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Source Rock Evaluation and Hydrocarbon Expulsion Characteristics of Effective Source Rocks in the Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, China

State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China
College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Minerals 2024, 14(10), 975; (registering DOI)
Submission received: 5 August 2024 / Revised: 22 September 2024 / Accepted: 23 September 2024 / Published: 27 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Mineral Exploration Methods and Applications)


This study presents an integrated approach using organic geochemistry and incident-light organic petrographic microscopy techniques to characterize the kerogen type, hydrocarbon potential, thermal maturity, and effective depositional environment of the Eocene Liushagang Formation intervals in the western Huangtong Sag, eastern Bailian Sag, central Huachang Sub-uplift, and Southern Slope Zone area in the Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin. The results show that the hydrocarbon potential of these organic-rich lacustrine shale areas is mainly dependent on the depositional environment and the present-day burial depth of sediments. Oscillations and transitions between (i) rocks with dominant allochthonous organic matter (including primary/reworked vitrinite and inertinite macerals and terrestrial debris particles) representing a large influence of continental sediments (e.g., source supply direction) and (ii) rocks with dominant autochthonous organic matter (e.g., alginite) indicate a distal and stable lacustrine basin depositional environment. The source rock thickness ranges from 40.1 to 387.4 m. The average TOC of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Sag is between 0.98% and 2.00%, with the highest organic matter abundance being in the first and second sections of the Liushagang Formation, presenting as high-quality source rocks. The organic matter is predominantly Type II1 and Type II2. The highest vitrinite reflectance (1.14%) is in the Huangtong and Bailian Sags. The source rocks of the second section of the Liushagang Formation are primary hydrocarbon generators, contributing 55.11% of the total generation. Hydrocarbon sequestration peaks at %Ro 0.80%, with a maximum efficiency of 97.7%. The cumulative hydrocarbon generation of the Liushagang Formation is 134.10 × 108 tons, with 50.52 × 108 tons having been expelled and 83.58 × 108 tons remaining. E2L2X and E2L2S have maximum hydrocarbon displacement intensities of 184.22 × 104 t/km² and 45.39 × 104 t/km², respectively, with cumulative displacements of 52.99 × 108 tons and 15.58 × 108 tons. The oil and gas accumulation system is highly prospective, showing significant exploration potential.

1. Introduction

The Beibuwan Basin, an oil- and gas-rich sedimentary basin on the northern margin of the South China Sea, has a proven geological reserve of crude oil of approximately 4.05 × 108 t and a proven geological reserve of natural gas of approximately 50 × 108 m3 [1,2,3]. Although its petroleum exploration started in 1965, early research focused on the structural analysis of the Beibuwan Basin [4,5,6,7]. In 1977, the first well in the Beibuwan Basin was drilled, showing that the Palaeogene Liushagang Formation (E2L) had good source rocks, and the industrial oil flow was tested in the third member of the Liushagang Formation (E2L3) [8]. After that, the source rock evaluation in the Beibuwan Basin started to gain increasing attention, and it is believed that the source rocks of the Paleogene Liushagang Formation function as the main source rocks in the Beibuwan Basin [9,10,11,12], However, since there are multiple sets of source rocks, like seven sub-members of the Liushagang Formation that have developed in the depression [13,14,15], the quality and hydrocarbon seepage characteristics are still unclear. This has limited the understanding of the resource potential and the selection of favorable resource fields.
The major hydrocarbon-producing source rocks in the Beibuwan Basin include the Weixinan Depression, Wushi Depression, Maichen Depression, Fushan Depression, and Haizhong Depression [16,17,18,19], among which the Fushan Depression, located on the southern margin of the Beibuwan Basin, has turned out to be a new oil-producing block, demonstrating proven geological reserves of oil of about 3139.41 × 104 t and proven geological reserves of natural gas of 123.87 × 108 m3 by the end of 2021 [13,20,21]. Therefore, this small, but abundant, oil- and gas-rich sag has received a lot of attention from the industry [22], and the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion characteristics of the source rocks of the Liushagang Formation (E2L3, E2L2, and E2L1) in the Fushan Depression should be evaluated systematically and analyzed thoroughly.
As the amount of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from source rocks determines the calculation of the amount of hydrocarbon that can be extracted [23,24,25,26,27], it is of significance to understand the evaluation scheme of the source rocks and the potential of the oil and gas resources [28,29,30,31,32,33]. Therefore, the current widely applied calculation methods for evaluating hydrocarbon expulsion are the diffusion hydrocarbon expulsion mode, fluid seepage method, simulation experiment method, and hydrocarbon expulsion threshold method [34,35,36,37], among which there is not much agreement [26,38,39,40]. This could be explained by the limitations of these methods. For example, only light hydrocarbons are involved in diffusion throughout the hydrocarbon migration process. Therefore, the diffusion hydrocarbon expulsion model is only suitable for guiding natural gas-related migration simulation [41]. The critical saturation of hydrocarbon seepage from the source rock is the same as the factors influencing the oil seepage concentration. Hence, a variation profile can be established according to the principle of two-phase seepage to perform analogy analysis [42]. The hydrocarbon expulsion from the thermal simulation method can provide parameters for calculating the resource quantity. But, the obtained hydrocarbon production rate is not accurate enough [43]. Therefore, this work selected the source rocks of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression for a comprehensive evaluation of source rocks, simulating the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion characteristics of the source rocks and calculating the amount of oil and gas from different accumulation systems. This study will deepen the understanding of the source rocks in the Fushan Depression, thus providing a reference for the further study of oil and gas migration and accumulation in the Fushan Depression and a scientific basis for the further exploration and development of the study area.

2. Geological Setting

2.1. Tectonic Setting

The Fushan Depression has a total area of 2920 km2 and is located on the southern margin of the Beibuwan Basin on the continental shelf of the South China Sea and the slope of the Haizhong uplift. The shape of the nearly triangular depression in the Fushan Depression is closely related to the left-lateral strike-slip of the NW-trending Red River Fault and the clockwise rotation of the Palaeogene Hainan Island [11,44,45,46]. On the western side, it is adjacent to the Lingao uplift, and on the eastern side, the Yunlong uplift is visible [45,47]. The Shenhu movement at the end of the Late Cretaceous formed a series of NE-trending faults and rifts [48,49]. It was controlled by the Cenozoic regional tectonic deformation of the northern continental margin of the South China Sea, and a series of NE-trending faults and small fault structures developed in the Beibuwan Basin during this period [50,51]. The Lingao Fault and Yunlong Fault control the area, forming a superimposed depression, which includes several small adjustment faults, including the Meihua Fault and the Lianhua Fault. This geological arrangement results in a pattern of alternating [52,53]. In the northern sector of the Meihua Fault, the following significant deep sag regions are discernible: the Huangtong Sag to the west and the Bailian Sag to the east. Sandwiched between these sags lies the central interval structural transformation zone, known as the Huachang Sub-uplift. Collectively, these features delineate the northern deep concave area. Conversely, the area situated to the south of the Meihua Fault is characterized by the Southern Slope Belt [54,55] (Figure 1).

2.2. Sedimentology

The Palaeogene Changliu Formation, Liushagang Formation, and Weizhou Formation, along with Neogene and Quaternary sediments, have been sequentially deposited upon the Cretaceous basement in the Fushan Depression. Notably, the Liushagang Formation, characterized by its lacustrine deltaic deposits, serves as the principal source of oil and a key reservoir within the Fushan Depression [58,59]. The Eocne Liushagang Formation was categorized into three members in this area, namely, E2L1, E2L2, and E2L3. It is divided into E2L3X, E2L3Z, E2L3S, E2L2X, E2L2S, E2L1X, and E2L1S sequentially, and hydrocarbon source rocks are developed in these layers [60], among which E2L1 and the E2L3 are the main oil- and gas-producing layers [13] (Figure 2). The boreholes examined in this study are predominantly located in the onshore regions of structural highs, encompassing the sedimentary core of the western Huangtong Sag, the central Huachang Sub-uplift, and the elevated Southern Slope Belt [61,62]. The objective is to ascertain the distribution and stratigraphic variations in the source rocks within the onshore areas. Controlled by the Meihua fault, E2L3 in the eastern Huangtong Sag is denuded. The northern sea area is the subsidence center of the Bailian Sag in the northeast. The distribution range of the non-well area is wide, and the basic data on lithology and layer thickness are lacking [3].

