The Mediterranean Zoanthid Parazoanthus axinellae as a Novel Source of Antimicrobial Compounds
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sampling
2.2. Isolation of Cnidocyst
2.3. Lysozyme-like Activity
2.4. Tested Microorganisms
2.5. Antimicrobial Activity
2.6. Scanning Electron Microscopy
2.7. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Cnidarian Sample Characterization
3.2. Lysozyme-like Activity
3.3. Antibacterial Activity
3.4. Characterization of Antibacterial Activity in P. axinellae Extract
Dose–Response Curves
3.5. Effect of Temperature on Antibacterial Activity
3.6. Time Course of Antibacterial Activity
3.7. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Bacterial Strain | % Growth Inhibition |
Candida albicans | 0.00 ± 0.00 |
Candida glabrata | 0.00 ± 0.00 |
Coccus sp. | 37.84 ± 2.30 |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | 0.00 ± 0.00 |
Salmonella sp. | 0.00 ± 0.00 |
Streptococcus agalactiae | 75.00 ± 0.90 |
Vibrio alginolyticus | 73.00 ± 1.30 |
Vibrio anguillarum | 40.15 ± 1.50 |
Vibrio fischeri | 43.36 ± 5.00 |
Vibrio harveyi | 28.00 ± 4.10 |
Vibrio vulnificus | 34.32 ± 8.00 |
Source | df | MS | Pseudo-F | P(MC) | MS | Pseudo-F | P(MC) |
Candida albicans | Candida glabrata | ||||||
Factor | 1 | 1.67 × 10−5 | 1 | ns | 1.67 × 10−5 | 1 | ns |
Residual | 4 | 1.67 × 10−5 | 1.67 × 10−5 | ||||
Total | 5 | ||||||
Coccus sp. | Pseudomonas aeruginosa | ||||||
An | 1 | 2147.80 | 271.18 | *** | 1.67 × 10−5 | 1 | ns |
Res | 4 | 7.92 | 1.67 × 10−5 | ||||
Total | 5 | ||||||
Salmonella sp. | Streptococcus agalactiae | ||||||
Factor | 1 | 1.67 × 10−5 | 1.00 | ns | 8437.50 | 6934.20 | *** |
Residual | 4 | 1.67 × 10−5 | 1.22 | ||||
Total | 5 | ||||||
Vibrio alginolyticus | Vibrio anguillarum | ||||||
Factor | 1 | 7993.50 | 3157.90 | *** | 2418 | 715.39 | *** |
Residual | 4 | 2.53 | 3.38 | ||||
Total | 5 | ||||||
Vibrio fischeri | Vibrio harveyi | ||||||
Factor | 1 | 2820.10 | 75.21 | ** | 1176.00 | 46.657 | ** |
Residual | 4 | 37.50 | 25.20 | ||||
Total | 5 | ||||||
Vibrio vulnificus | |||||||
Factor | 1 | 1766.80 | 18.39 | ** | |||
Residual | 4 | 96.05 | |||||
Total | 5 |
Source | df | MS | Pseudo-F | P(MC) | Pairwise | t | P(MC) |
Volume | 2 | 522.12 | 195.46 | *** | V20 vs. V50 | 7.63 | *** |
Residual | 6 | 2.67 | V20 vs. V100 | 21.72 | *** | ||
Total | 8 | V50 vs. V100 | 11.10 | *** |
Source | df | MS | Pseudo-F | P(MC) | Pairwise | t | P(MC) | Pairwise | t | P(MC) |
Concentration | 3 | 2980.70 | 602.58 | *** | C1 vs. C4 | 11.58 | *** | C4 vs. C6 | 17.02 | *** |
Residual | 8 | 4.95 | C1 vs. C6 | 24.25 | *** | C4 vs. C8 | 33.91 | *** | ||
Total | 11 | C1vs. C8 | 34.58 | *** | C6 vs. C8 | 27.10 | *** |
Source | df | MS | Pseudo-F | P(MC) |
Temperature | 2 | 109.93 | 3.90 | ns |
Residual | 6 | 28.15 | ||
Total | 8 |
Source | df | MS | Pseudo-F | P(MC) | Pairwise | t | P(MC) |
Incubation | 2 | 1103.50 | 100.35 | *** | I30 vs. I60 | 9.96 | *** |
Residual | 6 | 11.00 | I30 vs. I120 | 11.90 | *** | ||
Total | 8 | I60 vs. I120 | 2.29 | ns |
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Stabili, L.; Piraino, S.; Rizzo, L. The Mediterranean Zoanthid Parazoanthus axinellae as a Novel Source of Antimicrobial Compounds. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024, 12, 354.
Stabili L, Piraino S, Rizzo L. The Mediterranean Zoanthid Parazoanthus axinellae as a Novel Source of Antimicrobial Compounds. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2024; 12(2):354.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStabili, Loredana, Stefano Piraino, and Lucia Rizzo. 2024. "The Mediterranean Zoanthid Parazoanthus axinellae as a Novel Source of Antimicrobial Compounds" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12, no. 2: 354.
APA StyleStabili, L., Piraino, S., & Rizzo, L. (2024). The Mediterranean Zoanthid Parazoanthus axinellae as a Novel Source of Antimicrobial Compounds. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(2), 354.