Precision Surgery for Glioblastomas
:1. Background
- Preparing patients for surgery.
- Defining our resection target for individual patients.
- Understanding what we cannot resect to maintain quality of life.
- Patient selection: do all patients need maximal, safe resection?
- Post-operative management of patients to optimize them for adjuvant oncological therapies.
2. Preparing Patients for Surgery
- Objective assessment and screening for neurological deficits.
- Prehabilitation interventions.
2.1. Identifying PreOperative Deficits
- 10 m Walk Test (gait, walking speed, dynamic balance).
- BERG Balance Scale (gold standard balance tool).
- 9 Hole Peg Test (upper limb function, dexterity, coordination).
- Montreal Cognitive Assessment.
- Fatigue Severity Scale.
2.2. Prehabilitation Interventions
3. What Should We Resect?
3.1. Extent of Resection vs. Residual Disease
3.2. How Do You Resect All of the Contrast-Enhancing Tumor?
3.3. Resections Beyond the Contrast-Enhanced Tumor
3.4. Imaging Occult Tumor Invasion
3.4.1. FET-PET Imaging
3.4.2. MR Spectroscopy
3.4.3. Diffusion Tensor MRI
3.4.4. Combining Imaging Modalities and Machine Learning
3.4.5. Getting Advanced Imaging into the Operating Theatre
4. What Not to Damage?
4.1. Motor Function
4.2. Language Function
- Word repetition vs. baseline (involving auditory perception, word comprehension, and word production) that identifies function in the left temporoparietal junction, the left inferior frontal gyrus, and motor and premotor regions.
- Verb generation vs. baseline (involving the processes above plus semantic association and linguistic response selection), which identifies the anterior left frontal gyrus and helps determine the dominant hemisphere for language.
- Arcuate fasciculus: This tract is found in the peri-insular white matter in the circular sulcus of the insula. It links the superior temporal gyrus with the dorsolateral prefrontal and premotor cortices and is found together with the lateral SLF and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF). Lesions of the arcuate fasciculus lead to phonemic paraphasias, repetitions, and non-fluent ‘expressive’ aphasia.
- Superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF): The temporoparietal branch connects the temporal lobe (posterior inferior, middle, and some superior temporal gyrus) with the parietal cortex (angular and supramarginal gyri). White matter dissection or standard DTI tractography methods cannot separate it from the arcuate fasciculus. Damage leads to fluent aphasia.
- Inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF): Connects the inferior temporal gyrus and runs posteriorly to the superior and middle occipital gyri. It runs between the optic radiation (found more medial) and the more lateral SLF. Seed points for DTI tractography are best seen on coronal views at the level of the middle/inferior temporal gyri. It demonstrates marked intersubject variability in cortical terminations. Damage can lead to problems with reading (alexia).
- Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF): These fibers pass from the frontal opercular cortex through the temporal stem to run on the roof of the temporal horn back to the occipital cortex. Damage leads to (visual) semantic deficits during naming tasks.
4.3. Visual Function
4.4. Cognitive Function
5. Which Patient?
5.1. Role of Pre-Operative Neurological Deficits and Performance Status
5.2. Role of Age and Supramaximal Resection
5.3. Molecularly Defined Tumor Subtypes
5.4. Using Prognostic Factors in Shared Decision Making
6. Optimizing Post-Operative Status Before Adjuvant Oncology Treatments: Personalizing Rehabilitation
6.1. Lack of Evidence of Rehabilitation in Neuro-Oncology
6.2. Cognitive Rehabilitation for Brain Tumor Patients
- Cognitive screening: A simple screening tool to identify specific cognitive deficits in brain tumor patients is needed. Computerized testing using validated cognitive measures. We have demonstrated that such tools are suitable for use and acceptable for brain tumor patients [84].
- Cognitive rehabilitation: No one size fits all. It is essential to individualize rehabilitation to the patient and their deficits and include patients in any service. Cognitive impairment was described as a significant barrier to rehabilitation, so the interventions must overcome these problems. Some rehabilitation tools developed for specific indications may not be suitable for patients with certain patterns of cognitive deficits.
