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Systematic Review

The Role of the Quality Management Process within Society 5.0

Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, University of Novi Sad, 23101 Zrenjanin, Serbia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Societies 2024, 14(7), 111;
Submission received: 19 May 2024 / Revised: 17 June 2024 / Accepted: 19 June 2024 / Published: 3 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Topic Social Sciences and Intelligence Management)


This paper conducts a comprehensive review following the PRISMA methodology to explore the evolution and necessity of quality management in the era of Society 5.0, covering publications from 2017 to 2022. Through a meticulous process involving planning, conducting and reporting the review, along with a theory-driven selection and analysis of content, it aims to construct a theoretical model for quality management in Society 5.0. This model underscores the integration of quality management with Society 5.0’s principles, focusing on human-centric technological advancement and addressing social challenges to enhance life quality. The findings reveal a framework that could drive the transition to Society 5.0 by leveraging key inputs for tangible outcomes. The paper’s originality lies in its in-depth analysis and the proposed model’s potential to guide industries and governments towards sustainable development in the context of Society 5.0, marking a valuable contribution to future research in this field.

1. Introduction

At the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January 2019, Chairman Hiroaki Nakanishi [1] said that technology could contribute to improving living standards and better comfort. According to a report by the Keidanren, which is the Japan Business Federation, Society 5.0 will be an “Imagination Society”, in which digital transformation will be combined with the creativity of different people to solve problems and create value on the path to sustainable development. This is in line with the United Nations’ Concept for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [1].
The name “Society 5.0” indicates a new society “created by transformations led by scientific and technological innovation, after hunter-gatherer society, agricultural society, industrial society, and information society” (Atsushi, & Osamu 2018, p. xi) [2].
The concept of Society 5.0 was defined in 2016 in Japan as the concept of the Fifth Science and Technology Master Plan established by the Science, Technology and Innovation Council of Japan. The plan sets out a growth strategy, which has expanded into a global area in line with UN goals [2,3,4].
Man is the center of Society 5.0, and the factors of transition are social dialogue, communication and exploitation of technology at all levels of society. Technology capabilities and information exchange allow for increased involvement in processes to create sustainable innovations. New technologies are important in the production of quality products and services. However, the possibilities of the digital environment are still in the research phase when it comes to intelligent transport, intelligent production and medical achievements in terms of care and health care.
Industry 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0, along with Society 5.0 and the concepts of Quality 4.0 and 5.0, represent evolutionary stages in industrial and societal development, each characterized by the integration of different technologies and ideologies.
Industry 4.0 marks the fourth industrial revolution, primarily defined by the incorporation of digital technologies in manufacturing. This era is characterized by automation, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and cognitive computing, leading to the creation of smart factories. The impacts of Industry 4.0 are profound, including enhanced efficiency, reduced human error and the ability to produce personalized products [5,6].
Industry 5.0 takes a step beyond by reintegrating humans into the automated processes established in Industry 4.0. It emphasizes collaboration between humans and machines, focusing on custom production, sustainability, and social aspects. The key impact of Industry 5.0 is a balance between automated efficiency and human creativity, leading to more personalized and sustainable production methods [7,8].
Industry 6.0, while still conceptual, is anticipated to evolve the principles of Industry 5.0. It is speculated to focus on full automation with AI dominance, quantum computing, and a deeper human-machine symbiosis. The potential impacts of Industry 6.0 include unprecedented levels of automation and new forms of human–technology interaction [9,10].
Society 5.0 is a concept that proposes a human-centered society balancing economic advancement with the resolution of social problems. It envisions a society where cyberspace and physical space are highly integrated, leading to improved societal well-being and sustainable development [11].
In the domain of quality management, Quality 4.0 aligns with Industry 4.0, applying digital technologies to enhance quality control. This includes the use of IoT, data analytics and automation for quality assurance. The impact of Quality 4.0 is seen in improved quality assurance processes and predictive maintenance [12].
Quality 5.0 is an evolving concept, expected to extend the principles of Quality 4.0 by emphasizing human-centric quality management, focusing on sustainability and ethical production. Though less defined, Quality 5.0 is envisioned to balance technological advancements with human values and sustainable practices [13]. Quality management systems are the cornerstone of sustainable development across industries [14].
The primary differences between these stages lie in their focus and technologies used. While Industry 4.0 and Quality 4.0 emphasize automation and digitalization, Industry 5.0, Quality 5.0 and Society 5.0 focus on integrating human elements, sustainability and ethical considerations into these technological advancements. Industry 6.0, though still theoretical, is expected to further push the boundaries of technology and human interaction [15].
The paper identifies several specific aspects of quality management within the context of Society 5.0 that have been under-researched. One key area is the integration of advanced digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing, into quality management processes. While there is substantial literature on the application of these technologies in various domains, their specific impact on quality management practices, particularly within the framework of Society 5.0, remains insufficiently explored. The study addresses this gap by proposing a theoretical model that incorporates these technologies into quality management, demonstrating how they can enhance efficiency, accuracy and adaptability in quality control and assurance processes.
Another under-researched aspect is the human-centric approach to quality management in Society 5.0. The existing literature often focuses on the technical and economic benefits of digital transformation but pays less attention to the social and human dimensions. This includes the role of human creativity, ethical considerations and the need for inclusive and sustainable practices. The study aims to fill this gap by emphasizing the importance of reintegrating human skills and values into quality management processes. It proposes that quality management should not only focus on technical excellence but also on enhancing human well-being, fostering creativity and ensuring ethical standards are met.
Sustainability and social responsibility in quality management are also areas that have received limited attention. While there is a growing recognition of the need for sustainable practices, detailed frameworks and strategies for integrating sustainability into quality management processes are lacking. The study addresses this by incorporating sustainable strategies into its theoretical model, highlighting how quality management can contribute to environmental protection, resource efficiency and social equity. It suggests that adopting sustainable practices can lead to long-term benefits for both organizations and society.
There is also a gap in the practical implementation of international quality standards within the context of Society 5.0. Standards such as the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and ISO 45001 provide valuable guidelines, but their application in a rapidly evolving technological landscape needs further exploration [16]. The study addresses this by proposing ways to adapt these standards to the principles of Society 5.0, ensuring they remain relevant and effective. It suggests that integrating these standards with advanced technologies and human-centric approaches can enhance their impact and facilitate the achievement of operational excellence and sustainability.
Finally, the feedback mechanisms within quality management processes have not been thoroughly explored. Effective quality management requires continuous evaluation and optimization, yet there is limited research on how feedback loops can be structured and implemented in the context of Society 5.0. The study aims to address this by proposing a dynamic system that incorporates regular assessment and refinement of quality management practices. This approach ensures that processes remain responsive to new challenges and opportunities, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
This review paper aims to develop a theoretical model regarding quality management processes in Society 5.0 and the above noted main influential concepts for improvement. In addition, the main research questions that guidelines the paper are as follows:
  • How are quality management processes shaping the Society 5.0 framework?
  • How have the concepts of Society 5.0, Industry 4.0 and 5.0, as well as Quality 4.0 and Quality 5.0, evolved from 2017 to 2022, and what are their implications for future technological and societal development?
The scope of the study encompasses a comprehensive exploration of quality management processes within the framework of Society 5.0, aiming to bridge theoretical concepts with practical applications across various industries. The study focuses on integrating advanced digital technologies, sustainable practices and human-centric approaches to create a robust model for quality management that can be applied in real-world scenarios.
One primary objective is to examine how the integration of digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing, can enhance quality management processes. The study aims to demonstrate how these technologies can be utilized to improve efficiency, accuracy and adaptability in quality control and assurance. For instance, IoT sensors can provide real-time monitoring of production processes, AI can predict and mitigate potential issues and cloud computing can facilitate data analysis and storage. These theoretical insights are translated into practical applications, showing how industries can adopt these technologies to achieve superior quality management outcomes.
The study also addresses the human-centric aspects of quality management, which are often overlooked in traditional models. It highlights the importance of reintegrating human skills, creativity and ethical considerations into automated processes. This approach ensures that technological advancements do not overshadow the value of human input. Practical applications include developing collaborative systems where human operators and machines work together, leveraging human creativity for problem-solving while machines handle repetitive and data-intensive tasks. This synergy can lead to more innovative and efficient production methods in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and education.
Sustainability is another critical area within the study’s scope. The study explores how sustainable practices can be integrated into quality management processes to address environmental and social responsibilities. It provides theoretical frameworks for implementing sustainable strategies, such as reducing waste, using renewable resources and promoting ethical labor practices. Practical applications of these frameworks include industries adopting circular economy principles, improving resource efficiency and ensuring fair labor practices. This integration supports long-term sustainability goals and enhances the social and environmental impact of industrial operations.
The study also focuses on the practical implementation of international quality standards, such as the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and ISO 45001, within the context of Society 5.0 [16]. It examines how these standards can be adapted to remain relevant in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Practical applications include guiding organizations on how to align their quality management systems with these standards while incorporating advanced technologies and human-centric approaches. This alignment can help organizations achieve operational excellence, sustainability and improved stakeholder engagement.
The paper consists of three main sections (excluding the Introduction and Conclusion sections). First, thorough detail regarding the review methodology is outlined. Next, the qualitative results, quantitative results, and the theoretical model are presented. Finally, the results are discussed in a concise and insightful manner.

