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Single-Grain Detrital Apatite Sr Isotopic Composition as an Indicator to Trace Sedimentary Sources: A Case Study of Sedimentary Rocks in the Hui-Cheng Basin, South Qinling, China

CAS Key Laboratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments, School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Minerals 2023, 13(8), 1010;
Submission received: 6 July 2023 / Revised: 26 July 2023 / Accepted: 26 July 2023 / Published: 29 July 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Mineral Geochemistry and Geochronology)


Sediments or clastic rocks can record the evolution history of basins, orogenic processes, crustal uplift and erosion, and even paleo-environments. Detrital minerals such as zircon, garnet, and apatite are useful media for studies of sedimentary sources and basin evolution. Detrital zircon has been widely taken as an indicator for provenances and tectonic evolution of geological terrenes via age distribution patterns. Apatite can remain stable during erosion and transportation and is also considered as an ideal object for source tracing. This mineral normally contains high Sr and negligible Rb. Its Sr isotopic composition can remain almost unchanged after crystallization. Unlike isotopic ages of detrital minerals, Apatite isotopic compositions have been less frequently used for tracing the provenance of sedimentary rocks in the last few decades. In the present study, we report on the Sr isotopic composition of individual apatite grains of Neogene and Jurassic conglomerates from the Hui-Cheng basin in the South Qinling orogenic belt, obtained via thermal ionization mass spectrometry. Detrital apatite grains of Jurassic rocks have narrow ranges of 87Sr/86Sr values from 0.7076 to 0.7100, but those of Neogene rocks gave variant 87Sr/86Sr values from 0.7055 to 0.7534, providing distinct evidence for complex sources of Neogene sedimentary rocks. Analytical results show that the distribution patterns of 87Sr/86Sr values of single-grain detrital apatite fit the distribution patterns of detrital zircon U-Pb from the isotopic ages very well. Detrital apatite Sr isotopic composition can provide essential information for tracing the origins and evolution of sedimentary sources.

1. Introduction

Sedimentary rocks or materials can effectively record the evolutionary history of basins, orogenic processes, crustal uplifts, and even paleo-environments [1,2,3,4,5]. Detrital minerals in sedimentary rocks, such as zircon, garnet, mica, and apatite, are useful media for studies of sedimentary sources and provenance of geological terranes [3,6,7,8,9]. Detrital zircon and garnet minerals characterized by high physical and/or chemical stability have been widely taken as indicators of provenance and tectonic evolution of fold belts or geological terranes, normally by means of their age distributions [6,8,10,11,12,13]. Less stable minerals, e.g., detrital micas or feldspar, were occasionally employed for tracing sedimentary sources [9,14]. Apatite can remain stable during erosion and transportation and is also considered as an ideal object for the study of material tracing for sources having a complex evolutionary history. This mineral normally contains high Sr and negligible Rb contents, and its 87Sr/86Sr value remains almost unchanged after crystallization, therefore apatite can be used to determine the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of whole-rocks [15,16,17].
Unlike the isotopic ages of detrital minerals, such as zircon, garnet, and micas, isotopic compositions of detrital minerals have been less frequently used for tracing provenances of sedimentary rocks in the last few decades [9,14]. In the present study, we have employed thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) techniques to obtain the Sr isotopic composition of individual apatite grains using an analytical procedure of low Sr-blanks [9,18]. Detrital apatite grains were separated from Neogene and Jurassic sedimentary rocks that were collected from the Hui-Cheng basin in the Qinling orogenic belt. In comparison to U-Pb isotopic ages of detrital zircon grains from the same rock samples, distribution patterns of 87Sr/86Sr values of single-grain detrital apatite fit the distribution patterns of zircon ages very well. Sr isotopic composition of detrital apatite grains can provide essential information for tracing the origins and evolution of sedimentary sources.

