4.1. Non-Crystalline Structures
The first group of solids includes a collection of materials that do not produce Bragg diffraction maxima, but only broad diffuse rings, which reflect the lack of definite interatomic distances [
25], i.e., to the lack of periodicity. Glasses, gels, and also some nanopowders produced by mechanosynthesis are commonly labeled “amorphous” because of a lack of sharp diffraction peaks. However, from the point of view of solid- state NMR, four distinct structural types can be discriminated among the amorphous materials (
Table 1).
First, highly disordered structures are described here as the disordered end-member from the point of view of resonances that can be resolved. The solid state NMR spectra of these materials consist of a single broad signal in which a coordination polyhedron is inferred as well as an approximate degree of condensation. For Si atoms, Qn may vary (0 ≤ n ≤ 4) from isolated orthosilicate tetrahedral (T) units of Si atoms and four non-bridging oxygen atoms (Q0) to fully polymerized tectosilicate structures without non-bridging oxygen atoms (Q4). However, no additional details can be inferred from the experimental results, e.g., features of the T rings in medium-range structures consisting of between three and more than eight T units.
As an example, we have selected a gel of KAlSi
8 composition. The gel was prepared by using the method of Hamilton and Henderson [
26]; K, Al, and Si were introduced into the gel from precursor powdered compounds, K
3, tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and Al(NO
2O. The obtained sol-gel was heated up to 450 °C to obtain a gel powder without volatile elements with the desired final stoichiometric composition. This fully disordered solid state is characterized by very broad signals in NMR.
Figure 1a,b show the
29Si and
27Al MAS NMR spectra of KAlSi
8 gel. Both spectra show a single broad resonance attributed to silicon and aluminum atoms in four-fold coordination. The structure of the crystalline KAlSi
8 consists of statistically distributed SiO
4 and AlO
4 tetrahedra, where potassium ions provide electrostatic neutrality. In the amorphous gel-like solid, the network is equally built up of a fully polymerized structure of Si–O–Si or Si–O–Al bonds in tetrahedra. The
29Si NMR resonance with a chemical shift of ca. 96 ppm does not allow one to distinguish between groupings that have Si–O–Al bonds from those that do not. This type of disorder would correspond to the general label “amorphous solid”. In this case, spectral resolution is obtained for the first sphere of coordination only.
Figure 1c displays the
27Al spectrum at 35.2 T of sanidine Or
21.3 from Eifel (Germany) that has been ion-exchanged into a pure Or
100 as specimen K-713r. It represents the first crystalline structure formed from a glass or a gel of the same composition [
4]. It is worth noting that the single resonance with c.g. at 61.6 ppm has a similar shape to that in the gel in
Figure 1b, although the quadrupolar broadening has been almost totally cancelled. It is not possible to resolve spectroscopically distinct sites owing to the large distributions of chemical shift of the four possible tetrahedral sites than can be inferred from the
29Si spectrum [
4]. If two Gaussian curves are used for the simulation of this spectrum, they will have the same area. This relationship between the amorphous precursor and the first crystalline product has been explained as the easiest transformation from a kinetic perspective, or “simplexity principle” as suggested by Goldsmith [
27]. The nucleation and growth of disordered phases with higher simplexity (i.e., simplicity) are favored over more stable and ordered compounds of lower simplexity, as an expression of Ostwald’s step rule of successive reactions [
In a second stage we point out to chemically ordered structures in which NMR spectra show a range of different resonances related to defined chemical environments. For instance, in a hydrated SiO
2 glass, Q
3-OH, and Q
2 are detected by
29] in addition to Si atoms at Q
4 sites. Herein, we are going to present a much more complex glass structure in the P–O–N system, or so-called oxynitride system. Oxynitride phosphate glasses are typically obtained via ammonolysis reactions of a phosphate parent glass at temperatures where the liquid has a low viscosity, though held below 800 °C to avoid phosphorus reduction. The parent phosphate glass is placed into a graphite mold and subjected to ammonia flow for several hours. Nitridation reactions of phosphate glasses have been recently reviewed by Muñoz [
Oxynitride glasses became popular in glass research in the 1970s as a result of the study of amorphous phases such as SiAlO
2N produced during the sintering of Si
4 ceramics [
31]. In 1982, Marchand synthesized the first oxynitride phosphate glass from NaPO
3 using the ammonolysis method by reacting phosphate melts with NH
3 at 700 °C [
33]. As in silica-based glasses, the phosphate tetrahedra may have one or two oxygen atoms replaced by nitrogen, producing two new structural groups with one and two nitrogen atoms per phosphorus atom, PO
3N and PO
2, respectively. The network becomes strengthened by the formation of P–N = P or P–N < (P)
2 bonds that increase the bond density.
Figure 2 shows the
31P MAS NMR spectra of a series of oxynitride phosphates glasses obtained by nitridation of a NaPO
3 glass, with increasing nitrogen contents between N/P = 0.19 and N/P = 0.41 [
34]. The spectra show very clearly three resonances attributed to PO
4 (green), PO
3N (blue) and PO
2 (red) tetrahedra. The
31P resonance of PO
4 groups forming Q
2-type tetrahedra typically appears at –20 ppm for the NaPO
3 metaphosphate glass. Once nitrogen substitutes for oxygen and forms PO
3N and PO
2 groups, their resonances are distinguished at lower fields, with chemical shifts near –9 and 1 ppm, respectively.
Figure 2.
31P MAS NMR spectra of NaPON glasses with increasing nitrogen contents: N/P = 0.19, 0.28, 031, 0.41, respectively (see
Table 2 for the deconvolutions). Spectra were deconvoluted into three Gaussian-like curves attributed to resonances of PO
4, PO
3N and PO
2 structural units. Adapted with permission from Ref. [
34]. 2021, American Chemical Society. (
a) NaPON
0.19, (
b) NaPON
0.28, (
c) NaPON
0.31 and (
d) NaPON
Figure 2.
31P MAS NMR spectra of NaPON glasses with increasing nitrogen contents: N/P = 0.19, 0.28, 031, 0.41, respectively (see
Table 2 for the deconvolutions). Spectra were deconvoluted into three Gaussian-like curves attributed to resonances of PO
4, PO
3N and PO
2 structural units. Adapted with permission from Ref. [
34]. 2021, American Chemical Society. (
a) NaPON
0.19, (
b) NaPON
0.28, (
c) NaPON
0.31 and (
d) NaPON
Table 2.
The numerical values of the deconvolutions of the
31P MAS NMR spectra of
Figure 2.
Table 2.
The numerical values of the deconvolutions of the
31P MAS NMR spectra of
Figure 2.
Glasses | NaPON0.19 | NaPON0.28 | NaPON0.31 | NaPON0.41 |
Sites | δiso/area % | δiso/area % | δiso/area % | δiso/area % |
PO2N2 | 1.3/3 | 1.2/7 | 2.8/13 | 1.0/15 |
PO3N3 | −8.5/30 | −8.5/42 | −6.5/53 | −8.5/47 |
PO4 | −19.9/67 | −19.2/51 | −17.5/34 | −18.7/38 |
A third case involves geometrically ordered structures, solids in which more than one site can be identified and attributed to local chemical changes rather than to a different bulk composition. Consider for instance a Na
9 glass, with a structure containing Si atoms in Q
3 and Q
4 polyhedra in a melt quenched at 1 bar, and a totally different structure in one quenched at 12 GPa. In the latter, a Q
4 distinction is no longer clear; five- and six-coordinated Si atoms may well be present [
35]. In this case, the phenomenon of glass polyamorphism could result in the crystallization of different crystalline phases from a melt. We also explore the case of KPO
3 glass as an example of this type of local order. A glass with composition KPO
3 was obtained by rapidly quenching the melt as described in [
36]. Crystalline KPO
3 was obtained after maintaining the melt at 740 °C for 24 h. NMR spectroscopy can resolve structural sites with different geometry. It is possible to resolve distinct resonances from geometrically distinct atomic positions.
Figure 3 shows that two resonances can be resolved at chemical shift values very close to those found in the crystalline compound [
36]. Note that despite this structural order, XRD cannot detect such a configuration because it does not form periodic arrangements.
Unlike other alkali metaphosphate compositions, KPO3 does not vitrify upon quenching the melt unless very rapid cooling is applied to avoid spontaneous crystallization. The fact that the structure of the liquid just above its liquidus temperature is so similar to the one of its crystalline counterparts is the basis for its tendency to crystallize so readily. Furthermore, the structure of crystalline KPO3 has only two sites for phosphorus atoms, which makes the liquid crystallize to periodic structures much more easily than in the case of sodium or lithium metaphosphate liquids; the crystalline structures of the latter have three and five distinct sites for phosphorus, respectively. Hence, the similarities between the structures of the liquid, glass and crystals of KPO3 account for the much more rapid rate of crystallization, in comparison with the other alkali metaphosphate compositions.
The last type of amorphous structure occurs in chemically and geometrically ordered structures caused by the kinetics of transition of the glass to form crystalline solids with a similar structure. We have selected NaBO2 to illustrate such structural diversity. A sodium borate glass with that composition was obtained by melting and quenching a batch of the stoichiometric mixture of reagent-grade Na2CO3 and B2O3 at 900 °C for 2 h. The glassy sample of NaBO2 was obtained by pressing part of the liquid between two metallic plates in order to avoid spontaneous crystallization, whereas a crystalline sample, c-NaBO2, resulted from free cooling of the melt. Furthermore, the crystallized melt was submitted to a recrystallization treatment at 850 °C for 24 h, giving rise to a new crystalline sample, rc-NaBO2 with an even greater crystallinity.
