1. Introduction
Young people live their lives in the present, and at the same time, they are transitioning into adulthood. Belonging to a resourceful family is a protective factor for children and young people [
1], because they rely on their families for access to materials and other resources, as well as the knowledge that empowers them to make decisions that impact their future lives [
3]. Vulnerability is the result of complex factors, e.g., a family being unable to look after a child, a family having low income, parents having a low level of education, a family living in cramped conditions, or a child having a mental or physical disorder. Often, such factors will reinforce each other [
4]. Being in a vulnerable position can expose children and young people to negative health developments, including mental and physical illness, challenging health behaviours, and situations that make them feel less valued, making it challenging for them to contribute to creating future value for themselves, their relationships, the communities they are part of, and wider society [
5]. For example, they might face difficulties in acquiring education and employment, becoming future taxpayers, or starting a family.
If parents are unable to provide a safe environment for children and young people, whether for a short or long period, they can receive care and aftercare from child welfare services. Care can be provided for those under 18 [
6]; aftercare for young people over 18 is the responsibility of either child welfare or the social services. As children transition into adulthood, aftercare is one factor that can enhance quality of life and reduce vulnerability for young people [
7]. Hence, aftercare as a service must create an outcome for young people in the “here and now” as well as for their future life [
8], and how services are regulated and implemented at the municipal level and whether young people co-produce the services determines this outcome. We explore how governance regimes and institutional logic shape the conditions for service organizations’ aftercare performance, their collaboration, and whether this collectively creates an environment conducive to improving life for young people receiving aftercare.
2. Aftercare in Norway
Aftercare is a public service delivered at the municipal level aimed at ensuring that disadvantaged and vulnerable young people aged 18 to 25 are prepared for and experience a safe and predictable transition to independence [
9]. Aftercare might be provided by two distinctly different service-providing organizations in the municipalities: the child welfare service, and the social services [
7]. The social services are regulated by the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, and the child welfare services by the Ministry of Children and Families. At the municipal level, the social services are organized as a vertical partnership with the national labour market and welfare authorities. They are present in all municipalities [
10], and many organize services such as drug treatment, social housing, debt counselling, and the integration of refugees and immigrants into Norwegian society [
11]. Only four municipalities organize child welfare and social services together. Child welfare is mostly organised through inter-municipal cooperation, with 200 municipalities organizing it this way [
13]. This makes the two services highly siloed at municipal level. Nonetheless, both services are responsible for aftercare, which is municipally funded and dependent on the individual municipality’s income situation. Both the Social Services Act and the Child Welfare Act emphasise that the municipalities must coordinate the services provided to the young people in question, and that the services themselves decide how the coordination should take place [
14]. Aftercare can also be provided by the services in collaboration [
15]. The siloed services therefore have overlapping jurisdictions regarding aftercare, and in 2017, it was established that it is the municipal management that has the overall responsibility [
12]. Coordination of services were further strengthened in Prop 133. L (2020–2021) and the Child Welfare Reform from 2022 [
In the present situation, young people can receive financial support, foster homes, housing with follow-up, and financial help for housing, as well as education and work [
17]. With consent, child welfare services offer aftercare to all young people who have been under their care before the age of 18, and they have a duty to inform them about aftercare well before their 18th birthday to clarify needs and wishes. The Child Welfare Act (2022) [
9] further emphasizes the need for creativity and flexibility in facilitating young people’s transition to an independent life. The social services receive the responsibility for offering aftercare if the young person wants to end the relationship with the child welfare service. In such cases, the child welfare services are mandated to provide information about what the social services can offer. The Social Services Act (2009) [
14] states that young people’s situations and needs must be assessed in collaboration with them, and that relevant young people have the right to the service’s “information, advice, and guidance”. The special feature of aftercare is that it is implemented to lay the foundation for young peoples’ future decisions and actions, while the “here and now” takes on great significance in how young people actively engage in utilizing the service. Thus, a well-produced and delivered service today will contribute value to society in the future.