2. Review Approach and Literature Sources

As noted in the previous section, the study explores several key concepts integral to understanding the role of quality management within the framework of Society 5.0. These concepts include Society 5.0, Quality 5.0, Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 and Industry 6.0. Each of these concepts represents an evolutionary stage in industrial and societal development, characterized by the integration of different technologies and ideologies aimed at improving quality of life and achieving sustainable development. To summarize, these main concepts are:
Society 5.0 is envisioned as a human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems through the integration of cyberspace and physical space. This concept emphasizes the use of advanced technologies to create a more inclusive, accessible and sustainable society. The focus is on leveraging digital transformation and human creativity to solve societal issues and improve the overall quality of life. The principles of Society 5.0 align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aiming to create a society where technological advancements benefit all individuals, regardless of their background.
Quality 5.0 extends the principles of Quality 4.0 by emphasizing human-centric quality management that focuses on sustainability, ethical production and social responsibility. This concept integrates advanced technologies such as IoT, AI and data analytics to enhance quality control and assurance processes. The goal of Quality 5.0 is to balance technological advancements with human values, ensuring that quality management practices contribute to sustainable development and improved life quality. This approach also highlights the importance of knowledge and spirituality in achieving higher levels of quality in products and services.
Industry 4.0 marks the fourth industrial revolution, primarily defined by the incorporation of digital technologies in manufacturing. Key features of Industry 4.0 include automation, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and cognitive computing, leading to the creation of smart factories. These technologies enhance efficiency, reduce human error and enable the production of personalized products. The impact of Industry 4.0 is significant, as it transforms traditional manufacturing processes into more efficient and flexible systems.
Industry 5.0 takes the advancements of Industry 4.0 a step further by reintegrating humans into the automated processes established in Industry 4.0. The emphasis is on collaboration between humans and machines, focusing on custom production, sustainability and social aspects. Industry 5.0 aims to achieve a balance between automated efficiency and human creativity, resulting in more personalized and sustainable production methods. This stage highlights the importance of human involvement in the manufacturing process, ensuring that technology serves to enhance human capabilities rather than replace them.
Industry 6.0, while still conceptual, is anticipated to evolve the principles of Industry 5.0 by focusing on full automation, AI dominance, quantum computing and a deeper human-machine symbiosis. This stage envisions unprecedented levels of automation and new forms of human-technology interaction. The potential impacts of Industry 6.0 include further advancements in automation, enhanced efficiency, and innovative solutions to complex societal challenges. The concept of Industry 6.0 represents the next frontier in industrial evolution, where technology and human capabilities are seamlessly integrated to create more advanced and resilient systems.
Additionally, it is important to note that Industry 5.0 builds upon the foundations established by Industry 4.0, interpreting and expanding its principles to create a more human-centric approach to manufacturing and industrial processes. While Industry 4.0 primarily focuses on the integration of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to create smart factories, Industry 5.0 aims to reintegrate human skills and creativity into these automated processes.
Industry 4.0 revolutionized manufacturing by introducing advanced technologies that enhance efficiency, reduce human error, and enable the production of customized products. Smart factories, a hallmark of Industry 4.0, leverage IoT sensors, AI-driven analytics and cloud computing to monitor and optimize production processes in real time. This technological shift has led to significant improvements in productivity and operational flexibility. However, the focus on automation and digitalization sometimes overlooks the value of human insight and creativity.
Industry 5.0 addresses this gap by emphasizing the collaboration between humans and machines. Instead of viewing automation as a replacement for human labor, Industry 5.0 envisions a synergistic relationship where human creativity and decision-making capabilities complement the precision and efficiency of machines. This approach acknowledges that while machines excel at repetitive and data-intensive tasks, humans bring unique problem-solving abilities, creativity and emotional intelligence that are crucial for innovation and customization.
The shift from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 also involves a greater focus on sustainability and social responsibility. Industry 5.0 encourages the development of production methods that are not only efficient but also environmentally friendly and socially inclusive. This includes the use of sustainable materials, energy-efficient processes and ethical labor practices. By integrating these considerations into industrial processes, Industry 5.0 aims to create value that benefits society as a whole, rather than just enhancing corporate profitability.
Industry 5.0 leverages the technological advancements of Industry 4.0 to create more personalized and customizable products and services. This human-centric approach allows for greater flexibility in meeting individual customer needs and preferences, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The integration of human skills with advanced technologies enables the production of high-quality, tailor-made products that can adapt to changing market demands.
The transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 also reflects broader societal trends towards valuing human well-being and sustainability. As businesses and governments increasingly recognize the importance of these values, Industry 5.0 provides a framework for aligning industrial practices with societal goals. This alignment can lead to more resilient and adaptive manufacturing systems that are better equipped to handle future challenges, such as those posed by climate change and economic uncertainties.
Analysis of previous literature often has limitations such as (but not limited to) classification methods that limit identification, analyzing only one source of data, the potential omission of papers if relied only on keywords, the analysis only of abstracts, predefined themes of clusters, a lack of qualitative data analysis, and a lack of quantitative data (Wawak et al., 2020). This review paper and the review process was designed to bypass these limitations. To achieve this bypass addressing multiple review process approaches and integrating them in a way that is in sync and complementary was required. Three main established review process methodologies were addressed and consulted:
  • The review process was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA flow diagram. It presents the conducted review steps from identifying articles to eligible articles for further analysis (Figure 1) [17].
  • In addition, the review process took into consideration the methodological approach noted by Tranfield and colleagues (2003) [18]. This included nine phases across three main stages: planning the review (identification for the need for a review, preparation for the review, developing the protocol); conducting the review (research identification, selection of studies, study quality and assessment, data extraction and monitoring, data synthesis); reporting and dissemination (report and recommendations, bringing evidence into practice). In addition, the process of structuring content and its analysis was taken into consideration in the review process.
  • The review process also included: theory-driven selection of structural dimension and analytics categories, determining definitions and coding for each category, analyzing the material, editing and extraction of place of finding and preparation of results. Further, after preparation of results, a revision of structural dimensions and analytic categories is conducted [19].
Furthermore, a flow diagram of the review process was developed (Figure 1).
There are four main phases of the review flow diagram. First, articles and other sources in the domain of Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Society 5.0, sustainable development, competitiveness, Industry 6.0 and other subjects were identified. Next, a thorough screening of the obtained articles and other sources (reports, news, data, etc.) was conducted. Afterwards, the third phase of the PRISMA protocol included full-article analysis. In this phase it was determined which articles are eligible for the qualitative synthesis. The final, fourth phase included the qualitative analysis and synthesis of the eligible literature sources.
The initial phase of the research methodological framework focuses on the identification of eligible studies. This process involved formulating a detailed strategy to source relevant research from credible sources, including academic publications, symposia, literary works and electronic databases.
The search centered on keywords within the domain of Society 5.0, Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Industry 6.0, Quality 4.0 and Quality 5.0. In addition, various combinations of words and concepts were added into the main search terms. Some of these words were competitiveness, performance, market, globalization, SMEs, enterprises, optimization, social change, environmental change, quality management, ICT, advanced technologies, application of ICT, new technology application, sustainability, social wellbeing and others. The search terms were formulated in accordance with the two main “guides”/research questions:
  • How are quality management processes shaping the Society 5.0 framework?
  • How have the concepts of Society 5.0, Industry 4.0 and 5.0, as well as Quality 4.0 and Quality 5.0, evolved from 2017 to 2022, and what are their implications for future technological and societal development?
In the second phase, the screening methodology was described, which involved the elimination of duplicated articles and the exclusion of unreadable, corrupted files. This screening was performed manually by the authors on their computers, with data backups on various cloud services and internal backup systems. Articles were reviewed and sorted following established citation standards and best practices. Reasons for the exclusions during the screening and eligibility phases were:
  • Duplicate articles: Articles that were identified more than once across different databases were excluded.
  • Unreadable or corrupted files: Articles that could not be opened or read due to file corruption or formatting issues were excluded.
  • Irrelevant topics: Articles that did not pertain to the core subjects of Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Society 5.0, sustainable development, competitiveness or other relevant subjects were excluded.
  • Poor readability: Articles that were difficult to read or comprehend due to language barriers or poor writing quality were excluded.
  • Dubious publishing sources: Articles published in non-peer-reviewed journals or sources with questionable credibility were excluded.
  • Incomplete content: Articles lacking essential sections such as methodology or results were excluded.
  • Non-translatable languages: Articles written in languages that could not be readily translated using available software were excluded.
  • Lack of methodological depth: Articles that did not provide sufficient methodological details or rigor were excluded.
  • Not meeting eligibility criteria: Four reviewers assessed each paper against predefined eligibility criteria, and those that did not meet the criteria were excluded.
  • Bias and reliability issues: Articles were excluded if they were found to have significant biases or issues impacting their reliability, based on the critical review and established qualitative evaluation methods.
The data collection phase entailed a detailed evaluation of various sources, especially academic databases. Four reviewers assessed the papers against eligibility criteria, with findings recorded in an Excel sheet updated in real time for collaborative viewing. Despite considering automated summarization tools, manual analysis was chosen for accuracy and false elimination by software. This involved meticulous analysis of factors like publication date, publisher’s credibility, impact factor and content quality to mitigate biases such as recency and primacy effects.
A reflective approach was employed in the systematic review process to address potential biases in qualitative synthesis. All of the authors were mindful of their biases and influences during data interpretation, adopting a reflexive stance to ensure transparency and reliability in the findings. Methodological triangulation was implemented, incorporating diverse data sources and analytical methods to enhance thematic exploration and minimize bias. Purposeful sampling was adopted to gather a broad spectrum of perspectives and counteract selection bias. Each selected study underwent a comprehensive critical review using established qualitative evaluation methods, enabling a systematic and structured assessment of research methodological quality and rigor. This process aided in identifying potential biases and evaluating the studies’ credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability.
The review process was characterized by clear, detailed reporting, documenting each step from study selection to synthesis. This transparency aimed at reducing reporting bias by providing a replicable methodological pathway and facilitating external verification. Such thorough documentation underpins the credibility and reliability of the findings, allowing for replication and validation of the systematic review’s results.
The concluding section details the number of studies incorporated in the qualitative analysis and synthesis. Practical aspects involved systematic organization and backup of articles in multiple folders. A database for qualitative analysis was created based on the extracted data, following a hybrid and well-established protocol that took into consideration credible sources regarding review processes [17,18,19,20].