2. Geological Setting and Samples

The Qinling orogenic belt in China is commonly subdivided into four tectonic units by three faults or suture zones: the southern margin of the North China Block, North Qinling, South Qinling, and the northern margin of the Yangtze Block from north to south [19,20] (Figure 1). South Qinling is bordered by the Shangdan and Mian-Lue suture zones. The old base-layer rocks consist of the Yudongzi and Douling groups. The Archean Yudongzi Group, occurring as tectonic slices in the Mian-Lue suture zone, is composed mostly of amphibolite, schist, and gneiss [21]. The Archean to Paleoproterozoic Douling Group consists mainly of gneiss, amphibolite, marble, and schist [22,23]. Neoproterozoic rocks, mainly represented by the Wudang and Yaolinghe groups, are characterized by volcanic–sedimentary series with a low-grade metamorphic imprint [24,25]. Late Triassic granitic rocks are widespread in South Qinling, and are proposed to have been formed in the tectonic setting of the assembly of the Yangtze Block and South Qinling areas [26,27].
After the final collision in the Late Triassic era, several intermountain basins, such as the Hui-Cheng basin, were formed during the Early Jurassic to Cenozoic eras, resulting from the movement of the tectonic units in the Qinling orogenic belt along the major tectonic boundaries [28]. The crust in the eastern and western Qinling terrenes has been quickly uplifted since the Late Cretaceous period [29,30]. The Early Cretaceous sedimentary strata are strongly folded, and the Late Cretaceous strata are commonly absent in the orogenic belt, with the exceptions of the Hui-Cheng basin and Tianshui areas [31,32]. Previous studies of the apatite fission track dating back to the early Mesozoic Baoji granite pluton have shown that North Qinling began to be uplifted in the Late Cretaceous period (~80 Ma) [33], and several early and late Mesozoic large plutons, such as the Baoji, Taibai, and Huashan granites, were exposed to the surface in the Miocene period (~20 Ma) [34,35].
Figure 1. (a) Geological sketch of China after [19,20]; (b) Distribution of Mesozoic granite plutons in the Qinling orogenic belt after [27]; (c) Geological map and distribution of sedimentary rocks in the Hui-Cheng basin after [31,36] showing the localities of samples.
Figure 1. (a) Geological sketch of China after [19,20]; (b) Distribution of Mesozoic granite plutons in the Qinling orogenic belt after [27]; (c) Geological map and distribution of sedimentary rocks in the Hui-Cheng basin after [31,36] showing the localities of samples.
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The Hui-Cheng basin belongs to a Mesozoic to Cenozoic period intermountain basin, located in the conjunction of the western and eastern Qinling orogenic belts (Figure 1). This basin, extending NE-SW at about 120 km long and 40 km wide, is bordered by the Feng-Tai fault in the north and the Mian-Lue suture zone in the south [19]. Triassic and Devonian strata consist mainly of limestone, sandstone, and slate, while Late Triassic Mishuling granite are exposed in the north of the basin. Silurian and Devonian strata consist of limestone, sandstone, and slate, while Late Triassic Miba granite are exposed in the south. According to the previous reports of geological investigations, the sedimentary rocks of the Mesozoic era in the Huicheng Basin consist of the Triassic strata, Middle Jurassic Longjiagou Formation, and Early Cretaceous strata of the Tianjiaba, Zhoujiawan, and Jishan formations, arranged in a bottom-up sequence. [31,36]. The Tianjiaba Formation is composed mainly of thick, purple sandy gravel and siltstone, and most gravels are granite in composition with minor amounts of green sandstone and siltstone. The Zhoujiawan Formation consists mainly of purple to greyish-green or yellow-green interbedding mudstone, siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate. The Jishan Formation comprises mainly ash-black to yellow-green mudstone and siltstone with minor interbedding purple conglomerate. The Tianjiaba Formation is connected via angular non-conformity with the underlying Jurassic sedimentary rocks. The overlying Cenozoic strata are composed mainly of interbedding conglomerate, sandy gravel, sandstone, and siltstone.
Three sedimentary rock samples analyzed in this study were collected from the Hui-Cheng basin. Conglomerate sample YX06, from the Neogene strata, is red in color and contains different types of rock detritus, including igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Purple sandstones can be seen as thin layers adjacent to the conglomerate. Conglomerate samples YX07 and YX08 originate from the Jurassic strata and both of them contain rock detritus mainly composed of granite. Sedimentary strata of the late Mesozoic period in the basin and hand specimens of the samples are shown in Figure 2.