3. Methods and Workflows

3.1. Samples

This study meticulously analyzed 119 sediment samples from 65 wells located in the Fushan Depression. The spatial distribution of samples from the Liushagang Formation within this depression exhibits a pronounced and discernible pattern. The wells were categorized into two distinct regions as follows: the Huantong Sag in the west and the Bailian Sag in the east of the Fushan Depression (Figure 3). Core observations, total organic carbon (TOC) analysis, rock pyrolysis, bitumen extraction (extracted bitumen A), and vitrinite reflectance measurements were conducted on a total of 119 samples. These analyses were performed to evaluate the quality of the primary source rock intervals (E2L3X, E2L3Z, E2L3S, E2L2X, E2L2S, E2L1X, and E2L1S) of the Liushagang Formation. Simultaneously, the threshold for hydrocarbon displacement was ascertained to differentiate between effective and ineffective source rocks.

3.2. Laboratory Methods

The abundance, type, and thermal maturity of organic matter in source rocks are important factors in assessing the hydrocarbon generation capacity of source rocks in sedimentary basins. Leco CS230 and Rock-Eval 2 pyrolysis analyses, as per the methodology [63], were conducted to ascertain the total organic carbon (TOC), temperature of maximum hydrocarbon generation (Tmax), thermally extractable HCs (S1), and remaining HC generating potential (S2) content. In the context of the HAWK pyrolysis analysis, the samples underwent initial pyrolysis at 300 °C for 3 min, followed by a ramping rate of 25 °C per minute up to a final temperature of 650 °C. The liberated hydrocarbons were quantified as S1 and S2 employing a Flame Ionization Detector (FID). The data about TOC, S1, and S2 exhibited an accuracy and precision exceeding 95%, and the Tmax determination was accurate to within ±2 °C. These assessments were validated through the analysis of standard reference materials, which encompass Chinese standard reference materials [64,65].
Maceral identification such as the sapropel group, quantitative counting, and vitrinite reflectance (Ro, %) measurements were also conducted in this work. The samples were sectioned either perpendicularly or parallel to the bedding planes and subsequently processed in accordance with the guidelines outlined in [66]. Reflectance assessments were conducted using a Leica 4500 P microscope (Wetzlar, Germany), developed by Leica Company in Germany, equipped with a CRAIC microscope photometer or a Leica DM4 M microscope, both of which were integrated with a Hilgers Technisches Büro Fossil system. These systems were furnished with both white and ultraviolet light sources, adhering to the standards set forth in [67,68]. Random reflectance (Rr) measurements were executed utilizing an oil immersion objective lens with a 50× magnification. The infrared spectral parameters of kerogen, Tmax from pyrolysis, and vitrinite reflectance (Ro, %) were all used in this work to identify the degree of thermal evolution of organic matter. In addition, vitrinite reflectance was used as a determination index to establish the fitting relationship with burial depth to determine the maturity characteristics of organic matter in the target horizon of the study area.

3.3. Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion Conceptual Model

This study employed PetroMod. V9.0 software, developed by the IES Company in Germany, to simulate the burial, hydrocarbon generation, and thermal histories of key individual wells within the Fushan Depression. Specifically, Yong 7 well in the western region and Lian 23 well in the eastern region were selected for detailed single-well simulation analysis (Figure 3).
The hydrocarbon generation and expulsion conceptual model is a systematic method for analyzing the effectiveness of source rocks. The hydrocarbon generation potential index (S1 + S2)/TOC represents the hydrocarbon generation potential per unit of organic matter. It increases with Ro during the evolutionary process until it reaches the current maximum hydrocarbon generation potential index (HCIo). Following that, the cumulative hydrocarbon generation equals the residual hydrocarbon saturation of the source rock, which is the limit at which the hydrocarbon generation potential index begins to decrease and the source rock begins to expel hydrocarbons [36,69].
The key procedures for establishing the source rock hydrocarbon generation and expulsion model [70] using the hydrocarbon generation potential are as below:
Establishment of the hydrocarbon generation potential profile: The pyrolysis database of source rocks in the study area was set up. The profile of the hydrocarbon generation potential index with vitrinite reflectance or burial depth of source rocks in the study area was made determined on the data.
Calculation of the hydrocarbon expulsion rate: After determining the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion threshold of the study area according to the establishment of the step (1) handle, HCI o and HCI P were brought into Equation (2), which was used to calculate μ, which was then brought into Equation (3), and the HCI o corresponding to any point on the evolution profile of hydrocarbon generation potential index were calculated in batches. The hydrocarbon expulsion rates q e ( Z ) corresponding to different depths Z were determined.
q e ( Z ) = HCI o ( Z )     HCI P ( Z )
μ = ( 1     0.083 × HCI P ) / ( 1     0.083 × HCI o )
HCI o = μ × HCI o
where Z represents different depths. HCI o is the hydrocarbon generation potential index corresponding to the hydrocarbon expulsion threshold of the maximum current hydrocarbon generation potential. HCI P is the actual hydrocarbon generation potential index. μ is the restitution coefficient of the hydrocarbon generation potential index. HCI o is the maximum original hydrocarbon generation potential. q e ( Z ) is the hydrocarbon expulsion rate corresponding to Z.
Calculation of hydrocarbon expulsion intensity: q e ( Z ) calculated in step (2) and H, Z, and the organic carbon mass fraction of the source rock corresponding to different burial depths Z were introduced into Equation (4).
E hc = Z 0 Z q e ( Z )   ×   H   ×   ρ ( Z )   ×   TOC   ×   d Z
where H and ρ ( Z ) are the rock thickness and density, among which Z0 represents the hydrocarbon expulsion threshold of the study horizon. The final integral operation is the hydrocarbon expulsion intensity Ehc with a unit of 103 t/km2.
Calculation of the hydrocarbon expulsion rate: The hydrocarbon expulsion rate was defined as the change in the hydrocarbon expulsion rate in the unit thermal evolution degree [71,72].
V e = Δ q e / Δ R o
where V e is the hydrocarbon expulsion rate, Δ q e is the hydrocarbon expulsion rate difference of adjacent data points, and Δ R o is the vitrinite reflectance difference and Ro.
Calculation of the hydrocarbon expulsion efficiency: The ratio of hydrocarbon expulsion to cumulative production at a certain point can be replaced by the proportion of the difference between   HCI o and HCI o in HCI o . By bringing the relevant parameters obtained in Equation (2) into Equation (6), R eo was calculated [73].
R eo = q e ( Z ) / HCI o ( Z ) × 100 %
where R eo is the hydrocarbon removal efficiency at a given point.
Calculation of the amount of hydrocarbon expulsion: According to Equation (3), Ehc and the other parameters required for the calculation, such as S ( n ) , were put into Equation (7) for integral operation and to determine the amount of Q e .
Q e = 1 n 10 3 × E hc × S ( n ) × d n
where S ( n ) is the unit area of the source rock and Q e is the hydrocarbon expulsion in each sedimentary period of the study area that can be obtained.

4. Geochemical Characteristics of Eocene Source Rocks

4.1. Organic Matter Abundance

Based on total organic carbon (TOC) measurements, and hydrocarbon source rock extracts, and applying the established criteria for lacustrine mudstone abundance in China, the regions of elevated TOC within E2L3 are predominantly localized in the Bailian Sag and the Southern Slope Belt. E2L3X is classified within the medium source rock category, exhibiting a comparatively lower concentration of organic matter in comparison with the other constituent sub-segments. E2L3Z and E2L3S belong to the range of good source rocks, and the abundance of organic matter is higher. The high TOC value of E2L2 is mainly in the Huangtong Sag and Bailian Sag, and the organic matter abundance is better than that of other layers. The organic matter abundance of E2L2X and E2L2S is higher, and the hydrocarbon generation potential is up to 19.79 mg/g. The high-value area is located in the western Huangtong Sag, with an average value of 3.64 mg/g, which has great hydrocarbon generation potential and is a good source of rock with high quality. The TOC value of E2L1 is highest in the two hydrocarbon generation centers, Huangtong Sag and Bailian Sag, and decreases towards the edge of the Huachang Sub-uplift and Southern Slope Belts. The organic matter abundance of E2L1X and E2L1S is high, which belongs to the range of good source rocks (Table 1, and Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6).