3. Review Results

The quantitative review of literature is important in academic research, serving as a cornerstone for synthesizing existing knowledge and uncovering patterns across various studies. Furthermore, quantitative literature review helps in identifying gaps in current research, guiding future studies towards areas that require deeper exploration. The quantitative review of literature not only enhances the validity and generalizability of research findings but also significantly contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the respective field.
The quantitative review results are presented in Appendix A. In Table A1, an overview of selected literature conducted by searching Society 5.0 and Quality 5.0 related studies published between 2017 and 2023 is presented. In Table A2 shows the number of references by categorization and the total number of papers selected to write this paper.
The presentation of citation counts offers a quantifiable measure of each reference’s significance, providing readers with an understanding of the relative impact of the works cited. The presence of citation counts its credibility and as a valuable tool for guiding further research. They provide scholars with a quick reference to identify influential works in the field. This aspect is particularly beneficial for future researchers who aim to focus on key studies that have significantly impacted the field.
Furthermore, observing citation trends helps readers grasp how the field has developed over time and which areas have garnered increased scholarly focus. This aspect of citation counts is instrumental in tracking the dynamic nature of scientific research. This method aligns with the principles of rigorous academic research and is pivotal in enhancing the depth and quality of scientific review papers.
The qualitative analysis approach is particularly instrumental in studying phenomena that are not easily quantifiable, allowing for the exploration of complex concepts. Thus, this section will present the results of qualitative review. The results of the qualitative assessment of the papers are presented in Table 1. The table includes information such as labels, reference, subject and domain and notes or findings. For studies from 2017 to 2022, labels in the form of A001, A002, A003…, etc. are introduced. For studies published in 2023, labels B001, B002, B003…, etc. are used.
In the domain of Society 5.0, the main discussion centers on the integration of cyberspace with physical space. This concept represents a significant shift towards creating a society that not only achieves economic advancement but also addresses complex societal challenges. The emphasis is on sustainable development, improving the quality of life, and ensuring inclusivity and accessibility. The approach taken by Japan in leading this transition is a noteworthy point of reference, demonstrating a strategic blend of technology and societal needs.
Moving to Quality 5.0, there is an evident evolution from traditional quality standards to those that encapsulate the advancements in technology and societal changes. The new quality paradigms are no longer confined to economic metrics but extend to encompass aspects like knowledge, spirituality, and overall social well-being.
This shift reflects a broader, more holistic understanding of quality in the context of rapid technological and social changes.
When it comes to innovation in management and standardization, there is a significant focus on adapting management practices to the digital landscape. The challenges and opportunities brought forth by Big Data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) are crucial. The papers suggest a transformative impact on management practices, highlighting the need for sustainable, digital and human-centered development strategies.
Industry 5.0 receives substantial attention, especially in the context of its predecessor, Industry 4.0. It focuses on building upon the digital foundations of Industry 4.0 and steering towards smart manufacturing systems that are more responsive to societal needs. This includes a strong emphasis on digital transformation, IoT applications and the use of technology in addressing broader societal challenges.

Theoretical Model

The theoretical model proposed in the study is designed to integrate quality management processes within the framework of Society 5.0. This model emphasizes human-centric technological advancements and sustainable development. The development of the model followed a systematic review of literature, utilizing the PRISMA methodology. This approach included identifying and screening relevant studies, conducting qualitative synthesis, and constructing a comprehensive theoretical framework.
Advanced technologies form the backbone of the proposed model, including the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing. These technologies facilitate real-time data collection and analysis, which are critical for effective quality management. IoT sensors, for example, can monitor production processes continuously, while AI algorithms can predict and address potential issues before they escalate. Cloud computing provides the infrastructure to store and analyze vast amounts of data, enabling informed decision-making and process optimization.
Sustainable strategies are integral to the model, focusing on environmentally friendly practices and ethical production methods. These strategies ensure that technological advancements do not come at the expense of environmental degradation or social inequality. Practices such as reducing waste, using renewable resources and implementing circular economy principles are examples of sustainable strategies. These practices contribute to long-term societal well-being and align with global sustainability goals.
Knowledge-based innovation emphasizes the importance of leveraging research and development to create new solutions for societal challenges. This component of the model highlights the role of continuous learning, adaptation and innovation in driving productivity and improving quality of life. Innovation hubs, research institutions and collaborative platforms can foster the development of new technologies and methods that address specific needs within Society 5.0.
Conceptual management solutions refer to the frameworks and methodologies that guide the implementation of quality management practices. This includes international standards such as the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and ISO 45001, which provide guidelines for achieving operational excellence and sustainability. These standards help organizations systematically approach quality management, ensuring that processes are efficient, effective and aligned with broader societal goals.
The feedback loop is a critical element of the model, ensuring continuous evaluation and optimization of quality management processes. This dynamic system involves regularly assessing the outcomes of implemented practices and making necessary adjustments to improve performance. The feedback loop enables organizations to adapt to new challenges and opportunities, ensuring that quality management remains relevant and effective in the evolving context of Society 5.0.
The integration of advanced technologies, sustainable strategies, knowledge-based innovation and conceptual management solutions creates a holistic approach to quality management. This integration ensures that technological advancements are harnessed in a way that promotes sustainability, ethical practices and social responsibility. The model provides a structured pathway for organizations and governments to transition towards Society 5.0, balancing economic growth with the resolution of social and environmental challenges. The model is presented in Figure 2.
The core of the model is the “Quality management process and Society 5.0”. The evolution of society towards this new paradigm is deeply intertwined with advancements in quality management processes. Society 5.0 refers to a human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems.
The model identifies key concepts such as “Advanced Technologies”, “Sustainable Strategies”, “Knowledge-Based Innovation” and “Conceptual Management Solutions”, which are crucial for transitioning from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0. These areas encompass a variety of topics, from IoT and cloud technologies to sustainable reporting and scenario planning. The inputs into the system are characterized by various innovations and strategies, ranging from “Research and Innovation” to “Smart Manufacturing Systems” and “IT Strategies”. The feedback loop indicates that the outcomes of these processes are subject to evaluation and optimization, creating a dynamic system where the results are continuously fed back into the system for improvement.