3. Analytical Techniques

Mineral grains of zircon and apatite were separated from ~5 kg rock samples using conventional heavy liquid and magnetic separation techniques. The isolated zircon grains were mounted in epoxy resin on glass slides. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of zircon were taken using a FEI Sirion 200 Scanning electron microscope (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) located at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), with operating conditions under 20 kV and 15 nA. Zircon U-Pb isotopic dating was performed using an Agilent 7500a Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer attached to a Geolas laser-ablation system equipped with a 193 nm ArF-excimer laser (LA-ICP-MS; Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) at the USTC. Analysis conditions were under a 10 Hz repetition rate with a beam spot size of 32 µm. Each analysis incorporates background integration of 20 s followed by laser ablation of 40 s. Raw data were processed using ICPMSDataCal v12.2 software [37,38].
Whole rock powders of ~100 mg were spiked with the 87Rb-84Sr and 149Sm-150Nd mixing spikes and dissolved in a mixture of acids (HF-HNO3-HClO4) for seven days. After the samples were completely dissolved, the sample solutions were dried. 6N HCl was added and heated to convert the fluoride salts into chloride salts. Subsequently, they were dried and re-digested in 1 mL of 3N HCl. Rb, Sr, Sm, and Nd were separated using ion exchange chromatography and further details on measurement procedures are given elsewhere [9,10]. 88Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios were normalized to 88Sr/86Sr of 8.3752 and 146Nd/144Nd of 0.7219, respectively. Measurements of the Sr and Nd reference materials yielded 87Sr/86Sr of 0.710248 ± 0.000011 (2SE) for the NIST SRM NBS987 solution and 143Nd/144Nd of 0.512115 ± 0.000009 (2SE) for the Jndi-1 solution, respectively. Whole procedural Sr and Nd blanks were <200 pg.
Single grains of apatite were handpicked under a binocular microscope and washed in 0.1 N HCl acid solution before being washed in purified water. Apatite grain was decomposed in a mixture of 150 µL purified 10 N HCl acid solution and 100 µL purified 7N HNO3 acid solution at 150 ℃ for about one week. Sr was separated from other elements using ~40 µL of the Sr-Resin (particle size of 38~74 μm) in a small Teflon® column. Sr was loaded with a purified TaF5 activator on preconditioned W filaments and was measured in single filament mode. The TaF5 activator solution has a very low Sr blank value, lower than 0.02 pg/µL, and high ionization efficiency [39]. Procedural Sr blanks for the analysis of single-grain apatite were < 10 pg [18]. Isotopic ratios of whole rock and single-grain apatite were measured on a Thermo Fisher Scientific TRITON Plus mass spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) at the USTC.