4.2. Kerogen Type

The hydrogen index (HI) and Tmax were used to identify the organic matter type. The results show that E2L3X is mainly II2 and III in the Southern Slope Belt, while the kerogen type of E2L3Z changed from II1 in the Meihua Fault to II2 and III in the Southern Slope Belt. During the deposition of E2L3S, the kerogen of the Huachang Sub-uplift was type II2 and type II1, the kerogen of the Huangtong Sag was type II2, and the kerogen of the Southern Slope Belt was type II2 and type III. The kerogen types of the Huachang Sub-uplift in the E2L2X depositional period were type II1 and type II2. The kerogen type of the Huangtong Sag is mainly type II2 but some are type II1 and type III. The kerogen type of E2L2S transits from type II1 to type III from west to east, and all three types of kerogens are found in the Southern Slope Belt. The organic matter type of E2L1X transits from type II1 to type II2 from west to east, and the Southern Slope Belt is dominated by type II2 kerogen, followed by type III. The northern part of E2L1S is type II2 kerogen, and type III kerogen occurs in the Southern Slope Belt (Figure 7).
The distribution range of E2L3 types II2 and III organic matter is the widest, and the type of E2L3S organic matter is better with mainly type II1. The E2L2 organic matter type is better in the Huangtong Sag and Huachang Sub-uplift, mainly type II1. The organic matter type of E2L1 is better in the Huangtong Sag and Huachang Sub-uplift, mainly type II2, and type II1 exist. The type II2 organic matter of E2L1 has the widest distribution area.
The hydrocarbon generation threshold for the Huangtong Sag, Bailian Sag, and Huachang Sub-uplift is delineated by the depth at which the vitrinite reflectance of source rocks reaches a value of 0.5%, which corresponds to a threshold depth of approximately 2800 meters. Consequently, the majority of the E2L1 source rocks have reached the threshold for hydrocarbon generation. The source rocks have also reached the peak of oil generation, and the depth above 4200 m has entered the high maturity stage. The E2L2 source rock is in the low maturity stage of development in the Huachang Sub-uplift. The E2L2X and E2L3 source rocks have reached the peak of oil generation and have entered the high maturity stage at a depth of 4200 m. The burial depth of the Southern Slope Belt is shallow, so the maturity of the source rock is also low. The variation trend in the vitrinite reflectance of the Southern Slope Belt source rocks with depth, shows that the threshold depth corresponding to the hydrocarbon generation threshold (Ro = 0.5%) is 2550 m and 1900 m, respectively (Table 2 and Table 3, Figure 8).
In summary, the Southern Slope Belt crossed the hydrocarbon generation threshold during the early phase of the E2L2 source rock but has not yet reached the zenith of oil generation. In general, the high-grade area of Ro in the Liushagang Formation is located in the Huangdong Sag and Bailian Sag, and the overall change is positively correlated with the increase in burial depth. From E2L2X to E2L3, the maturity in the east is significantly higher than in the other regions, which is related to the intrusion of igneous rocks in E2L2 and E2L3. The thermal effect makes it appear as an unusually high-maturity area, up to 2.69% ([7,75]) (Figure 9).

5. Geological Characteristics of Source Rocks

The average thickness of the E2L3 source rock formation is less than 100 m, demonstrating a progressive reduction in thickness from the vicinity of the Meihua Fault towards the Southern Slope Belt. The E2L3X source rock, proximal to the Meihua Fault control boundary, is estimated to attain a maximum thickness of approximately 295 m. Within the Huangtong Sag and Bailian Sag, the E2L2 source rocks exhibit an average thickness exceeding 400 m, with a lateral extent that transitions from the central regions of the sags towards their peripheries. Within the central region of the Huachang Sub-uplift, a significant elevation of 424 m is observed, comparable to the other two sags. The E2L1 source rock in the Huangtong Sag, Bailian Sag, and Huachang Sub-uplift exhibits a similar thickness, reaching a maximum of 531 m. The significant thickness of the source rock is predominantly observed in the Huangtong and Bailian Sags, exhibiting a gradual reduction towards their peripheries (Figure 4). The E2L2X dark mudstone is exceptionally well-developed. In comparison with the source rocks from other stratigraphic units, the E2L2S source rock exhibits a substantial thickness of 750 m. Furthermore, the E2L2S source rock, with a thickness exceeding 250 m, is characterized by a more extensive areal distribution.
The stratigraphic thickness of the dark mudstone serves as a pivotal determinant in ascertaining the thickness of the effective source rocks [61]. The areal extent and stratigraphic thickness of E2L3, characterized by dark mudstone, are significantly less extensive than those of E2L1 and E2L2. The northern strata of the E2L3 formation have been eroded along the fault line. During the depositional phases of the E2L3X and E2L3Z members, a singular subsidence center was established in the northeastern part of the Bailian Sag, where the sedimentary thickness is predominantly concentrated. This could be attributed to the influence of the Meihua Fault, with source supply from the northwest and southwest directions [54]. Within E2L3S, the Huangtong and Bailian Sags are characterized as two principal subsidence centers. Initially, during the depositional phase of the E2L2X formation, the expanse of dark mudstone in the deep-depression zone, specifically in the northern sector adjacent to the Meihua Fault, exhibited a more extensive distribution. At present, the subsidence center remains constant. Because of the relatively deep and stable hydrosphere, there is extensive development of thick dark mudstone within the reducing environment. For example, the thickness of the dark mudstone in the H18X well is 360 m, which is 100% of the thickness of the E2L2X formation, and the whole section is dark mudstone. Affected by the southern provenance [61], the distribution range of E2L2S in the Huangtong Sag becomes smaller; however, the dark mudstone of fan delta plain facies with a thickness of 570 m is developed in the C4X well. The thickness of source rock in the Huachang Sub-uplift is high, and the thickness of the E2L2S source rock is larger than that of the other layers. Under the condition that the subsidence center of E2L1X is unchanged, the thickness of the source rock in the deep depression area is smaller than that in E2L2. The hydrocarbon charge to the Huachang Sub-uplift, located in the southern sector of the E2L1S, has experienced a reduction in source input, resulting in the re-establishment of two subsidence centers, while concurrently, the areal extent of the source rock has diminished. Overall, the source rocks of the Liushagang Formation are mainly distributed in Sags, and the thickness and area of E2L2 source rocks are the largest (Figure 10).

6. Organic Petrology of Source Rocks

From the scatter data in the triangle diagram, it can be seen that the content of the sapropelic group and liptinite macerals of the E2L2 source rock is higher compared with the adjacent E2L1 and E2L3 sections, ranging from 62.7% to 87.4%, with an average of 72.57%. The sapropelic group is dominated by sapropelic amorphous bodies, and the content can reach more than 60%. The average vitrinite content is 25.56%, and the average inertinite content is 1.86%. The hydrocarbon-generating capacity of the organic matter in the E2L2 source rocks is high. In E2L2S, the content of the sapropelic group in the Huangtong Sag is higher, and there is no inertinite. The content ranges from 0.1% to 6.0%, with an average of 1.32%.
From the scatter data in the diagram (Table 2), it can be seen that the content of the E2L2X and E2L2S sapropel group and liptinite group is higher than that of the adjacent E2L1 and layers (Table 2, Figure 11). By calculating the maceral type index, it is concluded that type II1 (40< TI <80) and type II2 (0 < TI < 40) are the main organic matter types of the Liushagang Formation source rocks, and type I (80 < TI) and type III (TI < 0) kerogen are rarely developed, among which type II1 kerogen accounts for 65% of all the samples. It can be concluded that dark mudstone has high organic matter content and hydrocarbon generation potential, and belongs to oil source rocks, especially those of the Huangtong Sag and Bailian Sag.
Combined with the analysis of the two methods, the E2L2X, E2L2S, and E2L1X of the Huangtong Sag to the west are dominated by type II1 kerogen, which develops mainly from deep lake mudstone, and the provenance is mainly from the south [76]. The type II2 kerogen sample (well Y11X) of E2L1S in the Huangtong Sag has a sapropelic content of 54.3%, which is much lower than that of the other beds. During this period, the western source was supplied in large quantities [77]. The gravel at the base of E2L1S (2535.0 m) can be observed, and the sorting is 3.03. E2L1S has a high TOC (2.29%) at this time but has no hydrocarbon generation potential. The Bailian Sag in the eastern part of the survey area is dominated by type II2 kerogen, but most of the wells in the Sag changed from type II2 to type III at E2L2X. At this time, the eastern source supply was sufficient, the grain size increased to 22.4 mm, the deep lake mudstone was intercalated with turbidite sandstone, and the vitrinite content reached 36.7%. During the deposition of the Liushagang Formation in the Southern Slope Belt, there was a sufficient source from the south [78], mainly type II2 and type III kerogen. No sapropel group was identified in the M17 well observation, with 72% of the liptinite group. Affected by the source of the western source in the E2L1X period [7], tear-like mud particles appeared, the whole was inverted grain order, and there were multiple positive cycles.
This shows that the source supply is sufficient, the particle size increases, and the screening deteriorates. Meanwhile, the sapropel group content decreases, and the total HI decreases. This shows that during the depositional process of the Liushagang Formation, the external transport was mainly oxidized or polymerized vitrinite and inertinite, which have no hydrocarbon-generating capacity. At this time, the layer has high TOC but no hydrocarbon generation capacity. As the source supply weakens, the algae and debris in the lake basin produce sapropel, which has a high H index and hydrocarbon generation potential (Table 3, Figure 11 and Figure 12).

