Executive Functions Training Improves Language Abilities in Aphasia Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. PICO Model
2.2. Search Strategy
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.3. Data Extraction and Analysis
2.4. Assessing the Quality of Included Studies—Risk of Bias
3. Results
3.1. Overview of the Studies Selected
3.2. Key Findings from Included Studies
3.3. Risk of Bias
4. Discussion
4.1. Study Strengths and Limitations
4.2. Future Directions
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Authors | Type of Study | Sample Size | Age (M ± SD) | Aphasia Severity and Type | Lesion Site | Time Since Onset | Mother Language of Patients | Rehabilitation Approach | Treatment Dosage | Language Test | EFs Test | Main Findings |
Choinski et al., 2023 [73] | RCT | 34 (22 male) | 59 ± 13 | Moderate to severe Aphasia | Left hemispheric stroke | lesion age: Me = 32 weeks; min–max: 5–195 weeks | Polish | Dr. Neuronowski® training targeting WM, inhibitory control, planning and cognitive flexibility, selective and sustained attention | 24 sessions, 45 min each, three times a week over 8 weeks | Token test, Grammar-Sentence Comprehension Test, Vocabulary-Word Comprehension Test, Phoneme Hearing Test | TOL; Verbal Memory Test Backwards, Corsi Block-Tapping Test Backwards | The experimental training improves TIP, WM as well as sentence and grammar comprehension (Token Test, p = 0.002), fluency (p = 0.009) and naming performance (p = 0.045) |
Bontemps et al., 2024 [71] | Concurrent MBD across participant | 4 (2 female) | 60.25 ± 12.76 | From very severity to moderate Chronic aphasia (two fluent, two non-fluent). | Left hemispheric stroke | Mean time post-stroke was 54.75 months (SD: 70.48, range 11–160) | French | EFs training and SFA targeting cognitive flexibility, inhibition, WM, planning | 12 sessions, 45 min each, three times a week over 4 weeks, with 15–20 min of EF training and 25–30 min of SFA therapy per session | Picture naming task from the BETL. Subtest of BDAE and WAB | MCST; verbal fluency task | The combined EF training and SFA therapy improved naming accuracy (treated items: +35%, untreated items: +20%), discourse efficiency (+25% words/min), and informativeness (+30% CIUs), with gains maintained over time in 75% of participants (3/4). |
Pisano et al., 2022 [76] | Randomized cross-over design | 20 (10 female) | 61.04 ± 7.02 | Sever non fluent aphasia | Left ischemic stroke | 6 months prior to the investigation | Italian | tDCS over DLPFC and EFs training particularly alertness, selective attention, visuo-spatial memory and planning | 10 sessions, 1 h each, five days a week over 2 weeks | EDL II; Token test; BADA, CADL-2 | CADL-2; attention visual search; short term memory Corsi test; non verbal Smirni subtes; TOL | tDCS over DLPFC combined with EFs training improve communication (CADL-2: +25%, p ≤ 0.001), noun and verb naming (p ≤ 0.001), and written and auditory sentence comprehension (p ≤ 0.001), with effects maintained at 1-month follow-up |
Lee et al., 2013 [74] | A single-subject, multiple baseline design | 4 (3 female) | 71 years | Chronic aphasia. 3 people with mild anomic aphasia and 1 with moderate conduction aphasia (2 mild, 1 moderate) | Left ischemic CVA | From 18 to 79 months (M = 43 months) | English | APT-3 program includes WM, executive control and attention tasks | 30–45 min per session, administered four times a week for a duration of 8 weeks | GORT-4; RCBA-2; | TEA; CPT-II | APT-3 training, combining direct attention training with metacognitive facilitation, improved maze reading comprehension (effect sizes: d = 2.46, 2.58), sustained attention, and executive control in 50% of participants, with gains maintained up to 8 months post-intervention. |
Liu et al., 2022 [72] | Single blind randomized trial | 33 (10 female) | 51.5 ± 15.1 | Mild to moderate aphasia 4: anomic 12: Broca 5: Wernicke 8: Global 4: non classified | Ischemic stroke: 29 people Hemorrhagic stroke: 4 people | Days after onset: 28.3 (range, 15–73) | Chinese | Traditional speech, SLT and CAET targeting WM, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, problem solving and abstract reasoning | 4 weeks, 6 days per week: experimental group received 30 min of CAET and 30 min of SLT daily; control group received 30 min of SLT twice daily. | WAB | VFT, the Proverbs Test, TOL, TMT, SCWT | CAET combined with SLT significantly improved auditory comprehension (η2 = 0.43, p < 0.001), aphasia quotient (AQ, η2 = 0.26, p < 0.001), and cognitive function (e.g., TMT-B: η2 = 0.12, p = 0.005), demonstrating enhanced language and executive skills |