An intermediate state of order of glasses exists in compounds in which NMR is able to resolve not only coordination polyhedra but also local chemical environments for the same coordination. Silicate and phosphate glasses consist of SiO
4 or PO
4 tetrahedra; borate glasses are considered anomalous because of their different electronic configuration. Boron can only form three covalent bonds with oxygen through a sp
2 hybridization. The basic building block in B
3 glass is the BO
3 triangle [
37]. Vitreous B
3 is thus composed of approximately the same amount of BO
3 triangles and the so-called boroxol rings, made up of three BO
3 units. Furthermore, these two basic arrangements can also form superstructural units by linking two or more of them, e.g., triborate, pentaborate or dipentaborate. The particularity of boron atoms is that it keeps a vacant p
z orbital perpendicular to the plane of the BO
3 triangle; that orbital could be filled with electrons of the sp
3 lone-pair orbital of an oxygen atom. This gives rise to the formation of a BO
4 tetrahedron bonded to a neighboring BO
3 triangle where a modifier oxide is added to the B
3 network; the excess negative charge over boron in four-fold coordination is compensated with the modifier cations. As more modifier is added to the borate glass, the reticulation of the network increases until no more BO
4 tetrahedra can be created, which is reflected as an anomaly in the glass properties, producing critical points [
Unlike in silicate or phosphate glasses, the range of glass formation in alkali borate glasses is very limited. It is only possible for contents of M
2O up to 30 to 40 mol.%, with the exception of Li
2O, for which 50 mol.% can be attained [
38]. In the system Na
3, glass formation is possible up to 40 mol.% Na
2O without spontaneous crystallization. Therefore, as with KPO
3 metaphosphate, a melt of a 50Na
3 metaborate composition readily crystallizes upon cooling, developing NaBO
2 crystals with practically no remaining glassy phase. However, one can induce a much faster quenching by rapidly pressing the liquid between two metals and so obtain vitreous NaBO
Figure 4a–c shows the
11B MAS NMR spectra at 18.8 T, displaying the structure of glassy sodium metaborate, sample v-NaBO
2, and two crystallized samples as c-NaBO
2 and rc-NaBO
The spectrum of the v-NaBO
2 glass sample can be simulated by using three Voigt curves as no quadrupolar profile was resolved. The numerical data are in agreement with the available literature [
37]. It has been common to attribute two BO
3 lines to boron atoms in and out of boroxol rings. Other authors [
39] assigned the resonances at ~15.4 ppm to BO
3 symmetric sites, or boron atoms having three non-bridging oxygen atoms or three bridging oxygen atoms. After transformation of the glass to a crystalline compound, the NaBO
2 liquid should completely transform its structure to one dominated by rings of three linked BO
3 units. Although the line shape of the boron resonances in three-fold coordination for c-NaBO
2 and rc-NaBO
2 samples changes to one composed of narrower signals, their spectra still show a very significant amount of boron atoms in tetrahedral coordination, which should not appear in the pure crystalline phase according to the lattice model of NaBO
2 refined from XRD data [
40]. This model has a rhombohedral symmetry with space group
Rc, with only a single site for B atoms [
40], and the unit-cell parameters
a = 11.925(1),
c = 6.439(1) Å. The XRD patterns of the crystallized samples are very similar, except for broad (413), (104), (024) and (351) maxima in the sample c-NaBO
2 and the presence of 2.15 wt.% NaBO
2O (
Figure 4d). A Rietveld refinement of cell parameters in the same space group and using the CC = 34,645 file as reference for sample c-NaBO
2 resulted in
a = 11.929(1),
c = 6.4589(8) Å, whereas sample rc-NaBO
2 gave
a = 11.931(1),
c = 6.4236(1) Å. Thus, no remarkable differences were found in our crystalline samples in comparison with the lattice model from single-crystal XRD [
40]. However, the
11B NMR spectra of these crystallized samples (
Figure 4b,c) reveal two sites in triangular coordination (B
I and B
II) and one tetrahedral site for B atoms (B
III). The same three signals were found in the original glass structure of sample v-NaBO
2 (
Figure 4a).
Figure 4.
11B MAS NMR spectra at 18.8 T of v-NaBO
2 glass sample (
a), crystallized c-NaBO
2 (
b), and recrystallized rc-NaBO
2 (
c). In (
d) powder XRD patterns of samples c-NaBO
2 (green) and rc-NaBO
2 (violet), with some (hkl) diffraction maxima from NaBO
2 in file CC = 34,645 (file pdf 32-14046), and an impurity (with *) of NaBO
2O. In (
a) three Voigt curves, related to three boron atoms (B
I, B
II and B
III), are used to simulate the spectrum. In (
c) quadrupolar profiles were inferred from the experimental spectra for B
I and B
II, whereas Voigt curves were used to simulate B
III. The
11B MAS NMR spectra were obtained as a result of pulses of π/2 at 150 µs and 4.96 W, υ
r = 16 kHz, at 18.8 T, in a 2.5 mm rotor. See the numerical values of the deconvolutions in
Table 3.
Figure 4.
11B MAS NMR spectra at 18.8 T of v-NaBO
2 glass sample (
a), crystallized c-NaBO
2 (
b), and recrystallized rc-NaBO
2 (
c). In (
d) powder XRD patterns of samples c-NaBO
2 (green) and rc-NaBO
2 (violet), with some (hkl) diffraction maxima from NaBO
2 in file CC = 34,645 (file pdf 32-14046), and an impurity (with *) of NaBO
2O. In (
a) three Voigt curves, related to three boron atoms (B
I, B
II and B
III), are used to simulate the spectrum. In (
c) quadrupolar profiles were inferred from the experimental spectra for B
I and B
II, whereas Voigt curves were used to simulate B
III. The
11B MAS NMR spectra were obtained as a result of pulses of π/2 at 150 µs and 4.96 W, υ
r = 16 kHz, at 18.8 T, in a 2.5 mm rotor. See the numerical values of the deconvolutions in
Table 3.
Table 3.
Deconvolution of the
11B spectra at 18.8 T in the three samples of NaBO
2 in
Figure 4.
Table 3.
Deconvolution of the
11B spectra at 18.8 T in the three samples of NaBO
2 in
Figure 4.
Samples | Sites | δiso (ppm) | c.g. (ppm) | CQ (MHz) | η | lw (ppm) | A (%) |
v-NaBO2 | BI–BO3 | | 17.7 | | | 2.4 | 16.7 |
| BII–BO3 | | 15.6 | | | 3.6 | 56.0 |
| BIII–BO4 | | 1.4 | | | 1.7 | 30.3 |
c-NaBO2 | BI–BO3 | 19.0 | | 1.93 | 0.20 | | 12.9 |
| BII–BO3 | 17.0 | | 1.97 | 0.92 | | 66.7 |
| BIII–BO4 | | 1.7 | | | 2.7 | 20.4 |
rc-NaBO2 | BI–BO3 | 19.0 | | 1.93 | 0.20 | | 15.9 |
| BII–BO3 | 17.0 | | 1.97 | 0.92 | | 72.8 |
| BIII–BO4 | | 1.2 | | | 2.9 | 11.3 |
Clearly, the original structure of the NaBO
2 glass is mostly preserved in the crystallized and recrystallized products, which have more spectroscopically distinct sites than the crystallographically distinct ones expected from the available lattice model [
40]. In other words, the glass structure at the local scale is very close to that of the first crystal to be formed, though lacking long-range order, and thus it is similar to its precursor melt. From the point of view of XRD, the crystallization is seen as a sharp process in which diffraction peaks abruptly appear. With the NMR technique, one can see the structural aspects that are preserved during the transformation from glass to crystalline material, including the three distinct boron atoms,
II and
III. It also shows the main changes occurring during that transition, including a reduction in the width of the site distributions in the same chemical environments and also a progressive release of the BO
4 groups with a prolonged recrystallization of crystalline precursors.
4.2. Long-Range Homogeneously Disordered Structures
Long-range homogeneously disordered structures are typically found in mixed crystals, i.e., solid-solution series, as non-stoichiometric compounds. This type of disordered structure can also occur in fully stoichiometric compounds, as in the end-members of these solid-solution series. There, the minerals have an exact, precise and fixed chemical composition, expressed as a chemical formula with a small integer ratio among different atoms. Note that these structures can also display a wide diversity of order–disorder structural states. They are commonly described by means of the concept of “average structure” because they are ideally supposed to be periodic crystals at the resolving power of reciprocal space and electron microscopy techniques. However, these structures have only pseudoperiodic structures as they are disordered at the long-range scale, i.e., they are not strictly periodic despite Bragg peaks being resolved, as is frequently manifested by the additional diffuse scattering.
“Real” aperiodic crystals have thus commonly been described as “ideal” periodic crystals. This contrast between the true (local) symmetry and the modeled symmetry is particularly evident in minerals with “anomalous” optical properties, where the word “anomalous” actually means “unexpected”. The optical data “clash” with the external symmetry of the crystalline volume with a euhedral shape, which has traditionally been called a “crystal”, particularly before the emergence of X-ray crystallography and RSTs to gauge the average symmetry. An idealized character and perfection are implicit in using the term “crystal” for well-defined geometric morphological units, with a perception of the lattice model as a “reality”, instead of being seen as just a useful and beautiful model. Accordingly, where some physical properties in a crystal do not match the expected symmetry as determined by RSTs, these are deemed “anomalous”, rather than the supposedly observed or experimentally determined symmetry. This phenomenon is known in particular specimens of a given mineral species. Such specimens may be labeled “optically anomalous crystals” [
41]; the problem is thus ascribed to some poorly developed specimens. However, crystals with “anomalous” optical properties are ubiquitous in nature [
42], as anticipated by Mallard in the 19th century [
We provide an explanation of the origin of anomalous optical properties in long-range homogeneously disordered structures in minerals of the beryl-group minerals using NMR data. This phenomenon is very common in that mineral group because the expected symmetry dictated by the space group
mcc symmetry from RSTs data in beryl is rarely found. Optical anomalies appear in the form of biaxiality in basal sections along the [001] plane. This anomalous character has been explained by the presence of chemical impurities or strain centers induced by chemical substitutions, as well as by defects occurring during crystal growth [
45]. Two different specimens of colorless beryl having powder XRD patterns fully consistent with
mcc symmetry are compared in
Figure 5 and
Table 4. Specimen Elba is an alkali-poor sample with a chemical composition unusually close to the ideal chemical formula, which is rare in nature; the prisms are long and sharp, with a hexagonal shape. Specimen Araçuaí is an alkali-rich sample; as such, it has a non-stoichiometric chemical composition, as well as a markedly tabular habit.
The former has a single resonance in the
29Si NMR spectrum at 9.4 T that can be simulated with a single Lorentzian curve centered at −102.7 ppm and with a 1.4 ppm line width. The T sites are occupied by the Si atoms in the six-membered rings of the hexagonal structure of beryl. The six Si atoms in the formula Be
18 are close to being identical from the NMR point of view, and the six-fold symmetry axis is thus fully explained by a local
mcc space-group symmetry. With additional atoms in the structure, such as Na, Li and Cs located in the hexagonal channels, non-stoichiometry must ensue in alkali-rich beryl. A much broader complex and asymmetric resonance appears at ca. −107 ppm, with a much broader line width of ~3.6 ppm and a pseudo-Gaussian shape. In this case, a single Si site in the six-membered rings does not exist on the local scale. In addition, the hypothesized H
2O molecules are actually OH groups, as revealed in
1H NMR spectra [
46]. Alkali-rich beryl thus does not have a hexagonal symmetry at the local scale, but rather an average hexagonal symmetry with a pseudosenary axis. The long-range
mcc symmetry becomes only an “ideal” but false model [
46]. The prismatic hexagonal habit is lost, and the tabular shape indicates a loss of the senary axis also at the macroscopic scale.