4. Analytical Results

4.1. Detrital Zircon U-Pb Isotopic Ages

A total of three hundred and sixty-nine zircon grains were separated from the conglomerate samples and analyzed using the LA-ICP-MS. Analytical results are summarized in Table 1 and provided as supplementary material in Table S1. CL images of representative zircon grains are shown in Figure 3 and distribution patterns of zircon U-Pb ages for three samples are illustrated in Figure 4.
Zircon grains from Neogene conglomerate sample YX06 are mostly round in shape, indicating long-distance transportation before the deposition. These samples have different internal structures with or without zoning as shown in the CL images (Figure 3a), and their Th/U values range from 0.16 to 2.27. Sixty-four zircon grains yielded U-Pb isotopic ages varying from 2872 Ma to 214 Ma, but they cluster at two major age peaks of 222 Ma and ~444 Ma, with a minor peak of ~795 Ma (Figure 4). Zircon grains from Jurassic conglomerate samples (YX07 and YX08) are mostly idiomorphic, less round, and have internal zoning structures in the CL images (Figure 3b,c). One hundred and twenty-one zircon grains from sample YX07 gave 206Pb/238U isotopic ages of ~249 Ma to ~205 Ma, clustering at ~221 Ma (Table 1; Figure 4) with one grain yielding an old 206Pb/238U age of 696 ± 19 Ma. Their Th/U values vary from 0.34 to 0.68. One hundred and eighty-three zircon grains from sample YX08 gave 206Pb/238U isotopic ages of ~268 Ma to ~198 Ma, clustering at ~219 Ma (Table 1; Figure 4). Their Th/U values range from 0.30 to 0.62.

4.2. Whole-Rock Sr-Nd and Single-Grain Apatite Sr Isotopic Composition

Whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of three conglomerate samples are given in Table 2. When calculated back to 20 Ma, initial 87Sr/86Sr and initial εNd values of Neogene sample YX06 are 0.7160 and −10.0, respectively. Compared to sample YX06, Jurassic samples YX07 and YX08 have higher initial εNd values (−5.6 and −6.2) and lower 87Sr/86Sr values (0.7074 and 0.7076), when calculated back to 220 Ma.
Single grain apatite Sr isotopic compositions of three conglomerate samples are given in Table 3. Thirty-three apatite grains from Neogene conglomerate sample YX06 yielded measured 87Sr/86Sr values ranging from 0.70547 to 0.75340. Apatite grains from two Jurassic conglomerate samples have narrow ranges of measured 87Sr/86Sr values from 0.70758 to 0.70998 for sample YX07 (fourteen grains) and from 0.70769 to 0.70891 for sample YX08 (sixteen grains), respectively.

4.3. Detrital Zircon Age Patterns and Changes in Sedimentary Sources

All zircon grains from the Jurassic conglomerate (samples YX07 and YX08) are measured as having 206Pb/238U isotopic ages between 268 Ma and 198 Ma, clustering around ~220 Ma (Figure 4). Most of them are idiomorphic, less round in morphology, and have internal zoning structures in CL images with high Th/U values (>0.30), suggesting that they were originally magmatic zircon and were likely derived from early Mesozoic granitoid rocks exposed in South Qinling, such as the Baoji and Mishuling granitoid plutons adjacent to the basin [45,47]. The distribution patterns of detrital zircon ages imply that the early Mesozoic granitoid rocks had been uplifted to the surface during at least the deposition of the Jurassic conglomerates and provided major sedimentary materials. This is different from the previous results based on apatite fission track ages of granite plutons in North Qinling [33,34,35]. The authors of those studies suggested that the early Mesozoic plutons began to be uplifted in the Late Cretaceous period (~80 Ma) and several early to late Mesozoic large plutons were exposed to the surface in the Miocene period (~20 Ma). Hence, our results allow us to propose that the North and South Qinling terranes underwent a different history due to the crustal uplift in the Jurassic period.
The Neogene conglomerate (sample YX06) contains detrital zircon grains of variant U-Pb isotopic ages ranging from the late Archean to early Mesozoic periods, with two noticeable peaks clustering at ~440 Ma and ~220 Ma and a minor peak at ~800 Ma. This age distribution pattern is similar to those of detrital zircon grains from the Early Cretaceous clastic rocks of the Hui-Cheng basin [49], suggesting that sedimentary sources have not significantly changed during the deposition of the Early Cretaceous and Neogene strata. As we know, Neoproterozoic, early Mesozoic, and late Mesozoic igneous rocks are widely exposed in both the North and South Qinling terranes of the Qinling orogenic belt, which may provide major sedimentary materials to the Early Cretaceous and Neogene clastic rocks. Late Mesozoic granitic rocks (~160–110 Ma in age) are exposed mostly as large-volume plutons exposed intensively in North Qinling and along the southern margin of North China [50,51], but are barely found in South Qinling. Detrital zircon grains younger than ca. 160 Ma are lacking in both the Early Cretaceous and Neogene clastic rocks, implying that crustal rocks in the northern part of the Qinling orogenic belt may not have provided sedimentary materials to these clastic rocks during the deposition.
The difference in material sources between the Jurassic and Neogene clastic rocks, supported by evidence of the age distribution patterns of detrital zircon grains, can be further confirmed by whole rock Nd isotopic compositions of these clastic rocks. Compared to the Jurassic rocks, the Neogene conglomerate has a relatively lower εNd value (Table 2), suggesting a substantial contribution of old crustal materials to the sedimentary rock. As mentioned above, late Archean base-layer rocks of the Douling Group and Neoproterozoic igneous rocks of the Wudang and Yaolinghe groups are distributed in South Qinling [22,31,32,49], and may have delivered part of the sedimentary materials composing the Neogene clastic rocks.

