1. Introduction
Bratu equations in science and engineering have captured the interest of many due to their valuable applications. We can find insights into the origins and importance of Bratu equations in [
2]. This equation is used to model numerous chemical and physical processes, including the Chandrasekhar model of the expansion of the universe, the thermal reaction process in combustibles, the electro-spinning process for the production of ultrafine polymer fibers, nanotechnology, chemical reactor theory, and the solid in the fuel ignition model [
For most nonlinear differential equations, analytical methods to solve them either do not exist or are very difficult to apply. Numerical methods have consistently proven to be effective [
12]. To mention but a few, the Bratu equation has been solved using the Adomian decomposition method [
13], the finite difference method [
14], the variational iteration method [
15], the successive differentiation method [
16], the Block Nyström method [
17], Taylor’s decomposition on two points [
18], the differential transformation method [
19], the Laplace transform decomposition method [
20], the shooting method [
21], the Laplace Adomain decomposition method [
22], the Jacobi–Gauss collocation method [
23], the perturbation iteration method [
24], the Spline method [
25], the Sinc–Galerkin method [
26], the Legendre wavelets method [
27], an algorithm based on Chebyshev polynomial expansion [
28], the hybrid block method [
30], and the Taylor wavelets method [
The fractional Bratu equation can be expressed as a fractional nonlinear differential equation
with initial conditions
a, and
b are constant. The fractional derivative denoted by
is of the Caputo type, and this concept will be introduced later. Note that the standard Bratu equation can be obtained by choosing
In general, the existence and uniqueness of the solution of equation
have been established in space
is the space of functions
w with
Theorem 1 (cf [
Assume that , , is an open set, and , with , where , satisfies the Lipschitz conditionwhere is independent of t. Let . If , then (3) has a unique solution . In recent years, fractional calculus has become increasingly important in modeling various physical phenomena in engineering and other fields. Extensive research has been conducted on various equations involving fractional derivatives, leading to the development of numerous numerical methods aimed at their solving. To mention but a few, the wavelet spectral element has been used to solve fractional Cauchy-type problems [
33], and the wavelet collocation method has been applied to solve the fractional Cauchy problem [
34]. In [
35], the authors studied the fractional differential equation with multi-order fractional derivatives. The fractional differential equation with multi-order fractional derivatives is solved using the fractional Lucas optimization method in [
36]. For further studies of fractional differential equations and proposed methods for solving them, we refer the readers to [
The fractional Bratu equation proves invaluable in understanding combustion theory, electrospinning processes, and heat transfer as well as the expansion of the universe. Implementing numerical schemes for this equation is challenging due to its nonlinearity and fractional derivative. There are some semi-analytical and numerical schemes for solving this equation, including the Chebyshev collocation method [
42], the differential transform method [
43], and the homotopy perturbation transform method [
Wavelets have become an effective tool in solving differential equations and representing various operators in recent years [
45]. Two types of wavelets are used for solving equations through numerical schemes: multiwavelets and scalar wavelets. Unlike scalar wavelets that use one generator to generate wavelet spaces, multiwavelets use multiple generators [
46]. Consequently, they offer certain advantages over scalar wavelets in different applications. It is enough to mention that they possess high vanishing moment, orthogonality, a closed form, symmetry, and more, all at the same time. The Alpert multiwavelet is a widely recognized wavelet with diverse uses in image processing and numerical computations [
49]. In numerical works, the utilization of Müntz–Legendre (ML) wavelets [
51], a type of multiwavelet, has been on the rise. This includes solving problems such as multi-order fractional differential equations [
34], fractional optimal control problems [
51], and pantograph equations with fractional derivatives [
In this paper,
Section 2 is dedicated to the study of ML wavelets and their properties. We then implement the wavelet collocation method for solving the fractional Bratu equation in
Section 3. In
Section 4, we conduct several numerical experiments to demonstrate the accuracy and usefulness of the method.
Section 5 of our paper provides a concise summary of our findings.
