Long-Lasting Patterns in 3 kHz Electromagnetic Time Series after the ML = 6.6 Earthquake of 2018-10-25 near Zakynthos, Greece
:Research Highlights
- One-month 3 kHz EM disturbances after the 2018/10/25, earthquake near Zakynthos Island and Ilia, Greece.
- Computational recording of common dates with out-of-threshold results from five different chaos analysis techniques.
- All 17 subsequent earthquakes were jointly matched by selected combinations of five, four, three and two chaos analysis methods.
1. Introduction
2. Experimental Aspects
2.1. Geology and Seismic Significance of the Area
- (a)
- Pyrgos, 1993/03/26, and ;
- (b)
- Patra, 1993/07/14, ;
- (c)
- Vartholomio 1998/10/16, ;
- (d)
- Vartholomio, 2002/12/02, ;
- (e)
- Kato Achaia, 2008/06/08, .
2.2. Earthquake Activity and Significance
2.3. Instrumentation
- (i)
- circular magnetic field antennas synchronized properly at 3 kHz;
- (ii)
- Cambel CR-10 data-logger with 2-h buffer;
- (iii)
- telemetry equipment sending continuously the measurements to a personal computer at the rate of 1 Hz.
3. Mathematical Aspects
3.1. Fractal and Long Memory
3.2. Hurst Exponent
- (i)
- If , there is a positive long-range autocorrelation within the series. A high value of the series is followed by a high value and vice versa. High Hurst exponents indicate long-lasting interactions projected to the far future of the series (persistency);
- (ii)
- If , high values of the time series are followed by low values and vice versa. For low H values there is a long-lasting interchange between low and high values which continues in the future of the time series (anti-persistency);
- (iii)
- If the time series completely uncorrelated, i.e., the related processes are random.
3.3. Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA)
- (i)
- First, the time series is integrated:In Equation (1), the symbol <...> indicates the total average value of the time series and k denotes the various time scales.
- (ii)
- Then, the integrated time series, , is sub-divided into equal bins of length, n without overlapping.
- (iii)
- (iv)
- Then, the integrated time series is detrended. This is iterated in every box of length n, by subtracting the local linear trend, . In this way and for every bin, the detrended time series, , is calculated as:
- (v)
- For every bin of size n, the root-mean-square (rms) of the fluctuations of the integrated and detrended time series is then calculated as
- (vi)
- The procedure steps (i)–(v) are iterated for several sizes of the scale boxes. This provides the type of link between and n. If there are long-term associations in the time series, the relationship between and n is exponential:In Equation (4), the scaling exponent (DFA exponent) evaluates the power of the long-term associations of the time series.
- (vii)
- Via a logarithmic transformation of Equation (4), the linear relation between and is determined the slope of which equals . A good linear correlation indicates indicates the related fluctuations are long-lasting and, therefore, associated phenomenon has long memory. In this paper, the goodness of the linear fit is quantified by the square of the Spearman’s () correlation coefficient [3,4,16,17,49,87]. Good linear fits were considered those with 0.95.
- (a)
- The time series were segmented in equal windows of 1024 samples each. This approximated one-month duration of the investigated segment of the time series;
- (b)
- A least-square fit of versus was employed in every window in accordance to Equation (4). Following the approach of a recent paper of members of the team [88] the data were fitted to a straight line without seeking crossovers under the constraint that the slope of the fit exhibited square of Spearman’s correlation coefficient above 0.95;
- (c)
- The window was forwarded one sample and the procedure (a)–(b) was iterated until the end of the signal;
- (d)
- DFA slopes were finally plotted versus time and the corresponding plot data were extracted to ASCII output files for further use.
3.4. Fractal Dimension Analysis
3.4.1. Katz’s Method
3.4.2. Higuchi’s Method
3.4.3. Sevcik’s Method
3.4.4. Computational Methodology of Fractal Dimension
- (i)
- The time series was segmented in windows of 1024 samples each, i.e., of approximately 20 min span).
- (ii)
- In reference to each method, the fractal dimensions were calculated:
- Katz’s method: Equal to D of Equation (8) for n = 1024 and = 1, a value that corresponds to the distance between the points of the series that constitute the parameter L and to the sampling rate of the electromagnetic time series (1 Hz).
- Higuchi’s method: Equal to the slope D of the first order least-square fit of the log–log transformation of Equation (8), namely the relation of versus , for .
- Sevcik’s method: Equal to the Hausdorff dimension of Equation (16) () for N = 1024, namely equal to the number of samples in each window which constitutes parameter L.
- (iii)
- Each window was forwarded one sample (sliding window technique) and the procedure (i)–(ii) was iterated until the end of the time series.
- (iv)
- Time-evolution plots of the fractal dimensions in accordance to the Katz’s, Higuchi’s and Sevcik’s methods were generated, and the partial data were extracted to ASCII files for further use.