Figure 5.
mcc space-group lattice model of the structure of beryl with hexagonal symmetry and a chemical composition close to Be
18 projected onto the (001) plane. The Si atoms at tetrahedral sites (blue) form six-membered rings; the Be atoms occupy one tetrahedral site (yellow) connecting two Si rings to give Si in Q
4(2Si,2Be) environments, and the Al atoms occupy a single octahedral site [
47]. (
b) The same lattice model in an alkali-rich beryl along the same projection but slightly tilted to show Na atoms in green and H
2O molecules in red for the oxygen atom or Cs atoms [
48]. In this case, the Li atoms are at the Be site, and Na and Cs atoms are in channels at the height of Si rings and Be–Al layers, respectively. Oxygen atoms of H
2O molecules in red are supposed to be located between two Na atoms [
49]. In addition, H
2O molecules are thought to be at the site of Cs atoms. (
c) The
29Si MAS NMR spectrum of specimen Elba at 9.4 T shows a single resonance that can be simulated with a Lorentzian curve (in blue) centered at −102.7 ppm and a line width of 1.4 ppm. (
d) The
29Si spectrum of specimen Araçuaí at 9.4 T shows a much broad resonance, compared to that of specimen Elba (blue), centered at ca. −102 ppm and a line width of 3.6 ppm. The experimental conditions for the acquisition of the
29Si MAS NMR spectra at 9.4 T, at υ
r = 10 kHz in a 4 mm rotor, are similar to those used for alkali feldspars [
Figure 5.
mcc space-group lattice model of the structure of beryl with hexagonal symmetry and a chemical composition close to Be
18 projected onto the (001) plane. The Si atoms at tetrahedral sites (blue) form six-membered rings; the Be atoms occupy one tetrahedral site (yellow) connecting two Si rings to give Si in Q
4(2Si,2Be) environments, and the Al atoms occupy a single octahedral site [
47]. (
b) The same lattice model in an alkali-rich beryl along the same projection but slightly tilted to show Na atoms in green and H
2O molecules in red for the oxygen atom or Cs atoms [
48]. In this case, the Li atoms are at the Be site, and Na and Cs atoms are in channels at the height of Si rings and Be–Al layers, respectively. Oxygen atoms of H
2O molecules in red are supposed to be located between two Na atoms [
49]. In addition, H
2O molecules are thought to be at the site of Cs atoms. (
c) The
29Si MAS NMR spectrum of specimen Elba at 9.4 T shows a single resonance that can be simulated with a Lorentzian curve (in blue) centered at −102.7 ppm and a line width of 1.4 ppm. (
d) The
29Si spectrum of specimen Araçuaí at 9.4 T shows a much broad resonance, compared to that of specimen Elba (blue), centered at ca. −102 ppm and a line width of 3.6 ppm. The experimental conditions for the acquisition of the
29Si MAS NMR spectra at 9.4 T, at υ
r = 10 kHz in a 4 mm rotor, are similar to those used for alkali feldspars [
![Minerals 12 01375 g005]()
Quadrupolar nuclei were also very sensitive to small chemical changes from the stoichiometric composition.
Figure 6a,b show the total
27Al STMAS NMR spectrum at 19.6 T of the alkali-poor beryl (specimen Elba), with details about the 1/2, 3/2 and 5/2 transitions in satellite lines as inset. Note the well-developed quadrupolar shape profile from the first-order quadrupolar interaction, and the symmetric shape of the central transition. It corresponds to a single site for Al atoms in octahedral coordination as Al
I with c.g. (1/2) = −4.6 ppm and lw = 2.5 ppm, c.g. (3/2) = −3.2 ppm and lw = 2.4 ppm, and c.g. (5/2) = 0.1 ppm and lw = 4.8 ppm. The estimated values of δ
iso and ν
Q are −4.0 ppm and 250 KHz, respectively. However, two additional sites, at a very low concentration, are recorded in the spectrum as Al
II at c.g. = 12.3 ppm also in octahedral coordination, and as Al
III at c.g. = 58.7 ppm from Al atoms in tetrahedral coordination with oxygen atoms (
Figure 6b). In specimen Araçuaí,
Figure 6c,d display the same representation of the
27Al STMAS NMR spectrum at 19.6 T. However, the profile from the first-order quadrupolar interaction is almost unrecognizable, the 1/2 central transition is now an asymmetric curve, and the 5/2 transition is not so well developed as in the other specimen. The same three sites for Al atoms, Al
I, Al
II and Al
III, are resolved at approximately the same positions for the alkali-rich beryl. For Al
I, c.g. (1/2) = −4.8 ppm and lw = 2.4 ppm, c.g. (3/2) = −3.1 ppm and lw = 1.9 ppm, and c.g. (5/2) = 0.0 ppm and lw = 6.0 ppm. The estimated values of δ
iso and ν
Q are −3.9 ppm and >250 KHz, respectively. An additional Al
IV site appears with c.g. = 32.9 ppm, corresponding to a coordination with five oxygen atoms (
Figure 6d).
At 19.6 T, the
9Be spectrum of the alkali-poor beryl has a well-developed quadrupolar profile in the STMAS spectrum (
Figure 7a), whereas in the alkali-rich beryl, this profile is partially lost (
Figure 7d). In specimen Elba, the spectrum (
Figure 7b) can be simulated with two sites for Be atoms, Be
I with a Lorentzian curve at c.g. = −3.4 ppm and lw = 1.6 ppm with 98.1 % area, and Be
II also with a Lorentzian curve with c.g. = −7.5 ppm and lw = 1.3 ppm with 1.9 % area. Whereas in specimen Araçuaí, the spectrum (
Figure 7d) can be simulated with two sites for Be atoms, Be
I with a Lorentzian curve at c.g. = −3.4 ppm and lw = 1.1 ppm with 98.8 % area, and Be
II also with a Lorentzian curve with c.g. = −7.4 ppm and lw = 0.9 ppm with 1.2 % area. In the two cases, the satellite 3/2 resonances are only detected for site Be
I (
Figure 7c,f), but they are narrower in the alkali-poor beryl.
These results indicate that profound structural differences exist at the local scale between the end-members and intermediate members of the solid-solution series in minerals, although their average symmetry is similar. Note that most common minerals are non-stoichiometric compounds, and the deviations of the chemical stoichiometry are seen as imperfections, defects and impurities from an a priori expected “ideal” model. The perspective of this work is to study the structural diversity as it occurs in nature, and not as predicted by axiomatic models developed by other experimental techniques.
Three different classes of long-range homogeneously disordered structures can be distinguished: random structures, Loewenstein structures and charge-dispersed structures. These may appear both in non-stoichiometric and fully stoichiometric compounds, as resolved by well-defined characteristics in the NMR spectra. In other words, stoichiometry alone does not guarantee a perfect atomic order. It is a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient one.
Random structures that have a random distribution of atoms at a certain lattice site do have charge restrictions only in relation to the first-coordination sphere (i.e., coordination polyhedra). However, they have regular structural motifs along the three dimensions, giving rise to diffraction peaks. They do not have charge restrictions in the second sphere of coordination, and very commonly give rise to a high symmetry, for instance in Ca
2 mixed crystals. In this case, five chemical environments around F atoms are formed: (4Ca,0Sr), (3Ca,1Sr), (2Ca,2Sr), (1Ca,3Sr) and (0Ca,4Sr), with different chemical shifts for each chemical environment in
19F NMR spectra [
50]. The line intensities of each component along the solid solution indicate a random Ca–Sr distribution [
50]. This variation is recorded by XRD as an increase in the lattice constant from 5.46 Å to 5.81 Å in the Fm–3m lattice [
A similar random character at the T sites occupied by Si and Al atoms has been found in the faujasite solid-solution, a zeolite-group mineral with a Q
4 framework structure and Fd3 or Fd3m space-group symmetry. Here, Loewenstein’s rule is not respected, as in a random distribution, and Al–O–Al bonds are formed depending only on the Al:Si ratio of the chemical formula [
51]. In a random crystalline structure, the degree of order is related only to electrostatic forces between atoms, which are mostly limited to the first coordination sphere [
51]. In addition, a random distribution of charges has been found in the synthetic and stoichiometric compound CaAl
7, or the gehlenite end-member of the melilite solid-solution series [
52]. Thus, random structures are common in both stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric compounds of the solid state.
In the second category,
Loewenstein structures are typically silicates, aluminates and aluminosilicates that have a Loewenstein’s state of order; Al
3+ bonds are avoided because of non-random distributions of aluminum atoms in tetrahedral sites occupied also by silicon atoms. They show certain restrictions in the position of charges that are not easy to explain by considering only the Pauling electrostatic valence rule [
53]. In these structures, bonds with alkali atoms (A
+) as A
4+ and alkaline earth atoms (A
2+) as Al
4+ /A
4+ for the local compensation of electrical charges are formed preferentially. This phenomenon is particularly well known in the study of the Si,Al distributions in aluminosilicates with Q
3 and Q
4 configurations. The NMR spectra can identify TO
4 tetrahedra with Si and Al atoms in Q
3n (3–nSi,nAl) Si,Al distribution in phyllosilicates and Q
4n (3–nSi,nAl) Si,Al distributions in tectosilicates. Correlation experiments are useful to detect not only atomic configurations of the first sphere of coordination, but also changes in the position of resonances with the atomic environments in the second sphere of coordination. Loewenstein structures occur in
β-spodumene and
β-eucryptite solid-solution series in the system LAS (Li
4 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 from LiAlSiO
4 to SiO
2) for a wide compositional range [
54]. This includes some stoichiometric compounds such as LiAlSi
8 with a Si:Al ratio of 3:1 like in alkali feldspar but with the
β-spodumene structure [
charge-dispersed structures are formed in compounds with some additional charge restriction where long-range charge interactions are involved, for instance between tetrahedrally coordinated 3+ and 4+ cations in aluminosilicates. In this case, site occupancies are restricted not only to the second coordination sphere but also at much greater distances. This phenomenon has been studied in detail in non-stoichiometric compounds such as micas, where two alternative Si,Al distributions have been studied in the layers of tetrahedra Q
3 in relation to the dispersion of Al atoms [
56]. These two models have been called “maximum dispersion of charges” (MDC model) and “homogeneous dispersion of charges” (HDC model). The MDC model is consistent with the Dempsey’s rule of avoidance (or minimization) of Al–O–Si–O–Al linkages for a given Si:Al ratio, i.e., assuming a larger separation between Al atoms than in the case of Loewenstein’s rule, as developed in the Q
4 framework of zeolites [
57]. In the HDC model, the dispersion of Al atoms is higher than with Al–O–Al avoidance, but lower than total avoidance of Al–O–Si–O–Al linkages. This occurs in micas, where the number of Al atoms per six-membered T rings is close to that expected from the Si:Al ratio in the chemical formula [
56]. In all these cases, a perfect periodicity or full order at the long-range scale does not exist; the dispersion of charges cannot give rise to constant atomic schemes that spread along the three dimensions to give rise to a fully ordered structure.