4. Discussion

The relation between Society 5.0 and quality management processes, particularly in the context of Quality 5.0, reveals the evolving nature of quality management in the modern era. Quality 5.0 extends beyond traditional measures of quality control and efficiency, embracing a broader spectrum that includes social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and stakeholder engagement. This paradigm shift reflects the values of Society 5.0, where technological advancements are leveraged not only for economic growth but also for societal well-being and environmental preservation.
Quality 5.0 emphasizes the importance of integrating quality into all aspects of societal functioning, ensuring that technological advancements lead to improvements in life quality, sustainability and social responsibility. This integration involves adopting comprehensive quality management models that are responsive to rapid technological and environmental changes.
International frameworks such as EFQM, OHSAS, and ISO 45001 play a significant role in achieving operational excellence by providing guidelines for enhancing performance while adhering to principles of sustainability and social responsibility. These frameworks offer a structured approach for organizations to improve efficiency, risk management, and employee well-being, aligning with the goals of Society 5.0.
The research has also assessed the challenges and opportunities presented by the rapid pace of technological innovation, highlighting the need for continuous adaptation of quality management frameworks to keep pace with technological changes and varying socio-economic conditions. This assessment underscores the complexity of integrating advanced technologies with human-centric and sustainable practices, emphasizing the importance of maintaining equitable access and ethical considerations in this integration.
ISO 45001 represents a commitment to fostering a culture of safety and health that transcends traditional boundaries. The framework’s role in integrating broader societal goals, such as enhancing overall employee well-being and contributing to resilient and adaptive societies, is emphasized. This perspective underscores the importance of ISO 45,001 in aligning organizational practices with the human-centric and sustainable principles of Society 5.0.
Additionally, there is a need for the continuous adaptation of these frameworks to keep pace with rapid technological changes and varying socio-economic conditions. The implementation of ISO 45001 is not just about adhering to standards but also about embedding these practices into the core values of an organization to support sustainable development and societal well-being.
Incorporating international frameworks such as EFQM, OHSAS and ISO 45001 into the context of Society 5.0 and Quality 5.0 offers a structured approach to operational excellence. These frameworks provide comprehensive guidelines for organizations to enhance their performance while adhering to principles of sustainability and social responsibility. The adoption of these standards can lead to improved organizational efficiency, better risk management and enhanced employee well-being. However, there remains a need for continuous adaptation of these frameworks to keep pace with the rapid technological changes and varying socio-economic conditions across different regions [91,92].
The development of OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) and the introduction of ISO 45001 represent pivotal advancements in the domain of occupational health and safety, especially when viewed through the lens of Society 5.0.
OHSAS laid the groundwork for a proactive approach to occupational health and safety management. ISO 45001, which succeeded OHSAS 18001, further advances these principles by providing a more robust framework for occupational health and safety management. It emphasizes a strong worker participation and places greater responsibility on top management, aligning with the inclusive and participatory values of Society 5.0 [16]. In the context of Society 5.0, ISO 45001 is not just a standard for improving workplace safety; it represents a commitment to fostering a culture of safety and health that transcends traditional boundaries, integrating with broader societal goals. The importance of ISO 45001 in Society 5.0 extends beyond compliance and risk management. It signifies an organizational commitment to employee well-being, which is integral to building resilient and adaptive societies [16,93].
The critical assessment of Society 5.0, along with Industry 4.0/5.0 and Quality 4.0/5.0, reveals a complex landscape of opportunities and challenges. While these concepts offer innovative solutions for a sustainable and technologically advanced future, they also present challenges in terms of ensuring equitable access, maintaining human-centric values and managing the socio-ethical implications of rapid technological change. The pace of technological innovation raises concerns about the ability of existing societal and organizational structures to adapt and integrate these changes effectively and ethically [62].
The contributions and findings of this paper provide significant insights into the integration of quality management processes within the framework of Society 5.0. The theoretical model developed underscores the importance of aligning quality management with human-centric technological advancements to address social challenges and improve the quality of life. These contributions can be applied in various contexts to drive sustainable development and innovation.
The proposed model can be utilized by industries and governments to guide their transition towards Society 5.0. In the manufacturing sector, the integration of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance quality control and production efficiency. For example, smart factories equipped with IoT sensors and AI-driven analytics can monitor production processes in real-time, identifying and addressing issues before they escalate. This leads to higher quality products and reduced downtime.
Healthcare providers can benefit from these insights by improving patient care through the implementation of smart health technologies. Wearable devices and remote monitoring systems can collect and analyze health data, enabling proactive management of chronic diseases and personalized treatment plans. This approach not only improves patient outcomes but also reduces the burden on healthcare systems.
Educational institutions can adopt advanced learning systems that incorporate AI and IoT to provide personalized and adaptive learning experiences. These technologies can analyze student performance data to tailor educational content, ensuring that each student receives instruction that suits their learning style and pace. This individualized approach can enhance student engagement and achievement, preparing them for the demands of a technologically advanced society.
The findings highlight the potential for technology to bridge gaps and solve pressing social issues. The focus on human-centric technological advancements promotes inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring that the benefits of technological progress are widely distributed across different segments of society. This approach can help reduce inequalities by providing equal opportunities for education, health care and employment, regardless of geographical or socio-economic barriers.
Improving the overall quality of life is another significant social implication. Technologies that facilitate better health care, education and social services contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities. For example, smart city initiatives that integrate IoT and AI can enhance public safety, transportation and environmental sustainability, creating more livable and resilient urban environments.
The emphasis on sustainable practices aligns with global efforts to address environmental challenges. Implementing environmentally friendly technologies and processes can mitigate the impacts of climate change, reduce waste, and conserve resources. This not only benefits the environment but also supports economic stability by promoting sustainable growth and resource efficiency.
From a practical standpoint, the integration of quality management with the principles of Society 5.0 can lead to improved organizational performance and efficiency. Businesses can enhance their quality management systems by incorporating advanced technologies, ensuring that they not only meet regulatory standards but also address broader societal and environmental concerns. This holistic approach can result in better stakeholder engagement, increased trust in organizational practices and a stronger corporate reputation.
The adoption of international frameworks like EFQM and ISO 45001 within the context of Society 5.0 provides a structured pathway for organizations to achieve operational excellence and sustainability. These frameworks offer comprehensive guidelines for enhancing performance while adhering to principles of sustainability and social responsibility. Implementing these standards can lead to improved risk management, better resource utilization and enhanced employee well-being.
Moreover, the shift towards a more inclusive and sustainable approach to quality management can drive innovation and competitiveness. Organizations that prioritize social and environmental responsibility are better positioned to attract and retain talent, foster customer loyalty, and navigate regulatory landscapes. This creates a virtuous cycle where businesses thrive by contributing positively to society and the environment.
Finally, the research questions can be addressed:
  • How are quality management processes shaping the Society 5.0 framework?
Quality management processes, as part of Quality 5.0, are central to shaping Society 5.0. They focus on integrating quality into all aspects of societal functioning, ensuring that technological advancements lead to improvements in life quality, sustainability, and social responsibility. This involves adopting comprehensive quality management models that are responsive to rapid technological and environmental changes.
How have the concepts of Society 5.0, Industry 4.0 and 5.0, as well as Quality 4.0 and Quality 5.0, evolved from 2017 to 2022, and what are their implications for future technological and societal development?
Since 2017, the concepts of Society 5.0, Industry 4.0/5.0 and Quality 4.0/5.0 have evolved to emphasize the integration of technology with human-centric values. This evolution reflects a shift towards systems that are not only technologically advanced but also socially responsible and sustainable. The future implications include further advancements in technology that are deeply intertwined with societal needs, leading to more inclusive, efficient and sustainable living environments.

5. Conclusions

Man is the center of Society 5.0, and all attention is focused on man; thus, technologies must be subordinated to all human activities and needs. In order to achieve that, innovative thinking and creativity are needed as an imperative. Acquired knowledge and scientific achievements should have the purpose of creating prosperity, within the concept of Society 5.0, with the goal to make the increase the standard of living and overall quality of life. Quality 5.0 refers to the quality of products and digitized services, on a higher level of quality with a greater degree of innovation in education, health, business and other areas. By supporting Society 5.0 and Social Oriented Quality (SOQ), based on knowledge and spirituality, Quality 5.0 speaks to the overall quality of life. The contribution of this paper is significant for two reasons. First, it provides significant and thorough insight into the complexity of Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Society 5.0 and Quality 5.0 across industries and different countries. Second, it has a stimulating character when it comes to increasing awareness of enterprises and government, when it comes to the importance of Society 5.0 in the creation of sustainable development. Additionally, this paper provides a strong basis for future research in this domain.
One potential limitation of the paper is its reliance on existing literature and theoretical frameworks without extensive empirical validation. The proposed model is constructed based on a synthesis of previous studies and theoretical insights, which may not fully capture the complexities and nuances of real-world applications. Future research can address this limitation by conducting empirical studies that test and validate the model in various industrial and societal contexts. This could involve case studies, surveys and experiments to gather data on how the model performs in practice and to identify any necessary adjustments or refinements. Another limitation is the generalization of concepts across different industries and regions. The paper provides a broad overview of how quality management processes can be integrated with Society 5.0 principles, but it may not account for industry-specific challenges or regional variations in technological adoption and socio-economic conditions. Future research can address this limitation by examining the model’s applicability in specific industries, such as health care, manufacturing or education, and in different geographical regions. This approach can help tailor the model to meet the unique needs and conditions of various sectors and communities. The paper also emphasizes advanced technologies such as IoT, AI and cloud computing, which may not be equally accessible or feasible for all organizations, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or those in developing regions. Future research can explore strategies for making these technologies more accessible and affordable, including examining the role of government policies, funding mechanisms and collaborative initiatives. Additionally, studies can investigate alternative technologies or low-cost solutions that can achieve similar benefits in quality management processes.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, B.M., D.Ć. and M.B.; methodology, M.B. and D.Ć.; validation, S.S.; investigation and data caption B.M. and M.B.; writing—original draft preparation, B.M.; writing—review and editing, M.B., D.Ć. and S.S.; visualization, M.B.; supervision, D.Ć.; project administration, S.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This paper has been supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, number: 142-451-2963/2023-01.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Appendix A