Zakariás et al., 2016 [77] | Combined pre/post-test case control design | 3 (1 female) | 54.6± 15.58 | Moderate to severe aphasia. 2 transcortical motor aphasia and 1 anomic aphasia | Left hemisphere infarct | Post onset (month): 108.8 (100.61) | Hungarian | A modified n-back task targeting WM, interference control, cognitive flexibility | 13 sessions, 20 min each, 3–4 times per week over 4 weeks with an adaptive n-back task. | WAB, two language tasks | Two n-back tasks | WM and EFs training improved interference control and updating, leading to significant gains in spoken sentence comprehension (TROG-H: +9%, p = 0.008) and visual n-back task performance (p = 0.045) |
Spitzer et al., 2021 [70] | Cross-over | 10 (4 female) | 54 years | Moderate aphasia. 3 Amnestic; 2 Broca, 1 global, 1 Wernicke, 3 fluent non-classifiable | Left-hemisphere aphasia | >6 months post-onset | German | CAFT (targeting cognitive flexibility, problem solving and adaptability, WM, inhibitory control, nonverbal communication skills) and conventional aphasia therapy | 20 sessions over 2 weeks, 2–3 sessions per day, using a cross-over design with CFAT and ELT interventions | BIWOS; Szenario-Test; AAT; ELT | WCST-64; RWT; CFA-Screening | CFAT significantly improved language skills, verbal cognitive flexibility (semantic fluency: d = 0.91), and communicative ability (Szenario-Test: d = 0.47), with gains extending to untrained topics and maintained at 3-month follow-up. |
Zakariás et al., 2018 [78]. | Multiple-baseline (with control) experimental design | 3 female | 39, 77, 51 years | Moderate to severe. 1 Broca; 2 unclassified | Left hemisphere stroke | 6, 25, 15 years | German | Visual n-back task with pictures and an auditory n-back task with spoken words. The tasks target WM, interference control, cognitive flexibility, sustained attention | 16 sessions, 25–35 min each, 3–4 times per week over 4–5 weeks, with pre/post-tests and follow-up after 4–6 weeks | ANELT; Sätze verstehen; Token test; TROG-D; EMQ | N-back with letters; Running span | WM training using n-back tasks improved sentence comprehension (TROG-D: +12%, p = 0.01) and functional communication (ANELT scores: +15%, p = 0.02), showing transfer effects from cognitive to linguistic domains |
Nivrakesh et al., 2021 [75] | Quasi-experimental study | 13 (2 female) | 48.77± 10.02 | Mild to moderate Broca’aphasia. | Left hemisphere damage | 25.23 (mean SD 17.96) | Persian | WM training program | 15 sessions, 60 min each, conducted twice a week with a 10-min break per session | PAB; BDAE; P-WAB-1 | n-Back test; PASAT; CWMS; DMST; | training improved performance in trained tasks (CWMS: η2 = 0.83, p < 0.001) and untrained WM tasks (n-back: η2 = 0.61, p < 0.001), with far transfer effects on language abilities (AQ: +6.69, η2 = 0.71, p < 0.001). |
Study | Intervention | Language Modalities Improved |
Lee et al. [74] | Direct attention training | Reading comprehension |
Liu et al. [72] | Computer-assisted executive control training (CAET) combined with SLT | Auditory comprehension, spontaneous speech, speech repetition |
Nivrakesh et al. [75] | Intensive WM training | Auditory comprehension, naming, repetition |
Choinski et al. [73] | Dr. Neuronowski® software | Sentence comprehension, grammar, fluency, naming, phoneme discrimination |
Zakariás et al. [77] | Computerized training (n-back task for WM, updating, interference control) | Spoken sentence comprehension |
Zakariás et al. [78] | n-back tasks (pictures, spoken words) | Spoken sentence comprehension, functional communication |
Spitzer et al. [70] | Cognitive Flexibility in Aphasia Therapy (CFAT) | Verbal language skills, communicative ability |
Bontemps et al. [71] | EFs training combined with semantic feature analysis (SFA) | Naming skills, discourse efficacy |
Pisano et al. [76] | Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) with EFs training | Functional communication, naming |
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Culicetto, L.; Latella, D.; Lo Buono, V.; Orecchio, F.; Murdaca, A.M.; Quartarone, A.; Marino, S. Executive Functions Training Improves Language Abilities in Aphasia Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review. J. Pers. Med. 2025, 15, 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/jpm15030092
Culicetto L, Latella D, Lo Buono V, Orecchio F, Murdaca AM, Quartarone A, Marino S. Executive Functions Training Improves Language Abilities in Aphasia Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2025; 15(3):92. https://doi.org/10.3390/jpm15030092
Chicago/Turabian StyleCulicetto, Laura, Desirèe Latella, Viviana Lo Buono, Fabio Orecchio, Anna Maria Murdaca, Angelo Quartarone, and Silvia Marino. 2025. "Executive Functions Training Improves Language Abilities in Aphasia Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review" Journal of Personalized Medicine 15, no. 3: 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/jpm15030092
APA StyleCulicetto, L., Latella, D., Lo Buono, V., Orecchio, F., Murdaca, A. M., Quartarone, A., & Marino, S. (2025). Executive Functions Training Improves Language Abilities in Aphasia Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 15(3), 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/jpm15030092