The phenomenon of charge dispersion has also been invoked in “valencianite”, which has a formula close to KAlSi
8 stoichiometry (i.e., the end-member composition of the alkali feldspar solid-solution series) and the Q
4 tectosilicate structure of the K-feldspars. Specimen AGM from the Valenciana mine in Guanajuato, Mexico [
4] is from the collection of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN, CSIC). It was investigated by Andrés del Rio and A. von Humboldt at the beginning of the 19th century. The aggregate of several large crystals up to ~3 cm displays the well-known “curved faces” and a pearly luster that greatly resembles dolomite crystals (
Figure 8). Some features had already been described and analyzed by Breithaupt in 1830 [
58]. The specimen has a composition Or
2.5 and cell dimensions similar to those of disordered sanidine:
a = 8.594(1),
b = 13.024(1),
c = 7.177(1) Å. However, its symmetry is triclinic, with
α = 90.06(1),
β = 116.07(1),
γ = 89.74(1)° (Rietveld refinement) [
Figure 9 shows some details of the XRD pattern of specimen AGM in comparison with other specimens used in this work.
However, some of the modern specimens collected at the same mine are not strictly “valencianite” as described here in specimen AGM, but common idiomorphic K-feldspar with an adularia Felsöbanya habit, composed of a mixture of orthoclase and microcline at the optical and X-ray scales [
59]. It seems that our specimen is a product of hydrothermal crystallization at lower temperatures and not the result of a monoclinic-to-triclinic transition from a precursor having monoclinic symmetry. Specimen AGM has a disordered and triclinic structure, which is different of that disordered structure quenched in sanidine crystals that crystallized at high temperatures from volcanic rocks. Electron-diffraction patterns of specimen AGM show diffraction maxima with a very regular round shape and without any diffuse scattering (
Figure 8), but its NMR spectra indicate a disordered structure in comparison with the low microcline end-member of the order–disorder series (see below). Hence, it is important to note that chemical disorder may not give rise to diffuse scattering, and thus go unnoticed by RSTs.
Figure 10 and
Table 5 show the NMR spectra and their parameters from spectral simulation for “valencianite” using specimen AGM. Most of the area of the
29Si spectrum (
Figure 10a) can be simulated with four broad components of ca. 2.30 ppm line width at −101.4 ppm, −100.04 ppm, −97.41 ppm, and −94.95 ppm, caused by the four tetrahedra T
2m (2Si,2Al), T
2O (3Si,1Al), T
1m (3Si,1Al) and T
1O (3Si,1Al) sites, respectively. The site occupancies of the Si atoms and the chemical shifts are very close to those of microcline, where these components have a line width of ~ 1 ppm. If we compare this spectrum with that of sanidine with a similar composition and with a Si,Al distribution that follows Loewenstein’s rule, we infer that in “valencianite”, the (4Si,0Al), (2Si,2Al), (1Si,3Al) and (0Si,4Al) are virtually absent (except for T
2m site with a (2Si,2Al) environment), i.e., having a strong dispersion of charges at long distances to give rise to chemical environments mainly close to the Si:Al ratio of 3:1, existing in the stoichiometric chemical formula. This structure is thus compatible with medium-range order in which only one Al atom occurs per each four-membered ring in the structure, to give rise to “…1-1-1-1…” chains [
4]. One can interpret these results as originating from a structure in which electrical charges are homogeneously distributed, in a way similar to the Si,Al distribution in the layer of tetrahedra in micas, where the number of chemical environments must be strongly reduced but strict periodicity is not yet attained due to disorder [
Figure 11 exhibits the
27Al satellite-transition magic-angle (sample) spinning (STMAS) NMR and the
27Al multi-quantum magic-angle spinning (MQMAS) NMR at 19.6 T of “valencianite” in comparison with those from the three accepted mineral species of K-feldspars by IMA, i.e., sanidine, orthoclase and microcline. The
27Al STMAS spectrum of “valencianite” is closer to sanidine than to the other two mineral species, since it does not have a clear quadrupolar profile from the first-order quadrupolar interaction (
Figure 11a). The
27Al MQMAS NMR spectrum of “valencianite” differs from those of the orthoclase and sanidine, because the distributions in the chemical shift and in the second-order quadrupolar interaction (i.e., the site distributions) for the Al sites are narrower than in the two minerals with a monoclinic symmetry by RSTs. However, it is definitely much larger than in the specimen of microcline, actually the “X-ray microcline” variant.
“Valencianite” has an X-ray diffraction pattern with cell angles that can be interpreted as obeying C symmetry in the triclinic system, and thus corresponding to “microcline”, i.e., one of the IMA-approved species, with a low obliquity as found in the “X-ray intermediate microcline” variety. However, the cell dimensions of “valencianite” are similar to those of sanidine, also an IMA-approved species. The NMR spectra of “valencianite”, with a disordered Si,Al distribution but with a remarkable dispersion of charges as in orthoclase, are definitely different from those of the three IMA-approved species of K-feldspar. The case of “valencianite” thus opens the possibility to define mineral species using NMR spectra as the defining experimental data of reference, if local structure can be considered the better criterion in this case to distinguish the species instead of only stoichiometric composition.
4.3. Heterogeneous Structures at the Mesoscale
In the late 19th century, Ernest Mallard [
43] attempted to explain anomalous optical phenomena in crystalline substances using optical microscopy data. He focused on minerals composed of an intimate intergrowth of coherent lamellae of the same composition but with different orientations, as well as minerals containing lamellae of a different chemical compound. His explanations were later largely ignored by X-ray crystallographers, who were convinced that the technology they employed had a higher resolution than optical microscopy. Reciprocal space techniques thus have traditionally been used to obtain average structures in minerals that were interpreted to be “single crystals” but with a heterogeneous character.
It was more or less contemporaneously revealed by electron microscopy and electron diffraction that these minerals were actually formed by structural or chemical heterogeneities (or both) at the mesoscale (i.e., <50 nm). Mallard’s hypothesis was revisited more than 75 years later, in the 1960s and 1970s by Fritz Laves in his study of feldspars by XRD [
65]. It was again discussed by Bambauer et al. [
66]. Nowadays, depending on the size scale and character of the coexisting domains and the nature of their wall boundaries, three different solids are recognized: aperiodically modulated “tweed” structures, composite periodically modulated structures, and fine coherent intergrowths of two phases.
aperiodically modulated “tweed” structures have gradual and diffuse wall boundaries between distinct structural units or modules. The structure is transformed (modulated) along two approximately orthogonal waves, in most cases without strict periodicity, as irregularly shaped and spaced waves with different of amplitudes. This transitional behavior gives rise to gradual changes between ill-defined modules or domains with a similar average chemical composition and degree of local order, but with different relative orientations. Domains with sharp walls and regular separation cannot be invoked in this case. This kind of modulation can cause twin domains, i.e., modules with sharp boundaries related by symmetry operations. It is found in many solids including metallic alloys [
67], ceramic superconductors [
68] and minerals such as cordierite [
69]. In K-feldspars, the tweed pattern occurs in most cases as an aperiodically modulated structure in common orthoclase, although it has occasionally also been found with a commensurate modulated structure [
Since the proposal of Barth in 1934 [
71], orthoclase is accepted by IMA as a mineral species of the K-feldspar group, and thus different from sanidine and microcline. Barth suggested that sanidine, orthoclase and microcline are different species because they differ in degree of order in their Si,Al distribution. Sanidine and orthoclase have a monoclinic symmetry with Si,Al disorder at two T sites, and microcline has a triclinic symmetry, with Si,Al order at four T sites. The interpretation of orthoclase as the result of microcline lamellae with different sizes, shapes and orientations, i.e., the Mallard’s hypothesis, was again proposed to explain diffuse (scattering) streaks in X-ray photographs [
60]. The heated debate about the nature of orthoclase reflected the differences in resolution of the experimental techniques and the structural and microstructural diversity among specimens with a similar X-ray pattern.
With additional research, the X-ray symmetry of orthoclase is now described with three contrasting models: average structure, overall structure and apparent structure. The “average structure” model involves a
m monoclinic symmetry and suggests that if a local deviation from monoclinic symmetry exists, it is probably very small [
72], i.e., following the Barth’s hypothesis. The “overall structure” model suggests an alternation of partially ordered domains that retain an overall monoclinic symmetry to X-rays [
73]. With these two models, one assumes that the weakness of the diffuse streaks is a minor or accessory effect in comparison to the concentrated intensity in the Bragg spots. The structure is considered monoclinic from an average or overall perspective, and one ignores or avoids the question whether the reciprocal space techniques have sufficient power to resolve the real structure. The third model (“apparent structure”) derives from the observation of the appearance of orthoclase in its geological context, almost invariably with microcline rather than with sanidine. With the apparent structure explanation, one describes orthoclase as a material that deviates from truly monoclinic sanidine but
appears to be monoclinic because of triclinic domains too small to be resolved by optical microscopy or even by XRD experiments. Such domains are related to each other by the Albite (A) and Pericline (P) twin laws, i.e., the symmetry elements lost during the monoclinic-to-triclinic transition [
The domain texture with tweed contrast was finally resolved in orthoclase by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Orthogonal diffuse streaks were observed in selected-area diffraction (SAED) patterns, and interpreted following various approaches: as a monoclinic lattice that is homogeneously perturbed by two orthogonal transverse distortion wave systems [
74]; as a domain texture composed of triclinic domains in a cross-hatch pattern similar to microcline at the optical scale, reflecting a combination of Albite and Pericline twinning [
75]; as a partially ordered structure with lattice modulations with changes in the structural obliquity (i.e., departures from orthogonality) and an average triclinic symmetry [
76]. High-resolution electron microscopy and
29Si NMR experiments combine to indicate a triclinic structure at the local scale similar to that of microcline, but having only a partially ordered Si,Al distribution [
The above explanations generally imply a transformation mechanism in which the process takes places by coarsening of the ill-defined (wave) domain into twin domains via independent and unrelated atomic adjustments. However, recent observations in K-rich feldspars from granitic pegmatites [
79] indicate that the tweed microstructure of orthoclase cannot be explained by a random nucleation-and-growth process, i.e., by an atom-by-atom diffusion process of independent atomic units from a monoclinic (sanidine) precursor. Actually, the development of modules as fine tweed domains or large twin lamellae occurs from avalanche-like orthogonal recrystallization units or long-distance transformation waves in the solid state. The propagation of these ordering events from strain centers throughout the mineral structure occurs by cooperative motions of many atoms following mainly the rational directions of the Albite and Pericline twin laws, as well as other irrational directions [
79]. This process produces mainly four types of lamellar intersections as crossovers between these units, giving rise to negative or positive interference effects. These recrystallization units can be observed at the sub-optic scale in orthoclase and at the optic scale in microcline and are formed on cooling during the monoclinic
m to triclinic
C transition, giving rise to complex twin patterns in which regularity can be explained by a self-organization phenomenon [
Figure 12 shows the SAED patterns and high-resolution TEM image of specimen ASGS of orthoclase with variable degrees of transformation to microcline. This specimen has an X-ray pattern fully consistent with
m monoclinic symmetry (
Figure 9b); it has a SAED pattern with well-developed diffuse streaks instead of diffraction spots from Bragg peaks, particularly along the [001] zone axis (
Figure 12a), as described by McConnell [
74]. It corresponds to a homogeneous tweed pattern of low amplitude or to recrystallization units of low intensity in direct-space observations, as shown in
Figure 12b.