In Table A1, an overview of selected literature conducted by searching Society 5.0 and Quality 5.0 related studies published between 2017 and 2023 is presented. The table is designed so that the chronology and characteristics of the Society 5.0 in the description highlight the thematic areas of research, published in the observed period.
Table A1. Society 5.0 and Quality 5.0 review of representative literature, 2017–2023.
Table A1. Society 5.0 and Quality 5.0 review of representative literature, 2017–2023.
Society 5.0/
Society 5.0[94]2017Strategic Sustainable Development
[2]2018Society 5.0
[3]2018Society 5.0
[33]2018Society 5.0, Japanese Business
[23]2019Society 5.0, Quality of Life
[28]2019Nature 5.0
[30]2019Society 5.0
[36]2019Digital Innovations
[72]2020Open Innovation
[95]2020Youth entrepreneurship development
[22]2020Society 5.0
[70]2020Business continuity
[35]2020Innovation ecosystem
[34]2020Habitat innovation
[27]2020Climate change
[26]2020Human Resources Management
[37]2020Digital economy
[29]2020Society 5.0
[96]2021Innovation Trajectories
[25]2022Technological innovation
[4]2021Society 5.0, Society 6.0
[21]2021Society 5.0
[97]2023Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0
[11]2023Digital innovation
[46]2023Value creation
[39]2023Human Resource management
[38]2023Artificial intelligence
[32]2023Sustainable development
[31]2023Business model innovation
Quality 5.0[52]2018Mobile instant messaging (mIM) and Online-to-Offline (O2O) services
[98]2019Corporate Social Responsibility
[24]2019Quality 4.0, Quality 5.0
[99]2019Quality Management Education
[100]2019Socio-technical system, Education
[53]2019Digital services
[45]2020Quality Management Systems
[41]2020Quality–the sustainability model
[40]2020Quality Management
[97]2020Quality sensors
[54]2021Human Resources Management
[42]2021Society 5.0,
Total Quality Management
[55]2021Human Resources Management
Management Innovation
[50]2021Digitalisation Risks
[51]2021Corporate Digital Responsibility
[101]2021Corporate Social Responsibility
[102]2021Corporate Social Responsibility
[49]2022Technological Standardization
[59]2023Education on quality
[56]2023Human resource management
Industry 4.0[103]2018.Lean startups, Industry 4.0
[74]2018Enterprise Risk Management
[77]2018Artificial intelligence (AI),
Enterprise Risk Management
[75]2019Enterprise Risk Management,
Competitive advantage
[76]2019Enterprise Risk Management,
Business performance
[104]2020Enterprise Risk Management
[60]2020Opportunities and Threats
[62]2020Smart Manufacturing
[63]2021Big Data
[65]2021Internet of Things (IoT)
[44]2021Industry 4.0
[67]2021Expert system
[64] 2021Business intelligence
[78]2023Risk management
[15]2023Human-centric approach
[68] 2023 Human-centric approach
Industry 5.0[105]2019Information technology,
Digital Society
Artificial intelligence (AI)
[80]2021Industry 5.0
[79]2021Industry 5.0
Artificial intelligence (AI)
[108]2021Industry 5.0
[86]2022Society 5.0, Industry 5.0
[82]2023Industry 5.0 challenges
[87]2023Grey influence analysis
[73]2023Digital technology integration
[47]2023Quality and maintenance
Industry 6.0[81]2021From Industry X to
Industry 6.0
[89]2021Industry 6.0
[88]2021Management Information Systems
[90] 2023Industry 6.0 and sustainable manufacturing
Next, Table A2 shows the number of references by categorization and the total number of papers selected to write this paper.
Table A2. Categorization and number of exhibited references in the paper by years.
Table A2. Categorization and number of exhibited references in the paper by years.
CategorizationNumber of References2017.2018.2019.2020.2021.2022.2023.
Society 5.0 3013410318
Quality 5.022 155812
Industry 4.020 3455 3
Industry 5.014 12614
Industry 6.0 4 3 1
Furthermore, the number of citations per analyzed reference is presented in Table A3. This significantly enhances the paper’s academic value as it serves as an indicator of the relevance and impact of each reference.
High citation counts typically suggest that the work has been widely recognized and utilized within the research community, denoting its potential importance in the respective field. In Table A3 the results of the bibliometric analysis are presented.
Table A3. Bibliometric analysis and citations.
Table A3. Bibliometric analysis and citations.
LabelReferencesNumber of Citations
Next, the number of citations is presented as clusters (Figure A1). The higher the number of citations there is, the larger the circle of the specific domain is. Also, the six main concepts are noted and how they are presented in each of the domains. The frequency and significance are depicted via connections of various colors.
Figure A1. Clusters.
Figure A1. Clusters.
Societies 14 00111 g0a1