3. Co-Creation, Institutional Logic, and Coordination
The services support young people’s transition to adulthood by providing them access to resources. Sen [
3] (pp. 89–90) notes that individuals transform their resources into life essentials, and that these resources are relative and vary from person to person. Co-creation can be defined as “the process through which two or more public and private actors collaborate to define common problems and designing and implementing new and better solutions” [
18] (p. 193). Thus, the production of public value may be enhanced by mobilising and exploiting input from manifold actors. Osborne et. al. [
8] (p. 641) states that service recipients consume the service in the process of production and that they participate in the production and enactment of the service either voluntarily or involuntarily, or consciously or unconsciously. On the one hand, service users are co-producing the services they receive, and as services are always delivered in a relationship between practitioner and recipient, they are mutually dependent on each other to create the desired value of the service. On the other, professionals and managers in the child welfare and social services are guided by norms that define what is considered legitimate and rational [
19]. Norms are given by the dominant governance regime at both state and municipal level. Governance regimes are ideal types, and can be defined as either Old Public Administration (OPA), focussing on hierarchical and legal authority, representative government, and bureaucratic rule, or New Public Management (NPM), focussing on public-private service markets and performance management of New Public Governance (NPG), based in the open systems perspective and focussing on networked contribution by more actors in service production, now being recast as an arena for co-creation [
20]. Regimes frame the function of the public sector and are an institutional governance context that can be layered, hybrid, competitive, or complementary. The external fit between situation, strategy, and internal alignment between various parts and elements of organisational systems and the pursued strategies in aftercare are thus framed by the dominant governance regime [
18] (p. 169).
The prevailing governance regime in the relevant policy sectors frame the institutional logic of service organizations [
18]. Institutional logic constitutes the “socially constructed, historical patterns of cultural symbols and material practices, assumptions, values and beliefs, by which individuals produce and reproduce their material subsistence, organize time and space, and provide meaning to their daily activity” [
21] (p. 51). We use this taxonomy to provide insight into the relationships between individuals, organizations, and institutions as they serve as frames of reference that shape the actors’ understanding of meaning, motivation for actions, and self-identity. Actors, including organizations, embody different logic that may interpret the organization’s goals and the appropriate actions for tasks and services in various ways. Dominant logic is rarely found; logical systems most often exist in parallel, and can also be competitive, complementary, or hybrid [
21]. Different forms of institutional logic are shown in
Table 1.
Different forms of institutional logic create challenges when services are provided, and in situations where coordination is required. Coordination may be a strategy for internal alignment between regimes and service sectors and include cooperation and collaboration. Collaboration, which refers to working together, involves a strong voluntary element where actors who recognize their mutual dependence adapt their behaviour to achieve a common goal. Coordination refers to situations that allow the use of hierarchical authority in which actors are required to adapt their activity to each other [
22]. Coordinated actors operate under a mandate that structures their adaptation. This could involve clarifying the division of responsibilities, exchanging experiences, and participating in the joint planning and implementation of services. The paper is structured through exploration of the seven logic forms in the interinstitutional system outlined by Thornton et al. (2012) [
Table 1.
Norms that give rise to institutional logic.
Table 1.
Norms that give rise to institutional logic.
