On the Mutual Definability of the Notions of Entailment, Rejection, and Inconsistency
:1. Introduction
- (*)
- A deductive system is consistent if and only if not every its sentential expression is its thesis (i.e., there are sentential expressions of this system that are not its theses).A deductive system is inconsistent if and only if its every wfe is its thesis.
- (**)
- A deductive system is consistent if and only if no two contradictory sentential expressions are at the same time its theses (i.e., no sentence such that itself and its negation are its theses).A deductive system is inconsistent if and only if a sentential expression of the system and its negation are theses of the system (i.e., some two contradictory sentences of the system belong to its theses).
2. Tarski’s Theories of Deductive Systems; Consequence Theories T and T+
- *
- the set S of all sentential expressions (sentences) of an arbitrary, but fixed language of a deductive system, and
- *
- the consequence operation Cn+ (Cn+ = Cn) defined on the family P(S) of all subsets of the set S, i.e., the operation Cn+: P(S) → P(S), which to any set X of sentences assigns the set Cn+X of all its consequences, i.e., all sentences that sentences of X entail, that are sentences deducible from sentences of X.
2.1. Axioms, Definitions, and Theorems within Theory T
- A1. 0 < card(S) ≤ 0 — denumerability of S,
- A2. X Cn+X S — reflexivity of Cn+,
- A3. Cn+Cn+X = Cn+X — the consequence Cn+ is idempotent,
- A4#. Cn+X = {Cn+Y|Y X & card(Y) < 0} — the consequence Cn+ is finitistic.
- A4. X Y Cn+X Cn+Y — the consequence Cn+ is monotonic,
- A5. Cn+X {Cn+Y|Y X & card(Y) < 0}.
- D1a. X Cons Cn+X ≠ S,
- D1. X Incons Cn+X = S,
- D2. Cn−X = {y|x X (x Cn+{y})}.
- A2−. X Cn−X S — reflexivity of Cn−,
- A3−. Cn−Cn−X = Cn−X — the operation Cn− is idempotent,
- A4−. X Y Cn−X Cn−Y — the operation Cn− is monotonic,
- A5−. Cn−X {Cn−Y|Y X & card(Y) < 0} — the operation Cn− is finitistic.
- T1. Cn+X X Cn− (S\X) S\X.
- T2−. Cn−() = — Cn− is normal,
- T3−. Cn−(X Y) = Cn−X Cn−Y — Cn− is additive.
- C−1. Cn−X = {y|x X (Cn−{y} Cn−{x})},
2.2. Axioms, Definitions, and Theorems within Theory T+
2.2.1. Deductive Systems Theories Based on Classical Sentential Calculi
2.2.2. Tarski’s Theory T+ of Classical Consequence
- A6+. cxy, nx S,
- A7+. cxy Cn+X ⇔ y Cn+(X {x}),
- A8+. Cn+{x, nx} = S,
- A9+. Cn+{x} Cn+{nx} = Cn+.
- (l1) x, cxy Cn+X ⇒ y Cn+X
- D&. &(x, y) ncxny,
- Dd. d(x, y) cnxy.
2.2.3. The Theory of Classical Consequence T++
- A6++. cxy, nx, &(x,y), d(x,y) S,
- A10+. Cn+(X {&(x, y)}) = Cn+(X {x, y}),
- A11+. Cn+(X {d(x, y)}) = Cn+(X {x}) Cn+(X {y}).
- A′11+. Cn+{d(x, y)} = Cn+{x} Cn+{y}.
3. The Theory T− of Rejection Consequence
- D&a. &(x1) = x1,
- b. &(x1, x2) = ncx1nx2.
- c. &(x1, x2, …, xn+1) = &(x1, &(x2, …, xn+1)).
- D−2. x ~ y ⇔ z (x Cn−{z} ⇔ y Cn−{z}).
- A−1. 0 < card(S) ≤ ℵ0,
- A−2. cxy, nx S,
- A−3. Cn−X = {y| ∃x X(Cn−{y} ⊆ Cn−{x})},
- A−4. y Cn−{cxy},
- A−5. x Cn−{y} ⇔ Cn−{cxy} = S,
- A−6. x1 Cn−{y1} x2 Cn−{y2} ⇒ &(x1, x2) Cn−{&(y1, y2)},
- A−7. Cn−{c&(x, y)z} = Cn−{cxcyz},
- A−8. &(x, nx) Cn−{y},
- A−9. x, nx Cn−{y} ⇒ Cn−{y} = S,
- A−10a. &(x, y) ~ &(y, x),
- b. &(&(x, y), z) ~ &(x, &(y, z)),
- c. y ~ z ⇒ &(x, y) ~ &(x, z),
- d. &(x, x) ~ x.