Specimen 5963, with an XRD pattern similar to that of specimen 1123 (
Figure 9c), i.e., with detection of some triclinic domains, has an SAED pattern similar to that of specimen ASGS, but with detectable splitting of spots at high (hkl) values, particularly at the Pericline orientation, as shown in
Figure 13a for the (480) diffraction maximum [
79]. It corresponds to a tweed microstructure with a remarkably heterogeneous character, with fine tweed changing gradually to a coarser tweed, and diverse amplitude revealed from a variety of contrasts in a gray scale between bright and dark, as shown in
Figure 13b. If the coarse tweed is observed in detail, a regular microstructure with a sharper contrast than conventional tweed can be found, as in the inset of
Figure 13b. This pattern can be explained as high-amplitude modulations in the form of orthogonal avalanche-like transformation units along the Albite and Pericline twin-laws, as +A, −A, +P and −P variants and their different crossovers. These units are very similar to those patterns found at the optical scale in K-feldspar from pegmatites (see details in optical micrographs and explanations about the terminology in [
Thus, many specimens with an orthoclase X-ray pattern, in some cases with evidence of partial and incipient recrystallization to microcline, actually have very heterogeneous microstructures at the mesoscale and do not have a single structural state nor symmetry. Several degrees of transformation coexist intimately side by side. Ordered microcline domains form mainly at crossovers produced by the intersection of transformation avalanches with a positive interference, as in the case of +A/+P and −A/−P crossovers, giving rise to the microstructure shown in the inset of
Figure 13b. In perthitic orthoclase from pegmatites, large and intense avalanches are triggered from the internal interfaces with other minerals, and they typically spread mainly from albite veins or stress centers at end points of albite domains with diamond shapes [
79], giving rise to twins. However, in unexsolved orthoclase (i.e., in most samples of adularia or hydrothermally crystallized euhedral minerals), a similar pattern of tweed microstructure is produced mainly by multiple but weaker avalanches generated by a process of homogeneous nucleation.
High-resolution TEM images from specimen 1123 have provided additional understanding of the local structure in minerals with the tweed pattern. This specimen has an X-ray pattern mainly consistent with orthoclase (see hkl positions in green in
Figure 9c); it is very heterogeneous, however, and shows an incipient transition to microcline, as detected in the (131) region only (blue peaks in
Figure 9c). The
27Al STMAS NMR and
27Al MQMAS NMR spectra of this specimen (
Figure 11) show a wide distribution in the chemical shift and also in both first- and second-order quadrupolar interactions for Al atoms in a tetrahedral coordination. These spectra are similar to those of sanidine, but different from “valencianite”, and far from the well-defined single site in (low) microcline.
Figure 14a shows the border of a euhedral particle along the [001] zone axis with high-resolution TEM; a fine contrast was resolved at high-magnification conditions (
Figure 14b). The bright dots can be correlated with structural channels along this direction, because their geometrical configuration is the same as the projected configuration of heavy atoms delimiting those channels in an ideal monoclinic lattice (
Figure 14c). Note that the
γ* is close to 90° and that the b unit-cell dimension is ~1.3 nm, whereas
a′ ≈ 0.85 × sin 116° is roughly 0.77 nm (
Figure 14b). However, the symmetrical distribution of channels in the experimental image does not correspond with that in the lattice monoclinic model (
Figure 11c).
In the monoclinic lattice, three different types of channels are marked: in red, the pseudohexagonal channel defined by a six-membered T ring, where the “m” mirror plane and the “2” binary axis cross at the center of symmetry; in turquoise, the rhombic channels related by the 2-fold (binary) axis (vertical), and in yellow, the channels formed by the well-known four-membered T rings of the structure, with two T
1 sites and two T
2 sites, related by the mirror plane (horizontal). However, the yellow channels seem to be absent in the experimental image, and they are shown in white (
Figure 14b) as the 2-fold axis seems to be absent. Thus, the
γ* angle is perhaps close to 90°, but at the local scale, the mirror plane and binary axis may not be present. Note that in a disordered structure such as sanidine or “valencianite”, an average of one Al atom occurs per each four-membered ring, whereas if an order similar to microcline exists in the structure, rings with two Al atoms alternate, with the rings having 0 Al atoms [
47]. Thus, similar rings will give rise to a similar contrast in images generated in electron microscopy, which is clearly not the case for the four-membered rings in
Figure 14b.
All of these data suggest that the conventional description of orthoclase, as a crystal in terms of an idealized regular and periodic lattice or a perturbed lattice with a C2/m monoclinic (average or overall) symmetry, is really far from the experimental SAED patterns and TEM images. Here, we suggest that orthoclase is actually a mineral with a highly dynamic crystalline medium, whose behavior gives rise to very heterogeneous microstructures at the mesoscale; it has pseudoperiodicity only at the local scale.
The first NMR experiments at low magnetic fields [
80], and later at medium magnetic fields [
77], showed that orthoclase with a tweed microstructure is consistent with an average local geometry similar to that of microcline. Additional
29Si NMR spectra at 9.4 T and
27Al NMR spectra at 19.6 T have shown that the disordered Si,Al distribution over four T sites in orthoclase indicates that the structure is not strictly periodic, but a pseudotriclinic structure only at the long-range scale [
4]. In addition, Loewenstein’s rule is respected, and local compensation of charges occurs by polyatomic arrangements involving Al and K atoms in well-defined configurations at the medium-range scale [
4]. However, a model that only considers Loewenstein’s rule to explain the order–disorder of the Si,Al+K distribution is not sufficient to reproduce the experimental
29Si and
27Al NMR spectra.
Here, we study the order–disorder state of orthoclase specimen ASGS by interpreting experimental
29Si spectra at 9.4 T and
27Al spectra at 35.2 T (
Figure 15). This specimen, from the collection of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN, CSIC), is from Saint Gotthard (Switzerland) and of historical importance. It consists of an aggregate of several large euhedral crystals up to ~5 cm across with sharp, planar faces, labeled as adularia with the Felsöbanya habit. Our specimen of Or
9.4 composition (EMPA) has an average monoclinic symmetry and
m space group from powder XDR patterns, with cell dimensions similar to those of other orthoclase specimens:
a = 8.562(1),
b = 12.984(1),
c = 7.208 (1) Å,
α =
γ = 90°,
β = 116.01(1)° (Rietveld refinement). We have produced an orthoclase specimen with pure Or
100 composition by ion-exchange experiments with molten KBr at 825 °C for 30 h to produce specimen K-ASGS with
a = 8.567(1),
b = 12.974(1), c = 7.212(1) Å,
α =
γ = 90°,
β = 116.02(1)° (Rietveld refinement). No remarkable structural changes are observed in the specimen by XRD after the chemical treatment.
29Si NMR spectra of specimens ASGS and K-ASGS are almost identical; they can be interpreted as a Si,Al distribution in which Loewenstein’s rule is obeyed, as is also the case in specimen 1123 [
4]. However, if that is so, the simulation of the
29Si spectra cannot fully explain the experimental spectrum (
Figure 15a). The best simulation of the experimental profile using only this criterion is produced if the Al occupancies in the four T sites are t
1O = 0.70, t
1m = 0.05, t
2O = 0.05 and t
2m = 0.20. However, this simulation produces some resonances at ca. –90 ppm from Si atoms in T
2m (1Si,3Al) and at ca. –106 ppm (* in sim L of
Figure 15a) that do not appear in the experiments. In addition, the high Al occupancies in the T
2m sites implies that some four-membered rings must have two Al atoms, which is not correlated with short T-O distances in the structural models of fully ordered microcline from XRD. Thus, a new model is presented here in which three criteria are used. First, as the chemical shifts of orthoclase and microcline are so close, the local structure of orthoclase can be similar to that of microcline with some disordered Si atoms at the T
1O site, and thus some Al atoms at the other three sites. In this way, the
29Si spectrum of orthoclase should be derived with a minimum deviation from that of microcline. Second, Loewenstein’s rule must be perfectly obeyed, as with the other K-feldspars. And third, a perfectly homogeneous dispersion of charges on the Al atoms in the structure will preferentially allow the formation of only four chemical environments for Si atoms: T
1O (3Si,1Al), T
1m (3Si,1Al), T
2O (3Si,1Al) and T
2m (2Si,2Al), as we must distribute three Si atoms per unit formula into four T sites of the
C triclinic structure. At least one (2Si,2Al) environment must be formed. With these criteria, a simulation has been carried out with only four components (sim L + CD in
Figure 15a). As the Al occupancies t
x in the
29Si spectrum can be calculated from the peak intensities I
x in %, as t
x = 1 – 3(I
x/100), a plausible mathematical simulation emerges for values such as t
1O = 0.50, t
1m = 0.25, t
20 = 0.17 and t
2m = 0.08, with resonances at chemical shift of T
1O = −101.9 ppm, T
1m = −100.5 ppm, T
2O = −97.7 ppm, and T
2m = −94.7 ppm, in all cases with 2.0 ppm line width, i.e., double the line width necessary to simulate the
29Si spectrum of fully ordered microcline.
To test this simulation, the
27Al NMR spectrum of orthoclase, in the same specimen K-ASGS, has been obtained at 35.2 T. At this external field, the quadrupolar broadening has been almost totally cancelled, and the line widths of the observed resonances are mainly due to distributions of the chemical shifts. Thus, three restrictions are imposed for the mathematical simulation of this NMR spectrum, including an analogous separation between the four components of Al (4Si,0Al), a line width close to double than that observed in fully ordered microcline, and finally four signals with areas showing Al site occupancies similar to that in the
29Si spectrum. With these restrictions, the
27Al spectrum at 35.2 T has been simulated with four curves giving t
x values as: t
1O = 0.46, t
1m = 0.28, t
2O = 0.19 and t
2m = 0.08; chemical shifts at T
1O = 59.4 ppm, T
1m = 60.0 ppm, T
2O = 61.2 ppm and T
2m = 62.7 ppm, in all cases lw = 2.3 ppm (
Figure 15b). This simulation suggests that the initial hypothesis is probable, i.e., local restriction from Loewenstein’s rule and homogeneous charge dispersion. Moreover, it indicates that the local structure in orthoclase is more similar to that of microcline than to that of sanidine. It is only pseudotriclinic or non-strictly periodic, with site distributions instead of spectroscopically distinct sites with well-defined and constant values of the NMR parameters.