Religious | Membership in congregation, § 1–8 of the Child Welfare Act states that child welfare services must consider childrens’ religious background. |
Family | Household membership, status in family, loyalty to family members. |
State | Citizenship, participation, bureaucratic domination (hierarchy, new public management, new public governance), redistribution, participation, increase in community good. |
Market | Transactions, self-interest, user preferences are basis for service production, cost control, cost-benefit assessments. |
Organisational | Established local organizational culture, bureaucratic roles, status in hierarchy. |
Professional | Professions as relational networks, specialist knowledge. Norms developed professionally and controlled by the profession. |
Community | Group membership provides belonging maintained through common boundaries, reciprocity, trust, and commitment to community values and ideology. |
4. Materials and Methods
Data were collected at the macro, meso, and micro levels. At the macro level, relevant public documents were collected and reviewed, along with literature on child welfare and aftercare. At the meso level, we conducted interviews with a department manager and middle managers from both services, and collected municipal documents related to child welfare and social services. There is no reference to municipal documents, as this would reveal which municipality participated in the study. At the micro level, we conducted interviews with professional practitioners. In 2021, we conducted qualitative group interviews with middle managers and employees. The interviewees, recruited through their managers, included a child welfare pedagogue, a social worker from child welfare, two child welfare pedagogues from social services, and a middle manager from each agency. The managers were interviewed in 2022. All had experience from work with vulnerable young people and collaboration over several years. The selection consisted of six women and one man, all with a bachelor’s degree in social work, and one with a master’s degree in management. All represented services in the same region. The interviews were conducted shortly before the Child Welfare Reform and the Child Welfare Act were implemented.
An interview guide was created covering topics such as educational and experiential background, assignment of young people to aftercare, guidelines for internal and external coordination, and the anchoring of coordination in each agency. For managers, the central issue became the implementation of management strategies to strengthen coordination. The format allowed for follow-up questions and reflections from professionals on their experiences, and facilitated discussion and exchange of views among the interviewees. Many questions in the analysis process contained indicators about topics such as young people’s participation, their quality of life, and the overlapping jurisdictions between agencies. The interviews were audio-recorded and later transcribed verbatim for text analysis [
This paper employs a combination of document study and interviews, with data coding and analysis methods drawing from Reay and Jones’s (2016) Pattern Matching (PM) and Pattern Inducing (PI) [
29]. In PM, ideal types are initially identified from the literature, followed by a comparison of these types with the data. In PI, the focus is on inductive data analysis to identify patterns, which are then compared with the literature. These are not mutually exclusive, and the common ontology is social constructivism. While PM focuses on the relationship between existing theories and findings in the data material, PI operates with language as a constituent element, and the presentation of quotations from data becomes central and has consequences regarding how the forms of logic are analysed [
The study has limitations related to the number of interviewees and the fact that additional interviews were not conducted with municipal management or young people. This would have shed light on the issues of value, coordination, and co-creation from several sides. A strength is that the interviewees had a uniform perception of which types of logic were prominent and whether they competed. Coordination was carried out further; we refer to the Norwegian Health Inspectorate report from 2020, which heard the voices of young people [
5. Results
There are results for 6 out of 7 logic types in both child welfare and social services. The religious logic type was not found.
5.1. Family Logic
The family is an important institution in society [
21]. In Norway, family policy is built on the premise that parents are the primary caregivers in children’s lives. Thus, parents facilitate coping and development, socialize children to societal norms, and support children during crucial transition phases [
Section 1,
Section 2,
Section 3,
Section 4 and
Section 5 of the Child Welfare Act state that children have the right to care and family life, and family logic indicates that the welfare state must ensure this for children if the family is not able to do so themselves [
16]. For children who are taken out of their biological family and moved into a foster home or institution, situations are created that mimic living in a biological family. For most individuals, the transition from youth to adulthood is gradual, with young people receiving assistance and support from their families and networks to begin their education or career and establish their own living arrangements. Young people who have been in the care of child welfare often have a weaker network than others [
31]. Both services strive to replicate family support. The measures authorized by sectorial laws aim to equip young people to become self-sufficient and to have a supportive network [
Interviewees point to the crucial role that child welfare services play in supporting young people in aftercare. They often step in to provide the kind of support that a family typically would, such as assistance with securing housing, obtaining insurance, waking up on time, and making significant purchases such as a “washing machine, cooker, and fridge”. The staff at the child welfare service believe they contribute to helping young people with things like this:
[…] the young people, 17–18 years old, when they turn 18, or maybe 19, then they will move on in life […] we in child welfare have established a type of housing, where they have a dormitory with a type of follow-up […] we pay rent, electricity, living expenses and other expenses.
