1. Introduction
Chromitites and platinum-group elements (PGE) mineralization in ophiolite complexes have been studied by many researchers worldwide [
14]. Chromitites from ophiolite complexes, particularly Cr-rich varieties, commonly contain PGE mineralization with predominant Os, Ir, and Ru [
15]. These elements are assigned to refractory PGE of the Ir subgroup (IPGE = Os, Ir, Ru), in contrast to low-melting PGE (Pd subgroup (PPGE = Rh, Pt, Pd)) [
2]. Minerals of IPGE are usually associated with Cr-rich chrome-spinel, forming intergrowths or inclusions to yield mantle parageneses [
16]. On the other hand, recent studies of PGE remobilization indicate that refractory PGE are mobile in the case of chromitite alteration [
The podiform chromitites and PGE mineralization of the ultrabasic massifs and ophiolite complexes within the Central Asian fold belt (Altai-Sayan region) have been investigated in some previous studies, including the ultrabasic massifs in ophiolite complexes of Tuva [
20], Western Sayan (Kalna ultrabasic massif [
21], Aktovrakskiy complex [
24]), and Eastern Sayan (Ospa-Kitoy ultrabasic massif [
29]). However, there are only a few records of PGE mineralization in alluvial sediments in the Eastern Sayan [
30], and there are practically no detailed studies. In this article, for the first time, PGM from the Kitoy River placer are described and studied in detail. The purposes of our research are the following: to characterize the PGE mineralogy of the placer; to examine mineral associations, compositional ranges, and extents of solid solutions; to examine types of various micrometric inclusions hosted by placer grains of PGE alloy minerals and types of alteration rims; and to suggest a potential lode source for the placer occurrences of PGM of the Kitoy River placers, on the basis of the results obtained and data from previous studies.
2. Geological Setting
The study area is the southeastern part of the Eastern Sayan (SEPES)—a territory formed mainly during the Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic. In this area, there is a multistage tectonics and tectonomagmatic processing of autochthonous and thrust allochthonous oceanic (ophiolite), island-arc, and marginal-marine terranes, as well as amalgamation of accretion-collisional and post-collisional magmatic complexes that arose during opening and subsequent closing of the margins structures of the Paleo-Asian ocean [
33]. In generalized form, the geological structure of the region is determined by the presence of the Gargan paleocontinent of the Meso- to Neoarchean age, with a carbonate cover of the Meso- to Neoproterozoic age. Sublatitudinal branches (belts) of ophiolite associations encircle the Gargan paleocontinent from the north and south.
Previous researchers have obtained data on the complex structure and heterogeneity of these ophiolite branches [
35]. The Dunzhugur, Khara-Nur, Halbyn-Khairkhan and the northern plate of the Ospa-Kitoi "massif" represents the Northern (Dunzhugur) ophiolite branch. The ophiolites of the Northern branch were formed in the setting of island arcs. Restite dunites and harzburgites, rocks of the transitional complex—wehrlite, pyroxenite, gabbro, complex of dikes of the boninite and calc-alkaline series and basaltic pillow lavas, with the flysch-type sedimentary sequences overlying the upper part by the ophiolite massif [
37]. Chromite ore occurrences are localized in talc-carbonate rocks with quartz veins developed in the zone of intense changes in serpentinites [
The Southern (Ilchirsky) branch is represented by an almost continuous chain of ophiolite "massifs": the southern plate of the Ospa-Kitoy "massif", the Samarta and Ilchir complexes (cover fragments). Ophiolite complexes of the Southern branch were formed in the setting of mid-oceanic ridges [
39]. In recent years, researchers have also identified the Middle ophiolite branch (Ulan-Sar’dag massif) [
40]. The Middle and Southern branches are composed of tectonic nappes and clippes of oceanic ultramafic-mafic rocks, cumulative and layered gabbros, interbedded with plates of the Ilchir and Bokson allochthonous complexes, which contain sheets of olistostrome and melange, obducted onto the carbonate cover of the Gargan microcontinent [