This model implies that Mallard’s hypothesis to explain the structure of orthoclase is correct in essence, and the monoclinic symmetry recorded by RSTs is an “apparent symmetry” due to a lack of resolution [
66]. However, orthoclase is not composed only of “X-ray low microcline” domains. Some domains formed by crossovers with a positive interference can produce a similar degree of local order but probably a slightly different local geometry. This suggestion is supported by the fact that the resonance at ~58.6 ppm from Al atoms at the T
1O site in fully ordered microcline at 35.2 T could correspond to the component at ~59.4 ppm from Al atoms in T
1O site of orthoclase at 35.2 T (see the deconvolution of
Figure 15b). Note that a difference of about 0.8 ppm is very close to the estimated uncertainty in the experimental chemical shift of the
27Al spectra; at this external field, it is about 1 ppm. However, these values are far from the c.g. of the signal observed in the
27Al spectrum of sanidine at 61.6 ppm at 35.2 T (
Figure 1c) and also from that in “valencianite” at 62.1 ppm at the same external magnetic field (
Figure 10b). As suggested by Bambauer et al., that K-feldspar should be labeled “X-ray orthoclase” in comparison to the other “X-ray varieties”, because it has a microstructure that is below the limits of resolution of both light optical and X-ray methods [
66]. Thus, the external monoclinic symmetry or the one resolved by RSTs is simply an artifact due to the lack of resolving power. An “ideal” long-range periodicity is imposed in such extremely heterogeneous minerals (see
Figure 13) as if they were “crystals” as a mathematical object. Moreover, such imposition could be hiding some more important structural aspects and behaviors of the solid state, where this crystalline medium is far from equilibrium. It will tend toward equilibrium on cooling, at which point a structure must appear in which the triclinic character is perfectly developed [
4]. This structural character is investigated at the end of this article.
The second type of heterogeneous structure with modularity at the mesoscale is here called
periodically modulated composite structures. These are formed by fully coherent intergrowths of two or more phases with a marked contrast in their chemical composition, produced during primary growth or by later unmixing at the subsolidus stage. They have different degrees of mismatch between the coexisting modules, as occurs in polytypism and polytypic series, polysomes and polysomatic series [
Modularity, ubiquitous in plagioclase, is an unresolved problem, particularly in labradorite NaCaAl
16, which is the example selected in this work to represent its main NMR characteristics. The term labradorite has been traditionally used to designate a mineral of the plagioclase group with composition from Ab
50 to Ab
70. It is retained for historical reasons. Single-crystal XRD patterns and ED patterns of labradorite describe a feldspar with an incommensurately modulated structure, showing two types of modularity that generally coexist. One, with a periodicity from about 50–100 Å, gives rise to e-satellites [
85] caused by fine-scale coherence between the two modules with a different Ca:Na ratio [
86]. The other has a variable periodicity of lamellar domains owing to unmixing in the range of the wavelengths of the visible spectrum (i.e., λ > 400 nm), and thus the cause of the Schiller effect from violet to red colors in some specimens [
87], or at shorter wavelength, about 100–150 nm [
86]. As a result, where the periodicity is well defined, regular intergrowths in labradorite give rise to supersatellites or s-satellites in single-crystal XRD patterns [
84]. Conventional single-crystal XRD and neutron refinements of these heterogeneous crystals have produced an ideal average structure with a single lattice obeying a
C space group by using only Bragg peaks and ignoring the e-satellite reflections [
89]. Owing to the scale of the intergrowth of two phases, they cannot be resolved in the diffraction patterns. Moreover, the refined average structure is considered to be unaffected by the presence of such a weak superstructure [
90]. The average structure has a subtle increase in the
γ angle from ~89.7° for An
50 to ~90° for An
60 [
We have studied several specimens of labradorite in this chemical range, with and without Schiller effect, to evaluate any structural change (
Table 6). The powder XRD patterns of these specimens of labradorite were compared with the theoretical powder patterns derived from average structures from single-crystal determinations by using the ICSD (Inorganic Crystal Structure Database) database. All specimens are compatible with a
C space-group average symmetry, and in particular with file CC = 193,736 from [
86], which was used as the initial standard for the Rietveld refinement of cell parameters. This average structure suggests a lattice model with four tetrahedral sites occupied by both Si and Al atoms, and thus in a disordered Si,Al distribution.
The XRD, ED and transmission electron microscopy images of e-plagioclase samples have been interpreted in several ways: modularity between albite-like and anorthite-like domains [
92], periodic
I1-like domains connected by inversion-twin boundaries [
93], a superstructure from periodic antiphase boundaries [
94], e
2-plagioclase as an incommensurate structure with anorthite content between An
25 and An
50 in a disordered structure with Al avoidance and e
1-plagioclase as an incommensurate structure with anorthite content > An
50 with Na–Ca order below 800 °C [
95]. However, because of the common coexistence of the two modulations in labradorite with e- and s-satellites, the first with size domains below the limit of resolution of the XRD and the second with domains close to that limit, each s-lamella has its own e-modulation, and it is not possible to resolve the Ca–Na modulation in an unambiguous way [
Surprisingly, after all of these considerations, the
29Si spectra of very different samples (
Figure 16) are very similar in all cases, and also similar to the spectra available in the literature between An
54 and An
60 [
96]. This similarity suggests a comparable composite structure at the local scale at least between An
50 and An
60, where slight variations in the lattice parameters can be explained by different contributions of two different lamellae, here called p
1 and p
2 domains. No simple and single simulation can be carried out in these spectra as multiple solutions can be found without any guarantee of truth. This strong similarity by NMR among specimens contrasts with the differences that have been found by electron diffraction in samples with different cooling rates [
Specimen IN1 was selected for additional NMR scans as it is a colorless and transparent mineral of chemical composition Or
50 (EMPA), showing a weak Schiller effect with blue iridescence, wide Albite and Pericline twins and its crossovers, and no additional minerals as impurities at the optic scale. This specimen has been analyzed in an
29Si} HMQC NMR experiment at 17.6 T (750 MHz) as shown in
Figure 17. In the
27Al spectrum at 11.7 T, labradorite produces only a single broad resonance centered at ~60 ppm [
98]; at 17.6 T, however, a doublet is resolved reflecting the modularity of the structure at ~48 ppm for p
1-plagioclase ~An
60 and at ~53 ppm for p
2-plagioclase ~An
40, a compositional range for the domains that has already been suggested in the literature [
101]. The
29Si spectra of p
1- and p
2-plagioclases have been simulated with six components, whereas the total spectrum can be reproduced by the sum of about 50% of each component (
Table 7). It is difficult to interpret these simulations using lattice models with strict periodicity and well-defined space-group symmetries in each module of plagioclase. Our data thus suggest that labradorite specimens from An
50 to An
60 (
Figure 17) are the result of an intergrowth of two pseudoperiodic structures formed by limited Na–Ca exsolution and with contrasting atomic structures.
The deconvolutions presented are mathematical solutions to show how complex and robust the local structure of labradorite seems to be on the basis NMR data, in comparison with the other average models. Additional NMR experiments are necessary to resolve the medium-range polyatomic organizations in these modules, as the 29Si spectra do not have a simple interpretation in term of crystallographically distinct sites; we need to define the relationship of p-domains derived from NMR to e-modulations and s-domains.
The third type of heterogeneous structure occurs where the lamellar size from ~5 nm to ~100 nm does not produce strict periodicity between lamellae at the mesoscale, but only a measurable average pseudoperiodicity. As a result, no satellite diffraction maxima are recorded by RSTs, as occur in e-plagioclase. These
aperiodically modulated composite structures are formed by the intergrowth of two structures with a different chemical composition but a related structure. In fine intergrowths, fully coherent structures can be generated, as in alkali feldspar cryptoperthite, formed by an exsolution process [
103]. In this case, structural strain appears from coherency between the two phases with different chemical composition but a shared structure. As the exsolution process progresses, the size of the lamellae of the two components increases and the interfaces become semicoherent to incoherent, particularly where there is interaction with aqueous fluids. The structural strain also decreases or disappears where the interfaces are fully non-coherent, in vein perthites. The structural strain has been represented as lattice strain and has been described by anomalous lattice parameters measured in XRD patterns, particularly in the
a-dimension of the unit cell, in comparison with other normal (i.e., unstrained) alkali feldspar intergrowths with non-coherent boundaries [
107]. Strain is also manifested by diffuse streaks in electron-diffraction patterns [
102]. Intermediate alkali feldspars can also form, as in labradorite, a weak second modulation that produces a visible effect at the optical scale with a ~400 nm wavelength, giving rise to a blue-white Schiller effect. The term “moonstone” is used for the gemstones with such an optical effect. This second modulation does not normally form a lamellar microtexture with sufficient chemical contrast to be resolved by back-scattered electron diffraction. However, scanning Rayleigh scattering microscopy was able to resolve island, labyrinth and stripe patterns, with such periodicity as to produce reflection of blue light, from an unmixing process of spinodal decomposition that produces such large chemical waves but with a low amplitude [
Three specimens of moonstone from Meetiyagoda (Sri Lanka) were used in this work (
Table 8), with exsolved domains at very different scales. Specimen SRe1b is a fully transparent crystalline sample with sharp blue iridescence. Specimen SR31 is a non-iridescent opaque sample with a perthitic texture in which the large lamellae are visible at the optical scale. Specimen SR9 is a translucent sample with white iridescence. The approximate bulk chemical composition derived from EMPA (JEOL-8900M equipment) using a beam of about 5 μm
3 at 15 kV and 25 nA to avoid sodium losses, gave: Or
50 for specimen SRe1b, Or
59 for specimen SR31, and Or
30 for specimen SR9. These specimens originate in pegmatites hosted in metamorphic rocks at the granulite facies of metamorphism [
109], i.e., in a relatively dry environment without evidence of a wet coarsening process at the subsolidus stage. The ordering reaction occurred without the active participation of aqueous fluids. Hence, the structural coherency (or pseudocoherency) between the two lamellar phases produced by exsolution is mostly preserved.