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Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram of the review process. * The following prominent databases were addressed: Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, the Directory of Open Access Journals, JSTOR and ScienceOpen, along with search engines like Google Scholar and the KoBSON platform for paper access. Emphasis was placed on studies published in reputable journals and conference proceedings, whereas articles from non-peer-reviewed sources were excluded. ** Reasons for exclusion were: duplicate articles, unreadable or corrupted files, irrelevant topics, poor readability, dubious publishing sources, non-translatable languages, lack of methodological depth, not meeting eligibility criteria, bias and reliability issues.
Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram of the review process. * The following prominent databases were addressed: Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, the Directory of Open Access Journals, JSTOR and ScienceOpen, along with search engines like Google Scholar and the KoBSON platform for paper access. Emphasis was placed on studies published in reputable journals and conference proceedings, whereas articles from non-peer-reviewed sources were excluded. ** Reasons for exclusion were: duplicate articles, unreadable or corrupted files, irrelevant topics, poor readability, dubious publishing sources, non-translatable languages, lack of methodological depth, not meeting eligibility criteria, bias and reliability issues.
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Figure 2. Theoretical model of quality management processes within the concept of Society 5.0.
Figure 2. Theoretical model of quality management processes within the concept of Society 5.0.
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Table 1. Results of the qualitative assessment of papers.
Table 1. Results of the qualitative assessment of papers.
A001[3]Transition to Society 5.0The author emphasizes that it is very important to acquire new knowledge that connects people with the cyber environment in creating new values in order to solve all social issues, increase the quality of life and achieve healthy and sustainable economic prosperity.
A002[21]Transition to Society 5.0When it comes to the sustainability of society, it must actively take care of its present with care not to jeopardize the future. The system should be organized in such a way as to improve the quality of life and independence of citizens towards the pursuit of general well-being for all members of society. Given that sustainability is a holistic approach, it encompasses three basic elements: society as a base, society as an economy and society as an environment.
A003[22]Transition to Society 5.0Society 5.0 will achieve a high degree of fusion of cyberspace and physical space to create economic progress while solving societal problems to provide goods and services equally in meeting all needs.
A004[23]Transition to Society 5.0The concept of Society 5.0 implies that everything necessary will be available to everyone, regardless of time, place, region, age, gender, language and other factors.
A005[24]Transition to Society 5.0The primary objective of Society 5.0 is to attain “economic growth/prosperity and to also overcome social challenges, and to contribute to the prosperity of global communities”.
A006[25]Transition to Society 5.0Society 5.0 is designed to respond to all the economic and social challenges in the world. In encouraging the creation of Society 5.0 and striving for leadership in this attempt, Japan will use all its “technological sophistication” in creating strategies to achieve a better future for Japan and also for the whole world.
A007[22,25]Transition to Society 5.0The author presents the conceptual background, explanations, policies and programs adopted in Japan. Four key concepts, i.e. aspects of society are: “a human-centered society”, “merging cyberspace with physical space”, “a knowledge-intensive society” and “a data-driven society”. There are two types of relationships that make up the vision of Society 5.0. These are the relationship between technology and society and the technology-mediated relationship between individuals and society.
A008[26]Transition to Society 5.0Investing in virtual spaces will provide easier functioning in the physical space, living, working, education and production, and in all human activities. Society 5.0 is a social problem-solving concept that balances economic progress with solving social problems with the help of an integrated system of physical and virtual space.
A009[27]Transition to Society 5.0The authors discussed disaster prevention, risk management regarding climate change, and the policies regarding adaptation and inclusion within the concept of Society 5.0.
A010[28]Transition to Society 5.0Although technology has so far had negative impacts on the environment, this is the time to use technologies for revitalization purposes. Nature 5.0 has been suggested as a “regenerative nature, so that it allows us to invent technology that helps us maintain earth as our habitat”.
A011[29]Transition to Society 5.0Some of the challenges posed by the implementation of Society 5.0 are ethical and legal in nature. Mainly, there are concerns for security in society and security of privacy. As a consequence of advanced technology application, there is concern about big data security, surveillance, data privacy and possible data manipulation.
A012[30]Transition to Society 5.0Society 5.0, which is human-oriented, will be surrounded by social autonomous robots and the increasing use of artificial intelligence in anthropology. The study examines the behavior of the various members that make up this society and provides an analysis of the implications of the transition to Society 5.0. When observing the individual innovation of different generations, it can be noticed that the contribution to the creation of Society 5.0 is specific. It depends varies from one generation to another. Generational diversity in the context of individual innovation in Society 5.0 entails the view that individual innovation is a key success factor in creating a super smart society in Europe. Generating innovations is very important, but it is also important to adopt them when delivering them to the public, and to implement and apply innovations in an advanced society. Therefore, the generation gap did not show large differences in this study of individual innovation.
B001[31]Transition to Society 5.0The paperidentifies key business model features for Society 5.0 and the Metaverse using the Business Model Canvas framework. It highlights the importance of digital currencies, innovation, and new business opportunities, as well as the need for adaptable ecospheres and outcome logic. The study emphasizes that businesses must evolve their models to thrive in the emerging digital landscape.
B002[32]Transition to Society 5.0Society 5.0 leverages advanced technologies like AI, IoT and robotics to create a human-centered society aimed at sustainable economic growth. These technologies have a multi-dimensional impact across governmental, economic, social, environmental and technological spheres, ensuring that technological advancements contribute to overall societal improvement. The findings emphasize enhancing the quality of life by balancing human needs with environmental sustainability and aligning closely with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through digital transformation. For detailed insights, accessing the full article through academic databases or institutional subscriptions is recommended.
A013[33]Society 5.0 and InnovationIn the process of planning an economic strategy to increase Japan’s competitiveness, Japanese business supports the implementation of Society 5.0 for the main program of the National Economic Growth Strategy.
A014[34]Society 5.0 and InnovationThe balanced interests of society as a whole, in solving social problems, and the interests of individuals show that man is essentially the center of Society 5.0. To balance these two factors, the interests of society and the individual, the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) approach is used. In the context of Habitat Innovation, which does not only deal with environmental issues, the KPI approach is used to solve social problems with the following three components: structural transformation, technological innovation and quality of life (QoL). In this way, social costs can be minimized and productivity can be increased.
A015[33,35]Society 5.0 and InnovationThe gradual recovery and resilience of the system followed the innovation processes and customer focus, which showed positive economic performance. The next challenge is artificial intelligence (AI) and the rapid increase in new technologies. Solutions can be seen in data-driven innovation.
A016[33]Society 5.0 and InnovationCreating value for Society 5.0 depends solely on maintaining the resilience of the STI ecosystem. Increasing the resilience of the system can be achieved through risk reduction measures, the application of next-generation technologies, corporate governance reforms and value creation for communities. Joint efforts of the public and private sector in creating an environment for growth, with a focus on the labor market, entrepreneurship, competition, talent development, security and data sharing regulations, can maximize the advantage in data-based innovation, revitalize productivity, increase growth and development of society.
A017[36]Society 5.0 and InnovationDigital innovation should be viewed not only from the aspect of a technological phenomenon but also as a way to launch appropriate instruments to maximize the sustainability efficiency of digital innovation in the development of Society 5.0 for each individual.
A018[37]Society 5.0 and InnovationIn science, technology, creativity, innovations and intellectual property are considered the driving force of the economies of developed countries. In telecommunications, the increase in provider and media services is evident. With the emergence of an increasing number of media content, it is necessary, as in Indonesia, to introduce the protection of economic rights of content creators.
B003[38]Society 5.0 and InnovationSociety 5.0 facilitates the achievement of sustainable development goals through the integration of advanced technologies such as AI, IoT and robotics. It emphasizes the importance of creating a human-centered society that balances technological advancement with environmental and social well-being. Key findings likely highlight the potential for enhanced economic growth, improved quality of life and the alignment of technological progress with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For detailed findings, accessing the article through academic databases or institutional subscriptions is recommended.
B004[39]Society 5.0 and InnovationDigital transformation significantly improves the efficiency and effectiveness of sustainable business practices by integrating advanced technologies such as AI, IoT and data analytics. These technologies help in optimizing resource usage, reducing waste and minimizing the environmental footprint of businesses. The study likely highlights case studies or examples where digital tools have led to measurable sustainability improvements, such as reduced energy consumption or enhanced supply chain transparency. Additionally, the findings may emphasize the role of digital transformation in fostering innovation and creating new business opportunities that align with sustainability goals.
A019[40]Developing Quality 5.0Global market demands the development of quality practices and quality management systems have proven to increase the competitiveness of enterprises when it comes to the global economy.
A020[41]Developing Quality 5.0Based on the results of the Delphi study in Sweden, a generic model of sustainable development was proposed that can be applied in all enterprises, public or private, regardless of the size of the organization, for organizational sustainability and sustainable future development. Therefore, the fifth generation of quality must support social satisfaction.
A021[23]Developing Quality 5.0With the development of Industry 4.0 and the application of cyber physical systems, social development has been slow, with key factors being singled out, such as knowledge and spirituality to achieve Quality 5.0 from Quality 4.0. In addition, from the aspect of knowledge, there is an understanding of how decisions will affect people’s lives, their relationships, health and social well-being. This is the essence of Quality 5.0. Knowledge is both an element and a motive to move from Quality 4.0 to a higher level in socially oriented quality.
B005[13]Developing Quality 5.0Key findings include the use of advanced technologies like AI and IoT to optimize resource use, enhance supply chain transparency, and reduce environmental impact. The study highlights examples of improved efficiency and sustainability through digital tools, emphasizing the creation of new business opportunities that align with sustainability goals. The findings suggest that digital transformation is crucial for businesses aiming to achieve long-term sustainability.
A022[42]Quality 5.0 and quality management The impact of Society 5.0 has been reflected in Total Quality Management (TQM) strategies. TQM works in two areas. One is technical, and the other is social. The implementation of Industry 4.0 and application of advanced technological solutions brings to the fore the technical part of TQM by which enterprises strengthen their competitiveness. In addition, continuous improvements in business processes are in line with the development of new technologies. The social part of TQM is accompanied by the shortcomings of Industry 4.0 where employees and the unemployed are concerned about their business activities.
A023[43]Quality 5.0 and quality managementSwedish quality experts have identified the directions of future research on Quality Management (QM) according to the Agenda “Quality 2030”. Based on their observations, five designed topics for future research and quality management practice were noted: “(a) system perspectives applied, (b) stability in change, (c) models for smart self-organising, (d) integrating sustainable development, and e) a higher purpose as a QM booster”.
A024[15]Quality 5.0 and quality managementIn addition, the core values of QM preservation are:: “(1) value as a guiding and unifying WHY for the entire organisation; (2) leading with a systems perspective and in collaboration; (3) belief in human potential, aiming to strengthen the system around people, for people; (4) providing systematics and methodologies for inquiring and understanding underlying causes and variation; (5) research that is close to practice, relevant, and interactive; and (6) knowledge on HOW to develop organisational capacity for learning, change, and adaptation.” The results of these studies have shown that for “Quality 2030” the operational reality of competing forces has a significant role in a sustainable future. In addition, the basic values of QM should not be neglected, but rather the key elements of QM that can achieve a stable transformation of QM in environments of rapid change should be preserved.