Social service employees agree that weak family ties can be replaced by efforts from the system. They state that they step into the role of parent, listening to young people’s concerns. They, as well, refer to having a big heart and providing a lot of care for young people:
I’ve had to pick up boys who are crying and haven’t eaten and feed them.
The norms surrounding providing services that can replace familial care therefore do not belong to the child welfare service alone. They also form the basis of how the employees of the social services talk about following up with young people for whom they are responsible.
5.2. State Logic
Until 2017, the laws gave direction for designing aftercare and deciding quality standards in the municipal service organizations as two distinct services with overlapping jurisdictions. The revision of the Child Welfare Act extended aftercare for children who had received child welfare measures, allowing for a longer period of support for young individuals [
32], and the Child Welfare Reform, implemented in 2022, bolstered the role of municipalities in managing child welfare. They received increased professional and financial responsibility for both child welfare and foster homes, and the overall responsibility for aftercare was designated to the municipal management [
The Social Services and Child Welfare Acts provides guidelines for managing care and quality standards at the municipal level. Laws emphasize hierarchical and political guidelines in implementing public policy and serving as management tools within specific sectors. As such, laws fall under the “Public Administration” management regime [
20]. Financial transfers to municipalities mainly take the form of framework grants. These grants enable municipalities to prioritize funds and customize their services to meet local needs, thus reinforcing horizontal management strategies. These financial mechanisms and the new emphasis in the acts on the importance of inter-agency coordination strengthen the alignment with the governance regime known as “New Public Governance” [
The complexity of aftercare is emphasized by the simultaneous presence of multiple control instruments from various regulatory regimes. While the legal instruments have a hierarchical structure, they also stress the importance of local horizontal collaboration and coordination between services. Additionally, the level of connection between the services in question and the municipalities varies. Results from a nationwide survey [
34] indicated that at the municipal level, the social services are perceived by a small percentage of managers (10%) to have adequate coordination routines, whereas child welfare is viewed more favourably (32%). Echoing these findings, the interviewees in this paper stated that the municipality lacks the guidelines and common practices needed to effectively manage the overlapping jurisdictions among these service organizations. Specifically, there is no clear guidance on the distribution of financial responsibility and coordination mechanisms between these services. In a dialogue, middle managers expressed their concerns about this issue:
Social service: […] I’m probably like that, I want clear statements from the management where it is said that the child welfare covers this, and social services covers that.
Child welfare: Yes, I am like that too. I also like it when things are structured and not up for interpretation.
Social service: The municipality simply must decide, it’s municipal funding after all.
Child welfare: Yes, it is municipal funding, and the question is who is going to pay for it.
Social service: I think it’s about making a decisive move on finances. […] sometimes the municipal manager should just decide.
The interviewees expressed the need for clear directives from management on how to approach the shared responsibilities of child welfare and social services and emphasized the importance of eliminating ambiguity. Ultimately, it is the municipality’s responsibility to provide the necessary funds for aftercare, and they argued that decisions regarding the distribution of responsibilities should be made at the municipal management level. This reinforces the role of hierarchical instruments in management logic and will strengthen the hierarchical organisation of both services.
5.3. Market Logic
Attention is also given to market mechanisms. For instance, the responsibility associated with service distribution processes has shifted to responsibility for the outcomes of those processes [
35]. Professionals’ control over service distribution is standardized, regulated, and codified into quality and supervision criteria. Control is exercised ex post, and the quantification of results is given significant attention. Services conduct cost-benefit assessments to determine which clients they wish to take on. Simultaneously, market logic legitimizes the participation of service recipients, leading to a change in status for former clients to users or customers [
36]. § 1–4 of the Child Welfare Act states that children have the right to participate in matters that concern the child according to the Act. Aftercare is voluntary, but the social service must ensure that young people participate in deciding which measures are to be implemented within given frameworks [
31]. This approach creates opportunities for young people’s preferences and choices to justify service decisions. However, the emphasis on quantification and result reporting also fosters competition for the ‘best’ users, leading to a tendency to transfer resource-demanding users to other services [
We note that both processes are ongoing and linked to market logic. As per the laws, child welfare and social services are required to coordinate to ensure a smooth transition to adulthood. Social service professionals believe that the child welfare service often shifts responsibilities to them once young individuals move into their own homes, leaving follow-up services to the social services. This reflects a cost-benefit assessment shared by the interviewees from the child welfare service, who acknowledge that they also make such assessments:
Someone else will pick up the bill […] we must get them into another system and someone else must pay.