4.4. Detrital Apatite Sr Isotopic Composition for Tracing of Sedimentary Sources

Detrital materials of sedimentary rocks can mainly be derived from metamorphic rocks of deeply eroded base-layer, young volcanic or plutonic rocks along active continental margins, and recycled rock complexes in orogenic belts [9]. The source rocks often have distinguishable isotopic compositions and crystallization ages of either whole-rocks or detrital minerals. Previous studies in last few decades mostly used age information, such as distribution patterns of zircon U-Pb isotopic ages, in combination with whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb and zircon Hf isotopic compositions et cetera, to trace sedimentary sources. In recent years, isotopic compositions (mostly Sr and Pb isotopes) of mineral grains have been acquired using the LA-ICP-MS, Secondary Ion Mass Sepctroscopy (SIMS) or other techniques [52,53,54], but were rarely employed for source tracing of sedimentary provenances [14]. Isotopic composition of single-grain detrital minerals using thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) or isotope dilution TIMS have been rarely reported due to several technical difficulties, such as effective measurement of an extremely small amount of the sample and the requirement of ultra-low procedural blanks during the chemical separation of target elements [9,18].
Similar to the distribution patterns of detrital zircon U-Pb isotopic ages, detrital apatite grains from the Jurassic and Neogene clastic rocks have distinguishable features in Sr isotopic composition, providing further evidence for the characteristics of source materials or rocks. Thirty detrital apatite grains separated from the Jurassic conglomerate samples display a narrow range of 87Sr/86Sr values clustering from 0.7076 to 0.7100 (Figure 5), making them comparable to whole-rock Sr isotopic compositions of the early Mesozoic and Neoproterozoic period igneous rocks exposed in South Qinling [45,47,55]. Thirty-three grains of the Neogene conglomerate yield a wide range of 87Sr/86Sr values from of 0.7055 to 0.7534 (Figure 5), implying complex source materials for the Neogene clastic rocks. Apatite grains with high 87Sr/86Sr values (>0.7100) most likely originated from ancient base-layer rocks, such as the gneissic rocks of the Douling Group, which have high 87Sr/86Sr values [49]. On the basis of the distribution patterns of detrital apatite Sr compositions obtained by means of the single-grain TIMS technique presented here, we conclude that detrital apatite Sr isotopic composition holds potential for the study of crustal uplift and erosion, basin formation and evolution, and the provenance of geological bodies.