3.5. Fractal Analysis
Computational Methodology of Fractal Analysis
- (a)
- The time series was divided in windows of length of 1024 samples;
- (b)
- The power spectrum, and the central frequency, f of the Morlet wavelet were calculated in every window;
- (c)
- A least-square fit was implemented in each window between and . Acceptable fits were considered those exhibiting ;
- (d)
- Each window was slid one sample forward and the steps (A)–(C) were repeated to the end of the time series;
- (e)
- Plots of and with time were produced and the partial results were extracted to ASCII files for further use.
3.6. Further Issues for Chaos Analysis
3.6.1. Segmentation to Chaos Analysis Classes
- (a)
- Class I: This class includes the windows that, on one hand, exhibited DFA least-square log–log fits with Spearman’s coefficient while, on the other hand, the DFA’s scaling exponent was in the interval , namely they can be modelled by the fBm class [4]. It is significant that the Class-I segments:
- (b)
- Class II: this class contains the windows of the time series segments with DFA’s (i.e., they do not follow the prominent fBm class) or with (i.e., they follow the fractional Gaussian noise (fGn) class).It is important that the Class-II segments:
- are the complement of the Class-I ones.
3.7. Chaos Analysis Outcomes Comparisons
- (1)
- From (DFA exponent) () as:
- (2)
- From fractal dimension (D) as:(Berry’s equation)
- (3)
- From power-law as:
3.8. Meta-Analysis
- (a)
- Each ASCII output results file is computationally searched for out-of-thresholds values according to user-defined limits. The ASCII files containing the DFA’s exponents and the spectral power law -values are searched for over-threshold values whereas the ASCII files containing the fractal dimension values are searched for under threshold values. The out-of-thresholds values are written in new ASCII meta-analysis stage 1 files;
- (b)
- The meta-analysis ASCII files of (a) are further filtered computationally to identify areas with common dates, under the constraint that each segment’s date is arbitrarily considered to be the date of the first sample of this segment. Taking into account that the analysis of each of the five methods is performed via a sliding window technique of one sample gliding, the above date consideration, finally, yields to full coverage of all dates but the one of the last segment. The computational search is iterated in the results of all possible combinations of:
- DFA versus fractal analysis or versus at least two fractal dimension calculation techniques (6 combinations);
- Fractal analysis versus at least two fractal dimension calculation techniques (4 combinations);
- One fractal dimension calculation technique versus the other two (3 combinations);
4. Results and Discussion
- (1)
- If , the time series constitute a temporal fractal and follow the precursory Class-I category;
- If , the time series are anti-persistent;
- If , the time series are persistent;
- (2)
- If , the time series follow the Class-II category, i.e., they are of low predictability and precursory value;Especially:
- If , the fluctuations of the processes do not grow and the related system is stationary;
- If , the system follows random dynamics of no memory (random-walk);
- (i)
- A total of 22,943 EM segments are persistent with according to the DFA. The robustness of DFA, its fundamental property to locate hidden long-memory trends in time series, together with its extensive use in studies pre-seismic activity from geosystems, e.g., [10,11,16,23,99], provide strong clues on the pre-seismic nature of the related EM segments.
- (ii)
- A significant portion of EM segments are below-threshold and recognized as signs of pre-seismic activity via three different fractal dimension calculation algorithms. A total of 564,082 are identified by the Katz’s method, 142,725 with the Higuchi’s method and 652,603 with the Sevcik’s method. These segments are directly linked through relation (Equations (19) and (20)) to several out-of-threshold EM segments identified from DFA. The out-of-threshold EM segments (common with DFA or not) have low fractal dimensions and high Hurst exponents both indicating high predictability of the related time series and significant precursory value of these segments as regards their pre-seismic nature. In addition, all fractal dimension algorithms have been used with success in radon in soil pre-earthquake disturbances [3].
- (iii)
- A total of 62,294 EM segments are recognized as of high predictability and of significant pre-earthquake fractal nature according to the findings of the fractal analysis technique. The fractal methods are very important in the study of pre-earthquake geosystems, because these exhibit intense fractal activity, both in space and time, according to extensive literature reports, e.g., [8,10,16].
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- This paper focuses on the post-seismic activity of a strong earthquake occurred on 2018/10/25 in Zakynthos Island, Greece. The post-seismic period extends over one month and is based on 3 kHz EM disturbance measurements derived by a ground-station located at Kardamas, Ilia, Greece. Seventeen earthquakes are included in the study with magnitudes between and and depths between 3 km and 17 km with all epicenters near Zakynthos Island and Ilia.
- (2)
- Five different time-evolving chaos analysis methods are employed in the analysis. These methods are the detrended fluctuation analysis, the fractal dimension analysis with the methods of Higuchi, Katz and Sevcik and the power-law spectral fractal analysis. All these methods have been used with success in several pre-earthquake EM and radon signals in Greece.
- (3)
- A novel fully computational methodology (meta-analysis) is applied to the time-evolution ASCII outcomes of all five chaos analysis techniques. Via a two-stage process, all out-of-threshold ASCII data values are computationally searched and the common time instances of 13 possible combinations of five, four, three and two techniques are noted. Through this process combination results of significant value are produced.