7. Hydrocarbon Expulsion Characteristics of Source Rocks

7.1. Simulation of Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion History

The comprehensive analysis of the burial, thermal, and hydrocarbon generation histories for individual wells across the Fushan Depression reveals a consistent evolutionary pattern in hydrocarbon generation and expulsion within the source rock strata, albeit with minor temporal variations. The initial phase of hydrocarbon expulsion was observed in the deep depressions of the Huangtong Sag and Bailian Sag, succeeded by the Huachang Sub-uplift, and culminated in the Southern Slope Belt.
The Yong 7X well, located in the western sector of the study area, demonstrates evidence of burial following the sedimentation of the E2L2 formation. It experienced three transient uplift and denudation events at 42–41 Ma, 36–33 Ma, and 23.5–20 Ma, separately, before entering a phase of rapid burial. Hydrocarbon generation in the Yong 7 well began around 37 Ma, stabilizing at 25 Ma. E2L2S source rocks also initiated hydrocarbon generation around 37 Ma, with a significant increase in the generation rate compared with the lower sub-member of Liu II, reaching the expulsion threshold around 28 Ma and commencing hydrocarbon expulsion. Tectonic events, such as the Zhuqiong movement of the Hainan Uplift at 36 Ma and 23.5 Ma, temporarily weakened or halted hydrocarbon generation and expulsion. The process resumed after further burial, with the restart time in the Huangtong Sag at 33 Ma and 20 Ma, respectively.
The burial and hydrocarbon generation history of the Lian 23 well in the Bailian Sag mirrors that of the Huangtong Sag, characterized by burial, three short uplift and denudation phases, and then followed by rapid burial. The hydrocarbon generation in the Lian 23 well during the E2L2X sedimentation period commenced around 36.5 Ma. E2L2S source rocks began generating hydrocarbons at a similar time but at a significantly higher rate than E2L2X. E2L2 reached the hydrocarbon expulsion threshold at approximately 24 Ma and 12 Ma, initiating expulsion. Similar to the Huangtong Sag, tectonic movements at 36 Ma and 23.5 Ma disrupted hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, which resumed after further burial, with restart times in the Bailian Sag at 33 Ma and 20 Ma (Figure 13).
These observations elucidate the impact of tectonic activities on the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion processes in the Fushan Depression, providing a refined understanding of the temporal evolution of hydrocarbon systems in this region.

7.2. Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion Models of Source Rocks

In accordance with the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion paradigm for the Fushan Depression, the source rocks are anticipated to cross the threshold for hydrocarbon generation at a depth of 2200 m and the threshold for hydrocarbon expulsion at 2700 m. The rates of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion initially increase and then decrease. Early in hydrocarbon generation, the rate changes little and remains low until reaching a peak generation rate at 2370 m, with a maximum value of 510 mg/g. After passing the expulsion threshold, hydrocarbon is gradually expelled as thermal evolution progresses, with the expulsion rate peaking at 3220 m and a maximum value of 430 mg/g HC/g rock. Throughout the process, hydrocarbon expulsion efficiency increases, reaching a maximum of 88%.
Hydrocarbon displacement models for the three sets of source rocks (E2L1, E2L2, E2L3) in the Fushan Depression were also established. The hydrocarbon generation thresholds are 2200 m, 1850 m, and 2200 m, respectively, while the hydrocarbon expulsion thresholds are 2650 m, 2720 m, and 2640 m, respectively. The hydrocarbon expulsion peaks for these source rocks correspond to the burial depths of 3170 m, 3380 m, and 3600 m, respectively, with expulsion efficiencies exceeding 84%, indicating sufficient hydrocarbon expulsion. Differences in hydrocarbon expulsion characteristics among the Liushagang Formation source rocks are attributed to variations in burial history, thermal history, and the type and abundance of organic matter in different sedimentary intervals (Figure 14).

7.3. Hydrocarbon Generation, Expulsion Intensity, and Volume of Source Rocks

This study shows that there are some differences in the hydrocarbon expulsion period of the source rocks in each section of the Fushan Depression. Among them, the source rocks of E2L2 started to expel hydrocarbon in the Oligocene (the Huangtong Sag is 28 Ma; the Bailian Sag is 29 Ma). The source rocks of E2L3 started to expel hydrocarbons 26 Ma ago. The hydrocarbon source rocks of E2L1 started to produce hydrocarbons 25 Ma ago and migrated into the reservoir of the first member of the Liushagang Formation. This shows that from the beginning of the Oligocene, the source rocks of each layer began to expel a large amount of hydrocarbon, and the source rock hydrocarbon expulsion center of E2L2 of the flow was the largest, reaching the peak period of the source rock hydrocarbon expulsion. The burial depth of the source rock at this time is consistent with the burial depth of the peak period of hydrocarbon expulsion of the TH.

7.4. Tight Oil Resource Potentials of Source Rocks

The centers of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion within the dark mudstone strata of the E2L1 and E2L2 formations are predominantly localized in the Huangtong Depression and the Bailian Depression. The maximum hydrocarbon generation intensity of E2L1 is 475 × 104 t/km2 and 625 × 104 t/km2, respectively, and the maximum hydrocarbon expulsion intensity is 185 × 104 t/km2 and 230 × 104 t/km2, respectively. Although the distribution areas of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in the two layers are roughly similar, better than E2L1 in terms of the intensity, and it is a hydrocarbon generation stove with larger resources.
The hydrocarbon generation and expulsion epicenters within the E2L3 source rocks are predominantly localized in the Bailian Sag, Huangtong Sag, and Huachang Sub-uplift areas. Compared with E2L1 and E2L2, the main source rock of E2L3 in the Huachang Sub-uplift is added. The maximum hydrocarbon generation intensity is 240 × 104 t/km2, and the maximum hydrocarbon expulsion intensity is 90 × 104 t/km2.
In general, compared with the source rocks of the other two horizons, the hydrocarbon expulsion range of E2L2 is larger, and the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion intensities of the Bailian Sag are significantly higher than those of the Huangtong Sag (Figure 15).
The total volume of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from the source rocks within the Fushan Sag were determined through the application of mathematical integration techniques, taking into account the spatial extent of the source rock formations and their respective intensities of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion. The total cumulative hydrocarbon generation amount in the Fushan Depression is 134.10 × 108t, the cumulative hydrocarbon expulsion amount is 50.52 × 108 t, and the residual hydrocarbon amount is 83.58 × 108 t (Figure 16). In comparison to the source rocks of the other two stratigraphic horizons, the hydrocarbon expulsion window of the E2L2 formation is markedly broader. Moreover, the intensity of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion within the Bailian Sag is considerably more pronounced than that observed in the Huangtong Sag.
Overall, the hydrocarbon generation of the dark mudstone in E2L2 is 73.90 × 108 t, which is higher than that of other layers, accounting for 55.11% of the total hydrocarbon generation of the source rocks in the Liushagang Formation, followed by the source rocks in E2L1, accounting for 29.85%. The hydrocarbon generation in E2L3 is the least, accounting for 15.04%. The hydrocarbon seepage is similar. The source rock of the second member of the Liushagang Formation accounts for the highest proportion of 52.75%, and the hydrocarbon expulsion amount of the source rock of E2L1 and E2L3 account for only 32.03% and 15.22%, respectively. This shows that the main source rocks in the Fushan Depression are mainly dark mudstone in E2L2, while the contribution of source rocks in E2L1 and E2L3 is relatively small (Table 4).
In light of the hydrocarbon expulsion calculations, and in conjunction with the geological framework of the sag, as well as integrating prior research findings, the accumulation coefficients for the source rocks across various strata within the Fushan Depression were ascertained as follows: 56% for E2L2, 25% for E2L1, and 10.5% for E2L3. The prospective resources of the source rocks in the Liushagang Formation of the Fushan Depression were calculated accordingly (Table 5). The prospective resources of E2L2 in the Fushan Depression are 14.92 × 108 tons, accounting for 75.46% of the total prospective resources. The dark mudstone resources of E2L1 and E2L3 account for 20.46% and 4.08%, respectively. Thus, the main source rocks in the Fushan Depression are the dark mudstone of E2L2. While E2L1 and E2L3 have some hydrocarbon potential and prospective resources, their contributions are relatively minor.