2. Müntz–Legendre Wavelets
as an increasing sequence, let
53]. The space
is introduced so that it is spanned by the function
, i.e.,
To confirm
(the space of continuous functions on
), there are sufficient and necessary criteria introduced by S. N. Bernstein, as
respectively [
54]. So it can be concluded that
is dense in
. It is also worth noting that Bernstein proposed the condition
for the existence and uniqueness of the increasing sequence of
. Müntz proved this conjecture two years later [
55]. Also, one can find the sufficient and necessary conditions to confirm
in [
It is crucial to understand that utilizing the functions as bases is not advisable. That is why, in the following, the ML functions are defined in such a way that they are orthogonal and easy to evaluate.
as a simple contour that encircles all zeros in the integrand’s denominator, the ML polynomials have the following closed form [
Taking into account the Residue Theorem, we can immediately conclude that the ML polynomials can be written as
Here, it is assumed that the sequence
is increasing and
are specified as
. The coefficients in this definition can be calculated by [
Motivated by Theorem 2.4 in [
56], the orthogonality can be obtained for Müntz–Legendre polynomials as
is the Kronecker delta function, and where, for the sake of simplicity in writing, it has been considered that
, which are called the multiplicity and refinement levels, respectively, and according to the multi-resolution analysis (MRA) definition [
57], there is a nested sequence of subspaces
determined by
in which
, and
specifies the Müntz–Legendre wavelets [
To approximate the function
, we consider the projection operator
that maps
, that is,
, and the coefficients
can be attained by
There is an estimation of the bound of approximation (
15) that can be stated by the following lemma [
Lemma 1. Given and , let for any . Then, it can be verified thatand when , we getwhere c is a constant. Here expresses the Sobolev space that is equipped with norm 2.1. Operational Matrix of Fractional Integration
In this subsection, we will try to find a matrix for representing the Riemann–Liouville (RL) fractional integration (FI). On the other hand, finding the elements of matrix
, called the operational matrix of fractional integral, is the main subject of this subsection. Strictly speaking, to specify the elements of matrix
, all elements of matrix
must be approximated by ML wavelets, that is,
in which
indicates the FI operator
characterizes the Gamma function.
To obtain the elements of matrix
, it is helpful that the piecewise fractional-order Taylor functions
are utilized instead of ML wavelets
. We can demonstrate a closed relationship between the ML wavelet and piecewise fractional-order Taylor functions as follows:
in which the elements of the square matrix
are calculated by
Here, the
-th element of the vector function
is introduced by
Assuming that
U is an
m-dimensional vector whose entries are
, it is not a challenging task to verify that
Motivated by [
32], it has been demonstrated that the fractional integral of a power function results in a power function of the same structure, albeit with modified coefficients introduced by a certain factor, that is,
As a result, it follows from (
24) and (
26) that
Equation (
27) leads to introducing the matrix
that satisfies
Assuming the diagonal matrix
the matrix
can be specified by
in which
Now, we can specify the FI operational matrix
as follows.
Therefore, we have
2.2. Matrix Representation of Caputo Fractional Derivative (CFD) Operator
Recall that the CFD
is characterized by [
in which
. This integral exists for almost every
. Given this definition, it is helpful to verify that
As we mentioned, the object of this subsection is to introduce the square matrix
that represents CFD, that is,
To find the elements of
, unlike the direct method proposed for the fractional integral operator, one can use the relation between the CFD operator and the fractional integral operator (33). To achieve the desired result, namely, introducing the matrix
, we have the following process:
where the expression
D refers to the operational matrix of the derivative introduced in reference [
58]. Thus, the operational matrix
can be specified by
Consequently, employing spectral methods, there is no necessity to determine the CFD of the bases; instead, the matrix can be utilized.
3. Outline of Method
Recall the fractional Bratu equation
with initial conditions
a, and
b are constant. The outline of the collocation method involves the selection of a finite-dimensional space comprising potential solutions and a designated set of points within the domain, referred to as collocation points. The objective is to identify the solution that satisfies the specified equation at these collocation points.
In this paper, our objective is to introduce and implement two methodologies for addressing the fractional Bratu equation. The specifics of these approaches will be expounded upon as follows.
First approach
We seek the approximation
of the solution of Equation (37), which can be obtained as
, the elements of which must be determined. To implement the collocation method, the residual
is introduced as
Second approach
In this approach, we approximate the fractional derivative of the unknown solution
in which
, whose elements are unknown.
According to Lemma 2.22 in [
32], we have
So we can determine
, that is,
. Substituting (41) and (43) into (37) gives rise to specifying the residual
The goal and expectation are to obtain the expansion coefficients
by forcing
to be approximately zero. To this end, picking the distinct collocation points
, the collocation scheme requires
This leads to specifying the unknown coefficients as the solution of the nonlinear system
We use Newton’s method to solve this system. It is worth mentioning that Newton’s method is implemented with starting point
(null vector) and the termination criterion is selected to be absolute residual, i.e.,
An immediate question is how the collocation points are chosen. To answer this question, three options have been considered: the roots of Chebyshev or Lagrange polynomials and evenly spaced nodes.