Specimen SRe1b does not show evidence of exsolution if examined by conventional scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. However, high-resolution field-emission electron microscopy images, using a back-scattered electron (BSE) detector in a field emission SEM, showed that two lamellar domains coexist in a fine coherent intergrowth, with a size scale between 20 and 40 nm, in a pseudoperiodic configuration with sharp boundaries, locally with a zig-zag shape in diagonal association (
Figure 18a). The X-ray diffraction photographs of this type of specimen have been interpreted as a single-crystal pattern of a monoclinic K-rich feldspar (orthoclase or sanidine) plus oriented diffuse reflections in positions that correspond approximately to a Na-feldspar with an intermediate state between the low-temperature modification of albite and the high-temperature modification of analbite [
64]. Specimen SRe1b shows a powder XRD pattern that is consistent with that interpretation. Thus, it was difficult to identify the diffraction maxima from the two types of lamellar domains, as the lamellar thickness is inferior to that of the coherent X-ray diffraction at 50–100 nm [
3], thus complicating the refinement of the cell parameters by the Rietveld method.
Figure 19b shows three regions of the X-ray pattern of this specimen and, for comparison, those of orthoclase in specimen K-ASGS (
Figure 19a) and the other two specimens of moonstone. It was possible to distinguish some of the (hkl) diffraction maxima belonging to the two intergrown phases, but no clear evidence of triclinic character was detected in neither of the two feldspar components (
Figure 19b). The Rietveld quantification indicates the coexistence of 63.4% monoclinic K-rich feldspar and 36.6% triclinic Na-feldspar. The
a-dimensions in the two feldspars are strongly anomalous in comparison with unstrained alkali feldspars (compare the cell parameters of
Table 8 with those of Table 10).
Note that the
29Si NMR spectrum at 9.4 T (
Figure 20a,
Table 9) is consistent with a combination of resonances of almost fully ordered albite (47.8%) and disordered K-rich feldspar (52.2%) with chemical shifts similar to orthoclase. This is as expected from the EMPA composition, with chemical compositions not far from the end-members, according to the values of the chemical shifts. The line width of the resonances of the two components with nanometer size in specimen SRe1b is significantly greater than that observed in specimen SR9 (with two triclinic feldspars detected in XRD). The size of the lamellae of the two components is much larger in specimen SR9, particularly for the K-rich feldspar (
Table 9). It means that the larger distribution in the values of chemical shift of specimen SRe1b arise when the size domains decrease, owing to strain from coherency. The
27Al NMR spectra at 35.2 T (
Figure 20b) of this specimen can be decomposed into a wide signal from disordered K-rich feldspar centered at 61.6 ppm (i.e., similar to sanidine in specimen K-713r) with 53.1% area, and two signals from Na-feldspar at 63.1 ppm (i.e., a value very close to that of fully ordered albite in specimen CLBR) with 37.5% area, corresponding to the low-strain inner part of the albite lamellae. In addition, a signal at 64.7 ppm with 9.4% area could correspond to the strained parts of albite close to interfaces from the coherent boundaries with the K-feldspar lamellae.
Specimen SR31 features a perthitic intergrowth (
Figure 18b,c) of lozenge-shaped K-feldspar lamellae; the Na-feldspar lamellae are oriented along the (110) and (1
0) directions, giving rise to an X-shaped configuration. Some Na-feldspar lamellae are coarsened in spatial association with some microporosity owing to interaction with an aqueous fluid also affecting larger K-feldspar domains. Structural coherency is mostly preserved in the specimen. The powder XRD pattern is difficult to interpret because of the mixture, but it is consistent with the intergrowth of monoclinic K-feldspar similar to orthoclase, and a triclinic Na-feldspar with anomalous obliquity (
Figure 19c,
Table 8). However, anomalous unit-cell dimensions are detected, particularly in the
a cell parameters of the two alkali feldspars (
Table 8). The
29Si spectrum of this specimen at 9.4 T (
Figure 20c,
Table 9) is consistent with ~40 wt.% K-feldspar with a structure similar to that of orthoclase, and ~60 wt.% Na-feldspar with three resonances close to those of fully ordered albite. The
27Al spectrum (
Figure 20d,
Table 9) can be deconvoluted into three signals, one from ordered Na-feldspar with 52.2% area, and two signals from K-feldspar including the resonances of orthoclase with 43.9% area and one signal from structural strain with 3.9% area. The proportion of the K-feldspar and Na-feldspar components in the perthitic mixture extracted from NMR spectra are similar to the values obtained by EMPA and the quantification by the Rietveld refinement, but the structural state found in the XRD pattern for the Na-feldspar is markedly different from that found in NMR. Thus, the structural coherency existing between albite and orthoclase inhibits the correct characterization of the degree of order at the local scale if described by XRD.
Specimen SR9 shows an exsolution pattern composed of a cryptoperthite with fine lamellae of Na-feldspar in a K-rich feldspar matrix with zig-zag interfaces, as well as a microperthite of coarse albite veins of diamond shape, developed by lateral coarsening of the fine lamellae. This pattern can be resolved by standard BSE electron microscopy at conventional conditions (
Figure 18d), although a more detailed visualization is possible with TEM [
103]. However, our BSE image allows the observation of much larger surfaces and shows that the albite domains with a diamond shape and a coherent interface with the K-rich matrix are produced by the development of exsolution along the (110) and (1
0) directions. This gave rise to an exsolution pattern with large X-shaped albite lamellae, where structural coherency is mostly retained (
Figure 18b). The powder XRD pattern of this specimen is also complex, because of overlapping of the diffraction maxima contributed by the two components, as for instance in the (11
) diffraction (
Figure 19). The cell parameters acquired by a Rietveld refinement thus have a low quality, particularly those of the Na-feldspar (
Table 8). They record a mixture of triclinic alkali feldspars for both Na- and K-feldspar lamellae, but with anomalous
a-dimensions in the two phases, with a K-feldspar close to the “X-ray low microcline” variety. The
29Si spectrum of specimen SR9 at 9.4 T (
Figure 20e,
Table 9) is consistent with a mixture of alkali feldspars’ very close fully ordered structures, with a chemical composition close to the end-members. The Na-feldspar amounts to 26.5% and the K-feldspar, 73.5%. The
27Al NMR spectrum of this specimen at 35.2 T (
Figure 20f) shows two resonances corresponding to fully ordered microcline at δ
iso = 58.9 ppm with an area of 72.4% and fully ordered albite at δ
iso = 62.9 ppm with an area of 20.1%, but with an anomalously wide line width of 1.5 ppm in comparison with the “X-ray low albite” variety. It shows another resonance at 60.3 ppm with 7.5% area that can be interpreted as structural strain in the K-feldspar component arising from coherency.
Figure 21 shows the
27Al MQMAS NMR spectra at 17.6 T of the three specimens of moonstone. It was not possible to resolve the resonances of the two alkali-feldspar phases in specimen SRe1b (
Figure 21a). The one-dimension spectrum of this specimen, i.e., the projection on the Fiso isotropic dimension (
Figure 21b), however, can be deconvoluted with the three resonances analogous to those used in the deconvolution at 35.2 T, to obtain a very similar result (
Figure 20b). The one-dimension spectra in specimen SR31 (
Figure 21c) and specimen SR9 (
Figure 21d) are also very similar to those obtained at 35.2 T (
Figure 20d,f). Hence, all of these different NMR experimental results are fully compatible with each other in each specimen.
All of these results thus suggest that the resolving power of the XRD technique is not sufficient to properly describe the local structure of alkali feldspars where they form fine coherent intergrowths, such as those in the cryptoperthitic moonstone specimens we studied. The anomalous cell dimensions and the X-ray varieties inferred from XRD data cannot be correlated with the NMR data in a simple way. It is important to note that there is a strong tendency in all cases to detect structures close to full order at the local scale in the Na-feldspar phase by NMR, although the XRD patterns do not concur. Thus, such robust and persistent atomic organizations such as those of the “X-ray low albite” variety must have a particular physical interpretation, which could be investigated by using high-quality specimens with fully ordered structures at all scales of observation.
4.4. Fully Ordered and Stoichiometric Structures
Natural and synthetic minerals are normally crystalline and thus form macroscopic morphological units with regular external shapes (i.e., a crystalline figure); they also have an indexable diffraction pattern [
110]. However, natural and synthetic minerals do not invariably have a fully ordered state, owing to the time scale involved in achieving it. In fact, mineral structures with a stoichiometric chemical composition that are fully ordered are particularly rare in aluminosilicate compounds. These complex mineral structures contain several chemical elements located at various structural sites, as for instances in aluminosilicates such as in
β-eucryptite and
β-spodumene solid-solution series [
22] and also in feldspars [
79]. At a laboratory timescale, Ostwald’s step rule [
28] progresses very slowly [
111], as noted by Laves, who labeled the Gay–Lussac-Ostwald step rule of successive reactions [
61]. The theme was developed in detail by Goldsmith in relation to his “simplexity principle” [
28]. In some cases, such as orthoclase or labradorite, metastable structures need to overcome a potential barrier to achieve stabilization at low temperatures. The kinetic restrictions commonly limit possibilities and inhibit compliance of the state expected from thermodynamic laws, preventing their fulfillment. Such kinetic factors render thermodynamic predictions useless. As a consequence, it is generally not possible to synthesize fully ordered structures in the laboratory. These require long periods of geological time and later recrystallization to reach such an ordered structural state typical of low-temperature phases. Hence, nature is the best “laboratory” to produce those specimens, as geological time and geological processes work together to eventually produce a highly ordered organization of atoms. Even in feldspars, the most common mineral and most accessible to human experiments, fully ordered structures with a stoichiometric composition such as KAlSi
8 and CaAl
8 are extremely rare. The same can be said in other minerals groups such as amphiboles, micas and clay minerals. Fully ordered NaAlSi
8 is apparently more common.
In order to compare results with previous examples with disordered structures and non-stoichiometric compositions, we have selected the compositional end-members of the alkali feldspar minerals as examples of fully ordered and stoichiometric structures. We examine chemical compositions very close to the ideal formulae, such as NaAlSi
8 and KAlSi
8, with low albite and low microcline XRD patterns. These should be labeled “X-ray low albite” and “X-ray low microcline” variants [
66], with a structure close to the maximum degree of obliquity in the
α and
γ cell angles (triclinicity). A triclinic lattice model with
C space-group symmetry and four tetrahedral sites for the framework cations is inferred from RSTs. One site with Al atoms labeled T
1O (4Si,0Al) is occupied by Al atoms, and the other three sites with Si atoms are labeled T
1m (3Si,1Al), T
2O (3Si,1Al) and T
2m (2Si,2Al). In this model, one irregular cavity, the M1 site, hosts the K or Na atom. This lattice model perfectly matches the experimental results from NMR spectroscopy [
4]. Not all specimens of alkali feldspars with these chemical compositions and XRD patterns, with close cell dimensions and similar obliquity in angles, have exactly the same NMR spectra, however.