The interviewees emphasize financial disagreements between the services, particularly concerning who should assume responsibility for young individuals and bear the costs associated with their benefits. Further, in our study, we noted that child welfare professionals observed that young individuals take their customer status seriously, making various demands such as “I want a driver’s license”, “I want my rent paid”, and “I want a mobile phone”. As customers, these young individuals assert their rights, but they are required to apply through the system for support of material goods, and such requests are often denied on administrative grounds [
30]. The report also states that social service professionals perceive that young individuals feel alienated by the service, as though it is reluctant to provide them with services.
5.4. Organizational Logic
The organizations involved in the child welfare and social service systems establish their identity within existing frameworks and routines, with administrative control by managers determining norms and procedures. Organizational, and thus managerial, legitimacy is derived from laws, regulations, and the interpretation of management signals. However, the steering signals provided are complex and mixed, and they lack a dominant logic that could effectively structure the overlapping jurisdictions created by the laws. Additionally, the market logic fosters negative competition between organizations, with a focus on reported results rather than on the system’s effectiveness for individual users.
Collaboration and planning occur during handover meetings, where responsibility for young individuals is determined. The interviewees, who are social service professionals, note that aftercare and its coordination receive little attention. Discussions about aftercare and division of responsibilities take place in management meetings, with social services prioritizing inspections, while child welfare addresses the topic more broadly. The negotiation of responsibilities between the child welfare and social service systems is often performed on a case-by-case basis. The social service middle manager reflects on the measures provided and the requirements imposed on young individuals in aftercare:
We have a duty of guidance, but if you [the young person] choose not to accept it, then […] You [the child welfare services] may go more and knock on their doors if they don’t show up. […] It is the difference between being a child and becoming an adult and coming to us. If you take the initiative and meet with us, you will get help.
The transition of young individuals from child welfare to social services does not necessarily prompt outreach from the social services. Young individuals in need of aftercare are treated as adults and are expected to take the initiative to contact social services to ensure their rights are upheld. The child welfare middle manager concurs, describing the challenge of ending their follow-up services because young individuals do not reach out to social services. As a result, they lose their rights to such services, effectively leaving them stranded.
Interviews with middle managers reveal that the organizational logic of social services is tied to its mandate of providing such services to adults within the legal framework. In contrast, the child welfare service integrates the family logic into its organizational logic to a greater extent [
7]. The transfer of young individuals between services poses a challenge due to the lack of attention given to coordination and the fact that responsibility is not delegated to middle managers. The social services middle manager mentions that management is wary of delegating responsibility:
I think they are a little reluctant to take that responsibility sometimes. They try to push it both up and down […]. I guess I feel that they push it down to me to a certain point and then they become a little afraid that now I will decide something. Therefore, at least routine coordination stops a little.
The social service middle manager asserts the importance of assuming responsibility for collaboration, stating: “Thus I got it in my hand, ‘be so good’”. In contrast, the child welfare middle manager has not been explicitly instructed to take on that responsibility:
No one has told me that I should have that responsibility […]. I just see that no one else does.
Although collaboration between service organizations takes place at the middle management level, there is no formal delegation of responsibility. Instead, middle managers voluntarily assume this responsibility, recognizing its importance. There is a prevailing perception that coordination is primarily the responsibility of top managers. A child welfare service employee suggested that this approach is somewhat effective:
It’s acceptable for them to meet and establish overarching goals, but the coordination effort needs to continue beyond that. Managers often lack the capacity and specific knowledge about individual users to effectively carry out this task.