8. Conclusions

The maximum thickness of the source rock is observed in the subsidence centers of the Huangtong Sag (west) and the Bailian Sag (east), with a progressive thinning towards the periphery and the Huachang Sub-uplift. Dark mudstone predominantly occurs at depths below 200 m. The Liushagang Formation source rocks in the Fushan Depression show high organic matter abundance, particularly in the northern Huangtong Sag and the Bailian Sag. The average TOC is 1.80%, extractable bitumen ‘A’ is 0.1279%, and the hydrocarbon generation potential (S1 + S2) is 3.63 mg/g. The organic matter types are mainly types II1 and II2. The simulations of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion suggest that E2L2X in the deep syncline to the north of the Meihua Fault has initiated the expulsion of hydrocarbons, whereas other regions remain inactive. The Huangtong Sag marks the initial phase of hydrocarbon expulsion, succeeded by the Bailian Sag, with the Huachang Sub-uplift experiencing the latest expulsion. Source rocks reach the hydrocarbon expulsion threshold at 2700 m, with peak generation at 2370 m (510 mg/g) and peak expulsion at 3220 m (430 mg/g). The maximum expulsion efficiency is 88%. The expulsion thresholds for E2L1, E2L2, and E2L3 are 2650, 2720, and 2640 m, with peaks at 3170, 3380, and 3600 m, respectively, all above an efficiency of 84%. The hydrocarbon generation and expulsion centers of E2L1 and E2L2 are in the Guangdong and Bailian Sags, while the centers of E2L3 are in Huangtong, Bailian, and Huachang. The prospective resources of E2L2 in the Fushan Depression hold 14.92 × 108 tons (75.46% of total resources), making it the main source rock, compared with 20.46% of E2L1 and 4.08% of E2L3.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, X.W. and F.J.; methodology, X.W. and X.Z.; software, Z.Q., J.G. and Y.Z.; validation, X.W. and F.J.; formal analysis, X.W. and D.C.; investigation, X.W. and D.C.; resources, F.J.; data curation, Y.L. and J.G.; writing—original draft, X.W.; writing—review and editing, X.W. and X.Z.; visualization, X.W.; supervision, F.J.; project administration, X.W.; funding acquisition, F.J. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grant No: 42372147].