- Psychology: A significant barrier to cognitive rehabilitation is the lack of trained neuropsychologists. Any intervention to be delivered must account for this and not rely on major neuropsychological input.
- Joining the dots in the community: Rehabilitation services tend to be delivered in hospitals without being extended into the community. This, together with the relative rarity, means there is no expertise in managing patients with brain tumors in the community. Studies in commoner neurological disorders like stroke showed that community services are reluctant to take on stroke patients [120]. Rehabilitation cannot rely purely on community services. The survey identified in the Cochrane review concluded that their intervention trial of multi-disciplinary rehabilitation was “beyond the resources of our hospital to provide therapy for this many patients simultaneously” [118]. As a result, we need to consider how we can provide rehabilitation in patients’ homes.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
5-ALA | 5-aminolevulinic acid |
ACSM | American College of Sports Medicine |
ADC | Apparent diffusion co-efficient |
AF | Arcuate fasciculus |
AHP | Allied health professional |
ASL-CBF | Arterial spin labeled-cerebral blood flow |
BOLD | Blood oxygen level dependence |
Cr | Creatine |
CST | Corticospinal tract |
DTI | Diffusion tensor imaging |
FA | Fractional anisotropy |
FET-PET | O-(2-[18F]-fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine PET imaging |
FIM | Functional Independence measure |
fMRI | Functional magnetic resonance imaging |
HI | Head injury |
IDH | Isocitrate dehydrogenase |
IFOF | Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus |
ILF | Inferior longitudinal fasciculus |
iMRI | Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging |
MDT | Multidisciplinary tumor board |
MGMT | O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase |
MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging |
NAA | N-acetyl–aspartate |
PET | Positron emission tomography |
rCBF | Relative cerebral blood flow |
rCBV | Relative cerebral blood volume |
SDM | Shared decision making |
SLF | Superior longitudinal fasciculus |
SMA | Supplementary motor area |
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Imaging Type | Imaging Method | AUC (95%CI) |
Conventional imaging | T1-weighted | 0.58 (0.47–0.69) |
T2-weighted | 0.60 (0.47–0.73) | |
FLAIR imaging | 0.62 (0.49–0.74) | |
Diffusion MRI | Apparent diffusion co-efficient (ADC) | 0.66 (0.54–0.78) |
Fractional anisotropy (FA) | 0.64 (0.53–0.76) | |
Perfusion MRI | Relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) | 0.70 (0.58–0.82) |
Relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF) | 0.67 (0.56–0.78) | |
Arterial spin labelled CBF (ASL-CBF) | 0.53 (0.42–0.64) | |
MR Spectroscopy | Choline-to-NAA Index | 0.64 (0.50–0.79) |
PET Imaging | [18F]-FET | 0.74 (0.62–0.86) |
Combination of Imaging | ADC/FET | 0.89 (0.80–0.97) |
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Price, S.J.; Hughes, J.G.; Jain, S.; Kelly, C.; Sederias, I.; Cozzi, F.M.; Fares, J.; Li, Y.; Kennedy, J.C.; Mayrand, R.; et al. Precision Surgery for Glioblastomas. J. Pers. Med. 2025, 15, 96.
Price SJ, Hughes JG, Jain S, Kelly C, Sederias I, Cozzi FM, Fares J, Li Y, Kennedy JC, Mayrand R, et al. Precision Surgery for Glioblastomas. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2025; 15(3):96.
Chicago/Turabian StylePrice, Stephen J., Jasmine G. Hughes, Swati Jain, Caroline Kelly, Ioana Sederias, Francesca M. Cozzi, Jawad Fares, Yonghao Li, Jasmine C. Kennedy, Roxanne Mayrand, and et al. 2025. "Precision Surgery for Glioblastomas" Journal of Personalized Medicine 15, no. 3: 96.
APA StylePrice, S. J., Hughes, J. G., Jain, S., Kelly, C., Sederias, I., Cozzi, F. M., Fares, J., Li, Y., Kennedy, J. C., Mayrand, R., Wong, Q. H. W., Wan, Y., & Li, C. (2025). Precision Surgery for Glioblastomas. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 15(3), 96.