- A2−. X Cn−X S — reflexivity of Cn−,
- A3−. Cn−Cn−X = Cn−X — the operation Cn− is idempotent,
- A4−. X Y Cn−X Cn−Y — the operation Cn− is monotonic,
- A5−. Cn−X {Cn−Y|Y X & card(Y) < 0} — the operation Cn− is finitistic.
- T2−. Cn−() = — Cn− is normal,
- T3−. Cn−(X Y) = Cn−X Cn−Y — Cn− is additive.
- DCn+. y Cn+X ⇔ (∃x &X(x Cn−{y} X ≠ )) (Cn−{y}= S X = ).
- D1. X Incons ⇔ Cn+X = S.
4. The Theory T′ of Inconsistency
- A1′. 0 < card(S) ≤ 0,
- A2′. Incons P(S),
- A3′. X Y X Incons Y Incons,
- A4′. X Incons Y(Y X card(Y) < 0 Y Incons),
- A5′. cxy, nx S,
- A6′. X {x}, X {nx} Incons X Incons,
- A7′. {x, nx} Incons,
- A8′. X {x, ny} Incons X {ncxy} Incons.
- D′Cn+. x Cn+X X {nx} Incons.
- D′Cn−. Cn−X = {y|x X(x Cn+{y})}.
5. Equivalence of the Theories T+, T−, and T′
5.1. Equivalence of Theories T+ and T−
5.1.1. Proofs of Axioms and Definitions of T+ in T−
- (i)
- &{x} = {x},
- (ii)
- X &X,
- (iii)
- X Y &X &Y,
- (iv)
- If i1, i2, …, in is a permutation of numbers 1, 2, …, n, then &(x1, x2, …, xn) ~ &(xi1, xi2, …, xin),
- (v)
- y, z &X x &X (x ~ &(y, z)),
- (vi)
- x1, x2, …, xn &X x &X (x ~ &(xi1, xi2,…, xin).
- (vii)
- x Cn−{x},
- (viii)
- x Cn−{y} Cn−{x} Cn−{y},
- (ix)
- y Cn−X x X (y Cn−{x}).
- (x)
- x1 Cn−{y1} … xn Cn−{yn} &(x1, …, xn) Cn− &{y1, …, yn}.
- (xi)
- Cn−{x} = Cn−{y} = S Cn−{&(x, y)} = S.
- (xii)
- Cn−{c&(x, y)z} = S Cn−{cycxz} = S.
- (xiii)
- Cn−{c&(x, z)cxy} = S Cn−{c&(x, z)y} = S.
- (xiv)
- &(x, z) Cn−{y} z Cn−{cxy}.
- (xv)
- x Cn+{y} y Cn−{x}.
- A2. X Cn+X S.
- A4. X Y Cn+X Cn+Y.
- A3. Cn+Cn+X = Cn+X.
- (1)
- X = Cn+Cn+X Cn+X.
- (2)
- X ≠ Cn+Cn+X Cn+X.
- (3)
- Cn+Cn+X Cn+X.
- A7+. cxy Cn+X y Cn+(X {x})
- (a)
- when sentence x is one of the elements of the sequence (x1, …, xn) and
- (b)
- when x is different from each element of the sequence (x1, …, xn).
- (a)
- x = xi1 1 ≤ i1 ≤ n.
- (a1) &(x1, x2, …, xn) ~ &(xi1,xi2, …, xin), where i1, i2, …, in is a permutation of numbers 1, 2, …, n.
- (a2) z = &(xi2, …, xin).
- (a3) z1 = &(x, z) Cn−{cxy}.
- (a4) Cn−{c&(x, z)y} = S.
- (a5) &(x, z) Cn−{y}
- (b)
- x ≠ x1 … x ≠ xn.
- (b1) &(x, z1) &(X {x})
- (b2) Cn−{cz1cx y} = S.
- (b3) &(x, z1) Cn−{y}.
- (a)
- when x is an element of the sequence (x1, x2, …, xn) and
- (b)
- when x is different from each element of the sequence.
- (a)
- x = xi1 1 ≤ i1 ≤ n.
- (a1) z1 = &(x1, x2, …, xn) ~ &(xi1, xi2, …, xin), where i1, i2, …, in is a permutation of numbers 1, 2, …, n.
- (a2) &(xi1, xi2, …, xin) = &(xi1,&(xi2, …, xin)) = &(x, &(xi2, …, xin)).
- (a3) z1 ~ &(x, &(xi2, …, xin)).