Data Availability Statement

The data are contained within this article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. (a) Location of the Beibuwan Basin. (b) Location of the Fushan Depression (modified after [56]). (c) Location of western Huangtong Sag, eastern Bailian Sag, central Huachang Sub-uplift, and Southern Slope Belt in the Fushan Depression (modified after [57]).
Figure 1. (a) Location of the Beibuwan Basin. (b) Location of the Fushan Depression (modified after [56]). (c) Location of western Huangtong Sag, eastern Bailian Sag, central Huachang Sub-uplift, and Southern Slope Belt in the Fushan Depression (modified after [57]).
Minerals 14 00975 g001
Figure 2. Stratigraphic column of the Fushan Depression (modified after [13]). E2L1, E2L2, and E2L3 are Members 1, 2, and 3 of the Eocne Liushagang Formation. According to the lithological characteristics and the production demand of China‘s oil fields, it is divided into the E2L3X, E2L3Z, E2L3S, E2L2X, E2L2S, E2L1X, and E2L1S sequentially from the top to bottom of Eocene source rocks.
Figure 2. Stratigraphic column of the Fushan Depression (modified after [13]). E2L1, E2L2, and E2L3 are Members 1, 2, and 3 of the Eocne Liushagang Formation. According to the lithological characteristics and the production demand of China‘s oil fields, it is divided into the E2L3X, E2L3Z, E2L3S, E2L2X, E2L2S, E2L1X, and E2L1S sequentially from the top to bottom of Eocene source rocks.
Minerals 14 00975 g002
Figure 3. Sample position distribution in the Liushagang Formation in Fushan Depression. The wells in the west of the study area, such as FC1, were assigned to the Huantong Sag. The L well in the east belongs to the Bailian area, which is assigned to the Bailian Sag. The wells in the central turning zone north of the Meihua Fault are classified into the Huachang Sub-uplift, and the wells north of the Meihua Fault are located in the Southern Slope Belt.
Figure 3. Sample position distribution in the Liushagang Formation in Fushan Depression. The wells in the west of the study area, such as FC1, were assigned to the Huantong Sag. The L well in the east belongs to the Bailian area, which is assigned to the Bailian Sag. The wells in the central turning zone north of the Meihua Fault are classified into the Huachang Sub-uplift, and the wells north of the Meihua Fault are located in the Southern Slope Belt.
Minerals 14 00975 g003
Figure 4. Relationship between total organic carbon content and hydrocarbon generation potential of source rocks in the Huangtong Sag, Huachang Sub-uplift, Bailian Sag, and Southern Slope Belt in the Fushan Depression. The E2L2X stratigraphic sub-section exhibits superior geological parameters compared with its counterparts, indicating significant hydrocarbon generation potential. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks (after [74]).
Figure 4. Relationship between total organic carbon content and hydrocarbon generation potential of source rocks in the Huangtong Sag, Huachang Sub-uplift, Bailian Sag, and Southern Slope Belt in the Fushan Depression. The E2L2X stratigraphic sub-section exhibits superior geological parameters compared with its counterparts, indicating significant hydrocarbon generation potential. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks (after [74]).
Minerals 14 00975 g004
Figure 5. TOC contour map of the Liuliushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. The TOC content ranges from 0.5% to 3.6%, indicating a substantial abundance of organic matter. The elevated concentrations are predominantly found within the Huangtong and Bailian Sag regions, with a gradual decrease towards the peripheral areas. The E2L2X and E2L2S strata exhibit superior characteristics compared with the other geological layers. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks; (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks.
Figure 5. TOC contour map of the Liuliushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. The TOC content ranges from 0.5% to 3.6%, indicating a substantial abundance of organic matter. The elevated concentrations are predominantly found within the Huangtong and Bailian Sag regions, with a gradual decrease towards the peripheral areas. The E2L2X and E2L2S strata exhibit superior characteristics compared with the other geological layers. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks; (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks.
Minerals 14 00975 g005aMinerals 14 00975 g005b
Figure 6. Extracted bitumen A contour map of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. The extracted bitumen A content ranges from 0.01% to 0.54%, indicating a substantial organic matter abundance. The highest concentrations are predominantly found within the Bailian Sag, while the Huachang Sub-uplift exhibits elevated values in the E2L2X and E2L2S intervals, as well as in the E2L1X stratigraphic unit. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks; (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks.
Figure 6. Extracted bitumen A contour map of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. The extracted bitumen A content ranges from 0.01% to 0.54%, indicating a substantial organic matter abundance. The highest concentrations are predominantly found within the Bailian Sag, while the Huachang Sub-uplift exhibits elevated values in the E2L2X and E2L2S intervals, as well as in the E2L1X stratigraphic unit. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks; (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks.
Minerals 14 00975 g006aMinerals 14 00975 g006b
Figure 7. The relationship between HI and Tmax of source rocks in the Huangtong sag, Huachang Sub-uplift, Bailian Sag, and Southern Slope Belt in the Fushan Depression. The predominant type of organic matter is classified as type II2. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks. Thermal maturity of organic matter (after [24]).
Figure 7. The relationship between HI and Tmax of source rocks in the Huangtong sag, Huachang Sub-uplift, Bailian Sag, and Southern Slope Belt in the Fushan Depression. The predominant type of organic matter is classified as type II2. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks. Thermal maturity of organic matter (after [24]).
Minerals 14 00975 g007
Figure 8. Variation in the vitrinite reflectance of source rocks of E2L3X, E2L3Z, E2L3S, E2L2X, E2L2S, E2L1X, and E2L1S sequentially with depth in the Fushan Depression. (a) Huangtong Sag, (b) Huachang Uplift, (c) Bailian Sag, and (d) Southern Slope Belt. The overall variation in the Rock-Eval pyrolysis parameter, Ro, exhibits a positive correlation with the increase in burial depth.
Figure 8. Variation in the vitrinite reflectance of source rocks of E2L3X, E2L3Z, E2L3S, E2L2X, E2L2S, E2L1X, and E2L1S sequentially with depth in the Fushan Depression. (a) Huangtong Sag, (b) Huachang Uplift, (c) Bailian Sag, and (d) Southern Slope Belt. The overall variation in the Rock-Eval pyrolysis parameter, Ro, exhibits a positive correlation with the increase in burial depth.
Minerals 14 00975 g008
Figure 9. Ro plane contour map of source rocks in the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. The region of elevated Ro values is situated within the Huangtong Sag and the Bailian Sag. There is a gradual decrease in Ro values from these high-value areas towards the periphery of the respective depressions. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks; (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks.
Figure 9. Ro plane contour map of source rocks in the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. The region of elevated Ro values is situated within the Huangtong Sag and the Bailian Sag. There is a gradual decrease in Ro values from these high-value areas towards the periphery of the respective depressions. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks; (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks.
Minerals 14 00975 g009aMinerals 14 00975 g009b
Figure 10. Source rock thickness contour map of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. Influenced by the Meihua Fault, the provenance rocks of the Early Liushagang Formation in the northern region underwent significant denudation. The depositional center and the area of maximum thickness of these source rocks are observed in the Huangtong Sag and the Bailian Sag, respectively. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks; (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks.
Figure 10. Source rock thickness contour map of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. Influenced by the Meihua Fault, the provenance rocks of the Early Liushagang Formation in the northern region underwent significant denudation. The depositional center and the area of maximum thickness of these source rocks are observed in the Huangtong Sag and the Bailian Sag, respectively. (a) E2L3X source rocks; (b) E2L3Z source rocks; (c) E2L3S source rocks; (d) E2L2X source rocks; (e) E2L2S source rocks; (f) E2L1X source rocks; and (g) E2L1S source rocks.
Minerals 14 00975 g010aMinerals 14 00975 g010b
Figure 11. Triangle diagram of macerals of organic matter in the source rocks of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. The sapropelic and exinitic maceral groups exhibit elevated concentrations, with values ranging from 62.7% to 87.4% and an average of 72.57%. As the principal constituents responsible for hydrocarbon generation, this high content underscores the robust hydrocarbon-generating potential of the organic matter.
Figure 11. Triangle diagram of macerals of organic matter in the source rocks of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. The sapropelic and exinitic maceral groups exhibit elevated concentrations, with values ranging from 62.7% to 87.4% and an average of 72.57%. As the principal constituents responsible for hydrocarbon generation, this high content underscores the robust hydrocarbon-generating potential of the organic matter.