A025[8]Quality 5.0 and quality managementSociety 5.0 essentially complements corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the enterprise with innovative solutions and provides guidelines for solving new social problems in modern society. Basically, Society 5.0 creates sustainable social responsibility and creates a new concept: Social Welfare 6.0.
A026[44]Quality 5.0 and quality managementIn the direction of responsible economic development and solving social problems in Society 5.0. The authors proposed an integral model of corporate social responsibility. Improving socially responsible business in organizations, according to the same authors, includes the incorporation of technology in the CSR model, regionally based solutions to social problems of individuals, changing dimensions (environmental, social and economic) in accordance with the conditions of Society 5.0.
A027[45]Quality 5.0 and quality managementEnterprises that have implemented a quality management system can manage working capital more efficiently. The findings indicate positive outcomes for business performance when it comes to implementing and applying a quality management system in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
A028[41]Quality 5.0 and quality managementBy analyzing the trend of two Delphi studies, a solution was noted: a critical trend of sustainability management covering economic, social and environmental dimensions at the same time.
B006[46]Quality 5.0 and quality managementThe study highlights how effective quality management strategies can lead to improved client loyalty, better service delivery and overall organizational performance. It emphasizes the role of continuous improvement and client feedback in refining quality management processes to meet client needs effectively.
B007[47]Quality 5.0 and quality managementKey findings highlight the use of digital twins for real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, Maintenance 5.0 and Quality 5.0 leveraging AI and machine learning for proactive management, and Industry 5.0 enhancing human-machine collaboration. The role of ISO 55000 is emphasized for providing a standardized, consistent approach to asset management, ensuring transparency, accountability and continuous improvement. The integration of these technologies and standards is projected to optimize asset lifecycles, enhance resilience and drive operational excellence.
A029[48]Innovation in management and standardizationInnovations in technological development are the subject of everyday business considerations. For the development of competitiveness in a changing environment, innovation is the key for the enterprise’s success. However, attention should also be given to innovation in management. In a research conducted in a large European telecommunications enterprise, which is a leader and leading competitor in its field, management innovation could be describe as “a comprehensive development process of daily management” of which the general purpose, in the observed enterprise, was systematization and standardization. The existing set of tools included leadership development, process development and communication.
A030[49]Innovation in management and standardizationThe development of open standards is increasingly important for building scalable ecosystems in the concepts of Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0. The author gives an explanation and emphasizes the need for standardized architectures in IoT (Internet of Things) systems.
A031[49]Innovation in management and standardizationThere are two obstacles to standardization. First is the lack of common frameworks for architectural design and the second is the lack of awareness of the need for scalability. Analyzing these factors that would lead to improvement, he concluded that research on IoT standardization requires analysis of technology, institutional design, and other social structures within ecosystems and industries, as well as changes in technological frameworks.
A032[50]Innovation in management and standardizationObserving the essence of Society 5.0 as an advanced phase of digital development, in which digital and economic resources are reduced to solutions to social problems. It was found that digitization risk management is at the core of public policy. By systematizing digital risks in three levels (information and technological risks at the first level, and socio-economic and social risks at the second and third levels, respectively), the authors made recommendations for reducing risk of the first and risk assessment of the second and third level.
A033[51]Innovation in management and standardizationAn increasing presence of digital technologies and data is needed. To address some of the ethical issues that may arise, they proposed the introduction of a new concept of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR). CDR would integrate digitization processes including technology creation and data collection, work and decision-making, inspection and impact assessment and technology and data development.
A034[52]Innovation in management and standardizationInternet technologies have brought Society 5.0 a new form of communication as well as a new way of doing business based on web platforms. Increasing prevalence and more advanced mobile technology supports applications in the interest of users to provide the desired product more easily and quickly through e-commerce. The quality of electronic services is observed from the aspect of competitive advantage, i.e., observing the factors of long-term work of the company online.
A035[53]Innovation in management and standardizationThere are opinions that indicate two insights into the quality of online services. One opinion is that the quality of service is measured by the expectations and perceptions of customers and experience, and the other is that the quality of service is measured by what customers perceive and feel.
A036[52]Innovation in management and standardizationTo ensure a sustainable competitive advantage, mIM mobile service providers, with a cooperative approach to improving perceived service quality, are encouraged to create value-added services.
B008[11]Innovation in management and standardizationDigital orientation and government support significantly enhance digital innovation and competitiveness, while digital capability also positively impacts competitiveness. However, employee resistance and digital innovation do not significantly affect competitiveness, and digital innovation does not mediate the relationship between digital orientation, government support, digital capabilit, and competitiveness. These insights can guide strategies to bolster cooperative competitiveness in developing economies.
A037[54]Quality 5.0 and Human resourcesThe findings of a study conducted in Jordan showed that employee engagement partly mediates the link between green human resource management practices and green behavior of individuals, which gives importance to environmental initiatives that advance change towards sustainability.
A038[55]Quality 5.0 and Human resourcesIn 250 companies in Brazil and Denmark, commitment and control-oriented human resource management has shown positive effects on quality management techniques (goal setting, continuous improvement, measurement and prevention and failure control techniques) and organizational performance. QM techniques are better supported through control-oriented human resource management.
B009[56]Quality 5.0 and Human resourcesThe findings highlight the difficulties in adapting to rapid technological changes, the need for continuous innovation in human capital management and the importance of aligning global HR principles with local practices to enhance workforce performance and competitiveness.
A039[57]Quality 5.0 and EducationThe ability to solve complex problems is necessary for education in the context of Society 5.0. This will increase adaptability to the future. High-level thinking or Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are needed, which means analytical and critical thinking and creativity.
A040[58]Quality 5.0 and EducationFor the needs of Industry 4.0, all forms of skills must be integrated elements of vocational education, from learning systems, educational units, students, educators and educational staff. Teaching and learning processes in the era of Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0 in higher education institutions must adapt to rapid change.
A041[58]Quality 5.0 and EducationBased on the results of the focus group discussion, in the digital age, the most appropriate approach to learning is a student-centered and teacher-centered approach. Learning models are based on learning projects and collaborative learning, and the learning methods that are specific of the digital age are hybrid learning and e-learning.
B010[59]Quality 5.0 and EducationThe main issues highlighted are the gap between the demand and supply of digital skills, the readiness and accessibility of digital platforms and tools, the alignment and assessment of learning outcomes and the ethical and social implications of digital learning. The article provides recommendations to address these challenges and improve education quality in the context of Industry 4.0.
A042[60]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0Industry 4.0 can be viewed as a synergy of multiple technologies and new standards. It consists of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cloud production and social product development. IIoT refers to the convergence of industrial systems with advanced programming, sensors and communication systems. In addition, based on intelligent interconnected modules, the efficient allocation of resources, such as raw materials, energy and water, is evident.
A043[61]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0The main technologies for the successful adoption of Industry 4.0 are Big Data, advanced artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, cloud computing and 3D printing.
A044[62]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0In addition to adoption, the integration approach of Industry 4.0 concepts includes the Internet of Things, cyber physical systems, digital manufacturing, smart manufacturing technologies, additive manufacturing, 5G mobile communications, robotics, big data processing, data analysis, systems integration, simulation and flexible manufacturing systems.
A045[63]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0In addition, Big Data, as well as other technologies of Industry 4.0 are key to gaining a competitive advantage on the globalized market. This was noted during the analysis of deviations during business processes, quality discrimination, and waste of energy in production. The application of Big Data is very important in Industry 4.0. It requires a proper monitoring system that requires special technical and personalized ways to provide forecasting and analysis. The operation of Big Data-based systems relies on data resources and robust datasets acquired through statistical processing or market information.
A046[64]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0Big Data, Business Intelligence (BI) and IoT are “actual development pillars” of business development that support decision-making, forecasting and the corporate economy. The same study emphasizes the importance of integrating Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, BI and IoT technologies in organizations because it contributes to growth from all organizational aspects. These technologies positively affect changes at the operational level and provide support for managerial decision making. The implementation of these technologies will be very important for strengthening the economy and supporting the development of SMEs.
A047[65]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0The Internet of Things (IoT) is widely used in monitoring of production systems and services. The IoT makes it possible to create new innovative opportunities for improving production performance. Gathering and sharing information using machines and devices connected to the Internet are the main features of this technology. The application of this technology has resulted in increased production efficiency of products with fewer errors as well as reduced costs.
A048[62]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0Digitization of every part of a production system, which includes real-time interoperability, control and monitoring, production flexibility, fast responses to market changes, advanced sensors and big data analytics with better productivity, essentially creates a Smart Manufacturing System (SMS). Smart Manufacturing Systems are a widely used manufacturing system around the world. In addition to improving operational efficiency and productivity, smart manufacturing technology has a major impact on the global economy. The components of these systems are: virtual reality platforms and user interfaces, augmented reality, cyber-physical systems, additive manufacturing, Big Data Analytics, Flexible and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (FRMS), artificial intelligence, IoT and IIoT and simulation.
A049[66]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0The process of digital transformation of public services in Brazil was described in this paper. Digital services were implemented with a six-step prototyping approach:
  • service diagnostics,
  • service analysis,
  • requirements identification,
  • elaboration,
  • prototype verification,
  • validation.
A050[67]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0In Society 5.0, expert systems have multiple applications in different scientific fields. Advanced artificial intelligence can give results that are based on sufficient data, criteria and objectives. Expert systems are based on knowledge, and they can have a role of a technology consultant such as the provision of technology consulting services and recommend appropriate technological solutions for support in the field of education. Knowledge-based expert system capable of providing outstanding technological recommendations for improving teaching and learning activities in education systems.
B011[68]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0Key findings highlight significant progress in implementing smart infrastructure, IoT, and data analytics to enhance urban management and citizen services. However, challenges such as data privacy, cybersecurity, funding and the need for robust regulatory frameworks persist. The study emphasizes the importance of collaborative governance, continuous innovation and public engagement in overcoming these challenges and achieving the full potential of smart city initiatives.
B012[15]Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0The findings suggest that while Industry 4.0 focuses on automation and digitalization of manufacturing processes, Industry 5.0 emphasizes human-centric approaches, integrating human creativity and collaboration with smart technologies. The study explores whether these paradigms will coexist, transition from one to the other or merge into a hybrid model, highlighting the potential benefits and challenges of each scenario for the future of industrial practices.