5. Conclusions

Initial Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of whole-rocks and age distribution patterns of detrital zircon grains from the Jurassic and Neogene period clastic rocks in the Hui-Cheng basin demonstrate significant changes in source rocks during the deposition. Early Mesozoic granitoid rocks of about 220 Ma exposed adjacent to the basin may provide significant materials for the Jurassic conglomerate, indicating that Mesozoic granitic rocks had been rapidly exposed during or even prior to the Jurassic period. The Neogene conglomerate may be sourced from different rocks, including Paleozoic (~450 Ma) and early Mesozoic (~220 Ma) period granitoid rocks and old base-layer rocks in South Qinling, resulting in the enrichment of whole-rock Sr and Nd isotopic compositions.
Distribution patterns of detrital apatite Sr isotopic compositions from the Jurassic and Neogene period clastic rocks show similar phenomena to detrital zircon U-Pb isotopic ages for the characteristics of sedimentary sources. Apatite grains of the Jurassic clastic rocks have narrow ranges of 87Sr/86Sr values, however, those of the Neogene conglomerate gave variant 87Sr/86Sr values from 0.70547 to 0.75340, providing distinct evidence for complex sources of the Neogene clastic rocks. Hence, we propose that Sr isotopic compositions of detrital apatite are an ideal candidate for studies of basin formation, crustal evolution, and the provenance of geological bodies.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Table S1: Zircon U-Pb isotopic data obtained by the LA-ICPMS technique for Jurassic and Neogene clastic rocks from the Hui-Cheng basin in South Qinling.xls.

Author Contributions

R.Y. and J.Z. designed the study. R.Y., J.Z. and F.C. co-wrote the manuscript. R.Y., Z.W., W.L., J.Z., J.H. and F.C. carried out the field work and the analyses. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant Nos. 42202069 and 41872049).

Data Availability Statement

The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article and its Supplementary Materials.


Sincere thanks are due to anonymous reviewers for their constructive suggestions, to P. Xiao, J.F. He, and Z.H. Hou for assistance in analysis.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no competing interest.