33]. In the composition of ophiolites, the most common mantle peridotites are dunites, harzburgites; wehrlite and pyroxenite are less common. Metavolcanic rocks of the alkaline type are located in the contact zone with serpentinites melange and are represented by rocks of the island-arc association—boninites, basalts, andesites, dacites. Podiform chromitites in them form schlieren, lenticular, and veinlet bodies with which the development of PGE mineralization is associated [
The Kitoy River is one of the largest and longest rivers in the Eastern Sayan. It originates from the confluence of the Ulzyta and Samarta rivers and flows from west to east through the entire SEPES territory. The valley of the Kitoy River (in the upper reaches) cuts through siliceous-carbonate deposits of the Boxonskaya series (V-O), volcanogenic-sedimentary deposits of the Barungolskaya formation (O-S), and terrigenous deposits of the Sagansayrskaya formation (D-C
1) (
Figure 1). These sediments form the tectonic covers of the Ilchir structural-formation zone, overlapping the ophiolites of the Southern branch. The rocks of the ophiolite complex are exposed in the upper reaches of the Kitoy River and drained by its northern tributaries. In the alluvial sediments of the Kitoy River near the confluence of the Sagan-Sayr River, in the process of geological exploration, platinum-group minerals (PGM) were identified among the minerals of the heavy fraction.
In this paper, we first describe the occurrences and mineralogical characteristics of assemblages of PGM in the alluvial placer associated with the River Kitoy. The results of our study allow us to draw conclusions about the sources of platinum-metal mineralization in the alluvial deposits of the Kitoy River, the stages and conditions of mineral formation of PGE mineralization. The PGM in placer deposits provide important information about the types of their primary source rocks and ores, as well as about the conditions of their formation and change.
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Materials
This study presents the compositions of 30 grains of PGM, obtained from a private mineralogical collection of geologist Yu. Ch. Ochirov. During the period of geological exploration for placer gold with the sample selection of alluvial deposits of the Kitoy River 2–3 km below the confluence of the left tributary of the Sagan-Sayr River, he found grains of PGM among the heavy fraction minerals. The heavy minerals concentrated from alluvial sediments in the Kitoy River were obtained using the sluicing method, where water-sediment slurry is directed through multiple sluice boxes lined with riffles that segregate the heavy minerals, including gold and PGM, from the light fragments of bedrock. The grains we have studied were hand-picked from the sluice concentrate due to their interesting color, shape, or distinct appearance. Therefore, it is possible that the collection is biased and primarily contains grains of a certain composition. For this reason, we are not attempting to interpret the productivity or relative contribution of potential PGM sources.
The concentrates are composed of grains of chromian spinel (~50–75 vol.%), magnetite (up to ~30%), amphibole (up to ~10%), a small amount (<5%) of olivine, chlorite, and serpentine, and single grains of PGM. We examined 30 PGM grains found in heavy-mineral concentrates collected from alluvial deposits of the Kitoy River. We found that all detrital PGM grains represent Os-Ir-Ru alloys. The grain size does not exceed 1 mm across. They usually have a slightly rounded shape; idiomorphic grains with a well-preserved hexagonal shape and crystal clusters are less common (
Figure 2). Many placer grains of Os-Ir-Ru alloys have a fractured or altered rim associated with the development of secondary phases of PGE sulfide, arsenide, and sulfarsenide. Rare compounds are present also in these rims—tellurides and Se-rich arsenides of PGE. In individual cases, secondary changes almost completely replace the original grain. The grains rarely contain microinclusions. In some grains, we recorded inclusions of both platinum-group minerals and silicate minerals (biotite, amphibole, serpentine) and base-metal sulfides.