Figure 22 compares two samples of “X-ray low microcline”, with similar chemical composition (specimen 9544 with Or
5.2 in
Figure 22a and specimen 11924 with Or
3.6 in
Figure 22b), very similar X-ray patterns and also close cell parameters (
Table 10). Specimen 9544 is a euhedral green amazonite K-feldspar with the Zillertal habit from a Pikes Peak pegmatite (Pikes Peak Mountains, CO, USA), and specimen 11924 is a “white cap” on a specimen similar to 9544 also from a Pikes Peak pegmatite. The white cap constitutes an overgrowth of untwinned low microcline at low temperatures, thus it formed well within the field of low microcline, from a fluid phase containing a totally different set of trace elements (in particular no Pb) than the precursor, which does show evidence of having inverted from a monoclinic parent [
112]. In the same way, two examples of “X-ray low albite” are compared, which have very close chemical composition (specimen CJ1 with Ab
100 in
Figure 22c and specimen CLBR with Ab
100 in
Figure 22d), similar X-ray patterns and parallel cell parameters (
Table 10). Specimen CJ1 is Na-feldspar from a void in a skarn rock from Malaga (Spain), and it is compared with specimen CLBR, a Na-feldspar from a pocket in Golconda III granitic pegmatite from Governador Valadares (MG, Brazil).
For dilute dipolar nuclei, as is here the case for the
29Si nucleus, NMR records different degrees of high structural order using the spectroscopic properties of the resonances of the constituent atoms, in particular the line width. This parameter reveals a distribution in values of the chemical shifts, which correspond to the distribution of T–O–T angles in the structure.
Figure 23 shows the small but important differences in NMR spectra between the two specimens of “X-ray low microcline”, which seemed to be almost identical by XRD (
Figure 22a,b).
29Si spectrum of specimen 9544 at 9.4 T (
Figure 23a) is composed of three resonances that can be simulated with three Voigt curves of similar area and line width corresponding to the three sites, labeled T
1m, T
2O and T
2m, occupied with Si atoms (
Table 11). This agrees with the conventional lattice model for low microcline with
C symmetry. The
29Si spectrum of specimen 11924 at 9.4 T (
Figure 23b) shows the same three resonances but with a heterogeneous character of the T
2m site and clearly split T
2O and T
1m sites (
Figure 23a,
Table 11), i.e., in the two (3Si,1Al) chemical environments of the Si atoms.
At 9.4 T, similar differences are found in specimen CJ1, with three Voigt curves (
Figure 24a) compared to specimen CLBR, where again there is a clear split in the resonances related to the two (3Si,1Al) sites (
Figure 24b,
Table 12). The doublets are separated by 0.5 ppm for Si in T
2m (2Si,2Al) and T
1m (3Si,1Al) and 0.6 ppm for Si in T
2O (3Si,1Al) in the K-feldspar and 0.3 ppm for Si atoms in T
2m (2Si,2Al) and 0.4 ppm for Si atoms in T
1m (3Si,1Al) and T
2O (3Si,1Al) in the Na-feldspar. These values are slightly lower than 0.65 ppm found in the split signals for Si atoms in the
29Si spectrum of a high-quality specimen of petalite LiAlSi
10 with (3Si,1Al) environments [
22]. The
29Si single-pulse (SP) spectrum without
27Al decoupling of specimen CLBR at 17.6 T shows lower line widths for the six resonances and also slightly lower splittings for each doublet (
Figure 24c). However, when a multi-pulse (MP) sequence is applied for decoupling of spin 1/2 and half-integer quadrupolar nuclei [
113], in our case between
29Si and
27Al nuclei at 17.6 T, to remove the J coupling arising from 2J (Si,Al), the peak splittings disappear and only one single resonance is resolved for each tetrahedral sites, as shown in the
27Al} MP
27Al decoupling MAS NMR spectrum in
Figure 24d. Moreover, the
27Al} 1D R-INEPT MAS NMR spectrum of this specimen at 17.6 T (
Figure 24e) shows even finer resonances and the peak splitting of the T
2O and T
1m sites has disappeared, whereas it is still resolved for the T
2m site. It is important to note that in this spectrum, the number of peaks is coincident with the number of Al atoms in the Q
4 environment of the sites, i.e., 2Al for T
2m, 1Al for T
2O and 1Al for T
Thus, when the highest-quality specimens of “X-ray low microcline” are examined with
29Si NMR, the spectrum can be simulated with six signals as three doublets, arising from a scalar J-coupling with ~34 ± 3 Hz, ~44 ± 3 Hz and 38 ± 3 Hz for T
2m, T
2O and T
1m sites, respectively. For the “X-ray low albite” in specimen CLBR, these values are ~22 ± 3 Hz, ~33 ± 3 Hz and 32 ± 3 Hz for T
2m, T
2O and T
1m sites, respectively. In the case of petalite, the
29Si spectra between 7.05 T and 20 T reveal a J coupling of 41 ± 3 Hz, as the splitting is constant in these units, and the splitting disappears under
27Al} cross-polarization [
The origin of these doublets is still unclear, as the coupling of
29Si (I = ½, natural abundance ~4 %) with
27Al (I = 5/2) should involve a 1:1:1:1:1:1 sextet in the liquid state, but a 1:1 doublet is experimentally observed in the solid state (
Figure 24). As an alternative explanation, the splittings in these NMR spectra could be explained from structurally similar sites that are no longer magnetically equivalent owing to lowered symmetry. In the case of alkali feldspars, detailed single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments (unpublished data) have been performed by Prof. Javier Zúñiga (UPV/EHU) on specimen CLBR, with no evidence of a lower symmetry than
C in this specimen. The lower splittings at a higher external magnetic field (17.6 T), the elimination of the splittings by using a MP
27Al decoupling sequence, and the partial elimination of those splittings in the
27Al} 1D R-INEPT spectrum at 17.6 T (
Figure 24) indicate artifacts from J couplings, rather than site splittings from lower symmetry in these specimens.
The study of quadrupolar nuclei (here, 27Al, 39K and 23Na) at external magnetic fields, in which the resonances are broadened with a quadrupolar profile because of the quadrupolar interaction, allows the determination of the quadrupolar parameters, if the structures are fully ordered and thus with narrow distributions of the chemical shifts. A resonance with a well-defined quadrupolar profile is an indication of atomic order, i.e., all the atomic constituents have a close chemical environment in terms of surrounding atomic elements and bond distances. However, at ultrahigh external magnetic fields (i.e., at 35.2 T), the quadrupolar broadening is cancelled, as the second-order quadrupolar broadening is proportional to 1/B0 for the CQ values existing in alkali feldspars, resulting in spectra that show only distributions in the chemical shifts.
Figure 25a shows the
27Al MAS NMR spectra of specimen 11924 at two magnetic fields. At 9.4 T, the quadrupolar profile has been simulated with a resonance at c.g. = 53.0 ppm, δ
iso = 59.0 ppm, C
Q = 3.21 MHz and η = 0.25 for Al atoms located at the T
1O site. At 35.2 T, the quadrupolar interaction has been almost totally cancelled, and only a resonance remains that can be simulated with a Voigt curve (xG/(1 − x)L = 0.7) at c.g. ≈ δ
iso = 58.6 ppm with a 1.1 ppm line width as an expression of a fine distribution of the chemical shift values of the Al atoms at this site. The comparison of the
27Al MAS spectra at 35.2 T with the
27Al MQMAS in the 1D isotropic dimension at 35.2 T (not shown) shows that the two spectra are almost equal and suggests a similar reduction of the quadrupolar shift and broadening. The
27Al MQMAS NMR spectrum of specimen 9544 (
Figure 11b) shows a δ
iso = 59.7 ppm in the isotropic dimension. Note that lw ~ 1 ppm is actually a value similar to that found in the
29Si spectrum of the same specimen, which is also close to the estimated experimental uncertainty in these NMR spectra.
Figure 25b displays the
27Al MAS NMR spectra of specimen CLBR at four magnetic fields (9.4 T, 17.6 T, 19.6 T and 35.2 T), and the corresponding spectral simulations (
Table 13). These simulations give rise to very similar NMR parameters; they are consistent with the suggestion that for a C
Q ~3.2 MHz, at 35.2 T the quadrupolar broadening is cancelled.
These values reveal the highest degree of order in specimens 11924 and CLBR, as the distribution in the chemical shifts is very narrow for the Al atoms with ~1 ppm of line width. The two mineral species also have a similar CQ ~3.2 MHz. Hence the difference of 4 ppm in the δiso value between LM and LA minerals is related to different shielding from a slightly different geometry among tetrahedra due to different alkali cations at the M site, which is also highlighted in the different η values.
Figure 26a displays the
39K spectrum of specimen 11924, in which a single M site for of K atoms was found. This resonance can be simulated with a quadrupolar profile that can be simulated with a c.g. = −82.3 ppm, δ
iso = −4.9 ppm, C
Q = 1.9 MHz and η = 0.88.
Figure 26b shows the
23Na spectrum of specimen CLBR at 9.4 T and 19.6 T, where a single M site for Na atoms was resolved, with very similar NMR parameters from the spectral simulations (
Table 14).
These NMR parameters are consistent with the available simulations of the NMR spectra of ordered alkali feldspars in the literature [
114]. The well-defined quadrupolar parameters of these spectra, and the almost identical simulations in different magnetic fields, indicate that these specimens have most of the alkali atoms at a single site, with very well-defined spectroscopic parameters. In other words, alkali atoms are located in well-defined spectroscopically distinct sites, which are very different from atoms located at sites with distributions in the NMR parameters. It has been shown that the disordering of the Si,Al distribution is linked to the formation of half-sites for the cavity cations, indicating that the state of order–disorder is not only related to atomic diffusion at the tetrahedral sites, but it is a polyatomic phenomenon in which local compensation of charges plays an essential role, with specific Si–Al–(K,Na) configurations at the medium-range scale [
Therefore, in some way, only special specimens of alkali feldspar with a fully ordered structure are close to the concept of a “perfect crystal” as presented in traditional crystallography. Only in these particular cases, the short-range and medium-range polyatomic arrangements are periodically reproduced by translational symmetry along the three dimensions of space, to give rise to total long-range order. This type of order is simply a monotonous repetition of the same ordered motif of atoms without the formation of domains in different orientations (twins) or other interruptions of the atomic correlations. Where such a high regularity and repetitiveness of the same local order exists, the atomic schemes can be inferred from the lattice model by using averaging procedures and with the available resolving power of the RSTs. In this case, the well-defined framework topology and bond distances of these lattice models in the fully ordered alkali aluminosilicates can perhaps be used to interpret the origin of such specific configurations of atoms that are formed so commonly in nature. Note that a similar order appears in other specimens and mineral species with a much lower degree of long-range order, i.e., as site distributions, as has been shown in moonstone.