A051[69]Society 5.0 and sustainable competitivenessAchieving sustainable competitiveness of Russian industrial enterprises on a global scale in the digitalized world economy was the subject of discussion by the authors. The challenges of adjusting to Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 of the mentioned enterprises, can be solved by changes in processes and government support. It is necessary to design a methodology for ensuring competitiveness and sustainable development in the conditions of Society 5.0, develop a set of conceptual management solutions to establish priorities of scientific and technological development of industries and set strategies at all levels of management.
A052[70]Society 5.0 and sustainable competitivenessThe directions of change of corporations towards the availability and updateability of data, noting that the digital economy is a huge potential for improving economic development. Additionally, the authors propose the digitalization of business models and two strategic approaches:
  • “Leading”—fast action.
  • “Flexible”—to monitor existing environments.
A053[71]Society 5.0 and sustainable competitivenessTo keep businesses competitive until 2035, and to be prepared for future challenges, the authors have developed an improved approach to better planning through forecasting scenarios and management strategies in the design and manufacturing industries. According to the results of their approach, it has been established that automation and sustainable development are the most important driving factors for design and manufacturing industries. The following scenarios, which are based on the following driving factors:
  • adaptation to innovation
  • forced automation (business—as usual)
  • sustainable era and without automation
  • robust strategies for competitive advantage and increased productivity.
A054[72]Society 5.0 and sustainable competitivenessFurthermore, for the transition from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0, a theoretical framework has been created that includes open innovation and joint value creation with the role of big data and artificial intelligence and IoT technologies. This technology will enable the transformation of information into physical actions on society in general by moving from a virtual environment to a living space with IoT as a defined link of transition. In this transitional framework, enterprises have an important role to respond to challenges and to use the space (between physical and virtual) for innovation in society.
B013[73]Society 5.0 and sustainable competitivenessThe article examines strategies to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the context of Society 5.0. Key findings emphasize the importance of integrating digital technologies, fostering innovation and leveraging government support to improve operational efficiency and market reach. Additionally, the study highlights the need for SMEs to develop digital capabilities and adapt to rapidly changing technological landscapes to maintain a competitive edge.
A055[74]Risk managementUntil recently, enterprises and corporations managed risks at the level of business units. However, today, a holistic approach is applied. Considering that Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a process that manages all risks that an enterprise faces, in an integrated, holistically modern way, this contributes to improving the performance and value of the enterprise.
A056[75]Risk managementNamely, in Iran, a developing country, research has shown that enterprises that have set up IT strategies and implemented IT structures, have had a direct impact on competitive advantage, as well as a moderate effect on ERM and overall competitiveness. Based on this study, IT is considered a critical success factor of ERM practices.
A057[76]Risk managementIn addition to having an effect on sustainability reporting, ERM improves business performance as measured by economic value-added analysis. On the example of Malaysian oil and gas companies, Shad and colleagues (2019) concluded that in these companies, setting ERM within sustainability reporting can achieve better sustainability and improve business performance.
A058[77]Risk managementRisk management in organizations is becoming increasingly important, especially within the concept of Society 5.0, which is subject to rapid changes in the environment. How risk will be managed within the organization must be planned similarly, to how all other business activities are planned. Risk management and scenario planning emphasizes the identification and management of emerging risks. Technical AI planning solutions are designed to model, predict possible scenarios, and thus provide a unique advantage for scenario planning.
A059[77]Risk managementThe authors propose the implementation of a Scenario Planning Advisor (SPA) system by IBM. Describing alternatives for the future as well as an explanation for key risk drivers, SPA functions based on the input of relevant media information and domain knowledge to generate a scenario. This includes problem characterization, knowledge engineering methodology and transformation into planning, as well as scenario calculation, lessons learned and feedback.
B014[78]Risk managementThe findings highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each framework, particularly in terms of their approaches to risk identification, assessment, and treatment. The study provides insights into the applicability of these frameworks in complex manufacturing organizations, emphasizing the need for comprehensive risk management strategies to address the challenges posed by interconnected cyber-physical systems in Industry 4.0 and 5.0.
A060[79]Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0Industry 4.0 is considered a high-tech strategy for automating production with the help of IoT in the creation of smart factories, with shortcomings in these intentions.
A061[79]Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0In 2018, the concept of Industry 5.0 was proposed, which “democratizes the knowledge co-production of big data”, which created new concepts of symmetric innovation. Industry 5.0 uses IoT to improve automation systems by designing an innovative ecosystem in three-dimensional symmetry (3D).
A062[80]Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0Industry 5.0 creates value that is recognized in Society 5.0. Industry Framework 5.0 includes the following platforms: energy value chains, infrastructure care systems, smart manufacturing systems, advanced social security, information and communication platforms, data standardization and new business models that would create value for the customer and the enterprise. End users have increasing demands for individualization and personalization of purchased products.
A063[81]Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0The realization of Industry 5.0 will be supported by technologies such as edge computing, 6G and other networks, blockchain, collaborative robots, the Internet of All Things, etc. Additionally, the following applications will be relevant: intelligent health care, cloud manufacturing, supply chain management and product manufacturing.
B015[82]Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0The analysis includes the adoption of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and robotics, and how these have led to increased efficiency and productivity in industries. Additionally, the findings address the broader societal impacts, such as changes in employment patterns, skill requirements and the need for new educational frameworks to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving technological landscape. The study also highlights the challenges and opportunities presented by these technological advancements, including ethical considerations, regulatory frameworks and the importance of fostering innovation to sustain competitive advantage in the global market.
B016[83]Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0It highlights that CSR initiatives, when effectively implemented, contribute to environmental sustainability, social equity and economic growth. The review underscores the importance of aligning CSR strategies with global sustainability goals, such as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It demonstrates that companies adopting comprehensive CSR practices enhance their reputation, stakeholder trust and achieve long-term business success by addressing environmental and social challenges. The article also discusses challenges and limitations, emphasizing that genuine commitment and integration into core business operations are essential for meaningful impact.
A064[61]Industry 5.0 implementationThe range of knowledge covered by Industry 5.0 technologies proved to be very significant during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given that smart digital information and manufacturing technologies, as well as generating efficient processes characterize Industry 5.0, rapid progress has been made in manufacturing, health care, logistics and other industries.
A065[63]Industry 5.0 implementationWhen it comes to problem-solving in the pandemic, technological innovations can enable a high level of personalization in meeting the specific requirements of patients and physicians.
A066[84]Industry 5.0 implementationEmerging technologies such as nanotechnology, geospatial technology, Big Data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Medical Things, 5G technology, robotics and smart applications are in the service of screening, diagnostics, infection monitoring, mapping, surveillance and awareness making.
A067[85]Industry 5.0 implementationIn their study, Islam and colleagues (2020) confirmed that the emergency driven by the COVID-19 pandemic can be a major driver influencing the transformation of Society 5.0 through the implementation of artificial intelligence. The situation of the pandemic led to the global adoption of Society 5.0, which was based on this technology and thus achieved ethical and technological cooperation.
A068[86]Industry 5.0 implementationBased on a case study in the aviation sector, experience has shown that the needs of Industry 5.0 in Society 5.0 require open knowledge-based innovation strategies in order to transform theoretical assumptions into operational innovations. In particular, man-centered ecosystems and technological changes must be introduced within enterprises. These enterprises should adapt technologies for their entrepreneurial strategies and knowledge-based innovation.
B017[87]Industry 5.0 implementationUsing Grey Influence Analysis (GINA), the study identifies regulatory challenges as the most critical barrier, followed by integration with existing systems and ethical concerns. It suggests a proactive and reactive approach to address these issues, emphasizing the importance of aligning technologies with regulations and ethical standards and integrating them seamlessly into current systems. The research underscores the need for comprehensive strategies to ensure sustainable and resilient industrial practices.
A069[81]Industry 5.0 towards Industry 6.0According to the approach launched by the European Commission, Industry 5.0 complements the existing Industry 4.0 by highlighting the drivers of transition which are research and innovation, for (1) sustainable, (2) human-oriented and (3) resilient European industry.
A070[81]Industry 5.0 towards Industry 6.0The SDL approach will be linked to the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) sustainability strategy. The development of Industry 6.0 “Ubiquitous—customer driven virtualized anti-fragile manufacturing” should provide:
  • attracting demand and customers at the center of thinking,
  • hyper-connected factories in complex systems,
  • dynamic supply chains and network values,
  • data flows through different administrative domains and common data models,
  • that the role of man changes dramatically in production,
  • an analogy with ICT and “factories” that sell production capacity similar to how Amazon sells computing capacity,
  • AI optimization in production to achieve sustainability and resilience to fragility,
  • anti-fragility obtained by designing a system that relies on the thinking of non-functional requirements Non-Functional Requirements (NFR).
A071[88]Industry 5.0 towards Industry 6.0Given the anti-fragile characteristic of increasing the ability of systems to thrive in unstable circumstances (for example, stress, shocks, disturbances, noise, errors, attacks or failures), anti-fragile systems will be able to force industries to respond better to crisis situations.
A072[89]Industry 5.0 towards Industry 6.0By 2050, technology would be advancing in full autonomy. Considering the achievements of the forth and fifth industrial revolutions, the authors predict that the focus of future progress will be in the field of technical automation of personalized production based on machines with multiple algorithms. These machines would perform common specific tasks according to consumer needs. In order to improve various aspects of production and overall quality of life, Industry 6.0 would implement the following technologies: multidimensional printing, robot-medicine, home robotics, cumulative-alternative energy, deep dive EEG (controlled prosthetic technology).
A073[88]Industry 5.0 towards Industry 6.0For the sake of progress, Industry 6.0 and Management Information Systems (MIS) can respond to the current challenges of South Africa. Developing smart cities would include solutions for addressing the energy crisis and land reforms, drone technology to monitor crime and alleviate violence, and law enforcement in environmental protection, blockchain to eradicate financial corruption, robotics for traditional human activities and physical affairs, as well as MIS for socio-economic development, mastering skills to reduce unemployment and poverty.
B018[90]Industry 5.0 towards Industry 6.0The findings emphasize the importance of adopting advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, IoT and robotics to enhance manufacturing efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. The study highlights key strategies, including energy-efficient production methods, waste reduction techniques and the use of renewable resources. It also discusses the role of policy frameworks and industry standards in promoting sustainability and driving innovation in smart manufacturing systems.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Maljugić, B.; Ćoćkalo, D.; Bakator, M.; Stanisavljev, S. The Role of the Quality Management Process within Society 5.0. Societies 2024, 14, 111.

AMA Style

Maljugić B, Ćoćkalo D, Bakator M, Stanisavljev S. The Role of the Quality Management Process within Society 5.0. Societies. 2024; 14(7):111.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Maljugić, Biljana, Dragan Ćoćkalo, Mihalj Bakator, and Sanja Stanisavljev. 2024. "The Role of the Quality Management Process within Society 5.0" Societies 14, no. 7: 111.

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