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Figure 2. Sedimentary sequences in the Hui-Cheng basin and hand specimens of samples after [31,36].
Figure 2. Sedimentary sequences in the Hui-Cheng basin and hand specimens of samples after [31,36].
Minerals 13 01010 g002
Figure 3. Cathodoluminescence images of representative detrital zircon grains from Neogene and Jurassic conglomerate samples, showing U-Pb isotopic ages. Circles in white color: sites of the analytical spot; numbers in white color: zircon 206Pb/238U age values (Ma); (a) YX06, (b) YX07, (c) YX08.
Figure 3. Cathodoluminescence images of representative detrital zircon grains from Neogene and Jurassic conglomerate samples, showing U-Pb isotopic ages. Circles in white color: sites of the analytical spot; numbers in white color: zircon 206Pb/238U age values (Ma); (a) YX06, (b) YX07, (c) YX08.
Minerals 13 01010 g003
Figure 4. Age histogram of detrital zircon grains from Neogene and Jurassic conglomerate samples. Data sources: igneous rocks in the Qinling orogenic belt [23,33,36,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48].
Figure 4. Age histogram of detrital zircon grains from Neogene and Jurassic conglomerate samples. Data sources: igneous rocks in the Qinling orogenic belt [23,33,36,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48].
Minerals 13 01010 g004
Figure 5. Plot of initial 87Sr/86Sr and εNd values of whole rock and 87Sr/86Sr values of single-grain apatite from Neogene and Jurassic period conglomerate samples. Data sources: Wudang Group [48,56], Yaolinghe Group [55], Foping Group [33,57], Mishuling granite [47], Douling Group [49,58].
Figure 5. Plot of initial 87Sr/86Sr and εNd values of whole rock and 87Sr/86Sr values of single-grain apatite from Neogene and Jurassic period conglomerate samples. Data sources: Wudang Group [48,56], Yaolinghe Group [55], Foping Group [33,57], Mishuling granite [47], Douling Group [49,58].
Minerals 13 01010 g005
Table 1. Summary of zircon ages data of Neogene and Jurassic sedimentary rocks.
Table 1. Summary of zircon ages data of Neogene and Jurassic sedimentary rocks.
Sample No.Rock TypeNumber of
Analyzed Grains
Range of Th/U ValueRange of Zircon Age (Ma)Age Peak of Zircon
YX06Neogene conglomerate640.16–2.27214–2872~222; ~444; ~795
YX07Jurassic conglomerate1220.34–0.68205–696221
YX08Jurassic conglomerate1830.30–0.62198–268219
Table 2. Whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopic composition of Neogene and Jurassic sedimentary rocks.
Table 2. Whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopic composition of Neogene and Jurassic sedimentary rocks.
Sample No.Rb
Note: λSm = 0.00654 (10−9 a−1). (143Nd/144Nd)CHUR = 0.512638. (147Sm/144Nd)CHUR = 0.1967.
Table 3. Single-grain apatite Sr isotopic data of Neogene and Jurassic sedimentary rocks.
Table 3. Single-grain apatite Sr isotopic data of Neogene and Jurassic sedimentary rocks.
Grain No.87Sr/86Sr
Grain No.87Sr/86Sr
YX06Neogene conglomerate YX07Jurassic conglomerate
0716-210.710740.000060.00196 0715-010.707580.000030.00038
0716-220.709230.000060.00204 0715-020.707790.000040.00422
0716-230.709450.000040.00309 0715-030.707840.000040.00073
0716-240.706850.000050.00023 0715-040.708380.000110.00198
0716-250.720520.000050.00072 0715-050.708310.000050.00180
0716-270.705580.000050.00029 0715-060.708000.000030.00092
0716-280.724350.000040.00039 0715-070.708180.000050.00129
0716-290.709880.000060.00088 0715-080.708080.000080.00123
0716-300.753400.000180.00032 0715-090.709640.000030.00056
0716-310.714680.000260.00029 0715-100.707950.000050.00093
0716-320.717210.00003<0 0715-130.707810.000030.00198
0716-330.707890.000320.00004 0715-140.708590.000050.00384
0716-340.705930.00001<0 0715-170.708230.000050.00866
0716-350.722350.00038<0 0715-200.709980.000220.00309
0716-370.705850.000040.00122 YX08Jurassic conglomerate
0716-380.705670.000130.00047 21400.707690.000050.00026
0716-400.709100.000070.00040 21360.707710.000170.00164
2001-20.707810.000030.00205 21260.707760.000040.00501
2002-20.706480.000030.00503 21350.707780.00011<0
2003-20.717740.000070.00240 21370.707880.000070.00073
2004-20.705640.000030.00081 21230.707990.000210.00499
20050.719650.000080.00228 2121-20.707990.000110.00219
20060.705470.000030.00558 21390.708050.000090.00021
20070.708690.000100.00123 21380.708150.000060.00054
20080.724060.000050.00295 21220.708220.000110.00093
20090.707310.000050.00049 21240.708400.000020.00037
20100.709020.000070.00074 2134-20.708410.000100.00216
20110.734330.000090.00131 21250.708510.000130.00446
2012-20.707190.000080.00112 21270.708620.000200.00741
20140.718350.000100.00129 21290.708660.000250.00091
20150.712160.000110.00193 21280.708910.000260.00314
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ye, R.; Zhao, J.; Wang, Z.; Li, W.; He, J.; Chen, F. Single-Grain Detrital Apatite Sr Isotopic Composition as an Indicator to Trace Sedimentary Sources: A Case Study of Sedimentary Rocks in the Hui-Cheng Basin, South Qinling, China. Minerals 2023, 13, 1010.

AMA Style

Ye R, Zhao J, Wang Z, Li W, He J, Chen F. Single-Grain Detrital Apatite Sr Isotopic Composition as an Indicator to Trace Sedimentary Sources: A Case Study of Sedimentary Rocks in the Hui-Cheng Basin, South Qinling, China. Minerals. 2023; 13(8):1010.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ye, Risheng, Jingxin Zhao, Zhiyi Wang, Weiyong Li, Jun He, and Fukun Chen. 2023. "Single-Grain Detrital Apatite Sr Isotopic Composition as an Indicator to Trace Sedimentary Sources: A Case Study of Sedimentary Rocks in the Hui-Cheng Basin, South Qinling, China" Minerals 13, no. 8: 1010.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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