Interviews suggest that while coordination is anchored at the management level, the decisions made are not always effectively communicated or implemented throughout the organization. Collaboration is typically voluntary, and task responsibilities are often left undefined. This is evident from the lack of references to the fixed and predictable service frameworks that each agency has established. Additionally, it is unclear when specific services can be provided. As uttered by a social service employee:
I think the situation is characterized by unclear routines. I get the impression that a lot is being missed because responsibilities are not clearly defined.
The horizontal connections between child welfare and social services at the municipal level are considered by interviewees to be weak. Coordination is not integrated into management principles, which are hierarchical. The organizational logic within the service organizations embodies the values that guide where managers and professionals focus their attention, and this is on vertical processes within the service agencies.
5.5. Professional Logic
Professionals in both organizations believe that their work aligns with family logic, as they provide care and support to young people in a manner like family members would. Their professional approach enables them to utilize their specialized knowledge to make autonomous decisions and exercise discretion, based on their understanding of the young individuals they work with. This approach forms the basis of their practice [
37], and they argue that they should have a say in decision-making and implementation of measures.
However, interviews suggest that professionals lack autonomy collaborating on transfers between services. This could be attributed to the influence of market logic and the hierarchical approach of management and organizational logic. Nevertheless, professionals from both organizations believe they should hold the authority to make decisions about coordination. A child welfare service employee reiterates this sentiment:
We take initiatives ourselves […] Those who are closest to the youth, both we as case workers and often the environmental therapists who work with the youth [make decisions].
The absence of organizational anchoring for transfers implies that professionals cannot make decisions regarding this matter. Therefore, their decision-making authority is limited to determining which aftercare cases should be escalated to the managerial level for final decision on transfer. It also emerges that the norms for decisions on aftercare in child welfare are guided by past experiences and the categorization of youth before the topic of transfer to social service comes up. An employee in child welfare says:
I think that it’s the youth we haven’t placed in institutions or foster homes [that are transferred to social service]. In principle, it is the social service’ responsibility to provide for their finances, but if we had someone placed in care or other types of institutions, then it is usually the child welfare that cover it.
In social services, it is stated that each professional has fewer cases to follow up on, thereby providing better opportunities for closer follow-up, more conversations, and closer contact with their users. Social services have thus made it possible for professionals to follow up on aftercare cases. However, the lack of decision-making authority at the professional level is challenging, and employees in both organizations feel that they are responsible for youth in case of disputes. There is therefore a great deal of uncertainty about which cases and measures each organization is responsible for, what the responsibility is for professionals, and how coordination should proceed.
5.6. Community Logic
Community logic refers to how group membership can foster a sense of belonging, which is maintained through reciprocity, trust, and a commitment to shared values [
38]. Collaboration between organizations is regulated by sector-specific processes, while legal instruments signal the need to establish cross-agency professional communities at the local level [
34]. Collaboration, facilitated by the laws, allows professionals to make assessments of responsibility and costs in collaboration with service organizations, provided that the municipal authorities facilitate it [
39]. At the same time, it is evident that the logic governing the practices of the organizations indicate a lack of coordination. A new report from The Health Inspectorate (2023) [
40] further shows that achieving necessary collaboration is challenging, even in cases where young people face significant dangers. Our analyses reveals that state and organisational logic provide these organizations with different value bases, and market logic fosters distrust between them. Meetings between the organizations, where professionals can get to know each other and understand what the other organization offers, have the potential to build trust. Despite this, such meetings are not currently part of practice, as an employee in the social service points out:
The child welfare services expressed a strong interest in a closer collaboration than what we have had and currently have. […] The new leader for minors was proactive in initiating this collaboration. I am aware that he attempted to contact us several times before we eventually had a meeting. Regrettably, there has been no further progress since that meeting, to my knowledge.
