A Multi-Strategy Framework for Coastal Waste Detection
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Background
3.1. YOLO
3.2. SSD
3.3. DSSD
3.4. Limitations of YOLO, SSD, and DSSD
4. Our Approach
4.1. Context Feature-Fused
4.2. Dense Block
4.3. Focal Loss
4.4. Mosaic
5. Experiments
5.1. PASCAL VOC2007
5.2. IST-Waste-V2
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | mAP | Bike | Aero | Bird | Boat | Bottle | Bus | Car | Cat | Chair | Cow |
Faster R-CNN | 76.4 | 80.7 | 79.8 | 76.2 | 68.3 | 55.9 | 85.1 | 85.3 | 89.8 | 56.7 | 87.8 |
SSD321 | 77.1 | 76.3 | 84.6 | 79.3 | 64.6 | 47.2 | 85.4 | 84.0 | 88.8 | 60.1 | 81.5 |
DSSD321 | 78.6 | 81.9 | 84.9 | 80.5 | 68.4 | 53.9 | 85.6 | 86.2 | 88.9 | 61.1 | 82.6 |
DSSD513 | 81.5 | 86.2 | 86.6 | 82.6 | 74.9 | 62.5 | 89.0 | 88.7 | 88.8 | 65.2 | 87.0 |
MS-DSSD 321 | 80.3 | 83.1 | 84.6 | 82.5 | 70.2 | 57.6 | 89.1 | 88.2 | 87.9 | 63.8 | 85.2 |
MS-DSSD 513 | 82.2 | 87.8 | 86.9 | 84.1 | 76.5 | 66.1 | 89.2 | 88.5 | 89.0 | 66.9 | 87.5 |
Method | mAP | table | dog | horse | mbike | person | plant | sheep | sofa | train | tv |
Faster R-CNN | 76.4 | 69.4 | 87.2 | 88.9 | 80.9 | 78.4 | 41.7 | 78.6 | 79.8 | 85.3 | 72.0 |
SSD321 | 77.1 | 76.9 | 86.7 | 87.2 | 85.4 | 79.1 | 50.8 | 77.2 | 82.6 | 87.3 | 76.6 |
DSSD321 | 78.6 | 78.7 | 86.7 | 88.7 | 86.7 | 79.7 | 51.7 | 78.0 | 80.9 | 87.2 | 79.4 |
DSSD513 | 81.5 | 78.7 | 88.2 | 89.0 | 87.5 | 83.7 | 51.1 | 86.3 | 81.6 | 85.7 | 83.7 |
MS-DSSD 321 | 80.3 | 78.9 | 87.6 | 89.2 | 87.1 | 83.7 | 52.6 | 84.2 | 81.1 | 87.3 | 81.9 |
MS-DSSD 513 | 82.2 | 78.4 | 87.9 | 89.9 | 88.8 | 84.8 | 54.3 | 86.1 | 82.0 | 85.4 | 82.9 |
No | Classes | Number of Images |
1 | Plastic | 4789 |
2 | Metal | 405 |
3 | Paper | 1740 |
4 | Cigarette Butts | 389 |
5 | Wood | 429 |
6 | Glass | 254 |
Method | mAP | Plastic | Metal | Paper | Butt | Wood | Glass |
Faster R-CNN (VGG) | 79.8 | 88.1 | 85.4 | 88.3 | 67.6 | 59.8 | 89.5 |
SSD321 | 80.1 | 89.1 | 85.3 | 88.9 | 61.5 | 67.1 | 92.9 |
DSSD321 | 81.2 | 87.7 | 86.1 | 88.4 | 70.2 | 62.1 | 92.7 |
DSSD513 | 81.5 | 88.4 | 86.6 | 87.5 | 71.2 | 61.8 | 93.3 |
MS-DSSD 321 | 82.3 | 89.5 | 88.2 | 89.6 | 73.7 | 62.1 | 93.8 |
MS-DSSD 513 | 84.1 | 91.5 | 89.0 | 91.2 | 73.9 | 63.8 | 95.2 |
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Ren, C.; Lee, S.; Kim, D.-K.; Zhang, G.; Jeong, D. A Multi-Strategy Framework for Coastal Waste Detection. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1330. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10091330
Ren C, Lee S, Kim D-K, Zhang G, Jeong D. A Multi-Strategy Framework for Coastal Waste Detection. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022; 10(9):1330. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10091330
Chicago/Turabian StyleRen, Chengjuan, Sukhoon Lee, Dae-Kyoo Kim, Guangnan Zhang, and Dongwon Jeong. 2022. "A Multi-Strategy Framework for Coastal Waste Detection" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, no. 9: 1330. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10091330
APA StyleRen, C., Lee, S., Kim, D.-K., Zhang, G., & Jeong, D. (2022). A Multi-Strategy Framework for Coastal Waste Detection. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(9), 1330. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10091330