3.2. Analytical Methods
The chemical composition and morphology of PGMs was determined using a MIRA 3 LMU scanning electron microscope, with an attached INCA Energy 450 XMax 80 microanalysis energy dispersive system, at the Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Russian Academy of Science (Analytical Center for multi-elemental and isotope research SB RAS). We employed an accelerating voltage of 20 kV, a beam current of 1600 pA, an energy resolution (MIRA) of 126–127 eV at the Mn Kα line, and a region (3–5 μm), depending on the average atomic number of the sample and the wavelength of analytical line. The live time of spectrum acquisition was 30 seconds; in some cases, it reached 150 seconds. The standards used were FeS2 (S), FeAs2 (As), HgTe (Hg), PbTe (Pb and Te), and pure metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Sb, Os, Ir, Pt, and Au). The minimum detection limits of the elements (wt. %) were found to be 0.1–0.2 for S, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu; 0.2–0.4 for As, Ru, Rh, Pd, Sb, and Te; and 0.4–0.7 for Os, Ir, and Pt. The analytical error for the main components does not exceed 1–2 rel. %.
5. Discussion
The presence of faceted PGM grains with crystal faces, their intergrowths, and a low degree of abrasion of most of the grains in the placer indicate their insignificant transfer from primary sources. The distances of transport thus were probably not great. The data based on the regional geology of the placer zones are also consistent with the inferred ophiolite sources. Indeed, outcrops of ophiolite complexes of the southern branch are exposed in the upper reaches of the Kitoy River and drained by its northern tributaries. The ophiolite source of PGM mineralization is also indicated by the ruthenium enrichment of primary melts and, accordingly, the accumulation of Ru during the crystallization of PGM alloys, reflected in the formation of the ruthenium trend (see
Figure 2) [
In previous studies of ophiolite complexes of SEPES, we revealed differences in PGM mineralization of chromites taken from southern and northern ophiolite branches [
41]. For chromitites of the northern branch, we noted the joint occurrence of Os-Ir-Ru compounds and Pt-bearing PGE minerals. In addition, here we observe a wide variety of low-temperature secondary PGMs: Pt-Cu, Pt-Pd-Cu, Pd-Hg, Rh
2SnCu, RhNiAs, PtAs
2, PtSb
2, and a wide development of PGE remobilization processes [
29]. Above, we indicated (see
Figure 1) a close relationship between the alluvial deposits of the Kitoy River and the ophiolite complexes of the southern (Ilchir) branch. The chromitites of the southern ophiolite branch, and in particular the southern plate of the Ospa-Kitoy ophiolite complex, are dominated by Os-Ir-Ru solid solutions with a small amount of their sulfides and sulfoarsenides. In the alluvial placer along the Kitoy River, we also found only Os-Ir-Ru alloys. All of the above indicates that the main contribution to the placer was made by the chromitites of the ophiolites of the Southern branch of SEPES.
Silicate primary inclusions in PGMs, which we discovered and described, show a high degree of Mg-enrichment. We noted coexistence of high-Mg olivine (Fo90) and magnesian amphiboles inclusions, which are also highly magnesian (Mg# > 80). The increased contents of Al and Na in magnesio-hornblende from melt inclusions indicate high crystallization temperatures. We analyzed the composition of amphiboles and performed a calculated pressure assessment using amphibole geobarometers (
Table 6,
Figure 9). There are two groups of amphiboles: 1—magnesian hornblende (P = 7.5 kbar); 2—hornblende (magnesian-alkaline-ferruginous) (P = 3.5–4 kbar). This indicates the crystallization of amphiboles under different P-T conditions in a fluid-saturated environment. Features of the chemical composition of silicate inclusions indicate their formation from a magma and their relationship with primitive ultrabasic rocks. Thus, we believe that the grains of Os-Ir-Ru alloys crystallized at the magmatic stage under the conditions of the deep crust or uppermost mantle. This is confirmed by the peculiarities of the chemical composition of Os-Ir-Ru alloys with a magmatic ratio Os:Ir:Ru [
63], the presence of laurite inclusions, and the presence of amphibole inclusions formed at a moderate pressure, which are formed under high-temperature conditions, in a reducing environment, during fluid-saturated environment.