Such meetings facilitate learning between service organizations about the measures that each can offer and how decisions are made based on prevailing norms. The middle manager from child welfare believes that a closer collaboration with social services could pose a valuable opportunity for knowledge sharing. The social service employees, on their side, perceive the willingness of child welfare to collaborate as dependent on individual initiative:
Our collaboration is highly dependent on the individual involved. We have a very effective collaboration with one person, but with another, I find it challenging to establish a productive dialogue.
Collaboration at the professional level lacks coordination and is not governed by established routines. Collaboration is perceived as an individual effort, dependent on the willingness of each employee. Community logic, which could foster a sense of shared responsibility, appears to be losing out to sectorized governance in the state–municipality relation, organizational logic, and market logic. This dynamic hinders service organizations from taking coordinated responsibility.
6. Discussion
Aftercare is a complex activity, characterized by various layered and competing governance regimes, as well as layered and competing institutional logic. The three governance regimes are functioning in parallel, creating competition among two main sets of logic, which we identify across services. These types of logic influence the services young people receive, and set distinct conditions for the value of the service provisioning. All social services are consumed when received, and Osborne et al. [
8] (p. 641) points to the fact that services cannot be “stored for delivery at a later date”; they must be provided in a manner that make them produce public value, i.e., “contribute to the meeting of societal objectives, to social cohesion, or well-being” [
8] (p. 643). The value of a service is dependent on how the receiver co-produces it, and we find that how the providing service organisations and professionals invite young people to co-produce follow-up services does not always include support and guidance for the future. The family logic dominant at the professional level indicates that, on the one side, the follow-up provided addresses material factors, such as assistance given with making larger purchases, alongside non-material factors, as this assistance also encompasses non-material or emotional elements. For instance, support and guidance are provided for various situations that arise; many social workers experience their role as being like parents to the young people in their service. On the other, some professionals, particularly in the social services, can be hard make contact with. This is discussed more below.
Nevertheless, aftercare is historically shaped by OPA-values focussing on the hierarchy, legal authority, and economic regulation of municipalities. These constitute important features of state and organisational logic and creates policy silos between the services in question. Most municipalities organise child welfare with neighbouring municipalities, making the service rigid and difficult to control politically [
41]. Furthermore, most municipalities, including ours, cannot easily discuss each of the involved service’s contributions to aftercare. Furthermore, the state logic mandates municipal services to coordinate these policy areas, and the acts include NPG features. These are, however, challenged by the established municipal (organisational) and thus managerial logic. Municipal managers, as well the professionals within each sector, derive their legitimacy and authority from the state logic and it seems that the shared financial foundation of the services and the coordination stipulations in the laws appear to have only a small impact on the production of aftercare services. This amalgamation of state and municipal organisational logic aligns with the two types of identified market logic. The first compels services to compete for the best “customers” and conduct cost-benefit assessments to keep expenditures down, in accordance with reporting requirements. The other side of the market logic refers to young people co-producing services as customers demanding services for themselves. As Helsetilsynet (2020) [
30] reported, young people are required to apply through the system for support in the form material goods, but such requests are often denied on administrative grounds, and the young people will then need assistance from professionals who, especially in the social services, can be hard to make contact with [
30]. This suggests that the relationship between professionals and young people that regulate co-production is primarily governed by the intersection between the state, municipal (organisational), and market logic, and that these compete first with follow-up family logic, and second with professional and community logic. These three types of logic are downplayed. The amalgamation of types of logic and the competition between two groups of logic does not appear to optimise the value of aftercare for young people.