Minerals 14 00975 g011
Figure 12. Microscopic identification of kerogen macerals and types of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. (a) Y13X in the Huangtong Sag, E2L1, 3586.7 m, type III kerogen. The inertinite macerals can be observed, and (b) the sapropel group is not strongly reflected under fluorescence. (c) H7X in the Huachang Sub-uplift, E2L1, 2401.62 m, type III kerogen. (d) The vitrinite macerals can be observed. (e) Y7X in the Huangtong Sag, E2L1, 3744.12 m, type II2 kerogen; (f) Development of sapropelic macerals. (g) H7X in the Huachang Sub-uplift, 3448.67 m, E2L3, type II2 kerogen. (h) Compared with E2L1, more sapropelic macerals were developed.
Figure 12. Microscopic identification of kerogen macerals and types of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. (a) Y13X in the Huangtong Sag, E2L1, 3586.7 m, type III kerogen. The inertinite macerals can be observed, and (b) the sapropel group is not strongly reflected under fluorescence. (c) H7X in the Huachang Sub-uplift, E2L1, 2401.62 m, type III kerogen. (d) The vitrinite macerals can be observed. (e) Y7X in the Huangtong Sag, E2L1, 3744.12 m, type II2 kerogen; (f) Development of sapropelic macerals. (g) H7X in the Huachang Sub-uplift, 3448.67 m, E2L3, type II2 kerogen. (h) Compared with E2L1, more sapropelic macerals were developed.
Minerals 14 00975 g012
Figure 13. Sedimentary burial history and hydrocarbon generation history. (a) The Y7 well in the Huangtong Sag; (b) the L23 well in the Bailian Sag. The Huangtong Sag and the Bailian Sag predominantly accumulated hydrocarbons during the E2L2 and E2L1 epochs following the generation of hydrocarbons, indicative of an early phase of two-stage accumulation. Subsequently, the hydrocarbons migrated to the structural high areas, namely, the Huachang Sub-uplift and the Southern Slope Belt, marking a later phase characterized by one-stage accumulation.
Figure 13. Sedimentary burial history and hydrocarbon generation history. (a) The Y7 well in the Huangtong Sag; (b) the L23 well in the Bailian Sag. The Huangtong Sag and the Bailian Sag predominantly accumulated hydrocarbons during the E2L2 and E2L1 epochs following the generation of hydrocarbons, indicative of an early phase of two-stage accumulation. Subsequently, the hydrocarbons migrated to the structural high areas, namely, the Huachang Sub-uplift and the Southern Slope Belt, marking a later phase characterized by one-stage accumulation.
Minerals 14 00975 g013
Figure 14. Hydrocarbon expulsion model of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression, the red spot is the hydrocarbon expulsion threshold to restore the maximum hydrocarbon generation potential index. Upon reaching the critical depths where the source rock crosses the thresholds for hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, the rate of hydrocarbon generation peaks at a depth of 2370 m. Conversely, at a depth of 3220 m, the expulsion rate of hydrocarbons is maximized, achieving a peak expulsion efficiency of 88%.
Figure 14. Hydrocarbon expulsion model of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression, the red spot is the hydrocarbon expulsion threshold to restore the maximum hydrocarbon generation potential index. Upon reaching the critical depths where the source rock crosses the thresholds for hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, the rate of hydrocarbon generation peaks at a depth of 2370 m. Conversely, at a depth of 3220 m, the expulsion rate of hydrocarbons is maximized, achieving a peak expulsion efficiency of 88%.
Minerals 14 00975 g014
Figure 15. Contour map of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion intensity of source rocks in each layer of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. (a) E2L3 source rocks; (b) E2L2 source rocks; (c) E2L1 source rocks; (d) E2L3 source rocks; (e) E2L2 source rocks; and (f) E2L1 source rocks.
Figure 15. Contour map of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion intensity of source rocks in each layer of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. (a) E2L3 source rocks; (b) E2L2 source rocks; (c) E2L1 source rocks; (d) E2L3 source rocks; (e) E2L2 source rocks; and (f) E2L1 source rocks.
Minerals 14 00975 g015
Figure 16. (a) Isoline diagram of hydrocarbon generation of the source rocks in the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. (b) Isoline diagram of expulsion intensity of the source rocks in the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. The E2L2 dark mudstone exhibits a higher hydrocarbon generation potential compared with the other strata. It shares similar characteristics in hydrocarbon expulsion and generation processes. In contrast, the contributions from the E2L3 and E2L1 source rocks are comparatively minor.
Figure 16. (a) Isoline diagram of hydrocarbon generation of the source rocks in the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. (b) Isoline diagram of expulsion intensity of the source rocks in the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression. The E2L2 dark mudstone exhibits a higher hydrocarbon generation potential compared with the other strata. It shares similar characteristics in hydrocarbon expulsion and generation processes. In contrast, the contributions from the E2L3 and E2L1 source rocks are comparatively minor.
Minerals 14 00975 g016
Table 1. The organic matter abundance of the source rocks of the Liushagang Formation and the Fushan Depression.
Table 1. The organic matter abundance of the source rocks of the Liushagang Formation and the Fushan Depression.
CharacteristicsTOC/wt %Extracted Bitumen “A”/%S1+S2/(mg HC/g Rocks)
E2L1SHuangtong Sag0.52~1.9
Source rock evaluationMediumMediumMedium
Bailian Sag0.64~1.36
Source rock evaluationGoodMediumMedium
E2L1XHuangtong Sag0.67~3.61
Source rock evaluationGoodMediumMedium
Bailian Sag0.48~1.75
Source rock evaluationGoodMediumMedium
E2L2SHuangtong Sag0.77~3.04
Source rock evaluationGoodGoodMedium
Bailian Sag0.49~1.86
Source rock evaluationGoodMediumPoor
E2L2XHuangtong Sag------
Source rock evaluation---
Bailian Sag0.16~2.45
Source rock evaluationGoodGoodMedium
E2L3SHuangtong Sag------
Source rock evaluation---
Bailian Sag0.44~1.89
Source rock evaluationGoodGoodMedium
E2L3XHuangtong Sag1.1410.0607 12.781
Source rock evaluationGoodMediumMedium
Bailian Sag------
Source rock evaluation---
Table 2. Rock-Eval pyrolysis data used in this study.
Table 2. Rock-Eval pyrolysis data used in this study.
AreaWellDepthFormationSapropelicLiptiniteVitriniteInertiniteType CoefficientOrganic Matter TypeRo (%)NStd. Dev.
Huangtong SagC6X2408.42E2L1S 61.3 -38.7 -32.32---
Huangtong SagC6X2683.85E2L1S 63.7 -36.3 -36.52---
Huangtong SagC6X2685.97E2L1S 74.3 -25.7 -551---
Huachang Sub-upliftH12250E2L1S 20.3176.32.3-10.44350.0002
Huachang Sub-upliftH12300E2L1S 22.31.373.33-10.41310.0001
Huachang Sub-upliftH12400E2L1S 23.32.370.73.7-10.44260.0039
Huachang Sub-upliftH131x2983.62E2L1S -7519617.320.84300.08
Huachang Sub-upliftH132a3447.35E2L1S -7319814.320.78270.06
Huachang Sub-upliftH132a3448.62E2L1S -7223513.820.73300.06
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-22141.45E2L1S 74.75.719.7-62.81---
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-22145.41E2L1S 73.7422.3-591---
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-22149.4E2L1S 53.75.740.7-262---
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-22150.1E2L1S 486.7450.317.32---
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-22159.5E2L1S 53.3145.7-19.52---
Huachang Sub-upliftH72401.62E2L1S -731891420.57300.03
Huangtong SagJ1x3214.39E2L1S -7719420.320.74300.06
Huangtong SagJ2x3560.3E2L1S -722441420.72240.06
Huangtong SagJ2X3561.97E2L1S -752231820.71300.05
Huangtong SagJ2X3563.5E2L1S -6927410.320.73230.05
Huangtong SagY10X3276.1E2L1S 65.7-34.3-402---
Huangtong SagY11X3289.29E2L1S 54.3-45.30.3202---
Huangtong SagY11X3548.9E2L1S 69.3-30.7-46.31---
Huangtong SagY11X3550.95E2L1S 67.70.332.0-43.91---
Huangtong SagY11X3552.53E2L1S 76.0-24.0-581---
Huangtong SagY11X3555.93E2L1S 71.3-28.7-49.81---
Huangtong SagY11X3557.93E2L1S 67.0-33.0-42.31---
Huangtong SagY11X3567.72E2L1S 66.3-33.7-411---
Huangtong SagY11X3568.92E2L1S 69.0-31.0-45.81---
Huangtong SagY11X3641.8E2L1S 66.0-34.0-40.51---
Huangtong SagY11X3643.65E2L1S 65.7-34.3-402---
Huangtong SagY11X3647.45E2L1S 68.7-31.3-45.21---
Huangtong SagY11X3653.12E2L1S 68.7-31.3-45.21---
Huangtong SagY13x3586.7E2L1S -692479.520.8300.06
Huangtong SagC6-2X2939.5E2L1X 78.0-22.0-61.51---
Huangtong SagC6-2X2943.5E2L1X 65.0-35.0-38.82---
Huachang Sub-upliftH12500E2L1X 40.72.7542-III0.53400
Huachang Sub-upliftH12600E2L1X 33.73612-III0.45230.0034
Huachang Sub-upliftH123-8X3526.64E2L1X 44.0-56.0 -22---
Huangtong SagY10X3499.67E2L1X 80.7-19.3-66.21---
Huangtong SagY10X3540.29E2L1X 72.00.327.7-51.41---
Huangtong SagY11X3670.48E2L1X 71.70.328.0-50.91---
Huangtong SagY11X3683.95E2L1X 69.3-30.7-46.311.05220.0275
Huangtong SagY11X3691.65E2L1X 69.70.330.0-47.41---
Huangtong SagY11X3694.9E2L1X 72.0-28.0-511---
Huangtong SagY11X3708.33E2L1X 71.0-29.0-49.31---
Huangtong SagY11X3715.74E2L1X 77.7-22.3-611---
Huangtong SagY11X3721.71E2L1X 70.3-29.7-481---
Huangtong SagY11X3725.29E2L1X 77.3-22.7-60.31---
Huangtong SagY11X3732.24E2L1X 73.70.326.0-54.41---
Huangtong SagC12X3473.47E2L2S 72-28-511---
Huangtong SagC12X3475.87E2L2S 69.7-30.3-471---
Huangtong SagC12X3511.8E2L2S 68.7-31.3-45.21---
Huangtong SagC12X3513.55E2L2S 74-26-54.51---
Huangtong SagC20X1399.19E2L2S 64.30.335.3-62.52---
Huangtong SagC20X1399.19E2L2S 70.3-29.7-381---
Huangtong SagC20X1399.19E2L2S 72.30.327.3-481---
Huangtong SagC20X1399.19E2L2S 75.30.724-521---
Huangtong SagC20X1399.19E2L2S 78.30.321.3-57.61---
Huangtong SagC6X3160.25E2L2S 76.3-23.7-58.51---
Huachang Sub-upliftH12700E2L2S 77.33.318.70.764.210.44350.001
Huachang Sub-upliftH12800E2L2S 579.732.70.736.620.4580.0061
