystallising melt at the time of the zircon crystallisation. Vicentine zircon composition and nature of inclusions suggest they crystallised by a liquid whose parental melt derived by a source metasomatised by carbonatitic–kimberlitic liquids. CO
2-rich mantle metasomatism can produce, at low melting degrees, ultramafic alkaline lamprophyres and carbonatitic lamprophyres, as well as documented elsewhere in the Apulian plate [
52]. Italian alkaline lamprophyres are often associated with carbonatitic variants [
25]. The increase in the mantle volume due to the introduction of metasomatic fluids producing phlogopite-amphibole peridotite may expand the mantle producing an upwelling of it and crustal thinning, as suggested by Wang et al. [
53]. A low partial melting degree of such a source is needed to form carbonate-bearing ultramafic alkaline melts rapidly evolving towards a more felsic composition. The presence of glauberite, calcite, and Ba-Ca-carbonate, suggest high-LILE sulphate-rich carbonate melt trapped together with silicate liquid during zircon crystallisation confirms the role of an alkaline carbonate ultramafic melt. The Vicentine zircons confirm this suggestion, plotting in the primitive igneous rock fields of lamprophyres and kimberlites. However, the geology of the Vicentine area does not host outcrops of kimberlitic rocks, and the mantle xenoliths appear to contain no zircons. So, we conclude that the most likely source of the Vicentini soils zircons is the lamprophyritic rock with a carbonatitic affinity.
Zircons of Castelletto di Rotzo are hosted in a calcite–syenite, representing differentiate/cumulate of alkaline lamprophyres whose glasses have a similar composition. The lamprophyre is commonly an alkaline silica undersaturated rock in which baddleyte rather than zircon are more stable as mineral paragenesis. The baddeleyite included in zircons indicates that they are already presented in the crystallising melts, and the zircon crystallised later when the parental melt evolved towards more felsic composition.
Figure 13h compared Y vs. Yb/Sm ratio. Again, there is a partial overlap of the Vicentini zircons with the field of zircons from syenites. In general, however, Vicentine zircons exhibit a higher Yb/Sm ratio.
The zircons show a range of age, covering a range of about 8 Ma, less when including uncurtains. To compare Castelletto di Rotzo and Le Fosse di Novale zircons ages from this work and Visonà et al. [
4] and data is shown as a box plot (
Figure 14). As a result of this comparison, there is no way to make a consistent estimation for Veneto zircons. Lonedo zircons ages are not plotted due to the lack of published data for comparison. The Novale zircons age data are less dispersed for those of Castelletto di Rotzo, but in any case, they are not self-consistent from a statistical point of view. In the combined box plot for Le Fosse di Novale (
Figure 14c), an outlier is present, indicating that there is a large dispersion of data. So, we have only a qualitative indication of an age interval between 48.4 ± 1.3 Ma for Le Fosse di Novale and 40.3 ± 3.2 Ma for Castelletto di Rotzo. Median lines are not at the centre of boxes (
Figure 14). Skewness indicates that data distributions do not follow a normal distribution. For example, we examine the most discordant data from Castelletto di Rotzo, combining data from this study and Visonà et al. [
4]. Despite the small number of datapoints (12 in this study and 8 in Visonà et al. [
4]), the Kernel density analysis (
Figure 15) shows that our data have a gaussian distribution and Visonà et al. [
4] are bimodal. Bimodality may be interpreted as the sampling of different layers. However, for detrital zircons one must use hundreds analysis, but they are costly and time consuming. Therefore, it is not routinely performed. We conclude that the age estimation for Veneto zircons is just indicative of a period from 40 to 48 Ma (
Figure 14). As a whole, our Castelleto di Rotzo dating is consistent with the average age of the zircons in the alluvial deposits.
So far, there is no possibility of attributing the provenance of these zircons based only on the ages of the zircons. In fact, mafic and ultramafic rocks with lamprophyric affinity are widespread in the area and may host zircons [
4]. Then, magmatic activity can cover a long-lasting time and requires accurate dating. Furthermore, geochemistry, inclusions and mineralogy suggest a general link between zircons and these rocks. Our evidence is not definitive, but we note that the zircons from Castelletto di Rotzo are not only found in the lamprophyre itself but calcite–syenite xenoliths, genetically connected with the lamprophyres and representing a connate cumulate from lamprophyres. There are two possible hypotheses to explain the calcite–syenite. First, carbonate (calcite) was possibly introduced with the zirconium-REE-bearing metasomatic fluids and replaced albite and quartz in the crustal granitic rocks, and thus produced calcite–syenite [
55]. In fact, composite inclusions in zircons from Le Fosse di Novale and Lonedo testify for a ZrO–BaO–CaO–SrO and S, CO
2-rich fluid or melts that may resemble typical agents of fenitisation. Second, calcite–syenites and lamprophyres may be compatible with progressive fractionation of parental carbonate-bearing lamprophyres to produce calcite–syenite [
56]. Alternatively, these inclusions may be linked to the connate lithics at Castelletto di Rotzo, suggesting a common origin from ultra-alkaline fluids or melts. Glass inclusions in the Le Fosse Di Novale rock (
Table 1) have a composition akin to syenites. Finally, the average age of the Castelletto di Rotzo zircons approach that of the zircons in the soils estimated by Visonà et al. [
4] and the present study suggesting that they are all derived from the same genetic event.