Dislocations Help Initiate the ?–? Phase Transformation in Iron—An Atomistic Study
:1. Introduction
2. Simulation Method
3. Results
3.1. The Austenitic Transformation
3.2. The Martensitic Transformation
3.3. Dislocations in the Transformed Phase
4. Conclusions
- The presence of dislocations alleviates the transformation in the sense that the martensitic transformation temperature is increased and the austenitic transformation temperature is decreased. For the martensitic transformation, a dislocation-free crystal would not transform at all under the simulation conditions (system size and cooling rate); here the presence of dislocations is essential in inducing the transformation.
- For the martensitic transformation, a roughly linear dependence of the transformation temperature on the dislocation density was found. For the austenitic transformation, on the other hand, a saturation of the transformation temperature at dislocation densities above around cm was observed. These trends correlate well with the potential energy stored in the dislocations, which exhibits the same dependence on dislocation energy as the transition temperature.
- In all cases, the new phase nucleated at the dislocations. In the absence of dislocations, the new phase would nucleate at the surface (if at all). Nucleation at the dislocations is in agreement with previous MD findings for NiAl alloys [49], which show that the lattice distortion induced by the stress exerted by the dislocation configurations assists in the nucleation of the new phase, and also with other studies of defective pure Fe crystals that report phase nucleation in the vicinity of defects, such as grain boundaries [21] and phase boundaries [22]. However, Karewar et al. [23] found a more complex nucleation pattern in their study of the influence of planar defects on the martensitic transformation, depending on the resolved shear stresses in the available slip systems; depending on the configuration of the planar defects, these may increase or decrease the barrier for slip and hence for the coordinated atomic movement necessary for the martensitic transformation.
- The orientation relationships governing the transformation in the nuclei at the dislocations are governed by the Burgers path and the Kurdjumov–Sachs and Nishiyama–Wassermann paths; these pathways have also been identified to dominate the transformation behavior of pure iron in other simulational studies [50]. However, when, after growth and coalescence of the nuclei, the entire sample has transformed, a simple microstructure results. After the martensitic transformation, the bcc-phase is characterized by a homogeneous phase consisting of only few twinned grains separated by twin boundaries; the austenitic phase, on the other hand, is single-crystalline, containing planar defects such as stacking-fault planes and plates of hcp material. This simple microstructure is the consequence of the free surfaces of the thin film, which tend to form conserved planes under the transformation [39]. As a consequence, the final orientation relationships of the transformed sample are characterized by the Bain and the Pitsch pathway.
- While the new phase nucleates earlier when dislocations are present, the duration of the transformation is slowed down, as multiple nuclei compete in their growth.
- The transformed crystal contains abundant dislocations. The dislocation density becomes reduced in the case of the martensitic transformation but may even increase during the austenitic transformation. A detailed analysis demonstrates that the dislocations in the novel structure are ‘inherited’ from the original phase.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Meiser, J.; Urbassek, H.M. Dislocations Help Initiate the ?–? Phase Transformation in Iron—An Atomistic Study. Metals 2019, 9, 90. https://doi.org/10.3390/met9010090
Meiser J, Urbassek HM. Dislocations Help Initiate the ?–? Phase Transformation in Iron—An Atomistic Study. Metals. 2019; 9(1):90. https://doi.org/10.3390/met9010090
Chicago/Turabian StyleMeiser, Jerome, and Herbert M. Urbassek. 2019. "Dislocations Help Initiate the ?–? Phase Transformation in Iron—An Atomistic Study" Metals 9, no. 1: 90. https://doi.org/10.3390/met9010090
APA StyleMeiser, J., & Urbassek, H. M. (2019). Dislocations Help Initiate the ?–? Phase Transformation in Iron—An Atomistic Study. Metals, 9(1), 90. https://doi.org/10.3390/met9010090