Influence of Aging Treatment on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Hot Deformed UNS S32750 Super Duplex Stainless Steel (SDSS) Alloy
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Microstructural Evolution During TM Processing of UNS S32750 SDSS Alloy
3.2. Mechanical Properties Evolution During TM Processing of the UNS S32750 SDSS Alloy
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- the main positive effect of isothermal aging treatment is represented by the possibility to control the exhibited mechanical properties of the TM processed alloy;
- the average grain-size and number of dynamically recrystallized new δ-phase grains can be controlled by varying the isothermal aging treatment temperature and duration;
- during the short-duration aging treatment, at temperatures between 400 °C and 600 °C, the most influential occurring phenomena is represented by the stress relieving;
- during the long-duration aging treatment, at temperatures between 400 °C and 600 °C, the most influential occurring phenomena are represented by the secondary phase precipitation, with a strong influence on material’s embrittlement.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Structural State | Mechanical Properties | |||
Ultimate Tensile Strength, σUTS [MPa] | 0.2 Yield Strength, σ0.2 [MPa] | Elongation to Fracture, εf [%] | Absorbed Energy, E [J] | |
As-received (AR) | 720 ± 10 | 473 ± 14 | 55.5 ± 4.0 | 103 ± 4 |
Hot-rolled (HR): T = 1100 °C; ε = 65% | 775 ± 14 | 601 ± 11 | 36.5 ± 2.5 | 90 ± 3 |
Aged (A1.1): T = 400 °C; t = 3 h | 769 ± 12 | 595 ± 13 | 33.0 ± 5.5 | 103 ± 4 |
Aged (A1.2): T = 400 °C; t = 120 h | 863 ± 14 | 641 ± 13 | 42.0 ± 2.5 | 39 ± 3 |
Aged (A2.1): T = 500 °C; t = 3 h | 833 ± 12 | 610 ± 11 | 44.5 ± 4.5 | 96 ± 3 |
Aged (A2.2): T = 500 °C; t = 120 h | 814 ± 11 | 624 ± 11 | 32.5 ± 3.0 | 38 ± 3 |
Aged (A3.1): T = 600 °C; t = 3 h | 813 ± 14 | 598 ± 15 | 47.0 ± 3.5 | 51 ± 2 |
Aged (A3.2): T = 600 °C; t = 120 h | 877 ± 13 | 599 ± 14 | 39.0 ± 3.5 | 9 ± 2 |
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Share and Cite
Cojocaru, E.M.; Raducanu, D.; Nocivin, A.; Cinca, I.; Vintila, A.N.; Serban, N.; Angelescu, M.L.; Cojocaru, V.D. Influence of Aging Treatment on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Hot Deformed UNS S32750 Super Duplex Stainless Steel (SDSS) Alloy. Metals 2020, 10, 353.
Cojocaru EM, Raducanu D, Nocivin A, Cinca I, Vintila AN, Serban N, Angelescu ML, Cojocaru VD. Influence of Aging Treatment on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Hot Deformed UNS S32750 Super Duplex Stainless Steel (SDSS) Alloy. Metals. 2020; 10(3):353.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCojocaru, Elisabeta Mirela, Doina Raducanu, Anna Nocivin, Ion Cinca, Adrian Nicolae Vintila, Nicolae Serban, Mariana Lucia Angelescu, and Vasile Danut Cojocaru. 2020. "Influence of Aging Treatment on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Hot Deformed UNS S32750 Super Duplex Stainless Steel (SDSS) Alloy" Metals 10, no. 3: 353.
APA StyleCojocaru, E. M., Raducanu, D., Nocivin, A., Cinca, I., Vintila, A. N., Serban, N., Angelescu, M. L., & Cojocaru, V. D. (2020). Influence of Aging Treatment on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Hot Deformed UNS S32750 Super Duplex Stainless Steel (SDSS) Alloy. Metals, 10(3), 353.