Solving a Multimodal Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery Time Windows under LR Triangular Fuzzy Capacity Constraints
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- Both the pickup and delivery time windows are incorporated into the MRP to improve the time efficiency of the entire transportation process, in which early pickup and delayed delivery are forbidden, and the storage caused by delayed pickup and early delivery is minimized. Through this setting, the weaknesses of both soft and hard time windows are fixed.
- (2)
- The uncertainty of both travel capacities of transportation modes on the arcs and transfer capacities between different transportation modes at the nodes of the multimodal network is modeled by LR triangular fuzzy numbers (LRTFNs), in which we define the uncertainty level of the LR triangular fuzzy capacity (LRTFC).
- (3)
- Based on the chance-constrained linear programming (CCLP) model using the credibility measure, we analyze the influence of the confidence level and the uncertainty level on the MRPPDTWCU and summarize the insights that help multimodal transportation to deal with the uncertain environment.
2. Problem Description
3. Fuzzy Nonlinear Optimization Model for MRPPDTWCU
3.1. Symbols in the Model
- (1)
- Sets, indices, and parameters:
- (2)
- Variables
3.2. Fuzzy Nonlinear Optimization Model
- Equation (2) is the optimization objective of the MRPPDTWCU and aims to minimize the total costs of transportation that include travel costs, transfer costs, and storage costs at the origin and the destination.
- Equation (3) is the container flow equilibrium constraint.
- Equations (4) and (5) ensure that containers are unsplittable in the transportation process from the shipper to the receiver.
- Equations (6) and (7) ensure that the optimal route yields a smooth connection between the travel process on the selected arcs and the transfer process at the selected nodes. (Equations (3)–(7) are the general constraints of the MRP considering unsplittable flow [13]).
- Equation (8) ensures that container pickup time at the origin should be no earlier than the lower bound of the shipper’s pickup time window.
- Equation (9) calculates the storage period of the containers at the origin using a continuous piecewise linear function.
- Equation (10) determines the container delivery time.
- Equation (11) ensures that the container delivery time at the destination should be no later than the upper bound of the receiver’s delivery time window.
- Equation (12) uses the same function as Equation (9) to present the storage period of the containers at the destination.
- Equations (13) and (14) ensure that the container volume does not exceed the LRTFCs of the optimal route.
- Equations (15)–(20) are the variable domain constraints.
4. Model Defuzzification and Linearization
5. Numerical Case Verification
6. Conclusions
- (1)
- The modeling of pickup and delivery time windows is able to provide both the shipper and the receiver with on-time transportation services. Such a consideration also enables the shipper, receiver, and MTO to make a balance between the travel and transfer costs and the storage costs to realize the cost minimization.
- (2)
- Compared to the deterministic modeling, the MRP under capacity uncertainty enables the shipper, receiver, and MTO to make more flexible decisions, in which they can make tradeoffs between the economy and reliability of transportation.
- (3)
- The capacity uncertainty shows a significant influence on the MRPPDTWCU from two aspects. The first is the confidence level that is introduced into the MRPPDTWCU by the FCCP and reflects the reliability of transportation, and the second is the uncertainty level of the fuzzy capacities.
- (4)
- Improving the confidence level to achieve a reliable multimodal route scarifies the transportation economy. Therefore, the shipper and the receiver should make tradeoffs between the reliability and economic objectives by determining a suitable confidence level, in which the sensitivity shown in Figure 2 can provide a solid reference. Then, the MTO can plan the optimal route based on their demand using the proposed model.
- (5)
- To address the higher uncertainty level of the fuzzy capacity, the shipper and the receiver need to increase their transportation budget. To help them reduce the budget and meanwhile maintain a high confidence level to ensure reliable transportation, the MTO needs to use transportation services and transfer services with stable capacities.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Transportation Modes | Travel Costs (CNY/TEU) | Travel Time (h) |
Rail | ||
Road | ||
Water |
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Ge, J.; Sun, Y. Solving a Multimodal Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery Time Windows under LR Triangular Fuzzy Capacity Constraints. Axioms 2024, 13, 220.
Ge J, Sun Y. Solving a Multimodal Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery Time Windows under LR Triangular Fuzzy Capacity Constraints. Axioms. 2024; 13(4):220.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGe, Jie, and Yan Sun. 2024. "Solving a Multimodal Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery Time Windows under LR Triangular Fuzzy Capacity Constraints" Axioms 13, no. 4: 220.
APA StyleGe, J., & Sun, Y. (2024). Solving a Multimodal Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery Time Windows under LR Triangular Fuzzy Capacity Constraints. Axioms, 13(4), 220.