As Os-Ir-Ru alloys crystallized, the residual melt (system) was enriched in ruthenium and PPGE. Ruthenium was actively included in the composition of Os-Ir-Ru alloys, forming a ruthenium trend in the triangular diagram. The increase in the content of rhodium impurities in later alloys (Ru-dominant Os-Ir-Ru alloys) is also related to this trend. As the melt cooled, the amount of Pt and Fe increased until saturation of the system, with the formation of Pt-Fe alloy inclusions. Crystallization of sulfide and sulfoarsenide phases, with the formation of microinclusions, usually at the edge part of the grains, occurred with a decrease in temperature and against the background of an increase in fugacity of S
2 and As
2. During the crystallization of Os-Ir-Ru alloys in the restite melt, the content of minor components—base-metals Cu, Ni, Co, Fe—increased, and S, As, Se, Te, Sn, Bi, and Au accumulated in the residual fluid. The polyphase inclusion described above is a clear example of the capture of such a residual fluid with its further crystallization (see
Figure 6f). We assume that sulfide high-temperature phases—idiomorphic laurite crystals—were the first to form from the residual melt. Sulfoarsenides and arsenides, irarsite, ruarsite, and gold formed from a complex eutectic (gold-silver-PGM sulfoarsenides) when the residual fluid phase further cooled. Palladium in the residual melt bonded with tellurium to form telluropalladinite.
Under post-magmatic conditions, autometasomatic transformations took place under the influence of a fluid phase, with the formation of a replacement rim. The zoning observed by us in the rims (from sulfides through sulfoarsenides to PGE arsenides) reflects the high fugacity of sulfur and arsenic in the fluid. As it cooled down, there was a gradual decrease in the activity of sulfur and an increase in the activity of arsenic in the system. The widespread development of tellurium- and selenium-containing phases is a consequence of the accumulation of Se and Te during progressive crystallization in a closed system. The initial high S/Se ratio in the mantle 2850–4350 [
71] changed during the late evolutionary stage of the system under the influence of hydrothermal fluid. Sulfur is highly mobile in hydrothermal solutions, and in a fluid-saturated medium associated with zones of metasomatic alteration, it is likely to leave the system. This causes an increase in the fugacity of Se and the formation of various selenium-containing compounds with a critical decrease in the S/Se value. Taking into account the ability of Se to easily replace S in compounds, we can assume that the removal of S causes the incorporation of selenium into already existing compounds with the formation of selenides and arsenoselenides.
The discovery of complex rims of transformation of the garutiite composition with native osmium and PGE oxides, their morphology, and their structure allow us to interpret them as rims formed at low temperatures during post-magmatic processes, such as serpentinization/lateritization under the influence of metamorphic fluids [
73]. Intensive changes in PGMs occur under the fluid-rock interaction with the participation of reduced gases (H
2, CH
4) and H
2O, desulfurization, and dearsenitization processes take place. Under conditions of temperature changes, Eh-pH changes in the Os-S-O-H system, low
2) and exposure to an oxidizing high-temperature fluid at a temperature of about 500 °C [
74], Os becomes more mobile than other PGE, which leads to further redistribution and re-precipitation of osmium. The processes of remobilization of primary PGE and the formation of secondary minerals in the studied PGM grains are represented by native osmium, Os-Ir alloy, (Ni,Fe,Ir) [
41]. The newly formed products are nano-sized particles, small crystallites, or rarely micrometric grains primarily sited on substrates of precursor detrital PGM grains. In the weathering zone, PGE sulfides and arsenides are destroyed under the action of oxidation in an aqueous medium and PGE oxides—hydroxides occur more or less in situ [
75]. The formation of a PGE oxide, (Ir,Os,Ni,Fe,CuRu)O
2, which we found in the rim, is associated with the same processes. We believe that PGE oxides are formed during low-temperature replacement of rocks [
9] or even grains in a diagenetic process or low-temperature metamorphism [
76]. Their presence indicates the existence of mechanisms of PGE transport (in the form of oxide-hydroxide) under surface conditions, which facilitate the redistribution and crystallization of PGE during laterite weathering [
77] or during serpentinization [