Child welfare and social services have different, although overlapping, jurisdictions in terms of their work with aftercare. Coordination can be viewed as a structuring of this overlap in which inter-organizational relationships intertwine institutional logic and alternative practices and understandings to confront established norms [
42]. In line with the findings of [
43], who looked at a broader spectra of social services, we find that horizontal coordination is impeded. Coordination in the form of routine collaboration between the organizations is not prioritized, and the lack of delegation of authority means that the collaboration that takes place is without mandate and is difficult to implement, occurring on a case-by-case basis. Community logic, which designates that middle managers and professionals are familiar with the tasks of the other service and what contributions it can make to aftercare, is not prominent, as professionals and managers in the two services do not meet to discuss and agree upon their respective contributions. Our findings thus indicate that coordination is not taking place, and that the overlapping jurisdictions are not regulated as the laws for years have indicated them to be. Further, professional logic says that decisions about which young people’s cases should be escalated for collaboration are influenced by the professionals, and our findings indicate that the professionals’ experiences with a case and their history in child welfare is decisive. This raises questions about whether young people are genuinely invited to co-produce their aftercare service. Given that the social service is also dominated by an organizational logic where young people bear the responsibility for maintaining contact, the responsibility for many young people’s situations becomes fluid. Professional and community logic are pushed into the background, and a common definition of aftercare is not established; that is, a common set of values that determine each services’ contribution does not exist and cannot be created. Instead, the overlapping jurisdictions align with market logic and the narrow cost-benefit assessments being conducted by the services.
Institutional logic refers to the values that service organizations are characterized by, and independence and self-sufficiency for young people are values promoted by both, but in different ways. While the social service emphasizes that they provide a service that requires recipients to initiate contact to fulfil their rights, the organizational logic of child welfare is more akin to taking the first step and allowing professionals to proactively engage with young people, and family logic is more prominent in the child welfare than in social services. Nevertheless, our findings diverge from the findings in [
44], in which the authors indicate that the family logic, emphasizing that young people should be guaranteed care and family life, is prominent at the professional level in both services, and that the professionals’ experience of being able to replace weak or non-existent family ties are similar in the two services. As is discussed above, the amalgamation of state, organisational, and market logic is dominant at higher levels in both agencies. However, the values tied to professional and family logic plays a role in the follow-up of young people, and this logic can be systematized, developed, and professionalized, thereby becoming an important characteristic of professional, community, and organisational logic as well. Young people receiving aftercare are in a situation where they should be guided in the transition to adulthood, in learning what it means to be an adult, and in understanding what gives adult life value. Intense emotional situations, such as when young people face personal crises, can have beneficial pedagogical effects, as they can initiate discussions about both daily challenges and broader issues. However, these situations can also be detrimental, negatively impacting mental health, exacerbating feelings of social exclusion, and consequently affecting current quality of life. As young people receiving aftercare progress in life, there is a risk that they continue to be influenced by their lack of access to resources, which they could have converted into capabilities or personal assets [
45]. Consequently, they face more challenges in making significant life choices that will ensure them future quality of life than other young people.
Questions regarding the alignment of norms, understanding of alternative practices, occurrences of confrontations between jurisdictions, the presence or absence of coordination, and the co-production of services by young people, i.e., whether environments are conducive to improving the life for young people, are crucial. They significantly influence how services are produced, which services young people in aftercare receive, and how they can benefit from these services. The values inherent in hierarchical state, organizational, and market logic tend to overshadow those associated with family, community, and professional logic. To avoid this, the intersection of the OPA and NPG regimes should be further developed, particularly by municipalities giving more attention to the coordinating elements within legal instruments. This development has been facilitated by Proposition 133 L (2020–2021) [
16], leading our municipality to initiate a project aimed at formalizing the division of labour among service organizations. The project was new and under development in 2022 and aimed to structure the overlapping jurisdictions and provide guidelines for which service should be responsible for which measures. The child welfare service has undergone a reorganization process to provide closer follow-up of former child welfare recipients over the age of 18. This can provide a basis for changing practices. By coordinating child welfare and social services at the intersection of hierarchy and network governance, family, professional, and community logic can be reinforced. This will require conscious processes of change within the service organizations, and, as is argued, it is possible to build upon the family logic present among professionals in both organizations, albeit most pronounced in child welfare. When systematizing the family logic, the community logic also gains prominence, primarily due to the joint municipal budget for aftercare and the formalization of labour division at the municipal level, as seen in this case. This can also be leveraged as a way to create a common definition of aftercare, enhance both individual and the societal value creation in aftercare services, and ensure that young people receive the services necessary to create future value for themselves and society.