Transforming Ontology Web Language Elements into Common Terminology Service 2 Terminology Resources
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Ontology Elements and Relations
- Class: Every single object belonging to the domain.
- Annotation Properties: Further information purely attributable to the Class itself, independent of the others. Examples of annotation properties are synonym, comment, and label.
- Object Properties: A restriction, which places a limit on the values of a certain Class that respects a certain Property. In most cases, the considered Property is defined within the ontology, and so its logical value scope only within it.
2.2. CTS2 Terminology Resources and Profiles
- Definition: An explanation of the intended meaning of a concept. An EntityDescription may have multiple definitions, each derived from a different source, represented in a different language or having a different purpose.
- Parent: The set of direct “parents” defined in the same CodeSystemVersion. It is the responsibility of the service to determine what predicate(s) represent “parent/child” relationships.
- Property: Additional “non-semantic” (annotation) assertions about the entity being described that do not fit into the other categories.
- EntityType: The set of type(s) a resource can take, and it should include owl:Class, owl:Individual, rdf:Property, or skos:Concept, although it may carry many other types as well.
- EquivalentEntity: An entity that has been determined to be equivalent to the about entity in the context.
- Predicate: The name or URI of the property predicate. It can be literal or an EntityDescription itself, namely, an Annotation Property or an Object Property.
- Value: The target(s) of the property. Note that this can only represent the literal format of the property. The details about the original property will be found in the CorrespondingStatement if the CTS2 implementation supports the statement profile. So, the attribute value of a property is of Class StatementTarget, and it can be from three of the following types:
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- Literal Target: When the statement type is LITERAL. It can be used for properties like the entity “label” or “comment”.
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- Entity Reference Target: The URI and optional namespace/name when the target type is ENTITY. It can be used when a property refers to another entity.
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- Resource Target: When the statement type is RESOURCE.
2.3. Translation Process Pipeline
- Create CodeSystem (I) using the CodeSystem Catalog Maintenance Service functional profile. Within this phase, we provided the following input parameters: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), i.e., an external link of the resource; and Name, i.e., the identifier of the catalog that we want to create, to use locally (Enterprise VP).
- Create CodeSystemVersion (II) using the CodeSystemVersion Catalog Maintenance Service. Equally to the CodeSystem, one of the input parameters is Name, which uniquely identifies the specific version in the CodeSystem. The other input parameter that we considered is VersionOf, which contains the name or URI of the CodeSystem that the version belongs to (Information VP).
- Create EntityDescription (III) using the Entity Description Maintenance Service. For each entity, we set two important input parameters, as follows: EntityID, i.e., the entity code and/or namespace identifier; and DescribingCodeSystemVersion, which contains the URI or local identifier of the CodeSystemVersion this entity belongs to (Computational VP).
- Update EntityDescription (IV) using the Entity Description Maintenance Service. We completed each entity with all of the information linked to the single ontology class or property. In general, the components of an ontology resource can be distinguished in the following: (i) the components directly mappable into an element of the CTS2 EntityDescription, as displayed in Table 1; (ii) the components that could not fit into any predefined item, but which can be mapped into properties, as displayed in Table 2; and (iii) the components that could not fit into any predefined item, but which can be mapped into a CTS2 terminology resource, i.e., the properties devoted to Map elements among ontologies and/or other coding systems (Engineering VP).
Ontology Concept Metadata | CTS2 Resource Metadata | Data Type |
Example | .Example | List (0…N) |
IsDefinedBy | .Definition | List (0…N) |
SubClassOf | .Parent | Class (1…N) |
EquivalentClass | .EquivalentEntity | Class (0…N) |
Value Is a Text | Value Is an Entity | |
Predicate is a text | The predicate contains the name and namespace of the statement predicate (type: EntityNameOrURI). The value element is a statement target of type LITERAL (type: Opaque-Data). | The predicate contains the name and namespace of the statement predicate (type: EntityName-OrURI). The value element is a statement target of type ENTITY (type: EntityNameOrURI). |
Predicate is an Entity | The predicate contains the URI of the entity of type Annotation Property (type: EntityNameOrURI). The value element is a statement target of type LITERAL (type: Opaque-Data). | The predicate contains the URI of the entity of type Object Property (type: EntityNameOrURI). The value element is a statement target of type ENTITY (type: Entity-NameOrURI). |
- Create MapCatalogEntry (V) using the Map Catalog Maintenance Service. We provided the following input parameters: MapName, i.e., the name the new entry will be known as within a local context; FromCodeSystem, i.e., the name or URI of the CodeSystem that the “from” entities belong to; and ToCodeSystem, i.e., the name or URI of the CodeSystem that the “to” entities belong to.
- Create MapVersion (VI) using the Map Version Maintenance Service. The considered input parameters are as follows: MapVersionURI, i.e., the state of the resource version which can be “OPEN” or “FINAL”, and once the MapVersion is finalized it becomes immutable; MapVersioneName, i.e., an identifier to uniquely identify the MapVersion in a local context; FromCodeSystemVersion, i.e., the identifier (name or URI) of the specific CodeSystemVersion that the “from” entities belong to; and ToCodeSystemVersion, i.e., the identifier (name or URI) of the specific CodeSystemVersion that the “to” entities belong to.
- Create MapEntry (VII) using the Map Entry Maintenance Service. This is a set of mappings having the same entity identifier as MapFrom.
- Update MapEntry (VIII) using the Map Entry Maintenance Service. After we defined the entity of the “FROM” side, it is necessary to define one or more entities on the “TO” side, e.g., ones belonging to other CodeSystems. To perform that, the following two operations need to be executed.
- Add MapSet (VIII.i). Specifically, each MapEntry may contain one or more MapSets, defining rules and characteristics of the Map. Considering each Mapset, it is necessary to perform the function below.
- Add MapTarget (VIII.ii). In detail, the item MapTarget identifies the entity to include it in the Map on the “TO” side.
3. Results
4. Discussion
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Mora, S.; Gazzarata, R.; Blobel, B.; Murgia, Y.; Giacomini, M. Transforming Ontology Web Language Elements into Common Terminology Service 2 Terminology Resources. J. Pers. Med. 2024, 14, 676.
Mora S, Gazzarata R, Blobel B, Murgia Y, Giacomini M. Transforming Ontology Web Language Elements into Common Terminology Service 2 Terminology Resources. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2024; 14(7):676.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMora, Sara, Roberta Gazzarata, Bernd Blobel, Ylenia Murgia, and Mauro Giacomini. 2024. "Transforming Ontology Web Language Elements into Common Terminology Service 2 Terminology Resources" Journal of Personalized Medicine 14, no. 7: 676.
APA StyleMora, S., Gazzarata, R., Blobel, B., Murgia, Y., & Giacomini, M. (2024). Transforming Ontology Web Language Elements into Common Terminology Service 2 Terminology Resources. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 14(7), 676.