- (a4) &(xi2, …, xin) Cn−{cxy}.
- (a5) &(xi2, …, xin) &X.
- A5. Cn+X Cn+Y|Y X & card(Y) < 0}.
- A5a. y Cn+X Y (Y X & card(Y) < 0 y Cn+Y).
- A8+. Cn+{x, nx} = S.
- A9+. Cn+{x} Cn+{nx} = Cn+ .
- D2. Cn−X = {y|x X (x Cn+{y}}.
5.1.2. Proofs of Axioms and Definitions of T− in T+
- (l1) cxy Cn+X x Cn+X y Cn+X,
- (l2) cxx Cn+ cycxy Cn+ (see MT1),
- (l3) x Cn−{y} y Cn+{x} cxy Cn+,
- (l4) Cn+{x1, x2, …, xn} = Cn+{&(x1, x2, …, xn)},
- (l5) y Cn+ Cn−{y} =S.
- (1)
- cxy Cn+X,
- (2)
- x Cn+X.
- (3)
- Cn+(X {x}) Cn+X.
- (4)
- y Cn+(X {x}). Thus, by (4) and (3) we have: y Cn+(X). □
- DCn+. y Cn+X (x &X (x Cn−{y} X ≠ )) (Cn−{y} = S X = ).
5.1.3. Mutual Definability of the Notions of Entailment and Rejection.
5.2. Equivalence of Theories T+ and T′
5.2.1. Proofs of Axioms and Definitions of T+ in T′
- L1. For every natural number n:X ∉ Incons ∧ ∀i ∈ {1, 2, …, n}(X ∪ {nxi} ∈ Incons) ⇒ X ∪ {x1, x2, …, xn}∉ Incons.
- L2. Cn+X Incons X Incons.
- (1)
- X Incons,
- (2)
- i {1, 2, …, n}(X {nxi} Incons).
- (3)
- X {x1, x2, …, xk} Incons.
- (4)
- X {x1, x2, …, xk} {nxk+1} Incons.
- (5)
- X {x1, x2, …, xk} {xk+1} = X {x1, x2, …, xk, xk+1} Incons.
- (1)
- Cn+X Incons and
- (2)
- X Incons.
- A2. X Cn+X S.
- A4. X Y Cn+X Cn+Y.
- A3. Cn+Cn+X Cn+X.
- A5. Cn+X {Cn+Y|Y X & card(Y) < 0}.
- (1)
- Y1 X {nx} and card (Y1) < 0 and
- (2)
- Y1 Incons.
- (3)
- Y1\{nx} X and card (Y1\{nx}) < 0.
- A7+. cxy Cn+X y Cn+(X {x}).
- A8+. Cn+{x, nx} = S.
- A9+. Cn+{x} Cn+{nx} = Cn+.
- (1)
- {ny} {x} Incons and
- (2)
- {ny} {nx} Incons.
- D1. X Incons Cn+X = S.
5.2.2. Proofs of Axioms and Definitions of T′ in T+
- A3′. X Y X Incons Y Incons.
- A4′. X Incons Y (Y X card(Y) < 0 Y Incons).
- D′Cn+. x Cn+X X {nx} Incons.
- A6′. X {x}, X {nx} Incons X Incons.
- A7′. {x, nx} Incons.
- A8′. X {x, ny} Incons X {ncxy} Incons.
5.2.3. Mutual Definability of the Notions of Entailment and Inconsistency
5.3. Results
- (1)
- theory T+ and theory T− are equivalent; thus,
- (2)
- theory T− and theory T+ are equivalent.
- (3)
- theory T+ and theory T′ are equivalent.
- (4)
- theory T− and theory T′ are equivalent.
- (5)
- Theories T+, T−, and T′ are mutually equivalent.
- (6)
- The notions of entailment, rejection, and inconsistency are mutually definable.
Conflicts of Interest
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Wybraniec-Skardowska, U. On the Mutual Definability of the Notions of Entailment, Rejection, and Inconsistency. Axioms 2016, 5, 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms5020015
Wybraniec-Skardowska U. On the Mutual Definability of the Notions of Entailment, Rejection, and Inconsistency. Axioms. 2016; 5(2):15. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms5020015
Chicago/Turabian StyleWybraniec-Skardowska, Urszula. 2016. "On the Mutual Definability of the Notions of Entailment, Rejection, and Inconsistency" Axioms 5, no. 2: 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms5020015
APA StyleWybraniec-Skardowska, U. (2016). On the Mutual Definability of the Notions of Entailment, Rejection, and Inconsistency. Axioms, 5(2), 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms5020015