- (4)
- Several persistent segments are found through DFA with exponents between . Higuchi’s, Katz’s and Sevcik’s methods identify numerous segments with fractal dimensions . Many segments with are recognized by the fractal analysis method. All these thresholds refer to persistent fBm Class-I segments of high predictability and pre-seismic value.
- (5)
- Numerous combined meta-analysis segments are located with fractal behavior, dynamical complexity and long-memory. All these correspond to persistent fBm Class-I segments and are considered to be pre-earthquake footprints of high reliability.
- (6)
- Six of the 17 post-earthquakes are matched by all 13 selected combinations of five, four, three and two chaos analysis methods. Four earthquakes are matched by all combinations of four, three and two methods from the 13 combinations. The remaining seven earthquakes are matched by at least one combination of three methods. Activity within typical time windows among or after these earthquakes is reported as well.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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i | Symbol | Date | GMT | JD | Lt (°N) | Lg (°E) | Depth (km) | Dist (km) | |
1. | EQ1 | 2018/10/26 | 00:13:39 | 299 | 4.5 | 37.47 | 20.67 | 06 | 67.2 |
2 | EQ2 | 2018/10/26 | 01:06:03 | 299 | 4.5 | 37.39 | 20.86 | 06 | 59.0 |
3. | EQ3 | 2018/10/26 | 05:48:36 | 299 | 4.8 | 37.36 | 20.51 | 08 | 85.6 |
4. | EQ4 | 2018/10/26 | 12:41:13 | 299 | 4.6 | 37.38 | 20.54 | 05 | 82.2 |
5. | EQ5 | 2018/10/26 | 16:07:09 | 299 | 4.5 | 37.42 | 20.59 | 07 | 76.1 |
6. | EQ6 | 2018/10/27 | 05:28:46 | 300 | 4.6 | 37.47 | 20.64 | 05 | 69.6 |
7 | EQ7 | 2018/10/30 | 02:59:59 | 303 | 5.4 | 37.59 | 20.51 | 07 | 75.5 |
8. | EQ8 | 2018/10/30 | 08:32:26 | 303 | 4.8 | 37.48 | 20.43 | 11 | 86.0 |
9. | EQ9 | 2018/10/30 | 15:12:02 | 303 | 5.5 | 37.46 | 20.45 | 06 | 85.2 |
10. | EQ10 | 2018/11/01 | 02:44:48 | 305 | 4.6 | 37.37 | 20.57 | 11 | 80.5 |
11. | EQ11 | 2018/11/04 | 03:12:44 | 308 | 4.9 | 37.38 | 20.41 | 05 | 92.2 |
12. | EQ12 | 2018/11/05 | 06:46:12 | 309 | 4.5 | 37.63 | 20.49 | 08 | 76.2 |
13. | EQ13 | 2018/11/11 | 23:38:35 | 315 | 4.8 | 37.63 | 20.51 | 07 | 74.4 |
14. | EQ14 | 2018/11/12 | 06:50:27 | 316 | 4.7 | 37.14 | 20.55 | 10 | 98.1 |
15. | EQ15 | 2018/11/15 | 09:02:05 | 319 | 4.9 | 37.52 | 20.68 | 17 | 63.9 |
16. | EQ16 | 2018/11/15 | 09:09:26 | 319 | 4.5 | 37.49 | 20.65 | 07 | 67.8 |
17. | EQ17 | 2018/11/19 | 13:05:54 | 323 | 5.1 | 37.15 | 20.50 | 10 | 100.5 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Nikolopoulos, D.; Petraki, E.; Yannakopoulos, P.H.; Priniotakis, G.; Voyiatzis, I.; Cantzos, D. Long-Lasting Patterns in 3 kHz Electromagnetic Time Series after the ML = 6.6 Earthquake of 2018-10-25 near Zakynthos, Greece. Geosciences 2020, 10, 235. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10060235
Nikolopoulos D, Petraki E, Yannakopoulos PH, Priniotakis G, Voyiatzis I, Cantzos D. Long-Lasting Patterns in 3 kHz Electromagnetic Time Series after the ML = 6.6 Earthquake of 2018-10-25 near Zakynthos, Greece. Geosciences. 2020; 10(6):235. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10060235
Chicago/Turabian StyleNikolopoulos, Dimitrios, Ermioni Petraki, Panayiotis H. Yannakopoulos, Georgios Priniotakis, Ioannis Voyiatzis, and Demetrios Cantzos. 2020. "Long-Lasting Patterns in 3 kHz Electromagnetic Time Series after the ML = 6.6 Earthquake of 2018-10-25 near Zakynthos, Greece" Geosciences 10, no. 6: 235. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10060235
APA StyleNikolopoulos, D., Petraki, E., Yannakopoulos, P. H., Priniotakis, G., Voyiatzis, I., & Cantzos, D. (2020). Long-Lasting Patterns in 3 kHz Electromagnetic Time Series after the ML = 6.6 Earthquake of 2018-10-25 near Zakynthos, Greece. Geosciences, 10(6), 235. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10060235