Huachang Sub-upliftH12900E2L2S 86.70.712.7-77.510.49340.0001
Huangtong SagJ1x3606.05E2L2S -7223513.820.6280.05
Huangtong SagJ1x3620.45E2L2S -8015523.820.67300.06
Huangtong SagY73744.12E2L2S -692651020.87300.07
Huangtong SagY73889.94E2L2S -692569.821.01240.06
Huachang Sub-upliftH13000E2L2X611.736.70.733.620.51390.0017
Huachang Sub-upliftH13100E2L2X661.731142.820.52340.0007
Huachang Sub-upliftHD1-13332.25E2L2X-692389.321.03250.06
Huachang Sub-upliftHD1-13341.8E2L2X-7716719.520.96300.06
Huachang Sub-upliftH13151E2L3S76419162.810.67260.1288
Huachang Sub-upliftH13165E2L3S59.72.336.31.731.920.64190.133
Huachang Sub-upliftH13195E2L3S54.71.3421.7-20.54300.001
Huachang Sub-upliftH13300E2L3S37.30.7601.7-III0.57300.0001
Huachang Sub-upliftH73410.81E2L3S-7022810.520.62270.05
Huachang Sub-upliftH73448.67E2L3S-7020101020.86300.06
Huachang Sub-upliftHD6-1X3673.13E2L3S81.31.0 17.30.368.51---
Huachang Sub-upliftHD6-1X3678.08E2L3S78.70.720.30.363.5Ⅱ1---
Huachang Sub-upliftH13400E2L3Z81.70.317.30.7-Ⅱ10.54300.0032
Huachang Sub-upliftH13500E2L3Z241.369.35-III0.56300.0014
Southern Slope BeltM17x3801.56E2L3Z-722081320.99300.06
Southern Slope BeltM17x3804.1E2L3Z-7419715.820.97260.06
Huachang Sub-upliftH13600E2L3X58.3137.73-2---
Huachang Sub-upliftH13700E2L3X701.327.71-10.900
Huachang Sub-upliftH13795E2L3X61.3235.71-20.55370.0012
Table 3. Rock-Eval pyrolysis data used in the sample of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression.
Table 3. Rock-Eval pyrolysis data used in the sample of the Liushagang Formation in the Fushan Depression.
FormationMudstone ColorTOC (wt %)Extracted bitumen “A” (%)Tmax (℃)S1(mg HC/g Rock)S2(mg HC/g Rock)S1 + S2
(mg HC/g Rocks)
Ro (%)
Bailian SagL12749E2L2Xgrey black1.85 0.20 4750.721.992.710.51
Bailian SagL102X3234E2L1Xbrown grey0.78 0.04 4410.061.401.460.68
Bailian SagL23133E2L2Xgrey black0.94 0.07 4500.131.631.760.66
Bailian SagL22X2079E2L3Sdark grey1.10 0.07 4390.271.611.880.51
Bailian SagL23-13570E2L1Xgrey black1.42 0.08 4360.373.123.490.63
Bailian SagL23-14062E2L2Xgrey black2.02 0.15 4390.702.703.40.99
Bailian SagL23-13975E2L2Sgrey black1.65 0.13 4370.602.443.040.92
Bailian SagL23-13860E2L2Sgrey black1.24 0.02 4230.230.600.830.87
Bailian SagL23x3923.8E2L2Xgrey black1.84 0.15 4420.423.193.611.11
Bailian SagL23x4047.42E2L2Xbrown grey0.99 0.09 4430.131.861.990.65
Bailian SagL23x3928E2L2Xgrey black1.29 0.07 4580.250.841.091.49
Bailian SagL23x3930.05E2L2Xgrey black1.08 0.09 4600.210.70.911.46
Bailian SagL23x4033.06E2L2Xbrown grey0.92 0.09 4690.140.550.691.45
Bailian SagL23x4035.26E2L2Xbrown grey0.88 0.07 4760.090.340.431.69
Bailian SagL27X3531.8E2L2Xdark grey2.39 0.25 4471.083.965.040.82
Bailian SagL27X3524.36E2L2Xdark grey1.97 0.19 4430.742.823.560.64
Bailian SagL27X2936E2L2Sdark grey0.93 0.19 4340.213.143.350.58
Bailian SagL27X3594.35E2L2Xdark grey2.06 0.16 4480.632.643.271.11
Bailian SagL27X3601.07E2L2Xdark grey1.36 0.10 4490.251.651.900.84
Bailian SagL27X3604.55E2L2Xdark grey1.42 0.10 4510.261.571.831.03
Bailian SagL3-2X3429E2L2Xbrown grey1.65 0.18 4420.412.633.040.83
Huangtong SagC12X3473.17E2L2Sgrey black1.53 0.18 4430.475.185.650.75
Huangtong SagC12X3511.35E2L2Sgrey black0.85 0.15 4430.263.353.610.76
Huangtong SagC12X3511.35E2L2Sgrey black0.94 0.36 4440.403.573.970.76
Huangtong SagC12X3473.17E2L2Sgrey black1.28 0.20 4440.404.134.530.75
Huangtong SagC22493E2L2Sgrey1.90 0.08 4360.224.304.520.49
Huangtong SagC20X1393.59E2L2Sbrown grey1.33 0.06 4300.
Huangtong SagC20X1393.59E2L2Sbrown grey1.21 0.06 4310.053.293.340.39
Huangtong SagC20X1393.59E2L2Sbrown grey1.07 0.04 4300.063.653.710.39
Huangtong SagC20X1393.59E2L2Sbrown grey1.01 0.04 4310.
Huangtong SagC5X3660E2L2Sgrey black1.81 0.03 4250.474.655.120.54
Huangtong SagC5X3857E2L2Sgrey black2.09 0.11 4330.383.413.790.66
Huangtong SagC5X3778E2L2Sgrey black1.55 0.12 4310.383.283.660.57
Huangtong SagC5X3700E2L2Sgrey black1.52 0.13 4310.482.683.160.90
Huangtong SagC5X3812E2L2Sgrey black1.56 0.16 4250.512.593.10.51
Huangtong SagFc13129.97E2L1Xgrey black3.61 0.14 4330.466.296.750.64
Huangtong SagFc13120.07E2L1Xgrey black1.99 0.09 4350.273.123.390.60
Huangtong SagFc13371.37E2L2Sgrey black1.51 0.10 4370.302.823.120.55
Huachang Sub-upliftH104X2750E2L1Sbrown grey1.13 0.05 4370.051.591.640.52
Huachang Sub-upliftH109-3X2501E2L1Sbrown grey1.01 0.11 4340.151.651.800.50
Huachang Sub-upliftH113X3125E2L1Sbrown grey2.04 0.26 4350.303.273.570.54
Huachang Sub-upliftH115X2698E2L1Xdark grey1.04 0.54 4002.963.296.250.57
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-15X2913E2L2Sbrown grey1.86 0.20 4400.914.925.830.67
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-22145.8E2L1Sbrown grey0.74 0.03 4310.151.421.570.51
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-22155.6E2L1Sgrey black0.85 0.04 4380.
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-22145.8E2L1Sgrey black0.80 0.06 4360.050.951.000.51
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-22136.95E2L1Sgrey black0.84 0.05 4340.061.331.390.50
Huachang Sub-upliftH2-22136.95E2L1Sgrey black0.90 0.04 4340.
Huachang Sub-upliftH3-13X3471E2L3ZBlack grey1.89 0.15 4470.483.223.70.83
Huachang Sub-upliftH7-6X3979E2L3Sgrey black1.74 0.18 3960.755.556.31.04
Huachang Sub-upliftH7-6X3199E2L2Sbrown grey1.74 0.19 4450.734.064.790.70
Huachang Sub-upliftH7-6X3097E2L1Xbrown grey1.48 0.17 4460.573.554.120.62
Huachang Sub-upliftH7-7X3899E2L3Sgrey black2.30 0.34 3951.244.655.890.83
Huachang Sub-upliftH7-7X3052E2L1Xbrown grey1.57 0.17 4390.432.913.340.66
Huachang Sub-upliftH7-7X2477E2L1Sdark grey0.62 0.06 4300.070.450.520.56
Huachang Sub-upliftHD4-3X3370E2L2SBlack grey1.17 0.04 4330.130.490.620.76
Huachang Sub-upliftHD6-1X3821E2L3Sgrey black1.00 0.10 4440.311.742.050.91
Bailian SagJF4X1991E2L2Xbrown grey1.14 0.19 4360.505.766.260.41
Bailian SagJF62535E2L1Xgrey black0.45 0.04 4390.
Huangtong SagY13509E2L1Xbrown grey1.47 0.06 4490.172.272.440.82
Huangtong SagY13200E2L1Sgrey black0.84 0.06 4450.081.891.970.63
Huangtong SagY13801.4E2L1Sgrey black0.97 0.08 4690.131.451.581.03
Huangtong SagY13040E2L1Sgrey black0.52 0.06 4410.111.311.420.70
Huangtong SagY13650E2L1Sbrown grey1.37 0.07 4490.061.341.400.82
Huangtong SagY12903E2L1Sbrown grey0.94 0.05 4450.041.261.300.66
Huangtong SagY12990E2L1Sgrey black0.53 0.01 4450.040.290.330.77
Huangtong SagY10X3274.2E2L1Xdark grey1.09 0.09 4580.252.732.980.84
Huangtong SagY10X3536.54E2L1Xdark grey1.27 0.11 4510.172.62.770.99
Huangtong SagY10X3495.07E2L1Xdark grey1.28 0.10 4630.272.292.560.95
Huangtong SagY11X3724.89E2L1Xbrown grey1.05 0.03 4690.171.561.731.07
Huangtong SagY11X3641.15E2L1Xbrown grey0.90 0.07 4650.281.381.661.05
Huangtong SagY11X3551.23E2L1Xbrown grey1.86 0.06 4600.
Huangtong SagY11X3547.3E2L1Xbrown grey1.16 0.11 4560.182.352.530.87
Huangtong SagY11X3641.15E2L1Xbrown grey1.86 0.07 4690.332.983.311.05
Huangtong SagY11X3286.79E2L1Sdark grey1.01 0.09 4500.322.893.210.80
Huangtong SagY11X3692.1E2L1Xbrown grey1.27 0.03 4710.121.561.681.05
Huangtong SagY11X3560.12E2L1Xbrown grey1.25 0.07 4660.232.402.631.04
Huangtong SagY11X3547.3E2L1Xbrown grey1.08 0.13 4640.412.312.720.87
Huangtong SagY11X3666.38E2L1Xbrown grey1.19 0.13 4660.211.902.111.06
Huangtong SagY11X3717.06E2L1Xbrown grey1.00 0.06 4710.201.311.511.09
Huangtong SagY11X3551.23E2L1Xbrown grey1.98 0.32 4590.444.424.860.95
Huangtong SagY11X3641.15E2L1Xbrown grey1.03 0.20 4670.231.651.881.05
Huangtong SagY11X3551.23E2L1Xbrown grey0.78 0.26 4560.782.533.310.95
Huangtong SagY11X3724.89E2L1Xbrown grey0.90 0.03 4680.171.211.381.07
Huangtong SagY11X3560.12E2L1Xbrown grey1.14 0.07 4630.252.282.531.04
Huangtong SagY11X3683.95E2L1Xbrown grey1.10 0.09 4710.211.792.001.05
Huangtong SagY11X3700.36E2L1Xbrown grey1.25 0.05 4650.151.511.661.08
Huangtong SagY11X3675.25E2L1Xbrown grey1.14 0.06 4720.151.731.881.08
Huangtong SagY11X3560.12E2L1Xbrown grey1.34 0.10 4630.342.612.951.04
Huangtong SagY73779.5E2L2Sdark grey1.96 0.14 4410.294.424.710.84
Huangtong SagY73782.35E2L2Sdark grey1.78 0.13 4420.343.734.070.82
Huangtong SagY73777.4E2L2Sdark grey1.48 0.13 4380.233.133.360.72
Huangtong SagY73785.15E2L2Sdark grey1.35 0.12 4410.263.063.320.79
Huangtong SagY73742.1E2L2Sgrey black1.41 0.08 4400.
Huangtong SagY73892.3E2L2Sdark grey1.83 0.14 4490.412.072.480.92
Table 4. Data table of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion amount of source rocks in each layer of the Fushan Depression.
Table 4. Data table of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion amount of source rocks in each layer of the Fushan Depression.
FormationHydrocarbon-Generating Quantity 108 tThe Proportion of Hydrocarbon Generation%Hydrocarbon Expulsion Quantity 108 tProportion of Hydrocarbon Expulsion Amount %
Table 5. Hydrocarbon source rock prospective resource data table for the Fushan Depression.
Table 5. Hydrocarbon source rock prospective resource data table for the Fushan Depression.
FormationHydrocarbon Expulsion Quantity 108 tMigration and Accumulation Coefficient %Predicted Resources 108 tProportion of Resources %
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wang, X.; Jiang, F.; Zheng, X.; Chen, D.; Qi, Z.; Liu, Y.; Guo, J.; Zhang, Y. Source Rock Evaluation and Hydrocarbon Expulsion Characteristics of Effective Source Rocks in the Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, China. Minerals 2024, 14, 975.

AMA Style

Wang X, Jiang F, Zheng X, Chen D, Qi Z, Liu Y, Guo J, Zhang Y. Source Rock Evaluation and Hydrocarbon Expulsion Characteristics of Effective Source Rocks in the Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, China. Minerals. 2024; 14(10):975.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wang, Xirong, Fujie Jiang, Xiaowei Zheng, Di Chen, Zhenguo Qi, Yilin Liu, Jing Guo, and Yuqi Zhang. 2024. "Source Rock Evaluation and Hydrocarbon Expulsion Characteristics of Effective Source Rocks in the Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, China" Minerals 14, no. 10: 975.

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